
Psychedelic Journey


04-01-2013, 11:30 AM

Ah, the mountains breathed, the trees danced, and the river seemed to rise against gravity's hold and float upon the air. Hallucinogenic plants invaded the wolf's mind. Everything seemed to defy the laws of Earth. The trip, though, was coming to an end. An end that would leave him searching for more of these plants to send him back into this psychedelic world.

As the drug began to wear off, Dante began to notice he was in a much different terrain. It was far different than the lands he roamed where evergreen trees sprouted from Earth's crust in vast amounts. The emerald trees had long died off and the land was now of a more. . . rocky terrain. Mountains now took the place of trees. A forest of risen terrain that kissed the clouds.

Dante's eyes mocked the colossal orb that now hid its presence behind the distant precipice. Sunset orbs in which scanned the valley below for life. Ah, visibility was terrible; however, the wind brought him the scent of other wolves. Many different wolves. A pack, without a shadow of a doubt.

Time ticked by slowly while he pondered over whether he should leave or seek out these wolves down below. It had been so long since he had crossed another canine. He figured he would make his way down into the valley to their presence and then decide after he met their leader.

Night took over the world. The moon had hid its face behind the many clouds that hung overhead. Complete darkness was his only company now as he made his way closer to the pack's perfume. Dante released a howl to alert them of his presence. Ah, but he hoped these creatures would not murder him for trespassing. The numbers were large and would definitely be capable of such a crime. His impulsive personality would certainly be the death of him.

my actions | my words | my thoughts


04-01-2013, 03:27 PM

Tortuga. The place she called home. The same place where she was busy raising her children. Kylar still hung around, helping provide for them, but as of lately he had been rather scarce. Her den had been nestled along the edge of the valley, near the heart of the territory. This also allowed for her to quickly answer the call that was coming from the valley. This wolf was making his presence known, like he wasn't part of the pack. A trespasser then? She remained silent, winding her way the short walk to his location. Her appearance was far from dramatic, but it was as though she appeared from nowhere, her ebony pelt blending her into the shadows. "So we have a trespasser?" eyes hardened, raking over the brute. "A dangerous idea, especially here." Lately the dame had been in a rather foul mood. Her lyrics were sickly sweet, eyes glaring. She waited for his excuse as to how he ended up so far within the territory that was so clearly marked.
"Talk here."


04-01-2013, 09:00 PM

Dante watched the obsidian hued heavens as the stars danced upon its canvas. Though, danced would be a more accurate term if his mind was currently affected by his hallucinogenic plants. Ah, how he craved the taste of those psychedelic plants. The trips were all the more fun during the dark hours.

The pitter-patter of nearby paws distracted the hellish creature. The scent of a lady hit his nares as if it were a bolt of lightning. The sweet sound of her velvet pads stroked Earth's crust as she made her way to his presence. Her voice sung out to him in an almost bitter manner. . . almost. The voice bitter, yet it was laced with a sweet tone. Dante determined the bitch was in a foul mood. . . that or that the wolves here were simply foul by nature. Perhaps this was her normal attitude?

Dante moved his large frame so that he could clearly see her frame. He watched the dim light play tricks upon her dark pelt, illuminating her presence. Quietly, patiently he listened carefully to each word she sung out to him before making his reply. Mmm, my lady. . . you see, I did not plan to end up here. It was the plants. The plants told me to come here. Dante took a moment to gather his thoughts. He was normally a loner and lacked communication skills. Explaining was rather difficult for this wolf. I. . . I munched on a few plants that plays tricks with my mind. It makes Earth a completely new planet full of living things. The rocks, the dirt, even the stars seem to come to life. They pointed me in this direction. And since I am here, I reckon I might try to stay if you all would have me. After all, this is the first pack I have came across in almost a year. He crooked his head to the side as he met her orbs with his own. Ah, but she may think him a fool for sounding like a pup.

my actions | my words | my thoughts


04-01-2013, 09:10 PM

The plants told me to come here. Oh god. This could only get better. The plants, clearly there was something missing with this wolf. So he's addicted to the high of some plants. Interesting. She listened to him speak, waiting for him to explain why he was still here. And it finally came. He wanted to know if he could stay. "What makes you worthy to be part of Tortuga?" from the looks of him he didn't seem like he'd last a day here. Other than a few scars on his face and a torn ear, he didn't appear to be one to pick fights. He seemed almost normal, expect for the fact that he eats plants that make him a little odd. The wolves of this pack would eat him alive. Unless of course he could provide her with a good reason to keep him around.

Her questioning brought back the memories of her job back in the old lands. Greeting members at the border, accepting them into the ranks. It was good to be back in action, having something to do, being a Leader Warrior didn't exactly keep her busy all the time. However this would draw her back to borders, meaning she would have to move her family, though the pups where getting old enough... An impatient sapphire gaze watched the brute, sizing him up, as she waited for his answer.

"Talk here."


04-02-2013, 02:14 PM

A fool. An idiot. That is what he thought of himself as of right now. Even though his brain is partially fried from his psychedelic plants, some intelligence still lurks within his brain. . . somewhere. His thinker just seemed to think a bit slower than most other canines.

Tossing his thoughts through his mind carefully, he decided to speak again. Timbre now mimicking a more serious, darker tone. To be honest, I have no idea what a Tortuga is. I have heard nothing of your kind; however, I can offer you what little intelligence I have that still rattles in this fried brain of mine. I can offer to protect you and the rest of your pack until my last breath escapes my lungs in a dying gasp. A fighter, I am. . . Though, I may not appear to be from first glance.

A silent, inner sigh crossed the bastard's mind. What lies. Dante knew he would ditch these canines if his life were in danger. Ah, such a selfish brat; spoiled by his lengthy freedom to do as he chose, to put himself before any other creature. Dante had no intentions to serve these wolves, but for them to serve him. Atleast, this is what he envisioned in his mind. To milk this pack dry of what they had to offer and then to vanish. Vanish as if he had never existed.

Ah, but what if he decided he liked these creatures? What if he decided to be an honest member of this pack? He could serve them well, of course; however, honesty was not part of this wolf's personality.

The cry of whippoorwills broke the silence of the valley. The calls echoed, making it seem as if these creatures were countless in numbers. Stars broke across the now clear night sky. The full moon uncovered its face and illuminated the valley with all its radiance. A wondrous place under the night's brilliance.

my actions | my words | my thoughts


04-02-2013, 09:30 PM

This poor brute. He had no idea what he walked into. He stood in the middle of the most merciless pack in the lands. And he not a clue. All he hoped for was that he could protect them, yet half these wolves would sooner die than be indebted to another. A wicked sneer crossed her face as she shook her head. Not to mention he was getting twisted in his story. He hadn't crossed a pack in so long, yet here he was proclaiming to throw down his life for one. This was going to be interesting. "So you expect me to believe that after being a loner for so long, that you are going to throw down your life for another?" she lifted a brow at him in question. If only he knew. It really was too bad that it was quiet around here today, perhaps another wolf would stumble upon them? Most wouldn't take so kindly to a trespasser. Even with the intentions to join. "What are your weaknesses?" Most wouldn't give up any of their weaknesses, or just make some answer or they had rehearsed this like most. Though this brute didn't seem to have anything figured out.

"Talk here."

OOC: I hope you don't mind, but I asked another wolf to come in, to help introduce dante to the pack ;p


04-02-2013, 10:29 PM
"Secret." The young brute called, approaching his pack mate with his tail raised at half mast and his ears perked up. Fearless, even while talking to a superior. He had gone to ask her to train him, to teach him to fight like a true Tortugan, but it seemed he had interrupted her and another wolf. "Who is this?" he asked warily, looking the male over and taking note of his markings. Strange. He kept his head raised around the stranger, setting out to prove his dominance. Although he was still classified as a pup, he was already two years old, and had a mate, this wolf didn't even have a pack. He was the superior male here.

Words words words

This is speech