
queen of the snowfall


03-29-2014, 04:08 PM

White lips, pale face

Powerful pillars of a pallid hue take long, efficient strides across the terra, where the snow is almost completely melted and the air is hot. The thick pelt of the giantess is leaving her at a disadvantage, and she does not enjoy it. Raspberry toned pools find a cavern in the distance, and the huntress picks up the pace. Large paws strike the terrain with unearthly grace and silence, while her long tail sweeps across her tall heels with each step. Her chest is tight with unshed tears, but she holds them in, keeping her poise until she can be out of sight. The shadows at the mouth beckon, coax her inside where she can be on her own and let her emotions roil as they desire. Darkness envelops the snow queen, and she drops her crown between her powerful shoulders. Muscles begin to quake and shudder as the full enormity of it all begins to crash down on her. He'd left, he was gone now. Shrouded in darkness, the enormous lady gave into her emotions and collapsed in a heap in the corner of the cavern.

Tears welled up in her pale crimson optics, and her breath hitched in her throat. Rosen flanks would heave with sorrow as she began to cry, unable to handle her situation silently anymore. She had hidden away in the Glaciem lands for the sake of wishing to escape, and he had disappeared. Ubivat, the one man who had seemed to love her for who she was, had simply gotten up and abandoned her. Pink nose buried between giant paws as she laid her cranium on the cool stone floor and wept for her loss. For a few weeks she had believed he would return, but now she knew for sure he was gone. He asked me to be his mate, and then he just... left. Is it my fault? Was I being selfish by hiding away in Glaciem? What have I done? She asked herself quietly, sorrowfully, within the confines of her own head. She spent gods knew how long laying there, curled up on the floor, simply crying until there were no tears left.

Standing on shaky legs, the giantess began to walk further into the caverns, quiet now as she mulled over what to do now. She began to harden a little, looking around at the walls of the cave. There were little markings upon the stone, they looked vaguely like wolves, some like elk, caribou, moose. Others were two legged, with spears. It was strange, but undoubtedly interesting. Occasionally she would stop, sanguine orbs examining a large mosaic or a strangely painted scene, before continuing on. Her gaze was distant now, looking at the drawings but not seeing them, instead her mind whirled to recover from the blow to her heart. Normally she would not have been so affected by this, but she had become so close to Ubivat, they had such a wonderful relationship.

Tall audits would flicker as the sounds of movement caught her attention, and the great dame would slowly turn to face whomever was following her. A curious gaze would fall upon their features, tear swollen eyes watching them for a moment without speaking. "Good day, stranger." Soft lyrics would greet, vocals like the falling of snowflakes onto powdery drifts. She regained her usual poise, calm and assured as she stood before the stranger. "What brings you here?" She would inquire gently, long plume giving an absent flick at her hocks.

Breathing in the snowflakes.


04-05-2014, 08:42 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

Tired lilac orbs gazed into the distance as toned muscles went hard at work. They carried my massive frame away from the snowy lands of the frozen field with haste. My want to be there had long since expired; once horrid memories had been triggered. Although I had no idea where I was headed I also didn't seem to really care. It seemed as though my body had taken over any physical decisions for my mind was worlds away. A continuous loop kept playing within it that had completely pulled me away from the outside world. A loop which I could not escape, no matter how long I walked. The images played on like a broken record. Scenes of a certain bloody, mangled body being ripped apart by feline paws burned themselves forever in my mind. Over and over.

My mind whirled with the dark thoughts; causing a manifestation of dizziness to occur. I swayed from side to side as I carried onward, my pace slowing. Eventually I was forced to use a towering tree for support. As I looked down at the earth below me I could see tiny ants. They marched just in front of my paws; carrying objects twice their size. If I had taken one more step I would have destroyed them for sure; luck it seems was on their side this day.Their strength astounded me as I watched them march. Such small beings able to carry such mass and here I was, barely able to carry myself. The only weight on my shoulders was that of emotional mass. How pathetic.

As the last minuscule insect crossed my path I shook the weariness from my mind; raising my head as I did so. A quiet chuckle escaped my now curled lips as I gazed at what laid in front of me. The caves of the past, how ironic that my tortured soul subconsciously lead me to such a place. My past was the one thing that I tried so desperately to escape and here was a place dedicated to such a time. It seemed that the gods wished to see me suffer today. Who was I to disappoint them? With a heavy sigh I pushed my shaky limbs forward.

I walked within the dimly lit caverns for what seemed like eons. Crudely portrayed beasts painted the walls that lined both my sides. Curiously my eyes would linger on a few before passing by them; my mind still not quite right. It wasn't until a voice broke the silence that my attention was fully plucked from my own thoughts. A soft voice echoed throughout the barren cave. The gentle tone soothed the nerves inside my head. The she-wolf that owned those angelic vocals caught me by surprise; which seemed to be happening a lot these days. Her appearance mirrored that of her sound and I honestly did not know how to react to such a timid demeanor. "Oh..." I fumbled around for the right words, "good.. day?" All I could think of was to repeat her gesture even though I found It odd; a good day it surely was not. "My legs I suppose." I crept a bit closer to the the woman as I realized that she was far larger than I. Never before had I seen such mass on a wolf nor ever would I have thought it to be possessed by a female! I was quite impressed to say the least and quite interested to take a closer look at the giantess. "And what brings someone as soft sounding as you to these miserable caverns?"


04-22-2014, 05:29 PM

White lips, pale face

The man seemed confused by her, but was quick to recover. A small smile would creep onto her rosy lips as he fumbled for speech. "How good the day is depends on who you are, I think." She would sigh, cherry toned optics flicking away from the features of the stranger as she was swept up again. Dropping her haunches unceremoniously to the stone floor of the cavern, a powerful huff would shudder through her flanks. He would inquire after her business here, and the pallid giantess would give a small shrug of her none too petite shoulders. "I decided to find a bit of peace, my mate left me recently." She murmured, her vocals only to be described as wintry. Long, silken banner would fall to the floor beside her haunch, trailing out beside her like the stroke of a painter's brush.

Immense paws rested calmly on the ground as she regarded her conversation partner curiously. "And what about you, how come you're in the caves?" She would ask with a quirked brow, crown tilting slightly to one side as her crimson pools fixed on the stranger's ivory features. He was curious, his pale violet eyes holding a little sorrow. His markings were interesting, almost like those of a Siamese cat. Overall, nothing about him seemed suspicious, but her guard remained up. Slight tension was born by her lean chords of muscle, guarded orbs of pure garnet would remain fixed upon his features. Nothing in particular seemed off, but always better safe than sorry, as it seemed to be around here.

OOC: I'm sorry this post is both late and really crappy, low muse for Skadi. Actually, setting her inactive soon...


Breathing in the snowflakes.


04-26-2014, 02:29 PM

nevermind that noise you heard

I gazed at the white giantess with awe stricken lilac orbs. There was something about her appearance that seemed so familiar to me. Something about those pure white strands and that angel soft voice. That gentle demeanor. It reminded me of someone that I wished that I could forget. Oh how cruel the world was these days.

I returned the she-wolf's smile with a weak one of my own. It was... an odd gesture for me to preform. I did not care to show politeness or any general pleasantness to anyone. I just simply did not care to, but the awful likeness of this wolf to another that was so dear to me infected my beating organ with something unknown. Something that I thought was lost long ago, so long that I did not even know how to describe it. "I suppose so." I answered quietly. "To the eyes, a beautiful sunny day may seem pleasant, but to the heart it may bring back sorrowful memories." My gaze had wandered to one of the crude paintings of the cave; my mind being pulled back into itself.

The woman's movements brought my attention back to her; the soothing tones that came forth from her pale lips, capturing my nerves again and settling them back in their place. The answer to her sorrows baffled me. Sure I hadn't been one to take on a mate of my own, but for some brute to leave such a thing didn't seem like the smartest choice. The she-wolf held beauty and brawn, I had no doubt that she would spawn strong pups. What wolf wouldn't want that? Strong genetics were hard to find. "Well let me say that that mate of yours is a fool." My tone was stronger than before, emotion returning to my vocals. "He knows not of what he has left behind."

I mimicked her posture to make it more comfortable while speaking; nerve wreaked hind legs plopped down, long due for a rest. Most of the time I wanted to be big and bad in the presences of others, but today.... today I wanted some peace of my own. Though I often wondered whether or not that was possible for someone like me. Was peace even obtainable for the twisted and wicked? Was it even an option? I really wasn't sure anymore.

"I do hope my presence has not... disturbed your peace." I breathed quietly. My orbs trailed off onto the dimly lit cavern floor as the giant wolf questioned my own reasons for wandering to such a place. Honestly, I did not know how to answer. I had not chosen to come here, but it seemed that my mind wanted to punish me. It wanted me to remember something I did not care to acknowledge. "I... really don't know. Something inside me just... carried my legs this way. A force I was unable to control." My large skull lifted slightly and lost, lilac eyes stared off into the distance.

ooc: it's ok, that happens to me sometimes too c: awe that sucks, but I'm glad to be able to be in a thread with her before that happened c: