
I Know


04-25-2014, 10:45 AM

She hadn't attended the challenge, when Artemis had challenged the Valhallan alpha for her throne, that didn't mean that she didn't hear the rumors. The two children Azalea had been pregnant with when she left Glaciem now resided here, they had been taken from their home. She hadn't heard any news of Azalea since she had seen her at her own birth- and she felt some sort of need to meet the children she had had. She didn't know who to look for, so in the thick of the pines she would halt and let out a soft call for the children, curious to see if they'd show up. She wanted to meet them, wanted to see if they were okay. The woman stood only at twenty three inches, and it was likely the pups were her height if not larger already, she wasn't concerned with appearing threatening. She wondered if they children had made friends here, were they okay?

She also wondered if their presence in Glaciem would lead to another siege, close to the one that Liberty had caused. She could only pray that it wouldn't. She had seen enough war and destruction for her life-time, and the more she aged, the less she wanted to be around it. Settling to her haunches she waited, her ears pricked- listening for any approach, wondering how long it would take them to heed her call.

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3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 11:00 AM

The rumours were definitely true though Kismet and Soren had been doing their best to avoid any association with the wolves of Glaciem. Kismet was pretty sure he spoke for the pair of them when he said they wished to get out of here, returning home wasn't quite as important to him anymore though now more than ever he wished to be free. Though he had warned Warja not to try anything that could put her in danger, a part of him feared that his dear friend wasn't going to listen. The few wolves he had met weren't quite as bad as he had expected really, though this still wasn't and would never be home, and he and Soren needed to get out, for their own sake and Warja's.

He was now nearly a year of age though early on he had begun to outgrow some of the smaller wolves and certainly would tower over the tiny Eris. Even his own mother would look somewhat small in comparison to him now, and whilst he hadn't taken after her in size his appearance still marked him as Azalea's son. With markings so similar to his mother's although a paler shade those who knew Azalea had two sons wouldn't find it too tricky to guess that he was one of them. There were not many in Glaciem that seemed to acknowledge that fact though, Liberty had picked up upon the link and now, however odd it was, it seemed that someone was calling for he and his brother.

None had really bothered with him before, with Isardis ill his Glaciem born children with that horrible title of 'Blood' would certainly take more priority over his the two prisoners. The fact that he was being called now certainly put him a little on edge and it was only due to the fact that the tone was so soft that he bothered to curiously investigate. Surely one beckoning them forth so gently wouldn't wish them any harm? He could only hope he was right as he made his way through the trees, eventually stepping into view of Eris.


04-25-2014, 12:19 PM

She sat there waiting, her thoughts mulling over the past, losing herself in memories when she scented another. Looking up, and focusing she saw a wolf step into her view, a wolf that could only be the son of Azalea. He was tall, but marked similarly to his mother- though his colors were lighter. She offered him a kind smile, hoping to put him at ease- should he be nervous. Looking him over, she would speak. "You look like your mother, but I definitely see your father's influence." She murmured, her tone soft. A moment went by, and she dipped her head slightly. "Forgive me, my name is Eris, the healer here." She didn't figure he cared about her rank- in this case it had no use, no meaning.

"I met your mother while she was prisoner here... just after she became pregnant with you. I must admit I was curious to meet her children, when I heard you were taken from Valhalla." She paused again, her words soft- she didn't want to upset the young wolf. "I know coming to Glaciem wasn't your choice... but you and your sibling.. you're okay?" She questioned, she would hate to think someone had mistreated them, or that they weren't comfortable- though she knew they probably wouldn't be happy.

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3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 12:39 PM

The wolf ahead of him was one that Kismet didn't know, though of course it didn't really mean much at all given how little he knew about the wolves in Glaciem. The rumours and rivalries and now his imprisonment had certainly left him feeling somewhat bitter about them, he cared little for forming any bond with them, no matter how nice they may have seemed and so the smile, although noted was not returned. He stood there seriously, that stubborn streak still refusing to do anything that might make it seem he belonged here.

"You look like your mother, but I definitely see your father's influence." Where actions had done little, to really grasp the boy's attention, Kismet would find himself suddenly hooked upon the words. His ear would twist that little bit, hearing focussing upon Eris more now. He cared little for whatever imaginary resemblance she claimed to see between he and his so called father, though her initial statement had piqued his interest. She knew his mother?

"Forgive me, my name is Eris, the healer here. I met your mother while she was prisoner here... just after she became pregnant with you. I must admit I was curious to meet her children, when I heard you were taken from Valhalla. I know coming to Glaciem wasn't your choice... but you and your sibling.. you're okay?" Now she had his complete attention, and questions were already forming within his mind. Azalea had been a prisoner to Glaciem once as well? He hadn't really cared to consider how it may have been possible for Isardis to be his father given that Glaciem and Valhalla were not close in location or friendship and though he had not yet been taught about the birds and the bees, he certainly guessed that parents were meant to be together.

"She was a prisoner here?" He repeated the question, stunned by this new revelation. "How did she get away?" Immediately he would wonder, if she had escaped than surely he and Soren could find a way to adapt her method to help themselves, providing of course the healer would answer him. No one in Glaciem had tried to help he and Soren get back to Valhalla, he wouldn't imagine anyone would start soon, though he'd remain somewhat hopeful for an answer.

"Of course it's not our choice, we were taken from our mother, friends and family and dumped here. No one has paid us the slightest bit of attention really. But that doesn't matter, we're still not ok, how can you be a prisoner and feel ok about it?" Where his questions about his mother had been spoken with more interest, these words certainly pointed to the fact that he was miserable here in Glaciem.


04-25-2014, 12:59 PM

He didn't know that Azalea had been a prisoner here? Was she really the wolf to tell him then? Well she'd already screwed up and mentioned it, she may as well tell him the rest of it. She was relieved that he did speak and didn't simply leave- though she couldn't have blamed him in the slightest. Nodding, she spoke, "I don't remember exactly how it all happened, but your mother traded herself for the release of another prisoner we had... I think he may have been the previous alpha of Valhalla's mate? While she was here, she became pregnant with you. I met her after all of this happened... As for how she escaped. She escaped during the siege, all of Glaciem's fighting force had left to fight. She was able to slip out of the territory, and she returned to Valhalla, which is the last place I saw her." She finished, mentally noting that he perhaps had hopes of escaping- but she doubted there would be a siege any time soon, so that he could try the same escape his mother had. She had no part in Azalea's escaping, and couldn't help the children escape, but she could maybe talk to Sendoa or Isardis about letting them go...

He went on to explain that he was indeed not okay. She sighed, "No one has hurt you have they?" She would ask, her tone worried. "I do suppose its hard to be okay when you're somewhere you don't want to be. I am sorry, about your situation..." She realized she didn't know his name. "What is your name?" She asked, her golden eyes warm. She wondered about the children, what were they like... were they more like Azalea or Isardis or a mixture of the two? Or were the totally different personalities?

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3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 02:16 PM

Eris would explain how Azalea had come to be a prisoner in the first place, a far more noble tale than his and Soren's kidnapping it seemed though who this wolf was that had led to his mother being a prisoner Kismet had no idea. Had there been another alpha before Chrysanthe had ruled, he certainly couldn't recall her having had a mate. Though of course his great Aunt had taken Gideon as a mate, the man had been missing for quite some time after all and he'd never heard anyone speak him.

Her escape filled him with confidence though. If he could retell the story to Soren perhaps his brother would be willing to try run away as their mother had. She'd made it safely back to Valhalla, though a part of Kismet had to wonder if this was why they were here now; Glaciem claiming back the children that should have been born prisoner's here. Maybe that was why their mother had gone missing as well, perhaps they were after her as well but she had to stay free if she wanted any chance of helping them from the outside. He liked that reason, it had never made any sense to him how she had just gone so suddenly.

"No." He confirmed for Eris. For the most part the pack had left he and Soren alone, with no adult looking after them, they probably felt the two imprisoned pups were completely harmless and against all of Glaciem they certainly were. Kismet was no fool, to try battle his way out of Glaciem would be a death wish.

Her sympathies meant little to him, they certainly didn't solve his problem after all, he was still stuck here at the end of the day. So far from happy here, the boy wouldn't really soften at all, though at her question he would offer his name. "Kismet Adravendi." Proud to be part of the family he belonged to, even at the best of times he wouldn't hesitate to state his full name though here in Glaciem he clung to it harder than ever, it was after all another clear sign that he was the son of Azalea, not Isardis.


04-25-2014, 02:42 PM

Her heart ached for the child but she knew not what she could do. Changing Isardis's mind about their imprisonment, would never happen- though she supposed that she could try to appeal to Sendoa... Prisoners were really useless to the pack, and they were heading into the harsh realities of winter, where every wolf here needed to make every effort to help the pack survive. The pups would even fair better in the warmer southern regions. Life in the arctic was harsh. She felt the same sadness for the child as she had once felt for his mother. She wondered how he felt about his mothers escape, and she hoped it didn't inspire him to do something stupid.

Kismet was his name and he said that no one had harmed them. She felt a bit of worry leave her. At least he hadn't been harmed. Some of the wolves were slightly prone to violence, though she didn't think any of them would harm a child, let alone blood of the king. "Kismet Adravendi, it is a pleasure to meet you." She said with a smile, giving him the honor and respect of using his last name. She watched him for a moment, and felt her stomach rumble. "Are you hungry Kismet?" She would ask, and she wondered how the youth had been fairing with feeding themselves. They should be getting prey from some of the adults in the pack but she couldn't be sure. "Can I help you with anything?" She wasn't sure why she felt the need to help the boy, but she couldn't shake the feeling.

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3 Years
Extra large
04-25-2014, 04:37 PM

Being considered useless to the pack was something that Kismet would have taken both joy and offence from. These wolves had left him here as a Prisoner, not helped he and Soren to escape and he certainly wasn't about to help them in any way. To be called useless wasn't exactly a compliment though, regardless of the situation and it was fortunate that such thoughts weren't spoken aloud. Eris was hardly making progress as it was really, he'd received a potentially useful bit of information but highly doubted this meeting was really worth the time. What had she even wanted him for?

He didn't return the pleasantries from the introduction, it had after all taken some prompting to get the Adravendi child to speak his name in the first place. Instead however a question would leave his lips; "Why did you call me?" It was something that was likely to bother him now he thought upon it again, it'd slipped his mind for a moment with other topics though he was certainly still curious as to what the female actually wanted.

Hunting was something that he and Soren had needed to practice upon arriving in Glaciem, slowly but surely Kismet could say he had improved, though by no means could he really be considered a particularly skilled hunter. He got by and for now it was good enough. Not really wanting to ask anything of Eris he simply shook his head in response. "I'm fine." Perhaps later he'd try go hunting with Soren but he didn't suddenly need someone stepping in to look after them now. A part of him was tempted to ask for help escaping, though he kept his mouth shut, certainly not trusting her enough just yet to share and form any sort of plan of escape. For all he knew it'd end up being a trap that might put he and Soren in a worse position than they already were.


04-27-2014, 07:52 PM

She wasn't exactly sure why she had called to him. Perhaps it was to distract herself from Irune's absence, perhaps it was to simply meet the child of Azalea and Isardis. She wasn't sure, and the fact that he questioned it- made it important that she come up with some satisfying answer. Her golden eyes strayed over his form, taking in his white coat and nearly tan markings that were like a ghosted image of his mother. "Why did you come? " She returned with a challenge but went on speaking, her tone softening. "I don't know why I called to you now, but take my offer of help should you need it here, Kismet. I'm a healer, and a friend . I'm not a miracle worker- I can't help you escape lest I get us both killed, but I want to help you in any way that I can- and keep you safe." A pause follows her words, "I owe the Valhallan wolves the life of my daughter. If helping to see that you are properly cared for is the only way I can repay them, I would like to do that."

She looks away from him, and then speaks again. "I am a healer, a friend- I swear on the life of my daughter and the debt I owe to the Valhallan wolves that I will not let any harm come to you as long as you reside under my care." Golden eyes search for his, "Let me help you." She practically begs.




3 Years
Extra large
04-28-2014, 06:04 PM

Why had he come? Curiosity. No one in the pack had paid he and Soren any real attention and the fact that someone had suddenly called out to them had been more than a little intriguing. The softened tones had certainly suggested it to be a safe meeting a chance for friendliness though Kismet couldn't say he was really that bothered by forming any sort of bond, he had simply been interested to find out what she wanted. To care for them it seemed, though that was something they didn't need. Freedom was what he craved, and from her answer it seemed that she couldn't help him with that.

"I was curious, no one in the pack had asked for Soren or I before. I wanted to know why we had suddenly caught someone's attention." It seemed she wasn't sure why she had though really, he wasn't hurt and didn't need the healer's care and he and Soren were coping with raising themselves even in the unhappy situation that they currently faced. "It's a little too late to show compassion really, why not seek us out before?" He questioned, perhaps a friend would have gone down better when they had first arrived, someone to comfort the two pups and assure them that things would be alright. "The only help we need is getting home, and if you can't do that there is nothing else for you to do." So bitter about it all, the begging wouldn't help her soften Kismet at all.


05-03-2014, 02:27 AM

She couldn't deny the mental sting that she felt at his words. With so much loss lately, she didn't know who to handle the simplest rejections. She felt irritation arise as he questioned why she hadn't come to them earlier. She didn't know what to say to the child, she knew most of his words were out of anger and she could only guess fear. It was terrifying to be a prisoner in a place, and since Isardis had fallen ill, the father that had taken the children hadn't been around to know them. That wasn't the kings fault, but she could only assume that it was frustrating. Letting out a sigh she stood, shaking her head slightly, nothing she could say would salvage this situation. "Perhaps I had not called sooner because I've been busy. Contrary to popular belief, being a healer is not a job for someone who is lazy." Her words were light, and she started to turn away from him.

"The day I helped you escape, would be the day I signed a death warrant for not only you and I, but Valhalla. I respect your mother's pack, and that's not something I can do for you. For that, I am sorry Kismet Adravendi." He was a pup, of course he wouldn't know the consequences that could become of her helping him escape. "Wait it out. Politics are a tricky thing, perhaps something shall happen that allows you to be released or when your father isn't nearly dying, he'll let you go." She paused again, taking a few steps away before turning to face the child once more. "But if you need anything, my den is always open." With that, she'd fall silent.

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3 Years
Extra large
05-03-2014, 05:32 AM

The talk it seemed would be short, Kismet after all was hardly making it an easy or pleasant conversation and it seemed Eris was accepting how difficult the boy was at the moment and would be willing to leave him in peace, turning away with a pause to add a few more final words. For starters the boy hadn't ever assumed anything about the role of a healer or any duty for that matter within a pack. All he'd known was the easy life of a child Epsilon in Valhalla and now this one of a prisoner. So far with the rest of the pack so busy it had hardly been a difficult life really, though it certainly wasn't one that he wanted to keep forever.

A death warrant? To be honest he hadn't really thought of the vaster consequences of he and Soren actually escaping, he certainly didn't wish to bring trouble to Valhalla either but they had to get out at some point. Perhaps politics were tricky, he had no idea but all the same why was it taking so long? He longed to know, but any excuse probably wouldn't do for Soren now, early on he'd been convinced that maybe Valhalla simply didn't care about them. As for Isardis, if he was just going to let them go what was the point in having them brought here in the first place?

And finally that offer for help if he needed it. He didn't thank her, or comment upon it at all, but silently he would keep it in mind. Mismatched eyes would watch her for a moment, his gaze slightly softer than when they had started, perhaps the only sign of gratefulness that the boy was able to offer right now. Without another word though, he would now turn his own back on Eris and leave, most likely to find his brother.