

Helios I


9 Years
03-30-2014, 09:07 AM

Things were just going from bad to worse, not only was Virgil choosing to give birth in a unknown pack?s lands but it seemed the members of said pack were all coming out to see. Before the white woman could respond a black and grey one approached, her manner of speech strange and Helios laid his ears back, flush against his skull. It all started happening too fast then, before he could even get another word out, a heavily pregnant woman burst forth pushing her way into Virgil?s birthing den crying his niece?s name. Helios found himself struggling to push down a growl, instead a low rumbling caught in his throat as he glanced around, even more wolves approaching to see what was happening.
Strangers pushed into the den, and the white woman from before spoke pushing past him too. He was in such a daze that as she went past he stumbled to the side slightly. The rumbling becoming a whine, especially once he laid eyes upon his wife. What would she think of this chaos? He did as Nat commanded, his wife taking charge of the situation. Settling himself, albeit uneasily, a bit off from the den he gave a sigh, casting his russet gaze towards the den anxiously.

talk, think



3 Years
03-30-2014, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2014, 12:04 PM by Valeriya.)

The Great Disturbance was finally upon her. She had no name, no known features or wishes or dreams, only a sense of existence so weak it might as well have been non-existent. Yet in that consciousness there was a fear. Things were changing, and she did not like it. Pressure, unbelievable pressure, squeezed at her from all sides. Some monster unknown had come from the darkness to ruin her home, the only one she had ever known, evening knowing so little as she did. She squirmed, trying to flee, but she could not. Mobility was hardly a strong suit in her current condition, and the circumstances only continued to increase her discomfort. Suddenly, the dam broke and she found herself thrust forth into a cold, hard world. She had but two senses, yet they were suddenly bombarded! The scents of things she could not name, could not even begin to fathom, flooded her infant mind. One above all others stood out, however. Sweet, heady, life giving. She squirmed towards it's source, towards the emanating warmth and comfort. Instinct pried open her jaws, latching on as thousands of her kind had for centuries past. She fell immediately into a lull, content and soon oblivious to anything but her most basic needs. The rest could certainly wait.

"Talk" "You" Think

OOC: Well, originally I didn't want to place Val in the heir spot, but my impatience is a force to behold! In the future I may have her defer her claim to another sibling, depending on how things go! :D

Katja the First


8 Years
03-30-2014, 02:11 PM (This post was last modified: 03-30-2014, 02:11 PM by Katja the First.)

It took a great deal to rile the unflappable viking woman. But the chaos Katja now saw unfolding before her this day gave her the nearly overwhelming urge to turn and bang her head repeatedly against the boulder she'd leaped down from. The behavior her packmates insisted on displaying before the other pack was appalling at best, incredibly destructive both to the pregnant bitch and their relations with the strange pack at worse. Arguing and bickering over precedence when calm clear action was obviously called for... she would not be surprised if this debacle caused the other wolves chose to turn on them now or in the future.

Then to make matters even more terrible, the heavily-pregnant Raisa appeared. Though it would be dishonorable for the queen to avoid her duty simply because she was pregnant, her labor pains could not be far off, and would complicate matters. Still, it was not for Katja to say at this juncture. "My queen," she would murmur respectfully, making a gesture of deference to her, though Raisa swept past to the laboring female with a cry. Katja simply melted into the background to watch as the situation continued to degenerate. The stranger's pups coming into the world, Raisa's sudden labor pains, the Ebony healers' continued bickering. With the last, Katja felt her usually placid emotions begin to simmer.

"Voldeppen," she growled at them beneath her breath, an epithet that does not bear translation. The young stranger turned his gaze to the dark female who had appeared, asking her to help the strange female who was struggling to give birth to a backward pup. "Do, please," she added curtly, her eyes narrowing in the direction of her own pack's healers who were still each attempting to dominate the other, like this was a game. "Please to be accepting my apologies for the bad behavior of these packmates. Take responsibility for their actions I will in the absence of higher authorities as my queen is currently incapacitated, and once the mothers are resting, personally to do what I can to remedy any offense taken by your pack, I swear it," she spoke to the three strange wolves, making a motion that spoke of a binding oath. "If you please be excusing me, at risk of more chaos I must intervene."

Stalking closer to the two laboring mothers attended by two childish healers, though standing back far enough to avoid crowding the already-overcrowded densite and to give the dark stranger access to her alpha, Katja glared at them darkly. "Thousands upon thousands of years have women given birth," she snapped at them, her voice low to try to keep it to just them, though in her irritation she did not much care who heard. "Need you hovering over them like lost children who whine and bicker at one another, they do not. Back away and allow the stranger to be attended by her own woman. Her composure lends her more credence than either of the twain of you." Her silver eyes sized them each up, the dark expression promising a strict dressing-down at a later date. "Neither of you are needed now for our queen. She is strong. A warrior. She needs no whinging children standing over her. If needed I will be pulling you from there by your ears and paddling your bottoms for those who act as children will be disciplined as such. Behave." Her words held nothing but disgust for them.

Her speckled gaze moved to her queen. "Raisa," came the blunt voice sharply, giving no rank for in this moment to her Raisa was woman only, not queen, doing her job as women had throughout the ages. "Raisa, focus. Pain is only temporary. You do well - your children are well. Your woman is fine now," for she had not missed the way they spoke to each other, the frantic way Raisa had reacted upon seeing the woman in labor, and it was no different than any other young couple expecting children, albeit unconventional. "Be strong for them. More is coming and they need you now."

The young warrior was not a healer, but Raisa was not injured and she didn't need a healer. She was capable; she just needed to be allowed to do what her body had been designed for, and if these healers could not see that well, together they could not make half the healer Katja's own sister was.


03-30-2014, 03:54 PM

Amongst all of the chaos Isi received no answer at all to her question. Forced out of the way of the group, the more important and more useful members of the gathering crowd of course needing to be up front helping in whatever way they could. Curious, or perhaps simply stupid, Isi remained there all the same listening and attempting to work out the facts to decipher what was happening. This Virgil woman was giving birth, and now so was Raisa too. Well rather than the typical panic of two simultaneous births taking place in this somewhat hectic environment, Isi simply focussed upon the outcome of this, should everything run smoothly of course. Lots of puppies.

She didn't know how long Virgil would be here with her own pups, but for now that wouldn't stop the excitement flowing through her. Not immediately anyway. The panic of the births and bickering of the Sola Knights would soon reach its way to the back of the crowd and Isi would grow calm. Once more she felt awkward and useless standing there amongst these wolves that had a far better idea of what was happening and what should be done, even if they couldn't all agree on the best methods. One of the strangers, Hermes, spoke up though and Isi found her mood perking up a little more as well.

"I have motherwort here. I'm a runner and messenger, give me appearance and scent and I can go get it." She wasn't a runner really, or a messenger and most certainly not a healer of any sort but she could surely help in some way, even if it was just to carry back some of the herbs that they needed. With double of everything probably required an extra pair of paws surely couldn't be turned down. She could be useful! "Oh! I can help with that!" She chimed in.



2 Years
04-01-2014, 09:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2014, 07:00 PM by Sindri.)

OOC: I'll wait until after Virgil's next post to post for Nemesis.

Too young for reason, Sindri simply squirmed. She squirmed while she was still inside her mother's womb and then, after a brief and shocking transition, she continued squirming after she was expelled from it. Her small body was battered by a giant force, far too roughly for her liking, and she was removed from the sac that had grown around her. She set about crying as soon as she was able simply because that's what newborns did and once she was ushered to her mother's side and made to nurse, she quieted. Unbeknownst to her mother, this would be the last time she was quiet for awhile. Had she known this, Raise might have savored the moment.

Despite her mindless misgivings, Sindri's journey from womb-mate to last born went relatively smoothly, at least on her end.

"Talk" "You" Think



3 Years
04-02-2014, 10:05 AM (This post was last modified: 04-02-2014, 05:02 PM by Svetlana.)

Warmth. Comfort. A simple existence. It was what the child had come to know, and, through time, she had been growing. At first there had been plenty of room. Ample room to support her and the forms of four others she would come to know as her brothers and sisters. The child was, at the moment, not much of what she could become. The innocence that marked her age was still upon her, and the unnamed girl would be one to hold onto such a thing until experiences in the world she was about to enter would change her views upon things.

The way the Life Giver moved now, carrying them, felt different today. Time didn?t really have a meaning to the child, but she could sense it, even if not all of her senses had been awoken. Something was different... And the Life Giver, for a little while now, was moving differently as she carried her and the other forms that grew alongside. The child did not know that because of their growth their mother had grown quite round, making her movements a bit more difficult.

Then the movement came to a stop... And further change would occur to this world, this existence that the child had grown accustomed to. The warm world around her would tighten, becoming quite uncomfortable, and protest, resistance, would stir within form. True existence had not yet sparked and taken form, but at the state she was in the child was aware she did not like this sudden change. She wanted to stay where where she was... Warm and, before everything started getting so tight, comfortable.

But a child can not continue to grow in such a small space and she would be brought into the world, whether she was ready for such a thing or not. The space would start shifting... Pushing them all to their new world. Their beginning. But the child wasn?t one to simply go willingly, but then almost every child fought the force that brought them into the world.

Eventually however she would be expelled, stickyness covering her. Her body already told signs of what she would appear as she grew bigger, already more round and chubby than the other siblings that were born before her. Large paws, even too large for a newborn, tried to grip at the cold and hard ground beneath her as a warm tongue rasped over her body. The sticky stuff was cleaned away allowing her to take her first real breath of air.

It was a strange feeling. Another change... And the child didn?t like this either. Loud mewls of protest left her in a barrage of complaints that the adults there wouldn?t even understand. She herself couldn?t comprehend what she was attempting to say. Thoughts and words would come later, among other things that would define that child and truly set her apart from her siblings. It wasn?t like she could even hear her own complaints anyway, or the words of all the adults that were present in this new world. Sight and hearing were two senses not yet available to her.

Then she was being moved, being lead somewhere by the gentle nudging of the Life Giver. Further mewls of protest left her little form, though she was aware of something else now. It came to one of the senses that was available to her; scent. The smell was sweet, calling to her instincts as need filled the child.She would eventually make it to her mother?s side, squirming into place between her brothers and searching for the source of the sweet scent. The Life Giver was going to be giving her another source she would need to grow now. A new source -- food.

The child would latch onto a teat, greedily suckling the sweet liquid. It spilled down her chin and onto her chest fur as she settled into place, warmth washing back over her body and filling her up inside too. The liquid she drank was rich and nourishing, and the little scrap of an appendage she would call her tail began wagging back and forth as she was silenced, content to nurse.

Ooc:: Sorry for the wait guys. XD;;

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]

Virgil I


4 Years
04-04-2014, 01:45 PM
OOC: I was basing the danger off of the experience I?ve had with puppies being born wrong way round. Which was, in the case that it happened, lethal to mother and pup. At any rate, last bby can be born!

The healers bicker, but they help nonetheless. Her pup is given a helping hand into the world, and her attention focuses upon her ebony love now, her breaths steadying as the four figures squirm closely to her, observing as Raisa brings her own children into the world. The black woman with an accent (Katja) speaks, and Virgil decides she likes her. She has more sense than the two bickering healers, and perhaps she will mention this to her love. She finds her calm in the line of fire, not overly concerned with being too impressive. Her concern for Raisa is genuine, and that alone the Empress can admire.

Her gaze flickers to her family, lips quirking up into a tired smile. ?Help me name them?? she requests. Her eyes flicker to her girl, her firstborn, the one who will be her heiress if all goes according to plan. ?Gaia,? she says softly. It is the name of all of their ancestor, the strong woman who birthed the gods themselves and could tear apart kingdoms with a mere howl.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



1 Year
04-05-2014, 10:28 PM
Big headed and backwards, Nemesis was struggling to make it into the world. Perhaps that's just what he got for being last, although birth order wouldn't mean anything to him for awhile. Save for his noggin, the majority of the olympian was rather average and had it not been for the size of his head, his transition from unborn to newborn would have been somewhat gentler, although his approach to being born was questionable. He didn't know it yet, but it was a fitting way for him to enter the world.

Unbeknownst to the bickering wolves, there was a more important struggle taking place just beyond their reach. Complications stemming from his position in the birth canal worked at strangling Nemesis and after a few minutes of suffering the boy slipped out of awareness. He came into the world ass first and limp, seemingly stillborn.



7 Years
04-24-2014, 07:28 PM

Despite the wolves giving the new mothers space to birth their pups, chaos ensued. Many tried to speak over one another and the healers bickered incessantly. Natalya breathed deeply and nodded to her son, then turned her attention to a seemingly level-headed female of Ebony and offered her a nod as well. She need not speak now, but she made a note to address that particular woman when all was finished concerning her wisdom. The Centurion simply pushed past the healers as they fought, before Virgil's last pup began to make its exit, and brought the motherwort with her. It seemed that Hermes has gathered plenty, thankfully, and she placed it before the Empress as the pain began again, whispering to her that it could help her release the third child faster. It seemed speaking into her ear was the only way Natalya would be able to get a word in amongst this mess.

It was only moments before the situation settled. The healers managed to actually do their jobs through their argument, and though Natalya was tempted to scold them she knew to leave it to their packmates instead. She focused her attention on the girl at her feet after loosing a lighthearted bark to summon her husband. Four new Olympians now graced the Earth, and as she bent her head near to them to aid Virgil in the naming she found something entirely not right. Though four had been born, she heard clearly only the breathing of three. "Virgil! Something is wrong, I cannot hear one of them. Hermes, Helios, come quickly!" She moved to lower herself to the ground to aid in checking them if needed, but hoped that someone with sight would find the problem before it was too late... That is, if it wasn't too late already.

Perhaps the foolish healers would hear word from her after all.

talk, think

and quoth the raven, "nevermore"