
Champagne Supernova

Twig I


04-19-2014, 11:27 PM
She would sleep once Crucifix had left once again, her heart growing sad to know that he would go but the sleep would overtake her and his presence forgotten. She would wake many hours later, her mind groggy and her movement sluggish. Her eyes would flutter open (slothishly), knowing Cru would be gone. She would sigh sadly, feeling the creeping tendrils of darkness sneak their way into her spine. Darkly painted ears falling to her head she would peer out into the darkness. The moon was bright, casting it's reflective light gently upon the landscape. It seemed to softly lure the slender girl from the depths and out into the glow. Cross marked shoulder would work to complete the summons, graceful figure easily slipping from the grasp of the dens mouth. Instinctively her tiara would swivel to search for the sight of other beings, she was forced to depend on the presence of another wolf. Solitude ate at her. Liquid lavender eyes would find nothing in her search, a sigh would fall from marked lips as she would continue her stroll to the water's edge. Slowly, and flighty like a yearling doe the she wolf found her way next to the reflective surface. She would stand silent and still, watching over the rippling water. Slowly her frame would lower meekly to the rocky lake beech, gaze drifting softly across the body of water. She didn't want to think, not of anything at all. The moment she did her thoughts would shift to dark places she wished unvisited.?



04-19-2014, 11:58 PM

The day would quickly fade, and the night would succumb to darkness in its later hours. The light of the moon however would still find a way to penetrate into the den of the white boy, and its silver light upon his clear coat was translucent and astounding. It was however not the light of the moon that awake him, but something else. He felt the presence and the movement more then heard or saw it, but he went in a moment from the arms of sleep and into the reality of conciousness. The brute would blink in surprise, with the groggy tendrils of dreams still grasped about him as he struggled to understand what had awoken him.

Moments would pass, and nothing would alighten him to why he found himself awake, and so with a sigh he would shake of those last traces of dreams and rise to his paws. He took a moment to stretch, pushing his forepaws out and arching out his back, his jaws wide and fangs gleaming in his yawn. Ready at last he would find himself exiting the den and welcoming the full glow of the moon above. It was enough light to see a figure in the distance, a form bathed in moonlight and glowing beneath its touch. He could see that she lay upon the beach at the waters side and her dark points where velvet beside her glowing silver. He found he could not move for the longest moment, transfixed by the unearthly figure she cut against the night, but that moment too, would pass and he would see and realise that the figure he was watching would be the form of Twig.

He would start forward with that realisation, moving without rush but with curiosity as he made his way towards her, closing in the distance until he would stand behind her. He watched her for another moment, sure that his presence would be felt if not heard. ?Its beautiful, isn't it? The moonlight? he would murmur softly, laying himself against the ground beside her, placing himself at an opposite angle so that his head would rest upon her hunches and his tail would curl about her forepaws. He would feel her warmth, her companionship and at once would feel utterly at ease beside her. He did not even think his movements would be intruding, his touch unwelcome. She had became so much a part of his life, with her presence and friendship that she simply belonged beside him, that in her presence everything was natural.

Twig I


04-20-2014, 12:43 AM
Kind of like a hollow shell the dainty she wolf would sway with the gentle breeze that swam over the lake. The beauty of the place would be mostly lost upon her, her surroundings blurring as her unconscious fought to keep her mind blank. Rhythmic breathing would be her focus, which would be broken as the gentle patter of footsteps sounded behind her. Swiftly turning her features in his direction soft violet gems falling on Alpine's form. Immediately at her realization of his appearance she would feel the tightness in her stomach loosen. ?A comment freely given would be received by her slate painted ears, a moment would be taken to realize the gorgeous scene. "It is." bringing her gaze back to his as he moved closer. Warmly she would accept his close proximity, it was only natural after what they'd been through. Wrapping his tail around her protectively his head would come to rest upon her hips. Marked lips would curl up in a welcoming smile, "hi." the word would be whispered as she nestled her own crown upon his leg.?



04-20-2014, 01:05 AM

His appearance would be met with a welcome smile and soft words upon her lips, whispered to him through the darkness and the beauty of the night. He would be content to curl himself around her, holding her to sanity with his companionship and presence and be brought back the memories of when she had truly been falling apart before him and he had wished that simply by holding her he could contain all of her being, ground her and keep her to this world. There was no urgency this time, as he lay beside her, held her by the light of the moon.

?You couldn't sleep??
his voice would ask her gently, and that too was a whisper, murmured into her fur beneath his muzzle. He had felt her move to him and welcome his presence, that she had moved her muzzle to lay upon his own leg, and they where curled together as one as they looked out across the gentle expanse of water before them and he could admire the silver show of lights and shadows that danced upon its surface. ?Where do your thoughts go now, sweet Twig?? he would ask her, his voice so gentle, so very, very gentle so that his very speech would be a caress against her familiar form.


Twig I


04-20-2014, 10:30 AM

They would reminisce their first time laying together so close, that day not so very long ago. She was broken, more so even than she was now. He had held her so tight, had he let her go she would have surely vanished from the world. The cross marked girl owed much to her friend, with out him and his gentle words she knew she would have perished with her daughter. He made it so she could see his words were true, there was a reason to live. A stark contrast to be observed between this moon lit night and the dark moment he had first found her. She found comfort in his touch as she would relax into his embrace. She'd grown stronger, but it was still painfully obvious she needed help.?

Alpine would whisper to her softly, their voices would be kept low. There was no need to disturb the serenity of the scene before them, "Mmm, just finished sleeping. And you?" her vocals would drift to him quietly as she nuzzled closer to his form. The slight breeze would bring with it a tinge of cold that would cause Twig to seek closer contact. They would grow silent again, both sets of eyes trained on the light show performed by the moon and the lake. Mystical beams of moon rays would dance and flutter magically on the surface, the last show of fireflies would announce their presence with a dazzling addition of their phosphorescence. Liquid purple gaze would wander over the pond's excellence, but she would find her gaze resting on Alpine's features. Barely audible their conversation would be, a gentle question of her thoughts would perforate his lips. "Upon you my dear friend. And how much I find myself depending on your simple presence." eyelids would flicker as she nuzzled him gently, her caress barely a touch as she continued to blissfully enjoy their time together. A relaxed sigh would fall from marked lips, "And you Alpine? What thoughts will you share with me?" curiosity would seep shallowly into her features as her hushed murmur would sail to his pale ears. The corners of her lips turning up in a gentle smile.?



04-20-2014, 03:12 PM

This darkness was comforting one, with the silver light of the moon a gentle warmth and light and the serenity of the water before them opening out into something ethereal and beautiful. Beside him was his closest friend in the world, the one he had spent more time with then he could ever remember spending in the presence of another. His thoughts, broken by her words would scatter and he would smile as he drew back to reality to nuzzel his head gently against the hunches he used as a pillow. She had said she had finished speaking, and indeed if she had taken a nap with Cru for more of the day he could understand how this could be.

?I'm not sure I know what woke me, perhaps sensing your presence move in the outside world?? he mused gently, ticking his breath against her coat. He felt her nuzzle close, press into the warmth of his coat. She would speak of her thoughts, admit that they where upon him and the friendship and support he had provided. He would turn a little to look at her, and would find himself thinking of how small and frail she still seemed to look. It was a long road, but she was certainly making progress down it, and he knew he would be there for every step of the way. ?My thoughts are to you as well, that i've never really had a best friend before and now I couldn't live without you? he chuckled softly at his own words, nuzzling into her soft fur, feeling her presence and the protectiveness she awoke in him.

Twig I


04-20-2014, 11:00 PM
Only the brightness of the stars would rival the light the moon draped over the landscape. Twig's eyes need not adjust too drastically, she could see no better were the sun to be illuminating the lake. While her thoughts were consumed by the gentle nuzzles Alpine gave her, her bright purple gaze would catch sights of the heavens and stars. She would feel the disturbance of her fur in his warm breath, voicing her as the possible cause of his lack of sleep. "I didn't mean to wake you," her words were slightly teasing as her eyes were torn from the impressive lights how and placed into the warm embrace of his gaze. Softly he would go on, lyrics caressing her slate backed audits. He too would confess his need for their friendship, undoubtedly he was one of the most important beings in her life. She would always need her Alpine. She hoped he and Cru would start to get along, she wished them to have a brotherly relationship. Much like the one she shared with both of them.?

Twig would let herself nuzzle the pale wolf in mirrored action of the affectionate touch he showed her. Her white lashes would slide, her lids closing as an obvious relief settled her body. Muscles would relax as slowly her tail would tap happily upon the ground. "I'm not going anywhere," she would add to the nuzzle given him. Orchid eyes would open slowly, searching for her counterpart's gaze. A smile would still keep itself upon her features. It was easy to relax in his presence. "You're such a good healer already Alpine, whenever you show up I feel better." she would twist and lean over her back to nudge his white muzzle, falling back she would again snuggle deeply into his side. Her eyes would stay open and suddenly stray to the night's sky. A falling star would capture her focus, "Look a falling star!" a smile would grow upon her face, "Quick make a wish!" a glimpse of Fern's sweet face would flash in her mind as her wish was said within her mind. Before her thoughts would turn she would realize how long the star had lasted. It would continue to streak across the sky, hurting alarmingly close. The fiery shard of rock would speed over the treetops, landing not so far from the lake.?

The girl's eyes were wide as she turned back to alpine, her features curious and completely in awe at the same time. A shooting star had fallen to earth.?



04-20-2014, 11:22 PM

He would smile as she apologised for waking him, and knew that any time spent in her presence made up for any such intrusions in his dreams. She would assure him she wasn't going anywhere, and he would rest his head back on her hunches, find his gaze returning to the open waters before them. It was a peaceful sight, serene and gentle and the sound of her breath beneath him was lulling him into sleep. His eyes would grow heavy, and he felt a slight twinge and not returning her words, but the call of dreams and the gentle breeze was too sweet for him to worry.

She would speak again, her soft voice breaking his lull and pulling him, abide slowly, back to the present. ?mm..?? he said sleepily ?Did I tell you I started healing lessons with Friction?? he asked, his voice soft and heavy with the lethargic weight of sleep. She would lean forward to nudge her muzzle against his and his sleepy blue eyes would gain some focus to smile at her and return the affection before she moved back again to rest her head against him.

It would seem that sleep wasn't in the picture today, as Twig would call his attention to something in the sky, a falling star? He would raise his head again, vision momentarily blurring in a yawn before they refocused and she was telling him to make a wish. This time the eye-close was voluntary and his thoughts would swirl into some sort of order. I wish for Twig's happiness he would decide, a decision that had taken a heartbeat and would bring a smile to his muzzle. His eyes reopened, and would turn puzzled as the shooting rock continued to streak across the sky. His previous vision of such feats had been fleeting, lasting but a moment. But this one would truly fall, cast in a line against the ear, a trajectory that would bring it close to the lake , skimming across tree tops in his vision before falling out of sight. His eyes would turn to Twigs, whose own expression seemed to show amazement and curiosity. ?I do believe my best friend needs a piece of star? he decided, already rising to his feet, a grin upon his maw. Perhaps this would help be the answer to his wish, either way it was worth a shot and a bit of fun. He would bump his hips against her side and start a light jog in the direction it had fallen, turning his head as he did so to see if Twig would follow.


Twig I


04-21-2014, 11:21 AM
His smile was the catalyst that made her heart beat, that chased away sorrowful thoughts of her deceased daughter. She never wanted to forget Fern, but the pain that came along with her memory was so hard to bare alone. Crucifix would help, his strong presence was back in her life again. He did not wish to stay in Valhalla though, such actions would sadden her but it was very much apparent that all she need do was reach out to Alpine for comfort. Again she would wake him from his slumber, their closeness in the mystical realm would lull him into a stupor. Somehow she would reach him through the over relaxed state and he would mumble about healing lessons. "You're taking healing lessons? I just smelled the varied herbs on your pelt, you kind of smelled like Erani's den." a small giggle would bubble forth on her marked lips as he returned her nuzzle, both wolves seeping back into the other's plush coat. Before they could fall asleep together she would spot the shooting star. The two wolves would watch in amazement as it fell to the earth's surface, the brightness of the light catching in their curios gazes. Alpine would turn to look at her, almost mirroring her shocked expression. He would recover first though, his words warming the broken pieces of her heart. "Realy? For me?"

He was going to retrieve the star, for her. Again her expression would brighten, and would not be affected by his sudden removal of himself from her side. The excitement she felt within her was too much to complain, she would find though, as she stood with him he had no intention of losing contact with her. He would nudge her gently with his hip, an as he started off she would remain at his side. Their fur would continue its mingling as they set off on a late night adventure. The glow of the moon would reflect off the tiniest trail of smoke in the sky. Through the trees she would glimpse its being, and still their paws would continue. "What do you think it looks like?" she would whisper in wonder as they went, so curious about the fallen star. The distance it had traveled would be rather deceiving, as their walk would continue even as it looked like they had reached the place of landing. Finally though their pursuit would reap its rewards. A small crater would be the result of the metal hitting the soft ground, the dryer grasses around it were smoldering. Surely the cause of the trail of smoke that wandered to the sky. Liquid lavender gaze would take in the scene. The death of a star. "It's not glowing anymore." she would say sadly as she inched forward, the heat still very much obvious. "It must have died." though the fact was true in her mind, she couldn't know that the shard that had buried itself within the earth had not ever sat with the stars. It's only light had been from the burning of it's trip through the atmosphere. "So what does a star that's not shining look like?" she would peer into the crater, her eyes searching for what could be the star's skeleton.?



04-22-2014, 05:24 PM

Alpine would offer another grin, so easily come to his expressions, so easily given unto her. She had told him that she had deduced his healing lessons from the scent of herbs against his coat, and honestly he was probably getting use to it now and barely even noticed if the scents still clung to his fur. More then that, she had referred to it in similarity to Ernai's den and a giggle had burst her lips. The sound was sop innocent, so free and sudden that his eyes had shot to hers in amazement. There had been a time when he did not know if she would ever smile again, and here she felt so carefree as to giggle at the thought of him smelling like Erani's den. He would chuckle, deep, but soft in return perhaps more at the memory of her laughter then the joke itself.

Then the star had fallen, and he had found himself to his paws, starting to head off, ready to dash in search of a piece of star for this wolf who's friendship he loved. She had met his stride, had stayed beside him and they had set off together with the feel of their fur mingling at their sides. She would ask his opinion on the fallen star, and he would hesitate before speaking. ?I wonder if it still glows It had looked like earth and flame as it fell? he mused, trying to remember exactly what he had seen, but he could have been wrong for it had been sudden and bright against the darkness.

He was surprised at how far it had come, considering it had looked quite close, but eventually they would come upon the stars final resting place and he could see, even as she said it that it had lost its brilliance. There was perhaps a faint reddish sheen across its bulk that still reminded him of fire, and he could feel the warmth emanating off it. As he peered into it however, he could see that his first pondering thoughts had been close. Well it still looked otherworldly it looked also like earth. It was like a boulder, hard but rough to the edges. He was also fairly certain that the massive hole it landed in had not been there before, and surmised that its fall must have done this to the earth. He found himself sitting, curling his tail about her back legs as he continued to look. ?It looks like a slightly glowing otherworldly stone? he mused, half in answer, half in joke. ?It still looks lovely, and shiny through? He found himself peering around the stone, searching for... ?ah ha!? he exclaimed, and would bound forward before carefully crab-walking down the side of the crater. He could most definitely feel the warmth of the star upon his coat from here, but in moments he was upon his target. A small piece that had fallen away and sat lightly in the earth stood before him. He stopped for a moment, and well this might seem strange he began to dig away at the earth. Once there was a small pile he kicked it over to the meteor piece, and began to stack and push it against the stone until it was moulded around it. He would then pick this up gently in his maw, and well it still felt warm beneath the moulded earth it did not burn his muzzle at the touch. He would bound quickly back up the creator and drop the packed earth at her feet. ?We can clean it at wolfpaw lake? he said, grinning at her practically from ear-to-ear.


Twig I


04-22-2014, 07:08 PM

The pair would trot through the wood excitedly, very much obvious would be Twig's excitement. Impressively her thoughts had failed to reach Fern during their adventure, for the first time in a season she was allowing herself to enjoy life again. And it was Alpine who was there to cause it. On they would go, following the moon lit smoke that would drift to the sky. Alpine would take a moment to answer her question, his words very much akin to her own thoughts. It seemed like a shooting star at first, but as it had streaked across their vision it had become very similar to the appearance of metal. That interesting substance she had come into contact with when she'd met Gwyndolyn. Their travels would bring them to the edge of the crater, the star's final resting place. It was rather small, though she had to say she was not unhappy about that. Had the stone been larger she didn't want to imagine the size of it's crater. Or how much havoc it could have created. Her slate backed ears would swivel to take in Alpine's words as he mused over the fallen star. She wasn't ready to admit that it wasn't a star, it had fallen to earth and perished within their sights. "It is quite lovely for a skeleton." as his eyes searched the ruin he would exclaim, obviously finding exactly what he'd been looking for.?

The white wolf would carefully scale the crater's side, his eyes upon a still reddish chrome piece of star. Orchid optics would watch as the male buried it with bit of hot dirt, creating a cocoon for the sliver. With what looked like practice ease he would be back at her side, tidy package in hand. Setting it gently by her toes he would explain his methods. His smile was infectious and easily her maw would take on the mirrored image of her grin. "I can't believe you've found me a piece of star Alpine." a light giggle would interrupt her lyrics as she nudged him excitedly. He was most certainly her best friend, it would be hard to top a star sliver for a gift. An affectionate nuzzle would also be offered, "No one's ever given me a gift so sweet." Twig would hold herself next to him a moment, enjoying his closeness before slipping away. She would grin at him again and start back toward the lake.?



04-22-2014, 09:01 PM

He would be pleased to see the responding joy in her face, the smile that upturned her lips and sparkled in her eyes. His tail would start up a light wag behind him, pleased with his achievements. ?Of course, like I said, my friend needs herself a piece of star? he would tease lightly, and she would nuzzle against him and tell him how sweet the gift was. It was a pretty rare find, he could admit but truly it was the smile that broke her expression that was the real gift. It was still so hard to shake the image of her telling him her pup had died, the horror in her eyes, her lost expression and the tears that had consumed her for so long afterwards. Yet, here she was and she seemed whole and happy to his eyes.

She would eagerly start back to Wolfpaw lake and once again he would pick up the warm lump of earth, holding it lightly in his jaws as he trotted to catch up with her before matching her pace. In moments they where back where they had started, with the cool night still alive and gentle around them. Only this time there was something fascinating and rare within his jaws. He would approach the shallow end of the water and gently drop the ball into the cool embrace of Wolfpaw lake. He would watch as it sizzled and the earth would fall away and the sizzling cooling embers would give new life to the unearthly stone they had found. His eyes would find hers, and there would be warmth beneath his cool blue orbs. He would reach out a paw to gently touch the stone and ensure it was cool before he would dip his head beneath the water and grip it in his muzzle again. Rising, shaking out his damp head and padding back to shore he would dump it on the dry earth once more. ?Your piece of star, as promised? he would lightly tease.


Twig I


04-22-2014, 09:27 PM
As he brought her back the prize alabaster tail would rise into the air happily, as he joined her Twig's own banner would flag above her back. Long tresses of curled fur would display over her dual toned back, a place it had not taken residence in for quite a time. He would wave off her comment with his own smooth words, like finding her a part of a star was no so much of a big deal. Her smile would remain as the two would bring themselves back to the water's edge, excitement welling within her as Alpine would further himself and drop the fragment into the water.?

The heat of it would become obvious as the water began to steam and sizzle, but as quickly as it had started the water would grow still. Her neck would careen as she looked over to her companion and his work with the otherworldly stone. Liquid topaz eyes taking him in as he turned and brought himself back within her midst. He would drop it by her feet, the shining metal easily reflecting the light from the moon's surface. Her features would grow peaceful as she let her body follow suit. Laying by the piece she would inspect it closer, awe evident in her royal purple gaze. "It's so gorgeous." tearing her gaze from its swirling depths she would let herself look upon Alpine. "thank you.. Again." her voice was quiet as her gaze and ears would lower. Still her energy stocks would fail her, and tiredness beckoned at her doorstep.?



04-22-2014, 10:25 PM

the quite of the night had returned with the passing of the meteor. It seemed strange to welcome back the calm now that they with them this strange, rough stone that smelled of heat and stone and tasted oddly matelic when it had rested in his jaws. She had thanked him again and he could see the tiredness in her eyes that reminded him of his earlier need for sleep. He would leave the strange stone now in her care and would settle down on the cool earth beside her. He would enjoy her presence beside him and the wonderment of the nights activities, but overall he would feel his need for sleep wash over him in a wave of calm and he would give in to it, resting against his best friend and enjoying the calm that stole over him in her presence.

Twig I


04-22-2014, 10:34 PM
She had barely noticed how hyped up she had been while in pursuit of the fallen star, now that she was once more relaxed and at ease the quiet would catch up to her. The noises of the night had yet to return as her friend would bring his warm body next to he own as she was lulled by the star fragment's appearance. She would pull her gaze from it and return her focus upon the pale brute. A content sigh would leave her lips as she leaned into his side, sharing in his body heat as the night wore on. The exhaustion that would make its presence known would creep through her limbs until she felt her eyelids closing and her head nodding off. Alpine would rest his features upon her bodice, and the cross marked girl would let her crown slide onto his white paws. A comfort had slipped over the she wolf that night and it would lead her gently into sweet dreams. No need for a simple good night Twig would drift into sleep, harsh sleeping herbs not required.?

-exit twig via sleep-