
for the love of god help me D:



04-27-2014, 12:02 AM

Loki was completely, utterly at a loss. When he'd come upon Daegmar's den, with Hati and the young Glaciem wolf there, he'd been able to concentrate on nothing more than just getting his pups away from there. But where? The first safe place in his mind was Valhalla. He'd made it his business to keep track of his brothers, so he'd tracked both Thor and Baldur to the edge of Valhalla territory and had a pretty good idea that they'd joined, so his first thought was to bring the pups there, get their help in protecting them. Who better to do so than Thor and Baldur? He may treat them both contemptuously for it, but his two brothers were the staunchest, most loyal and good wolves he knew and he could only hope that he hadn't driven them away to the point that they'd turn their backs on him when he came begging help. But this pack, this was were Erani, and Shilah, and Imena all called home. All healers who had shown themselves to care less about who they were treating as just doing their job.

So here he was. The border of Valhalla. Alone, but for the four terribly small pups squirming at his paws. They had begun squeaking in what he could only assume was hunger, which is when it occurred to the male that he... supposedly so intelligent, so sly, so clever... had not considered how he was supposed to feed them. They were so young, he couldn't just feed them from his own stomach. They still needed milk.

He'd only planned to find a den here in the no-man's land outside the Valhallan territory to raise them near his brothers, but this changed things. He needed a nursemade for them, and now. The hungry squeaks were getting increasingly loud, and with them Loki was getting increasingly frantic, trying to think but not quite sure what to do. Would they even help him? Only one way to find out.

Dark head rose to the sky as he called out to his brothers, to Erani, Shilah and Imena... anyone in Valhalla who might be able to help him.

OOC: Basically tagged just about anyone in Valhalla Loki may have met - feel free to post or not, Loki can catch up with them later if he feels like it. :) Others also welcome.




4 Years
04-27-2014, 07:36 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 07:40 AM by Baldur.)
ooc: BEHOLD! My inability to resiste temptation. xD Just had to have Baldur hear to witness this. Feel free to skip him in the next round or two I do alright with catching up and he can always be spacing out or hallucinating. Thanks!

Memories are just where you laid them

Drag the waters til the depths give up their dead

Baldur was finally given permission to leave his den as long as he promised to take it easy. The respiratory infection had passed but he still felt incredibly weak. His limbs shook ever so slightly as he moved but the brute was determined to go for a walk this morning despite the building clouds overhead that threatened rain. Baldur desperately needed the fresh air and a chance to move. Being holed up in his den with his fever-adled brain had about driven him to the breaking point. Nightmares of a dubious nature, a femme he swore he knew but could not name. And Hodr? he still feared for his twin who was waiting for them but he knew? he knew they'd have to wait for winter when the lake and channel were frozen enough to cross over once more into their homeland.

Ice blue gaze turned skyward as he watched the darkening clouds. There was still enough time for a walk he was certain and he was already at the border. Maybe half a league would be sufficient then he'd head back? Yea? that sounded like a plan. Slow and cautious, Baldur gingerly picked out his steps, focusing on his breathing as he moved.

Squeak! The brute's nose wrinkled as his ear twitched. Squeak!

What in the world? He heard puppies! No, no surely this was some remnant of his fever dreams. Why would puppies be on the border? and this scent?. Loki? No, no, this was definitely some sort of hellish dream. He probably hadn't even left the den, or perhaps he was sleep walking. Then there was the howl and he began to question if this was all real.

Baldur moved quickly toward the call and soon came upon the most bizarre of sites. His elder brother with four?very, very young pups. Head tilted drastically to the side as he eyed what was surely a hallucination. "Loki?! For the love of the stars please tell me you didn't steal those. What are you doing with babies?"

Oh, hold me now I feel contagious

Am I the only place that you've left to go?



04-27-2014, 09:07 AM

The crisp chill of autumn was upon them, nights became cold and frost coated the ground. Everything seemed to sound loud in the stilled air or dawn. The cloud of visible breath leaving her parting muzzle only worried her. Soon winter would be here along with sickness and shortage of prey. For a pack this size it meant gathering all she could. Thank fully they had a lot of healers in the pack. She would need to gather them soon to go over a plan for winter. She needed to be in the loop of who was currently sick and the such.

The dawn found her roaming through Valhalla with no set destination. She was used to getting up early for a good start of harvesting herbs. But now that her stocks were overfull she didn't need to do that. But the habit of waking early did not cease. She wasn't sure how long time had passed when a call ran out. Head tilted to the side trying to place that voice till she thought of the black male Shilah and she had assisted. Shaking out her dark fur, now thick and plush for winter, she set off. Before she came to the scene the cries of hungry young pups perked her ears up. What were pups doing out here when rain would surely break soon? Her paws moved faster, frantic till he saw them. Sliding to a stop next to Baldur her sky blue gaze landed on Loki before the pups and back up to him again. Loki..i don't know where you got these pups but they need their mother's milk. They are far too young to be without her and surely they are cold. She took two steps forwards. Her gaze trapped on the little bundles. Sighing with longing and a tenderness only shown towards pups she moved in.

Laying down before Loki she looked back up at him, eyes slightly hard.Let me see them and give them an over all check while you explain. She said. It wasn't a question but a demand. Her demand to do her job as Primary Eta and a Den Mother since she was a yearling. She cared not if he argued, she snap at him. Slowly she reached for a pup to pull towards her belly to keep it warm and inspect it eyes, nose, ears, and every nook and cranny on a pup. Once satisfied the pup was healthy she gave it a few licks the warm the body before turning her gaze to Loki for another pup.




10 Years
04-27-2014, 09:35 AM

The weather that was brewing above made most of the Vahalla wolves remain in their dens. Rain that was potentially combined with harsh winds and the chilling air of autumn made the atmosphere that much more annoying to walk through. Fortunately, Odette was not like most of her pack members. She preferred to do what others were hesitant to attempt, so this explained why she was out on her own. The rain had not come yet, but she knew it would any minute. More of a challenge for the stubborn yearling!

Odette had decided to take a small break from warrior training that morning. She had neglected both hunting and healing lessons, so she intended to learn from Imena that day. The decision hadn't been discussef, making Odette hopd that the female would not be busy. Her nose twitched as she found Imena's scent, which stretched across the Plains to one of their borders. She followed it at a leisurely pace, hoping to find her there.
What she came upon was a huddle of wolves. She inmediately recognized her pack mates, but not the dark male with four little bundles. Her eyebrows rose and as she reached the small group, she caught the end of what Imena said. Odette found herself walking to Baldur's right side, where she brushed herself against him until she ceased her walk. Red and blue eyes looked at Baldur in silent awe, questioning what was taking place. Her gaze then moved to Imena and she assessed what the lead healer was doing. A soft clear of her throat let Imena know of her presence and if their eyes met, the older fae would know Odette was willing to help in any way possible. Lesson one was on its way to start!



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
04-27-2014, 04:23 PM

A pair of startled green eyes popped open. Loki? Thor rolled to his paws and stood with his nosed lifted; drawing in several huffs of air. The call was unmistakable--it definitely was him--but what on earth was Loki doing in Valhalla? He sounded as if he needed help, but come on, it was Loki. When did he ever call for help? Thor froze. He might ask for it if he had no other choice. Quickly, Thor lit out across the terra in search of his brother.

Reaching the huddle of wolves, Thor shouldered his way into the group. "What's going on? Is everything..." He trailed off as his eyes fell upon the cluster of puppies. Uh...what? His eyes went to Loki and his brain misfired, piecing together a string of sounds that made absolutely no sense but fell out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Whurdjuwgeht-" Mouth and eyes slamming shut, Thor shook his head to clear it and then tried again. "Where did you get those?" His ears flicked back. In the old pack they just took whatever they wanted, but why would he want puppies? Suspicious, he asked, "Where's their mother?" Not for one second did he consider the idea that Loki might have a mate.

Tentatively, Thor stretched out his neck to sniff one of the puppies in the same manner he would use to check out a potentially dangerous animal. They didn't smell like a pack or anything. Or...well, maybe they did, he wasn't sure, mostly they just smelled like babies and Loki, which was a potent combination. His brief examination over, the brute straightened and fixed his eyes on Loki. He couldn't wait for the story his brother had to tell.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-27-2014, 04:41 PM
Erani Adravendi

She was enjoying a relaxing autumn nap beside Cairo?s grave when the call filtered through the light haze of dreamy slumber. One ear perked, before her head lifted, one foreleg curled to her breast while the one against the ground pressed more firmly against the leaf ridden earth. She blinked a few times, clearing the sleep from her eyes, and then rose quickly to her paws, taking off at a measured lope. Calls for help were not uncommon, but far apart. As she headed toward it, the wind turned in her favor, bringing with it the scent of Loki, and pups. Odette, Imena, Thor, and Baldur were present as well.

Her paws fell instinctively upon the most silent placements, so when she arrived, only the most observant would notice her initial arrival, until her voice announced her presence to those who may not have noted the snowy Queen?s arrival. ?What is going on here?? Soft, and commanding, her velvet toned voice rolled through the scene as she stepped past her Valhallans to bear upon Loki and the four very young pups. Deep blue pools seared into the male?s verdant green eyes, one word leaving her jaws. ?Explain.? The others were ignored for the moment as she waited for an explanation as to why Loki was here on her borders with four pups who were too young to be without a mother?s milk. There was far more to her bearing than the last time he?d seen her. The way she held herself had become ever more graceful, her tail raised in a hint of her power in these lands.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Loki 1


6 Years
04-27-2014, 07:00 PM

Loki didn't have long to wait, though to him it felt like eternity, before Baldur's pale form showed up. The initial surge of relief switch instantly into indignation, however, at his words. "Wh - what? No, I did not steal them," he retorted defensively. "They're - are you sick?!" He laid his ears back protectively. "You just stay right where you are, Baldur Hroovitnisson, and keep your germs off the babies."

Whatever further reply he may have made was forestalled by the sudden frantic appearance of Imena, who proceeded to speak scoldingly to him about the age of the pups and how they needed milk, which he knew and was in fact why he was here but the retort went unsaid as his green eyes narrowed calculatingly at the tender expression on her face when she gazed at the pups. Hmmm.

But she'd quickly moved on while he'd been considering the implications, taking up one of the babies before he could react. "Hey!" he snarled, silky fur bristling in the space of a heartbeat, face contorted in fury. But all he could do for fear of harming the pup she'd snatched was hunch protectively over the three remaining pups. Yet another Valhallan wolf appeared, though this young female was unknown to him and made no move to come any closer than Baldur, nor did she speak judgmentally or condescendingly to him, so past keeping a wary eye on her he didn't acknowledge her presence.

The young female was quickly followed the oddly comical appearance of his littermate, who seemed unable to string together a coherent sentence at first. Loki could not help but grin maliciously, though when he spoke suspiciously and sniffed at one of the pups still huddled mewling at Loki's paws the grin turned to a glare as he scooted the pups away from Thor.

"They don't have a mother," he stated sharply. "And I would have you all stop insinuating I stole them, because..." He stopped speaking suddenly, the hair on his back prickling at the sudden feeling of paranoia, of something having changed, right before a voice he quite recognized spoke up coldly. Had he arms, he'd have thrown them in the air in exasperation. "Oh, for goodness sake," he muttered, barely resisting the urge to roll his eyes. Why did everyone insist on being suspicious of him?

"As I have been attempting to explain," he snapped, thoroughly disgruntled. "I have a bit of a problem." One of the pups squealed, nosing at his leg, and Loki instantly dropped his attention to soothing her with his nose, tucking her in closer to her siblings. The momentary distraction served to cool his growing temper, and he huffed out a breath and began again in a more even tone.

"These are my pups. The mother did not want them and would have killed them had I not taken them now. I know they are too young but I had no choice. Please," the word caught in his throat, caught on his pride, for the male never truly asking for help like this, "I need help. I can't feed them, I don't know how to take care of them." He took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. "...Please."




04-27-2014, 07:28 PM

She ignored Loki's snarl as she took the pup. Her full attention was on the pup before her. So young and little. She was aware of others arriving and glanced up to see Odette had joined them. With a smile to the girl she beckoned her over with a wave of her tail. She liked the young girl, always cheerful and willing to help. A cousin, maybe more like a little sister in the eyes of the Eta. Head lifted in time to see Erani join them and Loki explain. Loki I need to see the pups. They are the important ones, let me check over their health. She stated in a calm voice, eyes fixed on the male.Odette can help me in keeping them warm while you and Erani discuss things out. She added and turned to the white female.

Imena begged that Erani would let the pups stay. She'd personally take care of the pups if needed. Her heart already went out to the four little bundles. What wolf did not want their own pups? Their own flesh and blood. Pups were precious, the future of the species, the joy in life. She could not imagine never wanting pups that she might bear one day, if that day ever came.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2014, 03:41 PM
Erani Adravendi

As Loki seemed panicked by everyone?s crowding over his litter, Erani uttered a sharp snarl to those who crowded the closest. There was enough ice in her tone to acknowledge that whomever didn?t obey immediately and give the male and his brood space would get a bite in the rump to remind them that she wasn?t all gentle words and diplomacy. ?Respect his space, Valhallans. He?s anxious enough as it is.? Her eyes landed on Imena. ?We generally ask a parent?s permission first before touching the children, Imena. Respect his boundaries, please.? Her eyes turned to Loki, listening to his words.

She could tell that ?please? and begging wasn?t something he did normally, and that it ate at his pride. So she spoke gently. ?You and your children will be allowed to stay just beyond the borders of the pack. Our numbers are reaching the point to where the prey numbers will suffer, and thus, so will my pack. As for a mother figure? We?ve recently had a female birth a healthy litter, but she is wary of strange males. For good reason.? Her eyes dropped to the pups, deep blue pools warm. ?I know of herbs that will send a female into lactation, though the simple act of pups suckling can facilitate it as well.?

Quietly, her gaze turned to Imena. ?You will mother them.? Her eyes turned to Loki. ?If that is alright with you??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



10 Years
05-02-2014, 12:04 AM

Odette didn't move from her spot until Erani finished speaking. She was told to maintain a respectful distance from Loki and his pups. The direction was something she would not go against, unless Erani dubbed it a good decision. So, she waited until Loki relaxed and Erani gave the "Okay" for Imena to mother his pups. Silently, she walked and stood beside her grandmother before taking a few timid steps forward.
The Gargoyle mini-me lowered herself on the ground, a few inches from Imena and about a foot from Loki's front paws. The pups were still whimpering and struggling to maintain warmth from their dad's body. She scooted across the very small amount of ground to get closer, but continued to stay away from Loki's personal bubble. Her red and blue eyes looked around at the tiny bundles of fur, but she did not dare take one from his side. Her gaze met his and she softly asked, "Will you permit me to warm one of your dear children, Loki? I won't do anything without your say so." Slowly, she looked at Imena before glancing up at Erani, hoping that it was the right decision to make.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
05-03-2014, 08:06 PM

Thor's ears flattened as Loki pulled the puppy away from him like he was going to hurt it. Come on, really? Out of the two of them, it was Loki who would probably do the most harm. He'd already taken them from wherever they belonged. Was that not harm?

"They don't have a mother." Loki said, causing Thor to snort derisively. Loki went on... "And I would have you all stop insinuating I stole them, because-" ...and Thor snorted again. Yeah. Those puppies were about as not stolen as Thor's father had been not cray cray.

Thor snorted again at Loki's statement of him having a problem. Of course he had a problem...he stole puppies. Anyone who ever stole a pup from its mother had issues regardless of circumstances. It was something that was extremely hard to justify and there was no way Loki of all wolves would have a good reason. He just wasn't the type.

"These are my pups. The mother did not want them and would have killed them had I not taken them now. I know they are too young but I had no choice. Please," Thor's eyes had been squinted in suspicion up until the word 'please'. Loki...said please. The brute looked around at the faces of those gathered. Was this some kind of weird joke? Or worse. Was he dead? Was this some kind of dark humored hell that he was going to have to rot in now? Yeah, he had to be dead, because not only had Loki, the most arrogant wolf Thor knew, called for help, but he'd said please. The brute couldn't remember the last time he'd heard Loki say the word, if he'd ever heard it at all. His brother just wasn't the type.

Loki's further use of the words 'help' and 'please' and his admission that he didn't know what to do finally managed to make a crack in Thor's certainty. A tiny sliver of doubt worked its way in. Okay, so if those really were Loki's why had Loki taken them? Did he really care for them? If he did care...what? That was possible? Thor assumed that the place where Loki's heart was supposed to be was filled with snark and a sticky black substance. That he might actually care about those pups (who may or may not be his) was more stunning than if Loki had come up and told him that he (Loki) could shoot lightning out of his butt...and then proved it.

Erani took over and as the conversation turned to lactating Thor felt his ears go red. As she explained that it was possible to make a female produce milk by letting thought his ears were going to burst into flame. He made a point not to look at Imena. In fact, he made a point not to look at anyone and turned his gaze to the horizon where it was safe.

As he was staring at the sun it occurred to him that if these pups were Loki's than he was their uncle. This revelation was stunning. Of course he'd expected to have nieces and nephews at some point, mostly because it was expected of them, but now that it was (possibly) happening he wasn't sure how to handle it. And they were (possibly) Loki's no less! He had to ask, "They're really yours, Loki?" The brute's voice was uncharacteristically soft. He wasn't trying to get a rise out of his brother, he genuinely had to, wanted to, know. Loki was a liar, but if he could look him in the eye and say they were his, Thor might just believe him.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]