
How do you do?



5 Years
Athena I
04-02-2014, 10:48 AM

It felt strange to have the freedom to go where ever she pleased. It was exhilarating and exciting to just run as far as she could go. However, it seemed her time in captivity had taken a toll on her muscles and she had to stop to take a breath. She paused by a huge wall that cut through the landscape, panting lightly. She'd have to remember to train more to make up for the time she lost. Jian was also grateful that she killed the bastard when she did, before her muscles deteriorated even more.

She looked around the area she had paused in, seeing nothing much of interest besides the large, crumbling wall to her right. That seemed to be how the north was though, boring and cold with just a few highlights here and there. The yearling stretched her forepaws out in front of her before shaking out her thick coat and standing tall once more. Her ice-blue eyes looked up to the empty sky, saddened that there wasn't at least a cloud or two to gaze at.

With a sigh she looked around again, turning her body so that the wall was to her back and she could look out at the trees in the distance. Perhaps she better just go back home to Lel before she got in trouble again... But what was the fun in that? She smirked a little and sat back on her haunches, curling her tail around her and over her forepaws. Instead, she would just wait here and see what excitement could find her. It was as good a time as any to make new friends and get reaquainted with the outside world.



04-02-2014, 11:57 AM
{{Ooc:: Since it is planned that Sin and Arietta are going to breed in the last summer thread between the two and this is in Autumn I'm going to write it as such even if the events did not happen IC yet. ^^ I also assumed Jian would see Arietta before Arietta saw her. Hope you don't mind.}}

She was sure that Sin wasn't going to like the idea of her being out on her own but... She had needed some time to do just that. Just a small adventure and she would be back before nightfall, hopefully before her mate could miss her. Sin had left earlier in the morning, to do what she wasn't too sure, but Arietta hoped, so desperately hoped, that her outing wouldn't get her in trouble with him.

She was regretting coming out here... well... sort of. For so long she had been cooped up in Glaciem. She was not a prisoner and yet, at times, she felt like she was one. Not by Sin but by his father, Isardis, who had ordered the two of them to return to Glaciem. The russet female would shake her head, trying to banish the thoughts that tried to creep into her mind. No. She needed this outing... even if it might have been a bit risky.

Pups. She was certain they stirred in her belly... growing. Her pups with Sin. The female was almost certain that she had taken to the breeding... and she wondered what lives stirred in her belly. What would become of these children? How would they grow to be? The questions burned in her mind, distracting her so much that she would near the yearling female before she truly caught on to her presence.

Finally Arietta would look up, seeing the female not far away. The fae would come to a stop, a small greeting coming from her. "Hello..." The other female didn't smell of a pack, but being outside her own made her cautious. Even if she'd rather not be in Glaciem it was still her home. Still gave her some security.

Speech, Thought



5 Years
Athena I
04-02-2014, 12:51 PM

The longer she sat there the more she thought that there really was nothing out here to see. Just as she was about to give up and go find Lel, a russet form appeared a little ways off. Jian's ears perked up with curiosity and she watched at the wolf, clearly a fea she noticed as she got closer. She waited silently and calmly, with that small smirk on her muzzle, till the stranger got closer and finally noticed her sitting there.

Jian stood and bowed her head in greeting to the female as she was greeted with a simple hello, not wanting to be rude. "Hello there," Jian replied just as simply. She smelled the scent of a pack on the female, but that didn't bother her in the slightest. She had been a pack wolf herself back in the day, on and off, she knew how to behave. "It's nice to be out and about, isn't it?" she asked, making idle chit-chat as she stepped closer. She made sure to keep a respectful distance, didn't want to scare off her new acquaintance.

She was having fun being out on her own again and couldn't help but love the little feeling of rebellion she got from sneaking away from Lel, even if it was just for a hour or two. "I'm Jian by the way," she said almost as an after thought, really more interested in the fea across from her and what brought her out to the middle of nowhere.



04-02-2014, 03:56 PM

The yearling would respond with a greeting of her own. Her nature seemed kind enough, at the very least she wasn't charging at her or anything. No, as she spoke again her words would be of a gentle sort. The sort of idle chit-chat the other fae was trying to start up was definitely refreshing, something that she thought she could use. Perhaps, as long as she didn't linger out here too long she might even be able to become friends with this yearling. Arietta would smile taking a small breath to reply once the other gave her name.

"Indeed it is." The femme would look upon Jian, finding her darker blue eyes to be rather pretty. "My name is Arietta." Her tail would start to wag slowly, and a hopeful look would shine in the young female's eyes. "Do you come to the North often, Jian? Perhaps to see something a little more interesting than this?" She would motion to the the crumbling rock wall.

Speech, Thought



5 Years
Athena I
04-02-2014, 09:29 PM

The russet hued fea seemed nice enough. She was a good candidate to help pass the time none of the less. The stranger introduced herself as Arietta and Jian stored the information away for future reference. It never hurt to make friends in different places, you never know when you might need them. "That's a lovely name," she commented with a small smile before Arietta continued with her own question.

Jian glanced at the crumbling rocks beside them with a chuckle and nodded as she turned her icy gaze back to the other female. "Oh yes, I've been in the north for most of my life, usually in places much more interesting than a pile of rocks. Of course, there's not a whole lot of say in where you are when you're growing up, is there? My mother was part of Amenti, on and off, when it was still around so where ever they moved is where I moved. And then, well..." It dawned on her as she thought of all the places she had lived that a large portion of her short life was spent trapped in some brute's den. She scoffed, giving her head a little shake as she looked back to the ancient wall that stretched out as far as she could see in either direction before she continued. "Well, some places are worse than a pile of rocks." She knew she was being vague and maybe even a bit mysterious, but who would really want to hear about her tragedies? Wolves had lives and problems of their own.



04-17-2014, 10:13 PM

A lovely name? Arietta had never been complimented on anything before, be it her name or otherwise. She wasn't even really sure how to respond to the compliment. Instead she would just offer a small smile, listening when the femme began to speak. So the young woman had been part of the North from the start, and a pack wolf at some point. Amenti... the name wasn't familiar to her. But Arietta hadn't really dealt with many of the packs and had only come here when she was just over a year old. Her own childhood was spent on an island... isolated. When she came to the lands she didn't know how to react so well to others... which brought her meeting with Sin.

The female would frown as Jian would pause, remembering something. Something dark, juding by her next words. "Very true... but you've away from that place now." The young woman would give another small smile. "It is better to count the blessings we have, right? You look to be growing strong. I shouldn't imagine you'd be going back to a place like that, Jian." The femme would shift a little, looking back towards the Glaciem lands for a moment before looking to Jian again.

"You don't seem to hold any scents on your coat... are you looking for your family?

Speech, Thought



5 Years
Athena I
04-23-2014, 08:45 PM

Jian would look up at Arietta as she spoke, only giving a small nod as a response. Oh if only the russet women knew what Jian had done to get away from that place, she would realize how true her words were. There was no way she would go back, especially since the wolf that had kept her there was dead. A tiny, almost unnoticeable smirk briefly crossed her muzzle when she thought about it. It brought her entirely too much joy.

Arietta asked about her family, pulling her out of her thoughts. Her pale blue gaze found her deeper blue one with a smile smile, replying, "Oh no, my brother is all the family I need. My other siblings ran off long ago, my mother is no where to be found, and my father was never a part of my life to begin with, but my brother has stood beside me. We take care of eachother just fine." She smiled a real, genuine smile as she thought of Lel. He was the only wolf that had been a steady fixture in her life and she loved him dearly, perhaps even more than herself.

Turning her attention back back to her new acquaintance, she asked, "And what about you? You're part of this pack here, yes? Do you have family here with you?"



04-28-2014, 04:42 PM

The smile was nice to see, especially as Jian spoke of her family. For the younger fae it was only one wolf that she needed was her brother. A bond between a sibling could be a very strong thing indeed. It made Arietta miss her own sibling... Their name forgotten and buried within the sands of time. Still, it was good that the other had someone she could rely on... And she would think to Sin. The blood stained male, in her eyes, was all she would ever need.

Then it was her turn to answer questions. She would shift a bit uncomfortably at the mention of being part of one of the Northern packs. ?Well... I?m part of Glaciem but... It?s more of a temporary thing.? What it was going to go into after that she didn?t know... She knew Sin had plans for their future... For getting out her back out of Glaciem...but what they were exactly, well, not even the russet femme knew.

?As for family... I?m afraid I lost my own kin rather young. My only brother died when I was just a couple months old... My mother died a few months after that... And my own father was never in my life either... But... Since coming to Alacritia I had an... Encounter... With a male named Sin... I became his mate and, with any luck at all, we should have our own family on the way soon.? Arietta wouldn?t pick up on the hesitation of the word ?encounter? though it was there in her subconscious. The events that lead her to be Sin?s mate hadn?t been out of love... But the femme had been so alone, so desperate for acceptance and someone to care for her, that she had convinced herself that he had taken her for her own good... To save her. And now she believed in a love that wasn?t quite as she believed it to be.

Speech, Thought



5 Years
Athena I
04-29-2014, 12:04 PM

Curiousity tugged at Jian when she noticed the hesitation in Arietta's voice as she spoke about her mate, but the monochromatic girl wouldn't ask about it. Some deep, buried part of her understood exactly what Arietta meant, but she didn't want to accept it. Pushing the thoughts away, she focused instead on the information about the russet girl possibly having pups and Jian smiled. "Well, congratulations. Puppies are always exciting."

She glanced toward the sky, seeing the sun beginning to sink toward the ground, the first traces of orange and purple starting to touch the clouds. Jian knew it wasn't a long trip back to her and Lel's den, but she suddenly felt the need to go home. Looking apologetically at Arietta, she stood and said, "I think I should probably get going. My brother will be wondering where I am, you know. I hope everything goes well with the leaving Glaciem thing and with your pups, and I hope I get to talk to you again sometime." With a small smile Jian turned and trotted off, her trot eventually turning into a full on run.

-exit Jian-

ooc: sorry, didn't know what else to do with her xD



05-01-2014, 06:55 PM

Arietta?s tail would give a gentle wag as Jian gave her her congratulations. They were warm words, welcome words. Becoming a mother would surely be a wonderful thing indeed. But her own attention would be turned to the setting sun and the darkening sky. When had it become so late? Worry gripped her, wondering what might happen if Sin saw that she wasn?t back there around now? Worry gripped the fae and she would give a small nod to the yearling before her.

?Yes... It is time for me to leave as well. Thank you, Jian. If the fates are kind I am sure that we will run into each other again.? The russet fae would turn then, leaving the fae she met and the strange rock wall behind. She didn?t know what the future might hold... But she knew she was hoping for the best.

**Exit Arietta**

Speech, Thought