
I Touch Myself


04-04-2014, 11:52 PM
In the dimming light of the evening, the woman continued her pursuits south. She didn't like straying from her territory too far. She would eventually need to seek out the packs in the Southern regions and meet their rulers, but today, she was out for personal reasons. She needed some space to clear her head. A lot had happened in such a short amount of time. From seeing Fugue to the earthquake. It had been emotionally tumultuous. A night away to clear her mind was well needed. The orchard that now held her interest spoke of once beautiful place. She could smell fruit, some apparently still grew here. Curiously, she would look up at the trees as she passed under them, her dark violet eyes twinkling in curiosity in the dimming evening light. The smell of both fresh and rotting fruit was nearly over-powerful, but it was also an interesting change of pace. She wondered how the trees had grown these neat, as if someone had planned it. It was such a curious thing.

Rearing back on her hind-legs, she lunged upward her jaws coming to close on a small fruit. As her teeth punctured its skin, she could taste a sweet liquid. And she remembered, it was an apple. That was why the smell was so familiar. She landed back on the ground lightly, her tail wagging in slight excitement. She had eaten her first apple back when she was traveling to find her father. She had witnessed another rouge eating one, and had to see what the fuss was about. She loved them! Resting onto her rump, she gently moved her jaws so that she could eat the fruit, her mind buzzing with past memories. When she was done, she looked up- taking a deep breath, she could scent another. Who else was there? Pushing herself to her paws, she looked around- waiting for the other wolf to get closer.


04-05-2014, 07:26 PM

She had been dozing within the orchard, resting beneath a tree. Ever since the quake, she had spent most of her time with Aeron, but she had wanted to spend tonight alone and so her paws had carried her here. Her wounds were healing, including her ear, it had scabbed over and was now nothing more than tattered flesh. The rest of her minor wounds had healed over without a scar and her bruised had faded into nothing.

The distinct sound of another wolf would wake her, causing the queen to lift her head. Verdant gems would look around, seeing no one, but as nostrils quivered, she could smell the wolf nearby, hearing the crunching of leaves beneath the strangers feet. Pale limbs would push the woman up, she took a moment to shake the debris from her pelt before setting out to find the wolf.

She tried to be quiet, but with fall taking its hold, leavings had fallen and died, crunching beneath her weight. It would not take long for the pale wolf to come into view, the red woman taking a moment before slipping from the shadows.

Nostrils quivered, she didn't know the scent of Tortuga, so this woman would be nothing more than a strange pack wolf. The woman would halt a respectable distance away. The stranger was only a few inches smaller than herself, her coat ivory, marred only by a few strange markings on her hip and face.

"I hope I'm not intruding."



04-06-2014, 02:17 AM
The memories surrounding her apple adventure were bittersweet. The rouge she had befriended she had long since forgotten. She wondered where Kodi had disappeared too. The gentle female was one of her travel companions for the longest- on her journey to Alacritis. Roman wondered what had happened to her. Shaking that thought as she licked the last traces of apple from her jaws- looking around trying to find the source of the strange scent. The other wolf was female, and not of any pack from what Roman could tell. There was an ever so slight familiarity to the scent, but she shrugged it off- assuming it was merely their shared location. At the approach of the other, she would turn- her violet eyes studying the frame of a russet woman. When the other spoke, she felt a polite smile tug at her jaws.

"You're not." She spoke strongly, going on to say "But perhaps I am?" She questioned slightly. She studied the other woman, regarding her, while waiting for a reply. Scoffing at herself mentally, she remembered that while she was a Queen, others didn't know that- she could introduce herself, but she decided that, introductions could wait until she could see if this stranger even wanted conversation.

ooc: I lost this post three times. Three. But I FINALLY got it up, because I love you.


04-06-2014, 07:08 PM

The woman would smile politely, reassuring her than she was not interrupting, however the woman was concerned that maybe she had. A small smile played on a creamy lips as she shook her russet crown. "Not at all." She would wait a moment to see if perhaps the woman continue on the conversation, but the pale woman stood quietly. Lips would part once more, words flowing easily off her tongue. "I am Sibelle." An introduction would be made, testing to see if the woman wanted any company. She purposely left off her last name, having disowned it long ago, and there was no need to frighten strangers away with her fathers name. She would wait for the woman to speak before rocking back onto her haunches, placing herself comfortably on the ground, plume curling around to rest on her toes.

ooc: I lost my first post and was like o.O



04-08-2014, 02:02 AM
Something about the other woman struck some familiarity, as if she had seen her before. She couldn't quite place it, and she committed the name to memory as the other woman introduced herself. "I am Roman Armada, Queen of Tortuga." She would introduce herself, and state her affiliation, though she could not scent a pack on the russet colored stranger. She was unsure how to proceed with conversation, her mind kept drifting back to memories and it didn't seem to focus much on the present. "Sibelle is a lovely name, do you know it's origin?" She questioned, trying to create some sort of conversation to maintain. She settled back on her haunches, her ivory tail coming to wrap around her. She sat elegantly poised, waiting for the other woman to speak, a polite smile on her ebony lined jaws.


04-24-2014, 04:09 PM

Armada. Brows lifted in surprise that was not well hidden. This woman was her sister? She knew her father had plenty of kids, but she never thought she would meet any of them aside from Falk and Taurig. Nor did she ever expect to meet one that wasn't part of Glaciem. "Well it would seem we are sisters. Your father is Isardis?" Her crown would tip to the side, now curious in this woman. She didn't appear to be anything like their father. The pale Queen commented on her name, bringing a smile to her russet face. "My mother gave it to me, but I don't know where she came up with it." For the moment, the meeting was awkward, neither seemed to know how to continue. But perhaps their lineage would spark some conversation, maybe even a friendship. The russet woman only ever knew her little sister, but she had long disappeared, she was nowhere to be found.



04-27-2014, 12:02 AM

'Lo and behold, it seemed that Roman could find yet another sibling- another person she was related too by blood, as Sibelle spoke she felt a slight smile pull at her face, and she nodded speak. "My father is indeed, Isardis." The colors were so different between the two, it was hard to believe that they could be related. "I've met a lot of brothers, and younger sisters, but it seems you're the first that I would venture is near my age." She says, and she feels excited. Her tail wags slightly behind her, and even though she's experienced vast disappointments when it comes to family, she cannot help but feel excited at the prospect of a sister, a sister! Sibelle talks about her name, and Roman nods, "At least your mother has good taste in names. My mother orginally called me, Nerea. Do I look like a Nerea?" She chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "I changed my name after I left in search of Isardis, Roman suits me better I think." She explained, thinking for a few seconds of how she had chosen the name before her attention was again on Sibelle.



05-08-2014, 07:10 PM

The woman would smile, confirming that they indeed shared the same father. It would seem that they had a multitude of siblings, though Sibelle only knew a few. She assumed that most of her siblings resided in Glaciem. "I know my litter mates, Falk and Eulari, and then my older brother Taurig." The woman had no plans of venturing to Glaciem, even if it was to meet more of her family. She had no desire to see her father anytime soon. The pale woman brought her mother, causing the woman to chuckle, nodding in agreement. She would then bring up her original name, Nerea. "It seemed both our mothers have a thing for unique names." Would she ever meet anyone in her family with a normal name? Probably not, they were all destined to be great. "What made you choose Roman?" She liked the name, but why change it from her original one?