
Rain on my parade



2 Years
04-16-2014, 03:02 AM

The pitter-patter of rain against the cracked leaves of autumn was an audible music that echoed against the hollow of the cavern. It was the only sound within the darkness, the setting sun doing little to shorten the shadows and darkness that stretched out against the depths. It didn't take long for the eyes of the brute to adjust, but it did little to lessen the greys and darkness, and returning of sight did nothing at all to lessen the chill and drops of rain that still found their way inside. The dark hued wolf would seat himself on the cold stone and palatinate orbs would be cast to look glumly at the outside world.

The boy knew that summer was long gone, but the world didn't need to throw it in his face. He would let loose a sigh as he watched the darkening sky from the safety of the cavern. He could see sun as it finished its cycle and at last darkness was all there was within the sky. He couldn't bare the thoughts of leaving the cavern now, not with the endless rain and the chill that followed. With a sigh he would rest his head against his overlapping forepaws, his tail would lash in annoyance behind him, and his lashes would slowly drop over his eyes, heavier with each moment until at last the shine of his eyes was gone, and there was truly nothing but darkness.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-20-2014, 01:21 AM

Odette had been visiting the South more often than usual. Lands that had not been explored by the yearling were calling her name and the restless feelings in her legs and soul would not be ignored. After her training session with Chrysanthe and a playful romp with Baldur, she had swam in the lake before leaving the safety of Valhalla. A promise to her mother was given before she disappeared, one that intended her being home in a day or two.
It was a good thing the young girl had prolonged her return. The weather had become rainy and wet, making her senses less reliable than usual. Such a thing rattled her brain with fear and doubt, but she felt Gargoyle's fierceness flare up inside her chest and she pushed the darkness away. For a split second, she saw his lantern yellow eyes and also felt phantom pain over her heart. She longed for the day she would be reunited with her birth parents, but today was not it. Still, she continued with her journey.
The part of the South she had reached was one she hadn't come to before. Paws carried her across wet grass until she felt grainy sand. Odette had come to the far stretch of an unnamed beach. Curiosity set in as she looked for a place of refuge. A cave in the distance looked suitable and she didn't hesitate to pursue the entrance. As the sun finally disappeared, she saw a figure laying at the entrance. An eyebrow rose as she walked closer and asked against the loud rain, "Is this your home? May I come in from the rain?"

"You" Think


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2 Years
04-20-2014, 01:50 AM

The chill would be unbreakable and the rain unswaying in its determination to not let up. The brute, well grateful for the shelter he had found, but frustrated at his limitations. His unwillingness to flee back into the dreary weather outside effectively trapped him here, and the agitation at this acknowledgement was a restless feel within his paws and the occasional flick of his dark shaded tail. The dreary shades outside had been a continuity without change or difference, the sleet of rain and the sway of wind. The shades of darkness and shadows like a wall of nothingness beyond.

Accept there wasn't only the nothingness, there was movement and life out there in the chill and rain. He could see the movement more keenly then anything else, all sound and scents where washed clean before they even rose against the air. His fur would bristle but his bulk would not move. His eyes would try to find the shape looming from the darkness, and in a moment he realised it was nearing, coming for his sanctuary. His tail would still behind and his ears would lay back against his skull as he poised, waiting for the shape to solidify. When at last it did, and it was there before him he would relax, his ears bouncing back to shape and his hackles lying still. It was another wolf, and not a terrifying monster of one at that. ?its not mine, and your welcome to bed down here? he shouted back at her, struggling to be heard against the pouring of the nightly storm. Even as he said it, his nose would crinkle at the thought of damp fur in the small enclosement. All the same, he would shuffle aside to give her plenty of room to pass, to show that she was welcome. ?What brings you out here anyway?? he would ask now.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-23-2014, 11:42 PM

The rain's force was enough to make her want to slip into the wet earth beneath her paws. Her body was slowly getting tired of the weight that continued to push down her back and shoulders. They took the heavier beats than the rest of her growing frame, but she didn't think about it for too long. Instead, she heard the welcoming yell from the stranger and she gratefully scurried in. Her paws slid across the muddy ground as she struggled to reach the inside of the entrance. Safety was soon upon her and the feeling of water upon her frame was no more.
Odette didn't answer the male right away. Instead, she padded towards the deeper part of the cave and shook all over. The young girl wasn't sure how this stranger would take to getting him wet, so she decided to do the polite thing and be out of his way. Water droplets were sent in many directions, but she didn't think about where they went as her fur began to quickly dry in the warmth of the large room. A sigh escaped her tan lips before she turned and met the male's purple gaze. "That feels a lot better," she quickly said before slowly walking back towards the entrance.
Even though she had left watery prints on the stone floor, it didn't stop her from gently lowering herself to her stomach. Front and back legs, sore from her travelling, stretched out in various directions of her security bubble. Finally, she answered his question. "I was hunting," she began, hoping her explanation would be accurate. "I grew curious about the South's unseen lands, so I thought exploring would be a good idea...until this happened." The emphasis on the word 'this' was followed by a glare at the harsh downpour. "I enjoy rain, but not when it practically takes you with it." An ear flicked backward in slight annoyance, but she quickly got over it. "What about you?" she asked, eyes turning back to the male. "How did you end up in the middle of nowhere?"



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2 Years
04-26-2014, 08:12 PM

The soaking form of the girl would push her way past the drenching flows of water and into the safety of the den. Yes, there was definitely the smell of wet fur and she looked to be carrying half a lake against her coat. She had the grace to move away from the boy before shaking out her coat, but still a few stray droplets would touch against his fur. He grumbled beneath his brief, but really it was only half-hearted and mostly due to his annoyance at the storm that stranded him here. She lost perhaps half her bulk once she had freed herself of the water, but he could see still that she was a big wolf, perhaps with a strong lineage behind her. ( (; )

she was making her way back to him now, to his view of the outside world at the occasional cool blow of wind. He would offer her a grin as she seemed to sigh with relief to the freedom from the rain that this cave offered. She would lay down near him and he would shift himself to better met her eyes ? and better take in this stranger. She had peculiar eyes, each holding a different shade, like two side of a coin, with the cool luminescent of blue in one, and the fiery bolds of red in another. She too would offer a glare to the harsh world outside, and it would somehow ease some of his own agitation. He was definitely not the only one to suffer this night, and perhaps some company would ease the slow hours until this cleared.
?I'm somewhat new to this whole place, still got an itch to explore in my feet. Plus, meeting strange wolves is always a different experience? he said, yes flicking from her to the rain and smiling again. ?Did you get a bite to eat to eat in the end then?' he asked, to add to the conversation.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-28-2014, 08:46 PM

As she watched him with a curious gaze, she noticed how his own purple eyes checked out her physical attributes. Odette figured that it was mere curiosity on his part for his observations, so she didn't openly say anything regarding her assumption. Instead, she shifted her weight so it was more on her right hip, giving her hind legs the chance to curl next to her stomach. Tan underbelly was exposed, but the growing Gargoyle mini-me was still on guard. You never knew what would happen when meeting strangers.
The rain continued to pour in buckets outside the den, making perfect background music for their conversation. She had her eyes on him as he spoke, indicating his itch for exploring. Odette found herself silently agreeing with him. Her own paws had carried her to places that she wouldn't have visited if her parents had stayed. Their eyes would have been glued to her small frame and she wouldn't have ever met Chrysanthe at such a young age. Finally, she voiced her same point of view. "You're not alone in that, buddy. I have been travelling since I was three months old and you never get disappointed with new places you visit. When you don't have high expectations, it's hard to be disappointed with what you discover." A wry smile was given before she continued by asking, "What kind of places have you visited thus far? There are so many that need to be touched by a wolf's paws."
The boy then asked her if she had caught something to eat before the oncoming rain. To this, Odette shook her head in a sad manner. "Unfortunately, no. I ate when I first woke up, but that was practically yesterday!" A twinkle of sarcasm danced in her eyes before she flicked her tail gently against her curled hind legs. "What kind of game live out here in the South? This is my first time visiting this part of the hemisphere."



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2 Years
04-28-2014, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2014, 09:20 PM by Crucifix.)

He would fall to silence for a moment, fighting back a sigh as his gaze would sweep out again to the rain beyond. It didn't look like anything that would let up any time soon and the brisk wind was brutal in its occasional sweep of the cave. He would turn his gaze from that view, mental 'turning his back to it' through he did not shift his position. Instead he found his eyes on the nicer view of his guest, now that she wasn't flooded down with the weight of water it was much easier to take her in. The smell of wet fur wasn't as bad as he had feared, although the scent still lingered in the cave. Until she dried out, he imagined every sweep of the wind would knock all her sense of warmth from her and chill the already cold wet that clung to her ? in other words, he did not envy her predicament.

He would listen when next she spoke, astounded at the implications of these words. That she had been wondering since three months was an astonishment, and bet Cru's own time in the rogue world. He had entered it at an early age with the separation of his family, but he had not nearly been as young as she. She seemed to have true interest in his own exploits and he found himself warming to this girl quickly. He would offer her a smile as she asked after his destinations. ?More then I can count, both in Alacritis and out. I wouldn't give up ym days of exploring for the world? he added, which in part explained why he had not yet joined Valhalla as his sister had.

She would move on to the mention of food, and explain that she hadn't managed to eat since yesterday. He would grimace at the thought, a wolf could go awhile without a meal but it didn't make it pleasant. ?maybe if this weather ever lets up i'll show you?? he would offer lightly, flicking his tail behind him again as he took in the storm before them once more. if it ever lets up, he thought a little sourly.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-28-2014, 10:27 PM

His claim on not giving up his days of exploring made Odette widely grin. Her tail thumping increased and she couldn't help but lightly giggle. "You sound like me. I loved exploring -- I still do -- I just tend to focus more on my pack's needs these days than before. We used to live on an island, so I would travel all the time. But since we have returned to the Plains, I haven't had a desire to see any new places recently." She lightly shrugged and rested her head against outstretched front paws. ""Maybe I should find out what the weather will be like before I leave again, huh?"
It was then that she realized introductions hadn't been made. ""I'm sorry that I didn't tell you my name when I first met you. I am Odette, Odette Adravendi. Rising pupil of the warriors of Valhalla and future ruler of an undiscovered pack!" The desire to rule still ran through her veins, but she hadn't felt the need to pursue that idea in quite awhile. Even as the rain continued, she knew that she was lucky to be alive and survive it. ""What is your name?"



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2 Years
04-28-2014, 10:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2014, 10:57 PM by Crucifix.)

An easy banter would start up before the two, and he had fully relaxed in her presence, he had no worry that would pointlessly leap upon him, she looked like a harmless enough girl despite the probability that she could look out for herself as easily as he could. Her words when spoke painted for him a picture, this was clearly a pack wolf before him despite her bout in Rogue lands. He couldn't scent a pack on her, but then again the rain would have cleaned her well and the scent of wet fur certainly masked any other perfume she might hold.

He laughed at her light joke on the weather, after all he hadn't seen it coming either and they where both equally stuck within this cave. He too had forgotten introductions, and before eh could ask what pack she hailed from she would be introducing herself. Odette she was called, and he savoured the strange name against his tongue before realising what else she had said. ?Valhalla?? it came out as a startled laugh, not in any way mocking the pack but in the humour of coincidence. ?Funny, my sister lives there, i've been in an out a great deal over the past few weeks, surprised we haven't met you. Then again, it's a pretty large pack? he allowed, his expression still amused. The last part, of her being a ruler of an undiscovered pack would raise an eyebrow. She fancied herself a princess did she? ?i'm Crucifix Black? he said, shuffling to show her the mark against his shoulder, being of Valhalla she may well recognise it.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-29-2014, 12:48 AM

Odette raised an eyebrow as the male spoke of his sister living there. Silently, she started to think of the many female wolves who lived among her in the pack. Her thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt as the boy rose to show her the cross that he bore on his front foreleg. Both eyebrows rose this time, indicating complete surprise written across her young face. She took in the details of his black and white cross, admiring it from such a close range not being a problem. Odette closed her eyes, letting it burn behind her eyelids so she could remember it. Symbols were becoming an everyday thing for her to see and she quite enjoyed seeing them. Finally, she opened her eyes.
As he lowered himself back to a sitting position, Odette blinked and grinned. "Your cross is the same as your sister's, if I am not mistaken." Her statement was true to the core. "Twig is your sister, correct? I have met her before, and not just when she first came to Valhalla. We came across each other while hunting in the same area. It was random, but our paths crossed just the same." She couldn't help but softly admit, "I also met your brother, Jinxx. His fur reminds me of a creamy cloud on four legs.." She gave a soft giggle as she thought about the handsome brute. "He's just as nice as she is...your whole family must be that way, Crucifix."

"You" Think


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2 Years
04-29-2014, 01:08 AM

Thoughts of Valhalla would bring Twig to mind even as Odette made the connections. His gentle sibling was his world, always had been and he assumed always would. Their time apart had done little to tamper the bond between them. He knew it wasn't always a nice way of looking at it, but Twig was his favourite person in the world, his favourite sibling. They where connected in a way that was somehow different, and his protectiveness of her only grew with all that had befallen her. He still loved his other siblings, still felt protective over Madie, but it was for Twig that he returned to Valhalla time and time again.

Odette admitted coming across Twig, that they had met, and his smile to the other was warm. It was a funny coincidence really, that despite the connection of Valhalla it was outside its walls that they would meet. ?Yup... thats my family? he said softly, finding himself looking out into the distance again. ?To be honest, I haven't seen much of Jinxx since finding him again. I guess he has other concerns...? it came out a little more bitter then he intended and he quickly covered up in annoyance with a teasing smile to the other. ?A shame about food, hope it dies down soon? he said, quick to change the subject, he was hardly about to get into the dynamics of his family, his annoyance with his brother and how he felt that the death of Twig's rapist should fall to Cru, for his special bond with her and his need to protect her.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
04-29-2014, 01:24 AM

She realized that he didn't want to pursue the topic of his family and she was all right with it. Instead, she cleared her throat and looked out to the rain splashing down outside. She enjoyed watching it, but didn't like being in it unless she had no choice. Pulling her front paws closer to her body for warmth, she slightly shivered as a gust of wind hit both wolves. "Same here," she agreed, noting the changes in scents from the outside world.
Looking out at it still, she blinked slowly and let her nose tingle from another scent. Her head turned towards the deeper part of their occupied cave and she perked both ears. "Do you think we have more of a chance finding something good in there? Or should we just wait out the rain like two old codgers?"

Talk like this


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2 Years
04-29-2014, 01:53 AM

Cru was grateful when the other left alone his half musing, and he would relax again as she allowed the conversation to move on to food. He would laugh softly at her joke, and he imagined them as two old men, bickering in the shelter from the rain and the outside world. ?I haven't bothered going deeper in the cave yet, except to ensure there where no bears hiding in the back? he said with a soft laughter, and perhaps going further into the cave would help them forget the bad weather outside. If they managed to find a meal, all the better.

?I vote cave, to be honest I cant stand the idea of carrying a lake upon my back. I'm funny like that? he said, and stretching he rose and started further into the cave. To be honest, he hadn't even bothered to see how deep it went.

"My sounds""My Soul"



10 Years
05-01-2014, 08:55 PM

The rain wasn't going to be lifting itself anytime soon, so the chance to do something besides watch it was a nice door opener. Odette didn't hesitate to follow the black and white male, but maintained a proper distance between her space and his. She took small steps that ensured her getting closer to the large and dark cavern. As soon as she felt swallowed by the darkness, her eyes automatically dilated.
The structures of the cavern she entered made her want to sit and stare for hours. Twinkling lights that resembled stars were all around the ceiling, making it seem like night had been pushed into the wide dome. Stalagmites and stalactites glowed in the dark, water evidently making them in the past. A small pond of water was nearby, indicating a proper drinking source if someone grew thirsty. Then, Odette saw it. A larger opening than the first entrance was seen at the back wall. It was so dark, it looked like nothing could penetrate the blackness. Odette looked to Crucifix and her tail idly flicked behind her. "Do you want to see what is there? Or should we just play it safe?" For even though they stood a few feet from the opening, a strong smell unlike any other wavered from it.



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2 Years
05-01-2014, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2014, 09:43 PM by Crucifix.)

The air against the deeper parts of the cave where musky and stagnant, with the odd tang of sitting liquid. His second impression lined with the one Odette took in, as his eyes trailed upwards to the slivers of light that light the air in a silvery-white bathe much like starlight. On a second inspection he could see they were not entirely standstill, some seemed to flitter, some seemed to float even as others clung to the walls. They held the impression of living beings, and taking in a scent and searching past the sale odes he deduced they must be some form of bug ? but far more beautiful than the likes of flies.

He accepted the light, appreciating its aid in what would otherwise be utter blackness, and turned his attention instead to the wall of the black that these bugs did not penetrate, the same dark hole that had Odette?s attention. He would flash her a silver grin of fangs in response to her words. ?I?m game if you are? he whispered, and crept ever forward, moving himself first in that irrational spike of protection that seemed to make males think they were in charge of the safety of the ?fairer? sex.

He would be upon the blackness in moments, his eyes blinking and burning to adjust in that black hole, devoid of light. It was a struggle, but enlarged eyes would focus, even as the stench of decay would hit him. The body of a full grown deer lay dead against the earth, marks of blood against the bare stone spoke of movement of dragging, and the torn chunks of flesh spoke of massive claws and deadly fangs. His tail would fan out cautiously behind him, his ears would flash outwards and alert as he struggled to determine if this beast was home




10 Years
05-01-2014, 10:44 PM

Odette Adravendi

As Crucifix walked with caution, she silently watched him. All of her senses were on end and slowly rising, just to ensure her safety and his as well. Her toes extended their claws, of which tapped against the hard ground. They made tiny clicking noises, something that only cats would prefer to do in such places. Red and blue eyes remained focused on the darkness and Crucifix's body as it was slowly swallowed up. Tentatively, she took the few steps forward to be ensnared as well.
Odette was once again swallowed by the darkness, except this one could not be penetrated by light. Instead, she sniffed for Crucifix's location, hoping that she would not be too far from him. Decay reached her nose first and she snorted softly to get it out. Her tongue tasted the air and she was surprised to find that it wasn't as stale as an abandoned home. Something wasn't right and she then noticed the claw markings against the wall and floor near the deer. She swallowed hard and found Crucifix only a few inches in front of her. "Crucifix," she softly whispered, "I think we need to get out of here." As soon as the words left her mouth, a bristling could be heard in the far corner of the enclosed space. She began to take a few steps backward, getting ready to run if she needed.

I speak


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2 Years
05-02-2014, 03:29 AM

In the moments of his caution and sensitivity, he had all but forgotten the presence of the girl behind him. It wasn't until her breath was against his skin, and her words a soft touch against his ear that he would be reminded of her intrusion. His hairs along his spine would raise in an agitation that took hold of him in a heart beat, and faded just as quickly as remembered the speaker was his friend. But he was not alone in hearing her words, nor being alerted by their presence. He felt more then heard or saw the disturbance of the corner. Felt eyes level upon him before he saw the glow of amber breach the darkness. He could feel the menace as a tickled warning against his bristling fur before hearing the click of claws against stone.

The words of the girl had almost been forgotten to his frozen body, to his still limbs. But racing mind and weary senses where still hard at work feeing against the air before him. It wasn't until the sound of something large rising, of the sound of shifting weight that was almost audible through the a tremor of the cave. It wasn't until claws traced tracks against the earth in the movement of a slumbering beast rising, that the words of the girl would penetrate his cautious mind. Crucifix she had said we need to get out of here and he knew that no truer words had ever been spoken. ?Run his hissed to her, his words a low-voiced snarl. His hairs were standing on end and his ears where flat against his skull. The best took in a deep, heavy scent of the world. He could almost feel the suck of air, the rumbling grow of that intake.


He cried, in case his first words had not been force enough, finally turning now, and as through sensing his movements the bear would utter a rumbling grow that vibrated against his throat and echoed through the hollows of the cave. The rain was forgotten, minuscule to this newest threat. He was prepared to shove and push if need be, anything to keep Odette moving and ahead of him, save from the terror in the caves depths. He would lunge for the light, could feel the buzzing of the star-bugs above him and could feel sense and see the flickering and fading of their light as they sensed the movements, the threats and faded out one by one.

He was passing through the cave with rapid sweeps of his feet, eyes barely scrapping the now familiar sights of his refuge before he plunged onwards and out, out into the pouring rain. The thundering of heavy steps behind him propelling him onwards.




10 Years
05-05-2014, 01:21 AM

The sight of the bear was enough to make Odette race from the place she stood. Its eyes flashed dangerously and she gave a loud bark before leaving her piece of ground. She didn't care about anything that would happen to her, as long as she survived this day! Her paws clumsily carried her away in a failed attempt of a leap, but she continued to race through the large dome-like room of the cave. Gargoyle's instincts kicked in and she growled as she pushed herself past Crucifix, aiming for the rainy atmosphere outside.
In no time at all, the two wolves were smack dab in the middle of the storm. Dark gray clouds continued to roll above them, sending down more rain than ever. The bear didn't leave the cave, but rather roared at the entrance before receding into its home. Odette's ears flattened against her head as she watched the massive creature retreat to its warm and dry cave. Jealousy swept through the air around her as she grumbled beneath her breath. "Never again."
Silently, she looked at Crucifix with a ruby red and sapphire glare before blinking a couple of times to avoid rain water splashing in her eyes. "I don't think I will ever like a bear after what just happened!" She yelled, for the rain was still loud as ever. As the wind picked up around them, she started to shiver from the combination of water and air. Her thick coat was drenched to the skin and without another cave to slip into, she looked around through the raindrops for a sign of shelter. Finally, she saw it: a large rock-like structure with a big overhang to a rocky perch. Odette didn't waste any time.
She sloppily raced through the rain, sliding across the wet ground to reach the perch. Her form began to carry more weight of the rain, making it harder for her to reach her destination. In about five minutes, she reached the base of the mountain before climbing the side of it. Her paws found nooks and crevices that could fit and she boosted herself up until she felt smooth and flat rock beneath her. Odette struggled, but she finally had all four legs planted on the perch.
She turned to see if Crucifix needed help and intended to pull on his scruff to encourage his struggle. Once both were successfully on the ledge, she padded towards the edge to see the nasty, wet landscape. All of the color had been washed away and there was nothing but puddles and puddles. She sighed to herself and then shook herself free of the water. Once she knew that she was dry, she looked over to Crucifix and sighed softly. "Looks like we're stranded for awhile. If you're okay with that, then awesome. If not, well...we'll just make due." Silently, she padded towards the back wall and her whole body relaxed on the ground. Leaning against the wall, she sighed again and closed her eyes. "This will be something interesting to tell Grandma Erani."

Talk like this


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2 Years
05-07-2014, 03:00 PM

The forgotten storm was not to remain so now, not as his paws clicked along the floor, scraping and struggling to find purchase against the rain-slicked stone. Odette was before him, plunging out into the storm and he was quick to follow behind her. Gasping at the sudden chill that touched him as through he had just plunged into an icy sea, and that was still what it felt like. With the swirling storm around him he could barely breathe past the water that flooded before his face, could barely see a few steps before him through its misty endlessness.

He would shudder and turn at the growl of the beast, seeing it standing at the outskirts of the cave and watching them in their sodden coats before turning and lumbering back into the warmth of its den. He would shudder again, not certain if he was glad the bare despised the rain enough to remain inside or wrenched at the thought that he was now stuck within it. He would find it within himself to laugh at her words as she grumbled to the back of the vanished bear. He would raise his head to the rain, feel it drip against his skin and fall down the tracks below his eyes as he felt it encase and soak him until not a single piece of him remembered ever having been dry. This night already looked awful, and he could not now imagine finding warmth and rest this night.

It wasn?t until he sensed and saw the shivering of the girl beside him that he tore himself from his stupor, and his misery to the rain. He lowered his head with a sigh, hanging limply upon his paws with the weight of the world upon his back. There were more concerns then his own, and even as he started to look about himself to find something to at least her suffering if not his own, she would find something. He would follow her movements, and look further along to see where she headed. He raced after her, a few paces behind and dragged himself up with the grace of determination as he brought himself onto the ledge beside her. He dragged himself into the meagre shelter and slumped against the floor. Barely even bothering to shake of his coat before doing so. Tonight just didn?t want to work did it... he stole a glance to Odette to see how she faired. ?it is what it is? he said, with almost a grin.