
A God Amongst Mortals


04-26-2014, 05:34 PM
The wind picked up, bellowing around the man like an unrelenting lion, caressing his fur away from his skin and making it rise along his spine, almost like the head of a sneaking snake. But what a fine day it was, yes indeed. The man lurched forward, powerful hind legs shoving off of the ground as his weight slammed down upon the husk of a once proud tree, claws adds insult to injury, scraping along the bark and clenching as he finds purchase. Just upon the boarder does he wait, storm grey eyes slashing mercilessly across the land as his head falls down to align with his spine.


The words rattle from his throat, vibrating and filling the area around him as his baritone?s sword fight with the wind. An-d pl-ah. His words clip to a halt as his lips slowly pull back away from his teeth. The syncopation in the pattern that he spoke in continued to echo around the area for a bit longer, his lips held steady above his teeth, tongue sliding casually along each elongated canine, dancing along the tip before smoothing over the others. Saliva slowly dances from the bottom of the masculine creatures maw, an unearthly growl slamming against the bars of his teeth before sliding into the air.

"Wh-at fun, we can have, to-get-her?"

The weapon employs before easily sliding his mass back onto the ground as he paces along the pack boarder. "If on-ly, you out?and?pl-ah." His voice finishes as he slowly tilts his head back. The mass of flesh along his neck bunches up, nostrils flaring as he scents the air, dragging each molecule through and examining it like a doctor during a check up. "Mmm?" Vocal cords vibrate, sending the sound with the wind as paws crush against ground.


04-26-2014, 06:01 PM

Since the earthquake the gorge isn't her favorite place to be, but it is a place that must be patrolled regardless of her personal feelings towards it. So the warrior queen patrols, at the moment her muscles in her long legs contract and release, propelling her forward at an easy lope. Ears pinned back against her head, so the wind doesn't buffet them, she moves along the sheer walls of the gorge- her violet eyes flicking around her, checking on things as she passes them. She slows near the border, to a trot her body falling into a relaxed state until she hears a voice carried on the wind. Ebony nose pokes the air, as she takes in deep breaths before moving towards the presumed speaker. Her eyes are met with a grey male, and she approaches him, her head raised high- a manner that shows her position.

"Who do you seek to play with?" She questions in a rebuttal to his strange words. She thinks he may not be all there in the head, but who is she to judge? Her stride halts, just on her side of the border and she stands- head lifted eyes, violet eyes blazing with curiosity as she waits for what else he may say. Who is he? Why is he here?



04-26-2014, 06:19 PM
The man pauses, his weight shifting over to the right and then rocking toward the left. His eyes move in a disjointed way, jerking slowly and sporadically over to Roman, his tongue slowly slides out of his mouth, just hanging and dripping with saliva as he obviously sizes her up, his eyes sliding along her flesh before moving back toward the tree. His head lowers suddenly aligning with his spine as his tail curls above his back, jaws snapping firmly together at the question as the silence seeps from him, taking moments not to answer as the tip of his tongue dances along his canines again.

Steps. His legs stretch forward, his body shifting as he approaches Roman, his gaze searching for hers as his vocal cords vibrate, the laughter sounding more slick and wet than dry and course. She wanted to know what we want to play with? This interested the man, and anything that caught his interest was subject to all sorts of fun. Maiming. Rape. Death. Alas, cruel he was not, insane perhaps, but the boarder between cruel and insane was often a fine one, isn?t it?

Soon though, while his mind is rambling he finds himself closer to her than required, his eyes only flicking toward her as his lips drop back over his teeth and then pull back into a sadistic smirk. ?We seek to pl-ah, with whatever and whom-ever, makes the mis-fortune?? He stops, his voice clipping, baritones reverberating as he twitches his nose only sharply sniffing at Roman. A distinct snort makes its way from his body as he snaps his teeth together. ?We see, we see. Th-is, is yours.?

He disconnects, muscles growing tense under him as his haunches lower just slightly, hind legs spreading as he goes to balance his weight. ?We supp-ose that here suits us, thou-gh?? The man trails off once again, tongue sliding back between his jaws as a tainted chuckle escapes him. ?We sha-ll he-lp, yes we will, yes we will, tho-ugh we ask to have our vic-tims left to us?? He finally finishes.


04-26-2014, 08:58 PM
He's crazy.

There is little doubt in the ivory woman as she thinks this. They way he looks at her, the way he moves. He has to be bloody insane, and of course he's at her borders. Briefly she's tempted to call to Qanik, to seek counsel from the older woman and perhaps help in case this insane bird attacks her. Of course he couldn't be normal, She grouses internally, watching him with slight amusement on her face as he reacts to her question. She wonders if he thinks himself a badass? She watches him as he approaches her, and she cannot help but wonder about him. Where did he come from? What brought him here.

He speaks and his words make little sense to her, they're disjointed- random, the tones are confusing. He sniffs at her, speaking of it being hers and she only assumes he means the land. "It is my pack land," she confirms, her voice strong. From the words that follow, she can only assume that he wishes to seek residence in Tortuga, and she mentally groans- though she guesses that every family could use an insane person. "I am Roman, the Queen of Tortuga, the name of the pack that this land belongs too. Who are you? Do you seek to join our ranks, and if you do.. what can you offer us?" Yes, when confronted by crazies, sometimes its best to stick with business. Maybe the questions will be too much and the insane creature will simply leave. Or perhaps he is useful.


04-26-2014, 09:18 PM
Just as suddenly that she captured his attention, she loses it just as quickly. The man?s gaze slowly drifts away, crawling towards the cracks in the land as if that held more potential than this conversation. But his eyes twitch; slithering back to Roman as he suddenly flashes his canines, lips drawing upward at her question. Not in a threat, no, he had no reason to threaten those around him, but it was the answer to her question.

His lips though relax back over his canines, his head tilting deliberately over as he continues to assess her worthiness of him. Rapidly his mind dismisses her, already deeming her unworthy of the honor of his seed. The man sluggishly snaps his jaws together, saliva being sentenced to the air around him as he chuckles ominously under his breath.

Queen? His conscious plays with the title, and then dismisses it as well. Perhaps to her people she was, but to him, she was just someone that was standing between him and a multitude of potential victims. Systematically his lips pull back into a smirk, nostrils pinching as he scents the air once more. ?Sin-cl-air.? His disconnected speech clips the family name.

So many questions, all at once, too much speaking. His mind rattles against the chains, storm gaze narrowing suddenly as he nods. ?Bl-ood.? Another word the man echoes, his ears abruptly tilting back as he goes to listen behind himself.



5 Years
04-26-2014, 10:16 PM
The small female wasn't one to follow others. She was more of one to keep to herself, watch at a distance. So, when she would find Roman speaking with a male at the Tortugan borders, it was no shock that Misha had been keeping a distance. But, just as things would seem to get interesting, the fae would begin to inch closer to the two. Her ears would twitch as their voices became into clear words, the last words she would understand would be blood which had come out of the male's maw. Misha would make her way towards the two and greet Roman in a bow, sitting at her right side.


04-26-2014, 11:46 PM
She's clearly missing something, but she's not sure what it is. Roman Armada wasn't fond of many things, but she mostly loathed confusion. Confusion is what she felt in this moment as she watched the strange gray creature. One thought is so clear in her mind, he's a danger. Not to her, no, she isn't daunted by the likes of the insane- but to her family and that alone puts her on edge. Nothing will harm her pack, she would die before she allowed that. He snapped, and she's unsure what he's snapping at so she doesn't react- dismissing it. He's not worth her retort, yet. It takes him a while, something that she's becoming accustomed too. Finally, he introduces himself, Sinclair..

Her nose twitches as she scents another, and as the insane creature goes on about blood, Misha appears and seats herself on Roman's right. Her ear flicks towards the woman, but that is all the greeting she spares- the word blood causes Roman's fur to bristle, and she steps forward a mere half-step angling herself so that she's between Misha and the insanity, known as Sinclair. It's a reaction to protect the other female, should he attack. She feels her heart rate speed up, her bodies reaction to the tension she feels. "You offer us blood?" This time her tone leaves her in a firm bark, she's growing weary of this strangers insanity. The question leaves no room not to be answered. She's losing any patience she once felt.


04-27-2014, 12:09 AM

One eye slowly flits over to the second female that decided it would be a good idea to join in the little meeting. The male watches Misha, a slow smile creeping along his face as his tongue once again slides over his teeth, and dances along his lips. The male tilts his head up, sniffing leisurely at the air as his vocal cords rumble his interest at the situation. Ah, another victim. His minds taps on the walls of his sanity as he paces himself, his body slowly beginning to shake as if he was about to flick water from his fur.

?Ye-s.? The male answers, his mind spinning as the rabid urges press him, no urge him onward. The threads of self restraint slowly slipping away as he stands there. But then Roman moves between him and Misha. Pity, his thoughts ring out, tongue within his mouth once again as the trembles that racketed his body soon fade away.

Pack wolves, how interesting, I wonder if they taste the same as rouges? His mind idles and then wanders, before he nods back toward Roman. The tense, he could taste it though, the word blood seemed to set everyone but him on edge. Not worthy. He agrees with himself in his mind. ?So-me smash plants, oth-ers offer bl-ood.? He explains, the man trying to describe the position of a warrior but not exactly having the right words for it.

?Our te-eth?? Imonde clips eagerly, ?sha-ll offer the bl-ood of en-em-ies.?



5 Years
04-27-2014, 10:19 AM
I got my red dress on tonight

dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight

The fae would widen her blue grey irises when his words and intentions became clear to her. It was hard to understand all of his line breaks and pauses in a sentence, but she had caught on quickly. Misha would sigh when Roman would step over her out of protection. "No my Queen, I'm supposed to protect you," she would say, now instead of being behind Roman, she was in front of her Queen and between the Rogue. She would bare her teeth at the male, pearly white ivory daggers ready to be stained with blood. "If you step over that border line, you're dead." The femme would say, her words dropping like ice.

throw my hair up real big, beauty queen stylehigh heels off I'm feeling alive


04-28-2014, 12:16 AM
Roman is very confused now. She can't deny it and wouldn't deny it. What could she do with this? She felt her ears flatten slightly as Misha moved forward to protect her, and though the bravery of the other woman was admirable, she felt a prickle of frustration. Before she could combat her words the little woman was issuing threats at the stranger. Sighing, she moved, until she was facing the stranger, this time at the side of Misha. "I don't think that I need protecting from him Misha." She slowly looked at him. "So you're offering to bring us the blood of our enemies?" She spoke, trying to clarify the situation. Perhaps she could salvage this, and seriously she'd have to discuss this protection thing with Misha at a later date.


04-28-2014, 08:31 AM
Threaten? Us?

No one threatened the monarchy of the Divine without some type of retribution, just like no one touched the walking embodiment without permission. So when the second lady spoke, stepping in front of Roman and issued a death threat at him from the safety of her boarders and numbers...Well this just made him scoff, first it was quiet, and then the scoff turned into a deep rumbling laughter as he shook his head. A step was taken forward, head pressed down to align with his spine again, tail lowering to fall in line as well as he balanced his body. Hind legs spread, muscles along powerful haunches growing taunt as the claws in his back paws dug into the ground to stabilize the bloodthirsty creature as his eyes darkly rests upon Misha. "We are more than happy to oblige." The sentence was eerily compete, his words strung together perfectly as he stares at Misha, waiting for the female to make the first move against him, how he wondered what her heart would taste like, would it be sweet, like the innocent creature she appeared to be? Or would it leave a bitter taste in his mouth? Something to be pondered upon he supposes.

Then Roman pushes back around the female, the two standing side by side as one threatened and one questioned, how funny this was. Worthless. His mind chimed, his head suddenly turning off to the left side as he glances back at the direction from which he came. How tempting it was to just leave and beckon the second female to follow along to be butchered outside of the safety of her pack lands and numbers. A one on one fight, the thought amused him, enough that the snarl cut from his body as he falls silent once again. The male couldn't stop the nagging feeling that this pack was weak and that he would constantly have to snap his jaws at one fool or another to keep them from getting themselves killed, Misha was the perfect example of this. All talk, and no action, relying on her pack for protection instead of her own strength, he could taste the weakness in the air.

Predatory nature was first, but soon he swings his head around, this time staring directly at Roman. "The sub-ordi-nate steps in front of the alpha, when has this ever been all-owed?" He croons darkly, his eyes narrowing at Roman as he comments on the dominance she seems to clearly lack. "We cannot ignore what we see, dis-obed-ience and weak-ness, both are not tole-rated, we will find some-place else that is wor-thy." His gaze slowly slashes toward Misha, jaws snapping together firmly in warning. "You are more than wel-come to follow along if you wish to learn your pro-per place." He offers before suddenly turning, the male first leaping over the fallen tree and vanishing into the environment.

-exit Imonde-



5 Years
04-28-2014, 05:11 PM
I got my red dress on tonight

dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight

Misha would narrow her eyes, shaking her head. "It is far from disobedience, I'm protecting her. That's what families do," she would say, spitting the last word out at him. "And I know my place, sweetheart, but you're not one to show me," Misha would say, watching as the male would walk away. Despicable, he was.. She turned to Roman and bowed "I'm sorry Milady, I was just being loyal to this pack.." Misha would say, in case there was any disobedient things done in the process of this conversation. When Misha had become part of Tortuga, she had become part of their pack, their family. And that means protecting them at all costs..

throw my hair up real big, beauty queen stylehigh heels off I'm feeling alive