
Don't be wasting your time



7 Years
04-19-2014, 08:23 AM

Emer could still hardly believe it. All through the pregnancy of course she had realised that there would be pups at the end of it, but now the three little bundles had arrived and only a few days old, the awe simply had not yet begun to fade. She was a mother and whilst she had been aware of her maternal instincts beginning to kick in, it wasn't until they had arrived that she had realised how much she loved them. There was no more of this empty confusion and certainly no way she could hate something so beautiful. No longer did the way they came to exist matter, they were here. Her wonderful little family. Whatever it took she would pull through for them.

The black wolf haunted her a little less now that she had the pups here and the worry of her pregnancy had subsided. Of course she still dreaded ever meeting him again and the trauma of everything would remain with her for a long time but she had something far more important that needed her attention. The rest of the world was still rather worrying for her, and would likely be even more so as the pups began to grow, but for now her den had returned to her sanctuary now, one that she could share with her children.

It was rather unwillingly that she would leave them to get something to drink or collect the food that the pack were still so kindly leaving for her. She truly owed the members of Valhalla a lot and wished there were some way she could repay and thank them, she barely even knew them, had only met a few members of the pack but many had only shown her care all the same. With a glance over her shoulder, Emer would make the quick run down to the closest creek for a drink, moving was thankfully an easy task now she was no longer pregnant.

The pups were currently fast asleep and she wouldn't be gone for long, though there was a pain in her heart each time she made this little dash, not wanting to leave their sides at all. Stopping at the creek she would waste no time in lowering her head for a drink.

Twig I


04-19-2014, 07:34 PM
She would smell the pregnancy, even from so far away. An innocent observer Twig had caught the scent of a pregnant she wolf whenever she strayed to close to a certain den. It would make her heart hurt with every ill placed breath. She knew not the woman's story nor that of the father, really the girl had tried not to think on them too much. The pain was still very much a part of her everyday life, she would find a smile on her face when she could find the company of those closest to her. When she found herself alone, it was still a struggle to stay afloat. Her sleeping was the best solution she had for such problems, but she knew she couldn't sleep always.?

Jinxx was not within their den when she awoke, neither were the herbs he usually brought her. As she realized that her stores were out she decided waking herself the best option. Thin limbs would pull her from the earth depths, her coat would be shaken out as she rid herself of the last remnants of sleep. Slate covered limbs would carry her from the lake into the plains, she would not go anywhere in particular just exactly where her paws carried her. ?As her pelt would be caressed by the long tendrils of autumn grass thirst would take her senses. With quick movement the girl would find herself at a stream, as she leaned down to take a drink she would realize she was not alone. Lavender eyes would take in the she wolf's appearance as well as her scent. This had been the woman who had birthed only but days previously. Twig's eyes would grow sad as she averted her gaze, finishing her drink. Only wanting to curl into a ball and cry.?



7 Years
04-20-2014, 02:57 AM

As the strong scent of another filled the air, Emer nervously realised that she was no longer alone. Though it was almost definite that the other would be a fellow Valhalla member, she still couldn't help the worry that coursed through her body, and the strengthening desire to be back with her children in case anyone dared to try harm them. She may not have been strong or much of a fighter, a fact that had been proven to her in a harsh manner but the strength and fierceness of a mother's love would not allow her to simply give in and allow anyone to harm her pups.

Golden eyes would lift to see another female who seemed, if possible, to be in a more pitiful state than Emer herself. The nerves would fade and though she would still cast a glance back up the path that would lead her back to her den and children. Her caring nature, now restored a little, would overpower the desire to get back to her den for a moment and even overpower the remaining nerves she had as she moved a little closer to the other.

From her current point she couldn't see the cross marking, and didn't even have the knowledge of Jinxx's family all bearing the marking in some sort. Had she known that the female was related to him though, Emer would have been far less hesitant in her movement, more determined to help the other. Jinxx after all had been the first one to save her, bringing her here to safety in Valhalla. Once the children were old enough she would have to seek him out again at some point, though the man wasn't in her thoughts right now, only the sad looking wolf before her. "I'm sorry, are you ok?" She would question softly, attempting to banish any of the lingering nerves from her voice.

image by serendipity

Twig I


04-21-2014, 10:43 PM
She would have turned and been off again, perhaps stealing away to find Jinxx back within the den. She hadn't felt such wrenching of her heart in days, since she had first caught the scent of the she wolf's newborn pups. She wouldn't catch on to the other girl's nerves and she would barely register the words that left her maw. Not even the girl's foot steps would bring her focus on the other being, but her words would beg attention. ?It seemed always Valhallan wolves would be helpful, no matter the circumstance. In the end Twig knew not how to answer her, she was not okay but.. "yes, I'm alright." still trying to avert her gaze, "Just. Sad." she would try and look to the female, her bodice moving just a tad. It was likely now Emer could see the cross marking, not that she would recognize the symbol as family resemblance right off. She was a smaller she wolf, around the same size as Twig. Pretty, and with the scent of babies. Though a male? No such scent would reside upon her. Twig would make no assumptions but would note the void.?



7 Years
04-22-2014, 07:21 AM

Emer had come from a caring family, once her confidence was restored and she had fully begun to recover from her trauma, it was likely that she would really grow to fit in with the pack. It may have initially been chosen on a whim, and then decided purely for the protection and help she had so desperately needed though it could prove to be the perfect choice in time. Already some of that compassion for others was surfacing once more, that desire to help them if she could.

"Yes, I'm alright. Just. Sad." The other girl would try avoid looking at her and though she had no idea what had brought on such pain to the other and not knowing her probably had no way to fix it, all the same Emer would want to try and help. The wolves of Valhalla had done so much for her and she needed to start repaying them at some point, even if it was for now by simply listening to the problems of another.

She would once more glance back up the path, a deep longing to return to her children though a few more moments could be spent with this wolf first of all, it'd be rude to simply turn away now. Attention would move back to the other as she shifted slightly and Emer was able to catch the first sight of the cross upon her shoulder and see what the marking was. She had noted the scent of Jinxx upon the other, though given that they were both members of the pack she had thought nothing of it, she had after all recognised Alpine's scent upon her as well. Even now she couldn't guess the family link, though the similar marking was such an odd one that it would hold her attention for a moment.

"A friend of mine has a marking like that one." Emer commented, hoping perhaps the friend in common would at least put her at ease enough to even look at her. "I believe you know him as well, Jinxx." The male was hardly a friend really, though he had protected her and got her here safely, she hadn't gotten the chance to see him again since they had parted at the borders. She'd been too scared to venture out and find him, and he of course, not that Emer knew it, had been occupied looking after Twig.

image by serendipity

Twig I


04-24-2014, 04:00 PM
Though Twig would not see how the other girl longed to be back with her pups she could only guess at such actions. The behavior would have been mirrored in Twig, but as it was she had not even seen her daughter's grave. Too heavy was the burden for her to bear alone, so to keep herself afloat the girl had yet to spend time with the deceased. Twig's eyes would remain on the water as she stole another sip as Emer would continue, her gaze stealing the mark upon her shoulder. The words would come easily from the other woman's maw, stating she had a friend with the same marking. Twig would finally meet her eyes, orchid gaze swiveling to meet with Emer's. She had no time to guess the wolf's identity as Emer was quick to reveal the information. None other than her brother Jinxx, it seemed he had at least kept himself busy while he was not with her in their den. Glad to be on other topics besides her sadness, "Yes, Jinxx is my brother. All of us in the Black clan bare the cross marking." so proud was she of the legion that the girl would allow a smile to cross her features. How she wished all of them were together again. "We've been trying to gather our missing family together for more than a season. Much happened in our birth pack to bring us here."?



7 Years
04-24-2014, 09:17 PM

To be honest now that she had her pups, Emer wasn't quite sure what she would do without them. For now they gave her a reason to fight past that awful dark cloud that had filled her mind, they would force her to find some sort of confidence because they needed her. She was still scared that she might let them down but she was at least acknowledging she had to do something about her problems now, rather than cowering away from everything. Valhalla was definitely helping her as well though, full of such kind and compassionate wolves, without them she knew she'd be even more of a failure to her children.

"Yes, Jinxx is my brother. All of us in the Black clan bare the cross marking. We've been trying to gather our missing family together for more than a season. Much happened in our birth pack to bring us here." How strange for such a rare mark to still find its way dominating the genes of this family one way or another. Her own appearance bore great similarity to her mother, though her colours slightly faded in comparison to the woman's vivid shades and her mother's eyes were green rather than the golden tone of Emer's. The natural tones of brown and the pattern in which they coloured her fur were hardly that distinguishing though really, there were surely others in the world that looked similar after all.

A part of her had been glad for a while that her family couldn't see her, they'd be able to see that they had been right all along, that she couldn't care for herself. Though she was perhaps heading towards the road for recovery, Emer wasn't sure she would ever try venture out into the world alone again now, not even to try find her way back to her family. Still she missed them dearly, and whilst she hated how she had doubted them when they were right all along, it would be wonderful for the rest of the Lasair family to meet the newest little additions.

"I owe a lot to him." Emer responded. Perhaps if she was still unable to go and see Jinxx herself at some point she could at least pass her thanks through his sister. "He was the one that brought me here." She didn't dare explain why he had needed to bring her here, why something that seemed like a relatively small task had actually saved her life and it seemed, the lives of her children as well.

image by serendipity