
Dont tell me friendship isn't love



04-15-2014, 05:56 PM

Lately the ivory brute had found himself shuffling his time between catching kill for any mothers within the pack, like the new one Emer, who's fate so aligned with Twig's in what had happened to her that he worried for the other wolf. To entertaining the injured pup, Erion, he had taken under his wing and been caught in the same hell-hole that Alpine had found himself in after the earthquake, and gained injuries worse then the one adorning Alpine's head in soft shades of pink, a healed scar half hidden by the folds of his scruffy coat. To finally building up the courage to begin his idea's of courting Lyric. He had brought her flowers that matched the strange shades of her Yellow-blue eyes.

Between it all days had slipped by since he had seen Twig, although he occasionally caught her scent hand in hand with that of another male's, one he was yet to meet and must surely be new within the packs borders. He knew he had no right to feel jealous of how the other wolf spent her time, or with whom she spent it with ? after all he himself had managed to keep busy with the constant movement of pack life. All the same, Twig easily fell into the category of his best friend, a confident, someone whom he trusted and could speak with so easily. He knew also that Twig had found someone who could potentially become her mate, so this new brute she spent her time with... he wondered what category he fell in within her mind, wondered if it was a new friendship that could outshine - - no. jealousy was hardly a flattering emotion, and he shamed her with its thoughts. She could spend her time with who ever she wished, and he would still always be there for her. They had shared too much, and he prized her friendship so highly he hardly dared do or even think anything that might jeopardise it. He would sigh, laying his form against the soft feel of grass, would curl his tail about his legs and rest his head against his overlapping forepaws. He loved Twig, as one would love a sister, or best friend, and already he missed the constant presence she had somehow made at his side.


Twig I


04-17-2014, 04:46 PM
Since she had worried over Alpine's fevered body the male had been rather scarce. She had spent much of her time with Crucifix as of late and had not been able to stop and see how he was faring. When she was not with her newly reunited brother she felt like she was sleeping. Her body was rather well healed, but her heart was far from it. Still the hole would suck the energy from her very soul and sleep was all she really wanted to do. Crucifix would visit her frequently, she hadn't convinced him to live with her yet. Once she grew well again she would have to work harder, she would need him by her side. As it was his frequent visits were enough, and that very day she would wake up to find his welcomed features. "Well hello, you." the most delicate of smiles would adorn her face as she slipped from the den, her movements becoming noticeably confident in their steps. With no small thanks to her little brother. She would still find herself being over affectionate with her cross marked brother. Her body would press into his muscular breast as she buried her features gingerly into his neck. Blissfully her eyes would close, it was easier to breathe with him next to her. Every day was still a challenge, but with Crucifix at least the burden was easier. Not quite wishing to part from him her muzzle would weave further lyrics for him, "Will you walk with me? There's someone you should meet." she would pull herself away slowly, looking into his mirrored purple gaze. Her limbs were still slightly shaky underneath her, but her graceful movements would start to take their place. Dancing onward away from the den she would lead Crucifix deeper into Valhallan lands, her senses on alert for any sign of Alpine. He seemed to be rather close, his scent was found quickly by her marked nose. She would follow until she would see his form, lazing in the grasses of the lake. Her pace would increase as she rushed to him, having seen him so sick would cause her to realize how much he meant to her. "Alpine! Hi." she would find herself swept up in the excitement of being in his presence. Her smile would turn up a bit more at the pleasure of seeing his face. She would move to nuzzle him shyly, hoping she hadn't interrupted him. "I wanted you to meet my little brother, Crucifix."



2 Years
04-17-2014, 07:04 PM

Crucifix had been and gone a few times now to the Valhalla territory, and was grateful to its queen for the welcome she had given him to visit his family. It would be in the early reaches of the morning that he would slip again into this packs lands. It was a short walk to the den he sought, and the cool warmth of morning air was a pleasure as it traced its presence through his coat. He would stop by the entrance to her den and peer into its reaches to see the form of his older sister still in the throes of sleep. He would allow a smile to caress his features as he took in the vision of her sleeping form. He was tempted to sneak in and blow on her nose but before he could decide on any such mischief she would awake and see him standing there.

The smile of greeting that formed there was something that touched his heart, knowing how rare such things where to come by these days. ?And hello back at you? he would laugh lightly, bumping his hips against her form as she would exit her den to stand beside him. She would bury her head within the folds of his neck and he would lower his head, using his neck to hug back against her form and allowing an affectionate, pleased sigh to slip his vocals. He adored his sister, with the feeling of a ferocious protection and regret for the time they had been parted. ?My day is yours? he promised her, he was after all here for the purpose of visiting her.

Sensing the lightness in her step he found his thoughts drifting to who she wanted him to meet, and he would align his steps beside's her as they walked. They where approaching the scent of another brute, and he would push his nose into the wind, tasting and remembering this scent, this being who held importance to his sister. He was surprised with the rush of his sister as she surged forward to meet the form of this brute, and Cru would pause for a moment to take in the sight of the greeting. He felt the oddest twinge within his chest, something that felt a little like jealous but held also the taste of anger. He finished the last few steps to his sister and the brute, and in them he decided what it was ? fear that this brute would either hurt Twig, or take her from him. Neither of which boded well to him, he had just found her and he had found her hurt. That familiar anger of the remembrance of her pain would surge up inside of him. The sight of her weeping into his coat, her tears so thick they might as well have been the blood of her broken heart. ?Alpine?' he repeated his sisters words but pushed them forward like a half-hearted greeting as he watched Twig nudge him. If this was who Twig wanted, he would not deny her her heart.. he would, however, bring insurance to it in the form of a warning, he would ensure Alpine knew exactly what he was getting into and the consequence of hurting her... the consequence that would come in the price of blood. He revealed in the thoughts that killing the rapist would do two things, destroy the one who had hurt Twig, and serve as a warning to this... 'Alpine' of what could happen to him.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-17-2014, 07:52 PM

The early morning held and odd warmth to it that was pleasant to the touch, and soothed his worries as he soaked in this warmth with closed eyes and soft grass beneath him. It was a relaxing scene and with it he was able to dream away his thoughts of Twig. Or so that was theory, but the one tried not to think of something the more such thoughts would intrude their mind. In fact, he could almost taste her scent on the wind and would sigh at the thoughts of his friend and the days that had passed without seeing her.

He was surprised when the scent became more prominent and dream became reality when her presence appeared before him. He would blink sleepy eyes to her form hovering above him, her gentle nuzzle against him and whiskers tickling against his coat. His azure eyes would widen in surprise at her half white form, the odd markings on her face in highlights to the golden glow of the sun and for the bearest of moments wondered if this was truly reality, or vision. His assurity would be solidified as another form slipped into his range of view, and his name would slip from the maw of this darker shaded brute. Alpine moved his eyes from Twig to take in this brute Crucifix Twig had introduced him as. He was surprised, and oddly pleased to hear this was another sibling of hers. Certainly those seemed to be popping up all over the place lately, and perhaps this would not be a block in the friendship he so adored.

He would raise his head fully from his sleeping position and take in the two wolves before with clear, and fully awake eyes. He would blink, dumbfounded for these two wolves where not even of the same litter, Cru was clearly the younger of the two. Yet, the mirror cast them as equal opposites in the basare way they're coats copied each other in an opposite refection. For another hair's breath he would fear that the brute's mind would be opposing to his sisters, and with the astounding goodness that was Twig that would make Cru a terrible evil. Certainly the eyes that the other brute levelled onto him held a layer of something that he had never seen in Twig before, something that whispered of a deeper planning to the events around him. He blinked, realising he had been silent for too long and cleared his throat. ?Your brother? I'm pleased to meet you Crucifix? he would offer first, rising to his feet to offer a warm nuzzle of greeting into Twig's shoulder, it was so good to see her again.


Twig I


04-17-2014, 08:18 PM
She would thoroughly enjoy her brother's affection as she pushed herself into his touch. His simple words would relinquish his ownership on the days events, giving her reign to take him wherever she wished. He would fall in beside her, and gently she would bump his as they walked the short distance. Their forms would separate as her friend came into view, their nuzzles bringing a bit of weariness to her brother that she would not pick up on. For a few long moments she would just enjoy his presence, takin in his scent and enjoying the warmth they would share. Crucifix would greet the pale colored man and her trance would be broken. She would step back to allow Alpine to stand, his own words of greeting floating from his lips. He would move to nuzzle her shoulder and she would wrap her neck around to nestle her head in the crook of his neck. She'd missed him the last few days, and hoped his injury wasn't too bad. "Have you been feeling better? I've been worried about you." she would nuzzle him again as she stepped away, keenly aware of her brother's close presence. She wouldn't intentionally make the meeting awkward for him. "I would have checked up sooner, but all I've wanted to do is sleep. When I'm not unconscious Cru has been with me." she would tell him the latter part because she didn't want him to worry about her. She was in good paws. Orchid optics would shift to her little brother's face, allowing a simple sweet smile to rest on her lips.?



2 Years
04-17-2014, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 08:45 PM by Crucifix.)

Crucifix held a somewhat stand-back view of the events that unfold before him. He stood like an observer as the white brute would lay in the grass and look up at Twig in a dazed sort of wonder. Watch the brute rise to his feet, his first action in doing so be to nudge against Cru's sister. He watched as Twig responded to the touch, nuzzling into his neck with pure joy against her features, a joy he thought he only saw against her eyes and mouth when she was with him but this joy seemed just as likely to come out before the white brute Alpine.

His Twig would however admit that her time had been spent with him, with Cru. He couldn't shake the outsider feeling however as he watched this interaction between the two. He felt like there was something private going on between these two wolves that made him embarrassed to be witnessing. The tenderness in their voices and actions. He would let out a soft sigh, fighting with his own emotions, those things that wared inside of him ? his need to protect Twig, which also meant allowing her to love, and his fear of losing her, that in finding a mate she would no longer need his protection, his presence, so keenly in her life. He needed Twig to be happy, but he needed her in general just as equally. He was not himself without her, or he was not a version he was entirely certain he liked. He remembered... he remembered Raspberries, and with that remembrance was the other version of himself that could so easily slip into the world of darkness as likely as this version of him as to live in the light. Without Twig.. he was not her brother, a brother to the Black family, but was something else entirely.

He felt himself moving forward slightly before he even registered the action, moving to nudge against Twig's coat, pressing his side against her in a gesture of love. His eyes said something else entirely, his eyes where wide open, staring at Alpine, there was a possessiveness in that gaze, a claim. 'This is my sister' it told him. 'this is mine' and, defiantly, he turned his gaze from Alpine and licked gently against Twig's outer ear, tainting his memory of raspberries for another of Twig. With his mouth so close to the tip of her ear he would whisper. ?Is this the male you desire?? because after all, those two base emotions where still warring throughout his entire inside. Twig's happiness VS Crucifix's need.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-17-2014, 09:03 PM

It did not pass Alpine's attention that this brute, this Crucifix entirely ignored his words, that it was a pleasure to meet him, they fell to empty air and where never so see a response. He couldn't bring himself to worry however, as Twig's gentle touch would be upon him and he felt himself nudging her in response, pressing his head against her own as she nuzzled into his neck. There was something about Twig that brought out the protectiveness inside him, after all they had been through and all that she has suffered and the friendship that had bloomed. He could never give up what was between them, this friendship. ?I'm fine Twig, thank you - - and I still feel foolish? he would say with a soft laugh, remembering the illness he had brought upon himself. It was just lucky for him that Twig had been there to look out for him, as once he had been there for her when her world had come crashing down.

She told him she had been resting a lot, and he knew without asking that thoughts of her daughter still haunted her. For Alpine, it was just a pleasure to see that she could smile again, that there was life in her eyes. He knew that more then what Alpine had done, it was Cru that had put that life there. Now that he knew what Cru was to her he could understand why she had spent so much time in his presence and why she seemed able to smile and offer warmth to them both, a feeling of life that had been void in her for so long. ?I'm really glad? he would say gently to her, nudging against her coat ?That your finding your siblings again, and that they can help you too? he said, and he meant it ? as much as he wanted to be the one to put the smile on her face, he was just over joyed that it was there in the first place.

He felt her step away from him, and his eyes would move to Cru, wondering if it was the presence of her brother that made her feel somewhat shy about expressing her happiness, her joy to Alpine and their friendship. But as his eyes flicked to that brute he was surprised with what he saw that, with that coil of emotion that seemed to pull against his eyes, overflowing and ready to snap. He watched as Cru pushed herself against his sister, an affectionate and warm motion, one that told her of his love ? if it wasn't for the expression he shot to Alpine, it was more then protectiveness, it was possessiveness, and he felt himself shivering at seeing it there. He could only watch as Cru pushed himself into his sisters body, his nuzzle by her ear. If they weren't siblings he would have thought Cru was claiming her for his own right there in front of Alpine, and it embarrassed him. He could feel that blush that claimed his cheeks, wondering how Cru could have so easily gotten the wrong impression. No! He wanted to say, no! That's not it at all. We're just friends, and happy to see each other again, that's all it is. He pushed aside the feeling of jealousy, he was sure Cru would not try to stop this friendship between them, especially if he knew that was all it was. He swallowed, unsure how to voice his feelings. He decided to sit, making no move to go near Twif, weary of the beast that coiled within Cru's eyes. He could see the muscles that rolled under this brutes shoulder, the strength there and the animalistic obsession in his eyes. He had a feeling Cru could tear him to pieces just as easily as looking at him.


Twig I


04-17-2014, 09:35 PM
She wasn't sure why her brother had become so quiet, she wanted him to meet her closest friend so that they might become friends. She wanted nothing more than her brother, and the wolf who pulled her out of her deepest depression to get along. For now she would push those thoughts aside, and hope he was just becoming slightly shy. Her thoughts would revolve around Alpine as the gentle brute would assure her that his health was completely fine, though would make it obvious that he knew he had not thought things completely through. "Good, on both accounts." she would tease as they separated. Twig had come so far since the death of Fern, still the memories or rater stolen memories would pain her. So much was obvious in the herbs she still had to take to simply fall asleep, but she was doing better. Her smile would be a testament to that fact. He would nudge her again, eliciting a pleasured whine and a nudge in return.?

Crucifix would take the pallid man's place at her side, his deep affections caressing her form as she would lean into his touch. Her gaze would be barred from the look her brother offered her friend, only the feeling of his gentle tongue upon her ear would occupy her thoughts. His whisper would Slip into her slate backed audits and her skin would grow red and hot in embarrassment. Crucifix thought she wanted to be his mate?! Her eyes would grow wide and she would swivel her head to look at her brother properly. She would be unaware of Alpine's embarrassing realization as she would try to explain their relationship to her brother without causing her blue eyed friend to feel awkward. She would allow her words to be audible to both men, "He's my best friend, Cru. He really helped me after I lost Fern." her features would change to adorn a loving smile as she turned to Alpine again. She loved him, just as she did Crucifix, Jinxx, and Pulsus.?



2 Years
04-17-2014, 09:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 09:53 PM by Crucifix.)

Crucifix didn't miss how sickeningly selfless Alpine was acting, he had even gone so far to say he was pleased that Crucifix and Twig had found each other. He found himself narrowing his eyes at the brute, watching, waiting for a twitch some sign that he was lying, that he was pissed that Cru was stealing his spot beside's Twig, well.. not really stealing, this spot belonged to Crucifix, and only a worthy male would ever have a shot of replacing him in it. Still, he saw only embarrassment in Alpine's features, a submissiveness as the boy would sit on his hunches and make no move as Cru rubbed his scent against his sister, claiming her before Alpine. He knew he was being childish, and perhaps even silly, but the depths of emotion he had spied within the two went deeper then the friendship they paraded on the outside.

He had asked his sister if she could admit to the feelings he already knew he had seen, had asked her if she desired this boy, is she wanted him to be hers. He could feel her shock, her form swivelling to meet him eye to eye. He was careful to smooth all that had taken a hold of his expression before, all that possessive warning to Alpine. When Twig's eyes met his, he would see that sense of curiosity that lay there, a raised eyebrow that gently laughed at her disbelief. He would, however feel a slight sense of annoyance that her vocals rose high enough to be heard also by the boy they spoke of. He watched as her own expression echoed one of love, but her eyes where not on Cru, they where on Alpine. He mentally shook his head, wondering how his sister could not see it as easily as he could. ?I'm glad someone was here to help you? he said softly, still refusing to raise his own voice, forcing Alpine to strain to hear his words. ?Since I was not? he said, even more softly, these words where for Twig alone, not for this silly white brute who looked as every bit as naive in knowing his love as Twig's words had sounded. ?But do you truly know your heart, my Twig?? he asked, as equally as soft as his previous words.

"My sounds""My Soul"



04-17-2014, 10:06 PM

The brute's expression was held a slightly sheepish form as she told him she was glad, on both accounts. He knew he had been foolish, but he had felt in those moments so lost and confused, on the verge of understanding something, something that had been to far from his understanding to be realised. He could not fully understand the possessiveness that Cru had no qualms with showing him, except perhaps if it had something to do with the pain Twig had gone through and a desire to be there and protect her. If it was in that light that Alpine could truly understand it, for he wanted nothing more then to ensure Twig's happiness.

He also could not understand the accusatory glare within that brute's eyes ? could he not see that Alpine wanted nothing more then to help Twig also? To see her happiness through, her life back on track so she can live truly once again? This was all about Twig, this had nothing to do with Alpine, or even Cru, could he not see that? This was not what Cru seemed to think it was, this desire to protect was a part of Alpine's make-up. Seeing Twig at the very beginning of her pain, seeing her go through that, it drew them together in a way nothing else could, it tied him to her. Cru needed to let go of his judgements, and allow Twig her happiness through her friendships, her ties, her family. He badly wished he could voice all this, put it into the right words, but he did not know how.

Twig spoke for the first time about Alpine being her best friend, and he almost glowed. He had not been certain she had seen him in the same light, but clearly it was so. ?And you are my best friend Twig, I would never want it otherwise? he breathed, casting a cautious glance to Cru, to see how he responded to this. In fact, Cru's words where good in Alpine directions, glad that he had been there for her. He was sure more where spoken, but they where lost to whisperers, and Alpine's ears pushed back ever so slightly at the way Cru so easily pushed him from the conversation. The way Cru was going, you would think Cru and Twig, where the lovers, he thought, almost bitterly.


Twig I


04-17-2014, 10:35 PM
The was crucifix would look at her told her already that he did not believe what she said, not that she was lying to him but to herself. Which was nonsense, she needed Alpine as her friend and confidante someone who was there when her family could not be. He was special to her, she couldn't deny that at all, but desire? Alpine would voice his opinion, adding in that he too felt they were the best of friends. She couldn't say it any better, she wouldn't ever want their relationship to change. Crucifix would voice that he was glad she had found someone to hold her while she was hurting. Had Alpine not been there she might have fully given up. She owed him her life if nothing else. He would go on, reminding her that he had not been there when she needed him most. She couldn't blame him though, none of her family had been able to rescue her. He would go on though, his words even more surprising the second time around. Why would he question how she felt? Was it a sin to love your friends as you did family? Or did her brother see something she and Alpine were completely blind to? Had he said nothing about them she would have never second guessed herself. Her gaze would linger on Alpine's brilliant eyes as her brother finished his whispers. Confusion would latch to her resolve as she mentally would convince herself of her earlier statements. She and alpine were friends, nothing more. Her head would swivel back to her brother, her words quiet this time. She didn't wish to exclude Alpine, but she felt forced. "all I know is my heart is still very much broken." her words were a little rough, but she might have been trying to convince herself of the words as well. She would keep her eyes locked with Cru's own before stepping closer to Alpine, placing herself equal distance between the both of them. She would try to put a smile back on her face, an would mostly succeed. It only would look minimally forced. Looking back to Alpine she would try and integrate him back into their conversation. "What have you been up to since I've been away?" she would look to her brother as well, "what have you been doing since your last visit?" she hadn't had much time to catch up with either of them, and she hoped they had been Staying out of trouble.?



2 Years
04-18-2014, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2014, 06:10 PM by Crucifix.)

There would be the feel of tension in the air, a tension that Crucifix knew he had had a part in the making. The two creatures before him where quick to jump to the defensive, stating the nature of their relationship in the form of best of friends. He hadn't even realised he was pushing his beloved sister, all he knew was how he felt and in those moments he had put himself before her. With the words she would give him now he would be filled with shame. He had acted wrongly here, he knew that, and perhaps they truly did not know, or did now feel as he was sensing. Perhaps in the end their result would remain in this friendship and Alpine would influence her, would not change her feelings and ties to her family... would not take her from him.

?I'm sorry, your right, your heart is still filled with other concerns? he murmured gently back to her, the anger was draining quickly from his system and he seemed to sag with a sudden tiredness as through that fire had burned all his energy. He did not, could not afford to push Twig away from him. He would brush his muzzle against her side as passed, nuzzling it ever so slightly in an unspoken apology to his harshness.

She was placing herself forward, where she stood between Alpine and Crucifix, perhaps as through shielding Alpine from the venom Cru had harboured for him just moments before, but such emotions where long gone now. Instead there was the memory of raspberries again, and an impish smile upon his muzzle as he spoke. ?Why, scouting of course, running into a few wolves of the land, and the like? he would say, a little vaguely.




04-18-2014, 06:41 PM

Alpine didn't like the feel of tension that sucked the life out of the air around them. He had a strong feeling that Crucifix didn't like him ? more then a feeling judging by the stares the other boy had given him before. It certainly wasn't fair on Twig, he decided that this was all happening around her, especially when her smile had come so easily to her lips but now was struggling to remain in place. The siblings passed on some words between each-other, and well Alpine strained to here he could barely catch it, all he heard was the word 'broken' and his heart sunk a little, certain that her thoughts where returning to Fern. How he wished... how he wished he had somehow saved that little pup. He would have very much liked to meet the daughter of his best friend, and to have saved Twig the pain of losing her.

Twig was moving forward now, and in that moment he could see also the sorrow and regret that passed, if only briefly across Crucifix's facials. It seemed that he too, realised where Twig's thoughts had gone, and was perhaps sorry for helping her get there. Twig stood confidently between them, her expression seemed to him to say, no mucking around. It seemed Twig was determined for the two brutes to get along, and Alpine could never let her down. ?Have I told you about Erion? He's a young boy of Valhala who's fighting training I've taken over. I've also been catching kill for some who can't, just general uptake of Valhalla I suppose? he said with a laugh, warming at the thought of the boy, who at this moment was stuck in his den with a broken leg going out of his mind with boredom. At least Alpine had tried to distract him from his boredom, and it had been good to see him again.


Twig I


04-19-2014, 05:28 PM
The tension that had arisen around the trio had not been what Twig anticipated. She would have intended upon her brother and her best friend becoming friends too, them becoming close would have been optimal. She loved both of them and would become incredibly disappointed if the two of them couldn't get along. Her world would revolve around the two of them, there was no way she could live with animosity between them. Crucifix would mellow his voice as he would apologize for assuming. She had never seen Alpine as anything more than a friend, and her heart was quite sure on that. The mirror marked male would nuzzle her gently, and as a sign of forgiveness the girl would kiss his cheek.?

She would try to keep her attention on the both of them as they would easily answer her. First Crucifix, his words would loosely flow as he told her vaguely of seeing wolves and scouting the land. She would have to assume tat he had not found anymore of their family, he would have told her first of all if such occurred. "You'll have to tell me more later," her features would relax as she took him in, her smile forming more easily since he had settled down. Her ears would swivel to Alpine as he would offer what he had been occupied with, a boy, he was training a pup. She would smile for him, hoping to cover her disappointment. Fern would have been almost a season old. "It's good to hear you've kept busy," her voice would quiet slightly. "I'm kind of tired, Alpine I'll see you later. I promise it won't be days until our next visit again." lilac gaze would wander back to the pale man, a small but genuine smile finding her expression. The cross marked girl's slate covered paws would be pushed underneath her form as she moved closer to Alpine. A gentle nuzzle would be offered, one containing the special love she had for him. He was her closest friend, and she had no intention of that ever changing. Regretfully she would pull herself from him to retreat back into Crucifix's embrace. "I'm sorry I'm boring, but this visit would you just nap with me?" Her head would swivel back to Alpine as they started back towards the den, "I'll see you soon." her face brightening with her words at finding him in her sight.?



04-19-2014, 07:34 PM

The warmth of the morning was developing into cool winds and sunny day, that harmonised together to create a feeling of not to warm, and not too cold. The brute's tail had started up a light wag behind him at the atmosphere around the trio had finally start to relax and ease. Perhaps the brother and the friend weren't fully getting along, just yet. They had however found a common course in the need to see happiness in their dear Twig, and to achieve that it required them to work together, or to at least not fight. His contentment would still a little as Twig spoke next ? pleeing tiredness and a need to rest. He wondered if he had done wrong in bringing up word of Erion, that it had been a too strong reminder of her own Fern.

He knew he should not worry, that her healing process had come so far, and true smiles had finally touched her lips. As through knowing his fears, Twig had stepped forward now, her eyes intent upon him and he found he could not look away. So he meet those orbs of his friend, those loving purple tones and found himself smiling again. He leaned into the nuzzle, offering forth a nudge of own against her side to show that he understood, that he loved in that way that friends did. Then she was gone again, gone from his side and back to her brother. He would nod his head to her in goodbye as she vanished from his sights, and he would sigh, flopping back down again at the grass upon his head. He would resume his earlier position and curl his tail about himself, his head upon his paws. This time he would sigh, unable to close his eyes and found himself wondering if his world had just changed.
