
The returning warrior


04-18-2014, 06:28 AM
A black female wolf trotted through the forest, in search of prey. She growled, pinning her ears back in irritation. If only she knew the territories! She felt as if her inner compass had been destroyed because of being away so long, all sense of direction gone. She felt alone, lost, like a small pup separated from it's mother. She whined, as a particularly harsh bout of of wind seeped through her coat, biting her flesh. She shivered, and moved on, slower. Her eyes scanned the trees and bushes, her paw falls silent and quick. The wind blew, and she caught the scent of a nearby animal-A hare. She dropped to a crouch, and edged foreword, trying to determine the rabbit's whereabouts in the wind that was rapidly changing direction. After a few minutes, she finally detected it west of her, and stalked swiftly towards it. She avoided kicking stones, or stepping on twigs, so as not to alert the animal to her presence.

She saw it, in a clearing, nibbling on grass. She lay in the bushes, quietly moving forword, inch by inch, until she was within leaping distance. She tensed her whole body, all her power going to her abdomen and hind legs. She waited quietly, before leaping out of the bushes, jaws wide. The hare had noticed the wolf a split second before it leaped, and sprung away with it's signature scream. It darted off, and the wolf quickly followed, not bothering to make her paw steps quiet. The black figure darted through the trees, her long legs swiftly carrying her closer and closer to her destination. The woman's paws touched lightly on the ground, her strong legs pushing her foreword in chase. The white fur flashed before her eyes, and she forced her terribly aching legs to take longer bounds. Her tongue lolled, panting as she was forced to stop when she reached a territory boarder. She howled in anger, growling. Her chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath, looking around. Even though she had returned a little while ago, all the territories and packs were unfamiliar to her. She huffed grumpily, stalking away from the lost prey. She sniffed deeply, trying to catch scent of another animal. Her stomach snarled, reminding her she hadn't eaten in three days. She glanced longingly back towards where the rabbit had disappeared. 'Maybe, just maybe, i can sneak over and just get it, and come right back...' She thought, licking her jowls hungrily. The fall breeze blew her long fur, ruffling it. She sniffed again, and took a hesitant step towards the border line.


04-18-2014, 07:00 AM

It was Arian who had shifted how things were in her mind, and how she was handling them. The Queen felt better, so much better after talking with the younger she wolf. The girl had a good head on her shoulders and an understanding heart... she was going to be a wonderful mate to some lucky wolf some day. As for her, well, she wasn't going to let things go lax. She had a lot of work to be done... and she needed to get Seracia together again soon. Who was still around? The had to end this inactivity.

The scent of a stranger near the borders would alert the woman. Destruction would move forward, sticking close to the shadows of the land. She moved like a wraith towards the strange scent, ears tilting back slightly as her single orb fell upon the female sneaking towards Seracia borders. She looked to have maybe just reached adulthood... and yet here this other black furred fae was about to trespass on her lands. But she seemed hesitant... and she could smell the hare. Ah... so that was it.

The fae would make her presence known, walking out silently in front of the other female. The half-blind fae would turn towards her then, offering a small smile. "I am Destruction, Queen of these lands. Do you need a place to rest stranger? At least a bite to eat it would seem." She would look upon the other fae with lifted ears now. Perhaps this woman might even seek a home within Seracia, rather than just a temporary stop to get some food and rest before moving on. Since this fae had not actually crossed the borders there would be no punishment. Only her invitation.

"Speech" Think


04-18-2014, 07:31 AM
The She wolf backed away slightly, startled at this other wolf's sudden appearence. She looked at the other woman, sizing her up. She smoothed her ruffled fur, showing her slim body, her ribs vaguely showing her apparent lack of weight. 'She doesn't seem angry, or a threat.. ' The thought, tilting her head. While her first instinct was to snarl, She lowered herself to the ground, pinning her ears back in submission. She whined, not meeting the other wolf's eyes. "Yes please.. I'm Ariste." She said sniffing. She still could scent the rabbit over on the other side, her mouth salivating slightly. She glanced at the queen, straightening her shoulders.

She briefly glanced past her, to the other side, as her stomach snarled at her once again. She kept her ears and tail low, eyes downcast. She licked her mouth and n ose, and finally looked at destruction. She cringed, she absolutely hated submitting, but didn't know what these packs were like. "What pack and territory is this?" She asked quietly, keeping in her submissive position


04-23-2014, 02:03 PM

The younger black she wolf would back off a bit, likely not expecting another to come so suddenly. It was one of the things that Destruction had prided herself on back when she lived a darker life, and she supposed even now such entrances had their uses. A wolf who was not seen, not detected, could more efficiently make a move to stop an unwanted action or kill an enemy. While Destruction may not have been angry, and though she was an older fae, she could have just as easily been a threat to the other if the situation for it arose.

But the female showed a clear sign of submission. It... Was something she was not completely used to. Even though she was an alphess this was the first wolf she had met at Seracia?s borders like this. The woman would give a nod, gentleness upon her features. ?Very well, Ariste. Please, rise and follow me. We can talk more as we walk... And I can see about getting you some food.? The girl was skinny... Her ribs were even showing.

The Queen was about to turn, waiting for Ariste to rise and come up beside her to enter the lands, when the other wolfess would ask more. She would chuckle softly. Of course... She hadn?t mentioned that. Destruction would remain relaxed, her single orb looking back into the territory. ?This, Ariste, is the pack of Seracia. This is one of our four territories known as The Range... More or less our central pack area.? Destruction would look back to the other she-wolf. ?Should you be hoping to find a permanent residence as well... Seracia would welcome you, Ariste.? They needed to rebuild their pack... And new blood and capable wolves was a good way to do it.



04-24-2014, 06:02 AM
This offer shocked the young wolf crouching before destruction. It was the last thing she had expected her to do, given the circumstances. Ariste's eyes widened and she quickly straightened up, but kept her ears flat, and her tail curled beneath her. She peered up at destruction, completely surprised. She had given full submission, used to it from her old pack, where She would be nearly killed if She hadn't. Now this alphess was... kind, generous. It put Ariste at ease, her relaxed demeanor showing she would not likely attack.

Ariste hesitated, She was callow to knowledge about surviving on her own, but She knew her chances were slim to none by herself. She looked around the land, before looking back up at the other she-wolf with a firm nod."I would love to be in this pack, thank you. She replied, hoping She wouldn't regret it. It wasn't possible for such a nice woman to be evil was it? Her train of thought followed along those lines as She followed destruction, but She dismissed them quickly.

She would just have to take that chance


04-28-2014, 04:45 PM

The female remained in a relaxed state, though she watched Ariste quietly, observing the younger fae?s actions. She was completely submissive, acting as if she expected her to attack her for simply nearing her lands. Perhaps some wolves might have done such a thing... But not Destruction. Seracia wolves were not of that sort... And though it was true had she still walked the path of her past she might have done such a thing without a second thought it was not the case now.

Destruction would smile all the brighter as Ariste accepted her offer to join Seracia. ?You are very welcome. From now on you will be a Clergy of Seracia. It is a rank for those who do not yet have a specific duty within the pack... Though I have high hopes you will soon accomplish landing yourself a rank.? The dark woman would look into the lands now. ?Once we get to the densite I?ll leave it to you to choose your den and I?ll set about finding you something to eat. Welcome home, Ariste.?

{{Ooc:: End thread unless you have something to add?}}
