
Tricks and Mischief [Nnoitra]

Loki 1


6 Years
03-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Delicate, patterned pads struck the earth with purpose. Each paw was lain with the wicked intent of the last. She was a serpent, wicked and vile, scouring through the trees, eyes aching for a new victim, a new toy. Her mind was a whirling carnival of tricks and mischief, begging, pleading to be unleashed upon the world. Her sinister thoughts were oozing with disaster and a lust for pain. She would sit back and watch the world burn if she could. Such was her nature, such was her hatred. She was not good by any definition of the word. She was a foul, hideous creature whose outside only projected the most beautiful of purities, a mask to hide the cynicism that lingered within her soul.

She twined between the trees, slinking through the increasingly familiar territory with purpose. Emeralds that she had deemed her eyes absorbed everything, memorized every rock, tree, and spec of dirt that marred her path. Her memory was not something to be trifled with and she had already had a week to memorize its borders. It was too bad Valhalla had moved. She could have told them every dirty little secret about her old pack. Loki had no feelings toward Valhalla, she neither hated, nor particularly liked the group. She was indifferent, she just liked trouble and would have no problem betraying them. It wasn't personal, she was just cruel.

Her thin and lithe frame came to a halt, eyes piercing through the stillness of the forest as the sound of footfalls reached her sensitive ears. Audits swung forward, ebony as a starless sky and watched with grave amusement as the alpha... no, the ex-alpha sauntered into her view. Her mouth lit in a wicked grin and she stalked towards him. She invaded his personal space without hesitation, and brushed the length of her snout against his own, a rumbling purr bursting from her larynx.

"Nnoitra... your name comes with great infamy although I have never had the honor of your visage... I do believe a congratulatory nod is needed, you managed to ruffle Cairo's feathers... not an easy task, highly commendable. My name is Loki." She purred against his fur and pulled away. She did not seek his aggression. Her power came from a game of wits, not from a test of strength.



03-24-2013, 02:19 AM

His presence had once again increased in Tortuga. His time wandering had ceased and for now he was content sticking to the land that Kaien had chosen as their home. He had established a den near the peak of the mountain and had taken to watching the others like hawks. He could see for miles save for the times when the clouds moved to cover the snow capped tops. It was perfect for the lanky phantom.

Not too many sought him out. He stuck to himself in a peaceful isolation and for once he was content with his decision to no longer be the lord of Tortuga. The ambassador could certainly play the obedient ex Alpha, yet he still carried himself as if he owned the place. It was all fine and dandy for everyone else. There seemed to be no objections. If it boiled down to it he would simply leave if anyone had a problem with it.

On this day he left the safety of his den and traveled towards the valley. He had no where in particular to go. No wolves to meet. No places of importance to be. Today he would simply relax and stroll wherever his heart desired. It seemed as though he would run into another though.

The ex Valhallan strolled into his vision and he greeted the charcoal colored dame with a warm smile and a wicked gleam in his two-toned blue eyes. He offered a soft nuzzle to her in return. He could play the affectionate ex Alpha if he so wished. He enjoyed the many faces he wore. It amused him to no end and created many games in which he could play.

"Nnoitra... your name comes with great infamy although I have never had the honor of your visage... I do believe a congratulatory nod is needed, you managed to ruffle Cairo's feathers... not an easy task, highly commendable. My name is Loki."

Her words brought a toothy grin to his visage. The memory wasn't a fond one, but it made him chuckle at the thought. He had truly managed to piss the brown male off that day. He had deserved it too. Who brought an army of wolves to the border of a foreign pack. He'd taken it as threatening. Besides, he'd ruined his hunt and allowed his prey to get away. Later he had to go back and track the fawn all over again and waste energy trying to slay it for a second time. Who wouldn't get a little pissy?

"It pleased me that you've heard of me. I'm sorry to say I don't know much about you. Just that you are an ex-valhallan. Correct?"

He was aware that she was a silver tongue. This intrigued him. Perhaps she was like Morphine? Would this be another wolf in which he'd possibly somewhat like or get along with? Or would their similarities prove to make them enemies?


Loki 1


6 Years
04-01-2013, 11:58 AM
Loki had clung to the outer borders of the back, her den a darkened cavern angled down and out of sight, it never saw daylight and most passed it by without a glance, it suited her just fine. She enjoyed a good trick but only when it suited her. The bastard Thor... if she ever saw him again she would tear his larynx from his throat. Abandon her and his bastard liter... he would know pain if he chose ever to return. She was a beast, a hateful, cruel thing and it showed.

She was a loner, both by nature and by choice, she wanted no part in stature or rank, she preferred to remain the phantom, the beast that no other would seek out. She liked to be that creature that frightened people not because of raw power or displays of strength, but because of the wicked gleam in the depths of her eyes, the cruel smirk upon her mouth. The darkness in her soul. A battle, a test of strength, had never been her forte and it never would be she preferred a battle of wit.

She wasted no time in brushing the length of her shout against him. A gentle rumbling coasted up through her throat as he nuzzled her back in return, a wicked grin curling her mouth as he did so. How delightful! It seemed he wished to play! they were opposites, she and he, her coat of ebony a grave contrast to the ivory white of her current companion.

He seemed to grin at her recollection of his interaction with Cairo, she had managed to irritate the Alpha but never piss him off, not that she had truly tried, she found it rather a waste of her time, unless they came after her... she chuckled darkly at his assessment of her and with a fluid motion she bowed with flourish.

"An ex-Valhallen is not a title I carry with pride... but yes. My name is Loki. Tell me my friend, why have you stepped down from your throne? You do not look an elder to me." She purred in silky tones, green eyes glittering with curiosity.



04-13-2013, 03:34 AM

Alabaster ears pricked forwards with interest as she chuckled. She seemed to be amused by his words. Nnoitra didn't always aim to please others, but at least when he was using one of his many facades, he intended to keep his company happy. She seemed to be quite happy with not only herself, but himself as well. It was enough to raise his spirits for the time being and keep him in an amiable mood. It'd been a while since he'd had a good conversation with another. Morphine had been scarce and Kaien was hardly a worthy conversationalist. His daughter Zarzenova so far had failed to pick up on his silver tongue as far as he was concerned. Then again perhaps the conversation with him had bored her. She had looked like she wanted to get away with every passing moment.

Regardless, Nnoitra was pleased to have another being to speak to that seemed to have at least an ounce of intelligence. He wasn't fond of the brutes that were large with gigantic muscles and used their strength to enforce their power. No. True power was a show of wits and smarts. That was a true display of elegance. Actions could speak louder than words, but words could be mightier than brute strength. His cunning could destroy another if only the right words were spoken. Lies could be spun and mistrust could be placed in one wolf towards another. It was so easy to be manipulative and it was delightful. The thrill he achieved from such was so much more than a fight. If only the idiots were smart enough to understand him. That would have made it even better.

"An ex-Valhallen is not a title I carry with pride... but yes. My name is Loki. Tell me my friend, why have you stepped down from your throne? You do not look an elder to me."

A smirk tugged at the corners of blackened gums. So she wished to truly know why he had stepped down? That certainly was not a question he had been expecting. It was one he would answer with pleasure. He had many reasons. All of them all for his own benefit. It was how he worked, how he would always work, and it would never ever change.

"I stepped down and passed it to Kaien simply for the fact that it's so much easier and more beneficial to lead from the shadows. The boy comes to me for advice, and with Morphine helping him my job is so much easier. He can use the brute force for display while I am the puppet master working from behind the scenes. Make sense my dear?"

Eyes closed in obvious happiness with plan. He was quite pleased with himself. He always had been a devious little trickster. Manipulative and intelligent. He could get what he wanted. He had tired from leading the pack head on so he'd passed on the other duties to someone more capable. He would do the strategies and work for the better of the pack while Kaien did the grunt work and put the others in order. To him there was nothing wrong with it either. In time, perhaps, Kaien would be much like him. He had, after all, raised him from a yearling. If he hadn't influenced the boy in some shape or fashion he would have been horribly disappointed.


Loki 1


6 Years
04-19-2013, 11:38 AM
Loki was a beast but not in the realm of mindless killing she was a creature of tried patience and a vast store of intelligence, she merely abused it. Twisted her words into a litany of hatred and divine intervention. She twisted the roots of thoughts, placed ideas in wolves head that made them lose track of what was important to them. She was a vile, deplorable dame who prayed on the weaknesses in wolves minds until they cracked and fell beneath the weight of accusations. Of course, this delighted the she wolf, she loved to watch a creature tumble into madness, it was what she lived for.

She cocked her head slightly to the left, emerald gaze piercing through him like daggers. She surveyed him with an almost silent reverence. His form was similar to her own, lanky, thin, lithe, and his eyes held a wicked gleam, something dark and similar, the same reflection that was so oft in her own gaze. Did his intelligence match the wickedness that his soul secreted? Only time would answer that, not many could challenge her tongue in a battle of wits and such would prove to be true here... or so she thought. Perhaps he would surprise her, although such a notion was doubtful.

He seemed bemused by her inquiry, his own eyes gleaming with something more. She had not intended to be amusing but if the ex-King had found some amusement in her words than she was certainly not out to complain.

"Ah but what happens when the puppet rebels? Attempts to break his strings of leisure and snaps back? Do you have confidence in your manipulation of him that he will dance for you until his final breath?" Her words would come as smooth as silk and honey, dripping with false sincerity as she pointed the only flaw in his plan. Not... that he would mind too terribly much being a loner, he seemed to leave more than he stayed.