
A Good Bucking Day For Exploring!


04-24-2014, 02:13 AM
The sun had risen well above the horizon, casting its rays over the trees. Rikku had woken bright and early, the night mare she had came with not too long ago still dozing off beside her, but the girl didn't wanna wait anymore. As quietly as she could, she rose to her steadier legs and tip toed away from the scene, leaving Obsidian snoring softly as she made her way to unexplored grounds. She had smelled many foreign scents, though never saw a thing. She was curious, it seemed to plague her like a flea infestation and finally, she would see if she could find out what it was. Quieter then she thought herself possible, the young girl walked among the trees until she came to a field full of browning grasses. Tail wagged as ears raised high till they were pointing to the sky, a smile spreading across her face as she then burst forth without hesitation. She began to run and buck, her body swaying to and fro as she leaped and jumped into the air, legs kicking out as she enjoyed her little run. Perhaps she would find others like her, to play with...but who knew what the day held.
Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-24-2014, 05:04 PM
Erani Adravendi

She meandered through the forested patches in the plains, leaving her den behind, stretching her legs early in the morning. It was a lovely autumn morning, with cardinals singing in the trees, and larks singing high in the sky ahead over the plains. Another sound caught her attention, however. Familiar, and yet different. Her ears perked and she trotted forward, tail swaying slowly, and as she reached the break in the trees, the snowy Alpha Primary stopped her forward movement, watching the leggy young creature race and dance across the plains.

Erani settled on her haunches, head slightly cocked, deep blue pools following the foal?s erratic movements, a small smile tugging at her maw. This was the first time she?d ever seen a foal, or any other than Obsidian of the species. They were quite lively, it seemed. The smile turned to a grin, as she watched the foal dally and play. Time passed, and she guess it was perhaps an hour, maybe less, when she heard the pound of trotting hooves behind her. One ear cocked back and she glanced up at the large black mare as Obsidian came to a halt beside her. The mare looked a little alarmed, but relieved, and Erani guessed that the foal was under the mare?s care.

?I had no idea you weren't the last of your kind.? Low voice was gently amused as her eyes returned to the foal.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



13+ Years
Extra large
04-24-2014, 05:19 PM

Obsidian was having a very nice dream involving a certain large warhorse. A very very nice dream. All those powerful muscles. So it was no surprise that her young charge managed to sneak away from her while she was out. Galloping through beachside water, two sets of hooves thundering through the raring surf.. Damn, but he was a hunk. A long satisfied snort escaped her nostrils, and possibly a name. She hadn?t had a filly crush this bad since her show days. But alas, all good dreams must come to an end. And hers came to an end with a bump. A big cat pounced in front of her, crushing a foal to the ground under it?s weight. Rikku! The mare?s head shot up with a snarled snort, eyes popping open, dazedly darting around until they fell upon the empty space of grass, where a certain scamp of a foal had been asleep.

Obsidian was wide awake now. Rikku? Where was she? A flash of memory from the end of the dream crossed her mind. A big cat?s sinewy form slinking toward her. ?Rikku!? No, no, no. That would not do! Desperately, her nostrils flared, catching the wind, and she caught a wisp of the filly?s scent, and charged toward it. They were in Valhallan territory. Valhalla knew not to attack her but a foal? Erani?s scent mingled in the scent trail, and her wild charge slowed to a trot. Erani would never attack a creature that resembled herself, especially a young one. She knew Obsidian?s sadness at the possibility of being the only one left.

The white Alpha Primary turned her head to look at Obsidian, but Obsidian had eyes only for the foal charging about the plains. Alive. And playing. The little scamp. Obsidian let out a long sigh of both relief and exasperation. Erani?s words caught her attention, and that reminded her that she had a favor to ask. ?And I?m glad I?m not. But she won?t grow strong. I think she?d only a few days old, and her dam vanished. She needs milk. I know you know plants that can start a female?s milk? Can you do that for me?? The mare?s lyrical voice was pleading.


04-25-2014, 02:16 AM
The filly was enjoying herself quite immensely, her play time uninterrupted as she ran as fast as she could around the field, occasionally tossing her head and snorting. A few times, she had halted on a dime, dust settling around her before her legs picked up as if she were marching. She wondered if she could hit her chin with her knees, but each time she tried she found that she'd have to keep picking her legs up higher and higher; if she were a show horse she'd adore Dressage! If she knew what that was, of course. But alas, it seemed that in this world, much would be unknown to her...thankfully, she had come across Obsidian, and she knew all about that! Speaking of...Rikku turned her head, a white form that wasn't there before was now sitting there, watching her. Her full attention was focused on the white creature now, and lingering on the wind was Obsidian.

The filly snorted, and moments later her adoptive mother would come out of the trees. Was she going to chase away the white creature? No, it would seem not. The mare had stopped next to her, and seemed to be talking with her...curious. Rikku started a slow walk towards the pair, nostrils flaring as she took in Erani's scent. She decided that if Obsidian was friends with her, then so would she! The girl stopped a foot or so from Erani, brown gaze looking her over, a thoughtful and curious look in her eyes as her neck extended forward, nostrils flaring to take in the strange scent. "Hello! My name is Rikku, what are you?" Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10 Years
04-25-2014, 06:06 PM

The yearling was steadily growing, showing more signs of belonging to Gargoyle, Ocena, and Chrysanthe every day. Her muscles were becoming defined, her fur was shiny and becoming thicker with the current autumn chills. Not to mention that her eyes shimmered with a desire for knowledge and...something else. It was undefined at the moment, but in due time, the desire for the unknown feeling would be revealed. For now, she was slowly growing into her own person and that was all she needed.
The practice spars she had been having with wolves of her pack were making her more stable and toned. Along with the runs across the rolling hills and rock climbs she had experienced with Sibelle, Odette's body was becoming more of a machine than anything. She felt more alive after each workout, especially when she succeeded in each training session. Sometimes, she felt like there was nothing she couldn't do, but then again, she knew there were boundaries that couldn't be crossed. Once again, she would learn all in due time.
As the day was starting to begin, Odette was rolling in the shallows of Wolfpaw Lake. She had woken up early, as usual, and was able to get in a few sprints between the hills of her home and the large body of water. Her fur had been drenched in sweat and her body was screaming for relief of some kind. The dip in the water was what she had needed and as she walked back to the Plains, her body dried off in the rising sun. She thought about what she would get for breakfast, but something broke her concentration.
A miniature version of Obsidian was dancing and racing in an open area of grass. Odette watched from a nearby tree, enjoying the shade and cool breezes as the entertainment continued. She pondered where this little one had come from, but her answer was given when she saw Obsidian and Erani nearby. Excitement from seeing her grandmother rose in her chest and Odette took the chance of startling Rikku by walking in the direction of her peripheral vision. She happily trotted over to Erani, stopping just short of bumping into her. A loving nuzzle was given to the older female and Odette fondly cooed, "Grandma!"
The Gargoyle mini-me couldn't help but grin widely when her bi-colored eyes met the blue sapphires. It felt like it had been forever since she had seen the Alpha Primary. Ever since the wedding, Odette had been training nonstop around the vast Valhallan territories. She then looked up to Obsidian, who was sitting next to Erani, and happily barked. "Obsidian!" Gosh, how long had Odette been gone?
The foal had approached them by that time and Odette then turned her attention towards the young girl. "Hello!" she happily said, tail gently wagging behind her. "I haven't seen you here before...What's your name?"

"You" Think


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-25-2014, 07:53 PM
Erani Adravendi

Erani considered what Obsidian said, nodding slowly. ?I do know some plants. Whether they will work on you is up for debate, but we can always test it.? She cast a smile over her shoulder at the mare, before noting Odette?s scent on the air. Her granddaughter crossed the field to the Alpha Primary and Obsidian, and Erani stepped forward, placing a tender lick upon Odette?s brow. Granddaughter. Training hard? I?ll have to drop in on your mother?s next training session for you; I?d like to see how you?re progressing.? Her tail swept the ground beneath her, before curling about her hips.

The foal had noticed Erani and Obsidian by then, and had begun her approach, stopping a short distance away to stare at the wolf with wide eyed curiosity. She had a sweet voice when she spoke, and Erani smiled. ?Hello, Rikku. My name is Erani. I am a wolf, and I?m also the Queen of the lands here.? As Odette greeted the foal, Erani cast a smile up at Obsidian. ?Do all equines speak so well so early in life?? It was a question that had dabbled through her mind as Rikku had greeted her. Was it part of being prey, that all functions such as being able to run were already primed moments after birth? Did the speaking come with that? Or was Rikku particularly intelligent?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think