
Love Somebody



04-01-2014, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 11:48 AM by Song.)

Novel had come to tell her of Silent's daughter's visit, she had met Ara once before when the children had still been very young. Now they were over a year old, but they were not the only wolves getting older. The message that had been delivered would tell of Silent and Bronze's continuing age, and the need to see them before the winter cold hit. She had been meaning to see her old friends, but with her pack and losing Cherokee it was difficult for her to leave the territory. However with Novel's urgent message she would plan the trip as soon as possible. It was the first or second day of fall as the two would set off from Ludicael, crossing the barren hills to reach the seracian border. She would arrive, looking to her daughter she would recline upon her haunches and call for the two elders. Her heart excited to see them again, to embrace their bodies and let them know how much she loved and missed them.?



10 Years
04-01-2014, 12:13 PM

She had quickly sought out her mother after her meeting with Ara, she needed to know about Silent and Bronze's condition. She knew her mother would be concerned, and as quickly as she told her she started making plans to make the day trip. She hoped her aunt Novella would be okay with babysitting, she wanted to go with her mother to Seracia. So when the day came, she would ready herself for the journey. She would follow her mother's sure steps as they would travel to the neighboring pack. Novel would keep up with her mother's longer stride as the edge of the range came into view. It was always exciting visiting new places, and she wondered if she would get shown around. It seemed the earthquake had really done some damage here. Either that or it was leftover hurricane debris. She would watch as her mother suddenly threw back her head to call forth her friends. Novel didn't know if Ara would join them, so she added her voice in for good measure.?
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Silent I


11 Years
04-02-2014, 08:55 PM

Summer had faded from existence and so had the hot weather. Silent was grateful that fall had finally arrived. She was looking forward to the "in between" seasons of extreme heat and cold, especially since she was up in age. As fall made its way into the Seracian territory, Silent was enjoying the view from a nearby hill. She had found enough energy after breakfast to climb her way up and view the gold, auburn, and yellow colors of the faraway trees. The scenery was enough to make her happily sigh. Such things were worth the effort.
As she was laying there, contemplating a morning nap, a howl reached her ears. Sleepy eyes blinked as she raised her head to the whereabouts of the source. Something about that call was familiar...Could it really be her adopted daughter? Happiness seeped through her bones and renewed energy found its way to her muscles as she pushed herself to all four paws. Slowly, she turned and made her way down the hill.
By the time she reached the bottom, Silent was a bit out of breath. She slowly breathed in, hoping that she would regain her composure. Emerald green eyes looked around for Faolan, but the young man had left to see Enola that morning. Instead, she sniffed around and caught the scent of Ara nearby. A smile appeared on her face as she realized her daughter looking out for her, even though she was hiding. Silent chuckled and gently said, "Aaaaraaa." Her daughter slowly walked out from the nearby woods and she looked upon her beautiful face. "Would you mind accompanying me to the borders, dear heart? We have some visitors."
Her ebony frame, slender as ever, walked through the woods that Ara had just appeared from. They walked together towards the source of the howls and soon enough, Song and Novel appeared in her line of sight. Silent's body shook in delight as she gave a gentle skip in her step. She propelled herself faster through the woods before finally coming out the other side. Emerald eyes shimmered as she stood and looked at Song, noting how time had changed the female's appearance. She seemed more tired, more stressed, but still beautiful as ever. Silent gave a side glance at Ara before taking a few steps forward. "Song..." she said gently, tones warm and endearing for a ten-year-old wolf. "This is indeed a surprise."




10 Years
04-03-2014, 10:14 AM

The sound of Novel's voice was not something that Ara would easily forget. Song's call, too, was vaguely familiar -- as it sounded out so clearly across the range. She had been waiting near her parents' den, content to let them have time alone, but also eager to ensure they were always comfortable and happy to the best of her ability. She nodded easily at her mother's inquiry, though she would have wanted to go regardless of if she'd been invited at all.

The journey was not long, and soon the two came into view. Her mother's pace increased as she saw them, and Ara couldn't help but chuckle. Despite their age, her parents still had a fire in their hearts, and more love than she knew how to handle. Even as their bodies grew weaker, their minds were still sharp and their hearts full. She came to rest beside he mother after a moment, a shy smile crossing her features as she dipped her head to the two wolves. "It is a pleasure," she spoke honestly, her blue eyes glimmering as her tail wagged behind her.



04-05-2014, 12:54 PM
Mother and daughter would sit themselves at the edge of the border, Song would use her sense of smell and find that seracia had changed. There were many wolves who no longer left a lingering scent upon the territory. The last time she had made a visit Loccian was queen, but she had to guess such was no longer the case. A new scent seemed to dominate the border, but who's it was Song would not know. Nor was it likely she would talk to them on her trip. She was here for Silent and her family, not for politics. A bright smile would pull at her features as the pair would come into view, Silent's beautiful black form and her daughter Ara's sweet appearance. She would whine happily as she stood to meet them, alabaster paws propelling her forward to embrace the old she wolf. "Mother, it's so good to see you. I'm sorry it taken me so long to come back." she would let herself enjoy the loving embrace of the woman, forgetting all the hardship she had to deal with since their last visit. She would sigh as she relaxed into her adopted mother's warmth.?



10 Years
04-05-2014, 01:05 PM
Novel would sit close to her mother as they awaited a greeting upon the horizon. She knew it had been some time since they had paid her adopted grandmother a visit and she was only too happy to accompany her mother. She also knew that Song was tired, a lot had gone on in her life recently that was not helping her fragile demeanor. The worst was her father's disappearance. Without him Song seemed to take on all the responsibility of the pack. Many wolves seemed to have fled Ludicael, mostly just her family would find themselves residing their. She hoped deep down that her mom would be able to convince Grandma Silent and her family to come back with them. Blue-green oceanic gaze would find two forms then coming towards them. The thin black presence of Silent and her sweet and quiet daughter Ara. Novel had found herself telling the girl things she never wanted to admit to herself, and so she thought she has formed a somewhat special bond with her adopted aunt. She would rise to all fours, and with her tail wagging she would follow after her mother, happy to greet their family. "I'm glad we were able to make it so soon." she would smile as her body caught up with the proceedings. She would again sit close to her mother, "hello grandma silent." she would look to the older wolf, and back to Ara, happy to see them both.?
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Silent I


11 Years
04-12-2014, 09:03 AM
The greetings from both wolves made Silent's heart swell. It had been a very, very long time since she had company. The presence of Song's sweet soul and her mirror image in Novel's form made her feel blessed to live that day. As Song embraced her, Silent relaxed into the warm touch that had, until then, become foreign. She couldn't help but sigh as her head rested between both shoulder blades of the Oracle. "I have missed you so much, Song..." It would be the first confession Silent would release.

She then bestowed warm greetings to Novel, both physically and verbally. "You have grown, my dear granddaughter," she cheerfully noted, not intending to embarrass the young girl. "It has been quite awhile since I have seen you, Novel...I hope you are learning everyday because each day is a miracle." Her gaze turned to Ara, who was sitting on her right. "I know you both know Ara. My sweet daughter has grown too fast, I am sad to say." She offered a warm smile all the same. "She has become more wonderful with each day as well."

After she cooed over Ara, Silent looked back to Song. "From what others have seen and heard, you have come a long way from the wolf I first met on the beach. Come...let us get some food and something to drink. I know you two must be famished." She slowly rose from slightly aching joints and turned to walk through a trail that hadn't been touched in quite a while.

She made sure all three wolves were with her before she increased her pace by an eighth of a second. The path was lit with patches of sun coming through the trees and hit various spots on the ground. Silent couldn't help but sigh with each warm patch she stepped in. She adored sunlight almost as much as she adored Bronze. Little things made her happy.

Faolan had caught a few rabbits before heading out to see Enola and gather herbs. Silent smiled at the thought of her son and she walked over to a warm, yet shady patch of grass. After grabbing a free carcass, she settled down in a cozy spot and waited for everyone else to sit with her. "Tell me everything about what is on your mind and your heart."

Bronze i


12 Years
04-15-2014, 11:00 AM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 11:01 AM by Bronze i.)

Bronze was slow to reply to Song's call. He knew with certainty that Silent would rush to her voice, like a mother to its child -- a smile teased the old wolf's lips as he imagined how happy his wife would be today. He would lounge about for a bit longer, knowing Silent would be greeting Song soon, and part of him hated the thought of impinging on such a reunion.

But it wasn't long before he rose, bringing himself to all fours. Slowly he would stretch the sleep and fatigue from his joints, unwilling to rush and risk growing tired before the real day even began.

When he arrived, he was pleasantly surprised to see that Ara had joined them as well, along with one of Song's daughters. A smile graced his muzzle, lighting up his grizzled face. "What a pleasure, the two of you," he spoke honestly, dipping his muzzle in greeting. He did not know Song well enough to openly embrace her, but Silent love for her was deep and true, and so he would bring himself to nuzzle her shoulder lightly before pulling back and leaning into his mate.



10 Years
04-15-2014, 04:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 04:50 PM by Ara.)

It was strange to hear Song call this woman mother as well, but she knew family meant much more than just blood. Her father had told her the story of how he'd been adopted -- his birth father had been cruel, and had never loved him. But his adoptive parents had been anything but. A smile graced her lips and she found her tail beginning to twitch happily behind her.

She wondered if her visit with Novel had prompted such a visit. She had enjoyed her time with the girl thoroughly, and to see her mother so happy nearly brought tears of joy to her eyes. They were always happy, but this was different. From them, Ara had learned to never regret, to always live in the moment, as though it might be the last day you lived. Her attention shifted to Novel as she greeted Silent as well, and her smile grew.

Her mother's joy was contagious, and she found the motion of her tail growing more rapid, thumping against the earth contentedly. It seemed her mother didn't know that she had met with Novel against so recently, but why would she? She had enjoyed that day so much that, for a reason she didn't know, she had kept it to herself. They had spoken about things that were personal to them both, and she found that she enjoyed having something that was hers and hers alone.

Her mother would suggest a walk, and she would follow more than gladly. They could eat together, and talk -- but Ara was not particularly hungry. She was simply happy to spend the time with her mother and Song and Novel. However, she was beyond delighted when her father's familiar form came into view. She would quickly rise to greet him, her eyes sparkling with adoration. "Dad!" she would nearly exclaim, her smile growing.



10 Years
04-17-2014, 11:54 AM
Silent would greet her mother, and then would turn to her offering a nuzzle and kind words of wisdom. She would return the affection quietly before the older woman would turn back to her mother. She would announce that they would need food, and with that would turn on her heel and lead them through an old patrolling path. As they would arrive to Silent's chosen destination an older male would make his appearance. He would dip his head and announce the pleasure of being in their presence, finding his way to Song's shoulder he would give her a gentle bump of affection. "Hello, I'm novel." she would tell him lightheartedly as he took a seat next to Silent. This had to be her husband, but would be be considered as her adopted grandfather? It did not seem as though song was as close to him as she was silent. The joy that would find itself within their midst would grow, as Novels tail would wag happily at Ara's excited statement. It would completely confirm to her the identity of the golden colored man. As Silent would pick her rabbit and have a seat Novel would do the same. They had not caught anything on the way to the range, so a bellyful was quite the welcome addition. She would settle closer to Ara, knowing the adults would want their conversation. And though she was certainly old enough to join in she felt a bit more comfortable next to the marked girl.?
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



04-17-2014, 12:38 PM
Silent would move in easily for an embrace and the white woman would happily oblige and return her affection. She would feel the woman relax as she confessed her need of the younger woman's presence. [s]"I've missed you too, so much."[/b] she would be able to tell the woman of everything that had occurred since their last meeting, which happened to be a bit. Silent would move to novel and ara before offering the pair food and drink, song would not and gladly follow the she wolf down an old beaten path. As they arrived in a nice sun dappled area Silent's husband Bronze would arrive, he would offer a kind greeting and a quick nudge of Song's shoulder. She would return his slight affection, a large smile upon her features. "It's good to see you too." Silent would grab a rabbit, and Song would follow her lead letting herself lay by the she Wolf's side.?

"So much has happened. Most importantly, I have a new litter. Dutiron, Requiem, Saga, Sound, and little Descant. He worries me because he's been so sick since he was born, the others a well though. My husband is missing, I've not seen him since the children were born. My brother, Anthem found himself in a situation, he happened upon the empress of Olympus hurt and unable to move. She was in heat and he impregnated her. I had to make a decision to remove him of his manhood so such could not happen again. Mother, my life has been such a challenge." she would nuzzle into the she Wolf's neck, glad to have her comfort.?

Silent I


11 Years
04-19-2014, 11:47 PM

The reunion of her family members made Silent feel more alive than she had in forever. Their company was worth getting up and out of the den for, especially now that her husband appeared out of thin air. Her emerald green eyes twinkled even more as she saw him give gentle greetings to his adopted daughter and granddaughter. The inner teenager of Silent couldn't help but sigh. She felt lucky to have him as her own.
As he got comfortable next to her, she offered him the remaining carcass of her rabbit. Words didn't have to be said between the two, so instead, Silent nodded to Bronze before looking at her white-furred Oracle. The woman spoke of all that had recently happened -- new pups, disappearing husband, and a brother who couldn't help what he did an unlucky female. Silent's eyebrows rose in surprise as she tried to imagine the weight that was on Song's shoulders. "Oh, my dear Song..." she softly said, tones filled with an underlying sadness. "You sound like a wolf that multitasks way more than the usual kind of canine."
The older she-wolf couldn't help but be proud of Song, despite the juggling that she was doing at home. "Even though you have more responsibilities, you are making me proud with all that you are doing." She lowered her head to get another bite of rabbit before speaking again. "You will come to find that your duties will be easier to maintain and with the help of your pack, your hard work will pay off, if it hasn't already."




10 Years
04-25-2014, 01:38 PM

The joy that surrounded the reunion was contagious. Even her father seemed more outwardly happy than usual -- he was always rather stoic, but always pleasant in his familiar way. It truly was a joy to see her parents so much more carefree than usual, and she could wish nothing more than to continue with such happiness for as long as possible. If only they could live forever, if she could care for them for the rest of her life -- though she knew their time was limited, and she was determined to keep them as content as possible until their last days.

They began to walk together, soon coming to rest as her mother offered up food to Song and her daughter. Novel would come to settle beside Ara, and she found her smile growing slightly. She herself was happy to stay out of the center of attention. She knew that Song and her parents would have much to catch up on. Though she listened to Song began to tell them of what all had happened. New children, her brother had gotten himself into some kind of trouble -- it all sounded like a lot to Ara. Her own life was rather simple. She was not at all envision of Song's position of power, nor the great burden that came along with it.

Her mother offered some wise words to her, and timidly her gaze would settle to Novel. "How have your studies been going?" she asked quietly, not wanting to speak over her parents or Song. "Has your mentor still been absent?"

Bronze i


12 Years
04-27-2014, 09:07 PM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2014, 09:08 PM by Bronze i.)

When his wife was happy, he was happy. It was easy to please him these days, but he knew this was mostly because he saw few but his immediately family. He was still a rather gruff brute, even around fellow pack-mates -- but he could never be unhappy around his children and Silent. A smile painted his weathered features. As Novel introduced herself, he nodded gently to her. Ara seemed to think rather highly of her, even though he wasn't sure they had even seen one another since they were children. Regardless, a friend of his wife's was a friend of his... as was a friend of his daughter's.

They began to all walk together, and he slowly settled down beside Silent. She offered him a piece of rabbit, and he was eager to take a bit from her, beginning to gnaw gently on the meat as Song spoke. She seemed rather troubled by things that had begun to happen to her. Ah, the burden of being a leader.

After the women spoke for a moment, he lifted his head to eye Song. "I empathize with you, but I do not envy you," he started with a hint of a laugh in his voice. "Once I had craved power. Now I would rather die than be in charge of few more than my children." Perhaps it was a bit of an exaggeration, but it was true; he'd never been meant for leadership. Bronze flashed her a toothy smile, hoping his comment did not offend, but instead might lighten her heart slightly. Silent was always good at comfort and sympathy -- but, never quite warm or gentle enough, Bronze could offer was a lighthearted joke and a reassuring smile to the woman.



04-27-2014, 09:33 PM
She would feel the comfort both wolves offered her, Silent would offer her physical comfort as well as verbal. It felt so good to hear her say she was proud, so much had gone on, she had to make so many hard decisions. Anthem being the one to worry her most, she knew that most of her family had disapproved of her action. She however saw no other way to remedy the situation with as minimal blood spilled as possible. Had she tried to punish Anthem she knew such actions would only result in hurting him even more. Putting the thoughts behind her though she would take in Silent and Bronze's words to heart. "You don't know how much I appreciate your words." she would nod respectfully to Silent's husband before nuzzling the older she wolf again, "However pleasant our meeting is, I have not just come to update you on my life. I came to ask... For your family to come to Ludicael." there were many reasons for them to join her there, and she hoped desperately they would accept. "I want to help care for the two of you, I want you to be able to relax on the beech the rest of your days. Care free and completely provided for." she did not know what type of duties the wolves performed now, but all she wanted to see them do was to enjoy the rest of their lives together worrying about absolutely nothing.?

Silent I


11 Years
04-28-2014, 11:09 PM

Song's alternate intention for her visit made Silent slowly begin to think. She had been happy in Seracia since the fall she came across Bronze. Nothing bad had happened to her or their little family, except when Bronze was taken prisoner by Glaciem in the war. Such a memory made Silent's heart ache and she wished to put that time behind her. It was because of such a breakdown that Faolan and Ara had to start providing her with anti-anxiety plants. They had been working well until Bronze came back, giving her the chance to decrease her intake of them to once a day. To not have to worry about such things happening again sounded...wonderful.
She looked over at Bronze, who had taken another bite of their shared rabbit, with her emerald eyes. A question was in her gaze, and yet, she had a feeling that he wanted the same thing she did. Silently, she moved her paw over to his and rested it neatly on top. Silent then rubbed it a few times before turning to look back to Song. Her tail rested against Bronze's and she blinked her lovely green opts. "I think...that would be wonderful, Song. Seracia hasn't been the same since Maverick and Epiphron stepped down from the crown...I think it would be a nice chapter to add for our book. However, only if Bronze and the children agree to it, I will go without hesitation."


Bronze i


12 Years
05-05-2014, 05:46 AM

He relaxed as they sat there, his body leaning slightly against Silent's. His muscles were fully relaxed, his posture lax and a slight smile dancing across his features. It was a beautiful thing to see his wife so deeply happy, and he wanted to never take that away from her again. Anything she wanted would be hers -- his happiness depended entirely on her own.

But surprise would etch itself across his features at Song's prospect. To leave Seracia, and go to Ludicael. Song would ensure the rest of their lives were comfortable. It wasn't as though either of them did much here, but he knew Silent would be that much more happy in Ludicael -- and judging by the excitement that began to glow on Ara's delicate face, it seemed she would be as well. "Anything you wish," he murmured gently to Silent, turning to nuzzle her neck tenderly. Perhaps they could leave everything bad that had happened here behind, and start a new chapter in the end of their lives. His smile was genuine and there was no hesitation in his voice. "I do believe Mercury and Faolan will be more than happy to come with us, but we will ask them first."



10 Years
05-09-2014, 12:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 12:56 PM by Ara.)

Though she and Novel had begun to talk, Ara's attention was quickly captivated by the words Song spoke. She wanted them to come to Ludicael? She said she would care for them, and make sure the rest of their lives were lived in comfort. Ara did that already -- but only to the best of her ability. A smile began to twist the corners of her lips, her expression nothing short of elated as she began to mull over the possibility.

Ara was not at all surprised at her mother's eager acceptance, and it was even less surprising when her father agreed, simply because Silent did. What about the others, though, she wondered? She missed Jendai terribly, but knew she had wanted to leave on her own. She couldn't imagine Faolan and Mercury not wanting to come, but she couldn't help but worry.

For a long moment she was speechless. It felt strange to feel so excited about such a possibility, and part of her wondered why she was so excited. She knew her parents would be happier there, and well cared-for. Quietly she turned to watch Novel. Part of her expected her reaction to be just as delighted, and she found her tail wagging behind her seated form. "I would love to live in Ludicael," she answered softly, turning to face Song once again.



05-10-2014, 10:11 PM
She knew that it couldn't be easy to uproot themselves at such an age, but Song was confident in their abilities. They would be within Ludicael's lands before winter and the warmth of the eastern lands would soothe their aches. She would almost hold her breath as she awaited an answer, bicolored gaze veering to Silent's sweet features. With relief her response would come after but a few moments. The dark lady would agree to her idea, very much enthralled by her idea. Unsure of Bronze's response she would find herself still waiting the final verdict, hoping she could aid in the care of her elderly adopted parents. Looking to bronze she would hear him quietly agree with the words spoken, finding no disruption in his children's wishes. As her gaze would turn to Ara the girl would seem the most excited for their move. Her tail easily wagging as happily as Song found hers to be. A relieved and excited smile would befall her features, "I'm so relieved. Welcome to Ludicael and your new home. Finally I can stop worrying about you two." She would giggle slightly as her muzzle moved to nuzzle the aging woman, excitement taking her as she realized her adopted mother would finally be coming to stay with her.



10 Years
05-17-2014, 10:29 AM

The girl would listen absently as her mother spoke to the older adults, her attentions were focused mostly on Ara's quiet words. "They are well, moms been teaching me things. She even thought I was good enough to be lead healer!" she was rather proud of such notions, she had to be the youngest lead Ludicael has ever had. "Bhaire is still missing. No one has seen him in seasons." she would look down sadly, in reality she quite missed the man. Her attention would again return to the speaking adults, talk of them coming back to their pack would entice her. How wonderful would it be to have Ara around always? The two would be able to study together and gather herbs together.. Oh it was such an exciting concept! She would wait while Silent and Bronze both agreed quite readily to the proposition. ?She would wag her tail excitedly, how much better could it get? Oceanic eyes would fall on Ara as she excitedly spoke her opinion, so they would be coming after all! Her smile would light up as she looked to each wolf with joy.?


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