
I sang my princess fast asleep

Twig I


05-23-2014, 06:38 PM

The scent of Alpine would flood the girl's senses as her mind would slowly awake from it's dreamy state. The same air of euphoria would swirl about the warming sands of the oasis. The suns bright rays would peek past the trunks of the palm trees, the warmth of the newly birthed light would envelope her luscious fur. As consciousness would begin its return to her the girl would realize the gentle embrace still held tightly around her. Her spine would tingle as she felt an innocent smile play on her features, memories of the past night flooding through her mind. She and Alpine were mates. Another shiver would run down her slate painted back, her body starting to stir within his strong grasp. "Good morning, sweet lover." her lyrics quiet, but filled with the tenderness and affection she felt for him.
She said she would leave her worries for today, but still she could not litter this magical place with negative energy. Euphoria would stay with them until paws led them back to their previous lives. Curiosity would threaten her, but the gentle feeling of love would push away anxious thoughts. Her breathing was soft, her movements slow with stubbornness to leave her place in his arms. The sand was perfect beneath her body, she slept completely without aches or and kind of hurt. Alpine truly had kept her from all pain. Marked features would slowly nuzzle his neck, wondering if he felt the same awe from their enchanted evening.?




05-24-2014, 12:01 AM

Day would find its way to the newly joined pairs, but it would not be the light of day that would awaken him. The sound of Twig would be soft against the air, pulling him from his slumber until belary eyes would blink open and find her form. A smile would beign to form, slow at first until it blossemed across his face. All that had happened the night before flooded back to memory and his eyes sparkled with the rememberance. Sweet Twig, sweet and beautiful Twig was his ? more then that, the smiles that came to her expressions was brighter then any other he had seen before as he had once vowed to himself, it was he who had put it there.

?I could get use to this ? waking to the face of an angel? he teased her as he pressed a lick against the muzzle that had nuzzled against his neck. He would stretch out all four paws and a yawn would cross his face as he brought himself back to life. He felt utterly content, if perhaps a touch more tight then a nights rest should bring to him. His eyes would cast about to their surroundings before returning to her face. ?Are you ready to return to Valhalla my dear?? he would ask her gently, easger to bring thise news back home but weary that it might remind her of all that she had lost.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"

Twig I


05-24-2014, 08:00 AM

She was sorrowful that her wish had indeed failed to come true, but having to return to reality would cause many heartaches for the cross marked girl. Twig would keep herself rooted to her fantasy, she wanted the magic to keep itself wrapped around her as tightly as Alpine had held her. She wanted happiness instead of sorrow, she needed his soft touch. Her heart would beat again, her caring mate had seen to that. Her cheeks would grow warm, thoughts of what they had done together making her toes curl delightfully. Slowly her partner would stir, his sweet words would caress her dark backed ears. She would hum in approval as his loving kiss was enjoyed, blissful eyes falling closed again. He would yawn, and his legs would uncurl from her sides. His yawn would be contagious, as one would also slip from her marked jaws. She would sigh, and settle back into his chest as he would asses their surroundings. His words would again flood their oasis, and upon hearing them Twig would feel a tinge of regret. Once they left their dream world, the real world would be there to welcome them. Was she really ready to return to that?
His words were gentle though, and it seemed his mere presence would give her courage. She and Alpine were in it together, she didn't have to rely solely on her own strengths anymore. Alpine would forever be there to soothe her woes and protect her from harm. She needn't worry about what kind of future Valhalla might hold, her valiant knight would keep her safe. She would sigh again, this time it was one of regret that they finally had to move on with life. Snuggling her features close to him once again she would savor the last moments she had in his embrace in the sands. Valhalla beckoned them and she would do well to not ignore the call. "I'll follow where ever you take me." her lyrics were girlish and timid as her body made no movements. She would follow his lead where ever and whenever he decided to go.?

I can talk!



05-24-2014, 09:49 PM

The couple, lost in the world that had formed about them would know nothing of the horrors going on within the pack lands. Her words where a soft and warm comfort to him, to know that neither ever wanted to part the others side again. They would spent the rest of their lives together, he would always fight and live for her, ensure her safety and her happiness. His thoughts wondered to Valhalla and he thought about Erani and the rest of the pack and wondered what she would think with Twig now as his mate ? he could imagine she would not be pleased after he ahd hurt Lyric so. Thoughts of that girl where quickly pushed aside as he held Twig close. Twig ? the girl he had always meant to fall in love with, the girl he was made for.

?We can face it ? together? he whispered gently into her ear and with another big yawn he would pull himself hesitantly from her grasp and put his paws on solid ground. He leaned downwards and gently lipped her ear, his breath twirling about the furs there as he grinned down at her and waited for her to rise. ?Valhalla it is? he said confinidently, utterly unknowing of the dangers that awaited them their.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"


05-24-2014, 11:17 PM

She had to find her sister. She hadn't seen her at all in Valhalla and it worried her, specially now that Jinxx was ill. She had ran off as soon as she had spoken to Erani. She had to find Twig and Cru. For all she knew was that Jinxx was dying and this would be the last time they got to see their brother. If she found her siblings in time. She ran like ghosts were chasing her, her paws skimming the earth in her wake across the land. She would start off in the south then east, north then west. It seemed logical to her. Fear and panic added and extra dose of speed to her legs, heart hammering in her chest.

She suddenly caught a whiff oh Twig's scent and came to a jarring halt, looking around wildly. Where was she? "Twig?! Twig?! Where are you?" She cried out in distress. Seeing Jinxx the way she had had scared her to death. She prayed he was going to be ok. She just wanted to curl up in a ball more than anything else. She spun in circles looking around with wide bewildered eyes. She had to be close by right?

Twig I


05-24-2014, 11:52 PM

The only future events she wanted to linger upon were the thoughts of marrying Alpine. His close touch would give her comfort, especially knowing she had him for life. She wouldn't think to worry about what Erani would think, or the other pack members. She had only spoke with Alpine of Lyric on one occasion, she knew not of the repercussions of his actions. Only how much she loved him, and needed him by her side. He would whisper gently into her ear, his breath would tickle the sensitive organ as a shiver ran down her back. The scent of her heat and passionate actions of the previous night would be stirred as Alpine rose to his feet. She would feel a hot blush upon her cheeks, her mate's gentle movements urging her to stand. She would smile at him lovingly, placing a kiss on his cheek. Her legs would extend and bring her from the sand. She would lean into his side, eyes closing peacefully as she would relish the last few moments of perfect happiness before it would again tumble around her.
As though on cue as soon as he'd eyes opened her name would be heard from beyond the palm trees. Instantly a panic would well up within her. That was Angel, and something was very wrong. Her chest would elicit a scared whine, instantly leaving her mate's side to run to the voice. "Angel?!" slate covered paws would swiftly carry her to where the girl had come, evident worry in he eyes. She hadn't seen anyone but Crucifix in a month, why was her sister suddenly here? "What is wrong?"



05-26-2014, 02:49 AM

He would lean ever so gently against her side as she stood beside him. Taking in a deep breath of her scent, feeling it and her all about him. It was blyss, and somehow he had found heaven. He looked down at her with a fond, loving smile and once again placed a soft kiss between her markings and sighed into her pelt. He never wanted to leave her side, never wanted to live a life without her. She had become all his family in one in that instant and he knew that his entire life and heart where now in her paws.

He was basking in all that was hers, to her scent and touch and taste when the sound called out around them. He startled, eyes slipping about him and one paw moving forward in a protective stance before his Twig. She however was already slipping away from him, around his form and onwards towards the sound ? clearly she recognsied who it belonged to. He was quick to follow, to stay by her side as he took in the stranger. He kept himself to Twig's side and allowed himself to fully take in this girl, to her crossed markings and her sorry expression ? this was Twigs family, and by extension his family. ?How can we help?? he asked softly, instantly accepting her as part of his life.

"Twig speech"
"Alpine speech"


05-27-2014, 09:04 PM

She looked around her wildly, head whipping back and forth, tail curling under her. Her name was called back to her and her ice blue gaze turned to fix on the sight of her sister. In two bounds Angel was burying herself into Twig's chest crying. Her sobs racked her body violently."Oh...Twig...Jinxx, he's..he's so sick!" She gasped out between her crying. She pulled back looking up at her older sister. Fear pulsed off of her in waves."Twig, there's a plague, its horrible. They cry blood and their bodies twitch with fever, and they hallucinate. Jinxx is so sick scare for him."

She never paid the white male any attention as she buried her face back in Twig's chest, nuzzling and dampening her fur with her tears. She was so scared. The known of what will happen to their brother was too much for her. She couldn't do anything to help him but the least she could do was find Twig and Cru and warm other packs of the plague. It was after a moment that she noticed Alpine and she looked at him warily. Who was he and why was he with Twig?

Twig I


05-27-2014, 09:27 PM

Seeing Madieke was a shock to her system, the girl was obviously scared. Something had happened. Twig didn't know if she could handle anymore loss, Themisto was barely gone for a week. She would push guilty thoughts from her mind, focusing on Angel and the tears that would begin to stain her pelt. Twig would draw the girl in, her worries threatening to spill out. She would sob as Alpine returned to Twig's side, his comforting presence keeping her from sobbing as hard as her sister. Angel would tell her the news and she would nearly fall to here knees there on the sand. She wanted more than ever to just be in Alpine's grasp within the oases. She wanted the world to just be her and her protector, she was through feeling so drained and lifeless. Madieke's description of the symptoms would grant her no better feelings as a hopelessness threatened to overwhelm her. Tears would fall slowly from her cheeks as she held her sister close. Unsure of the future.
She wanted to go back that second, she wanted to see her big brother an help him get better. He had to get well, she couldn't stand losing him too. "Can't the healers help them? Does no one know a cure?" she felt desperate and weak in face of such danger. Madi's attention would shift to Alpine, her gaze untrusting. "Angel, he's okay." she would nuzzle the tender girl lovingly before looking back to the holder of her heart. "My mate, Alpine." her words were only a bit strained as she made the introduction. "But we have to go back, we have to help Jinxx." she would lick her sister's cheek wondering if she was strong enough to make the trek again.?




05-28-2014, 02:52 PM

Alpine fell silent as the weeping woman threw herself into Twig?s chest. He waited in silence as that reunion, allowing the two girls the time they clearly needed. He knew the importance of family to these people ? despite having not experienced it himself in years ? not since the destruction of his world. It wasn?t until Twigs sister raised her head and glanced his way did he subtly dip his head and smile at her in friendly greeting. Inside he was processing her words and moving a step closer to Twig to wrap his tail gently around her?s without actually intruding upon the two. He knew that Twig had already lost more then what any wolf should suffer through and well he did not hate Maddie for bringing the bad news he felt a sense of sorrow for peace they had gained that must surely now be lost.

It wasn?t till a few heartbeats later that the full implication of what Maddie said touched him ? this wasn?t just Jinxx, and potential more heartache for his dear Twig? this was massive, and touched everyone around them. His thoughts touched on Erion, and Friction, of the mother he had met and helped.. of the friends he had made within Valhalla. He swallowed past the growing lump in his throat and fought not to show his own growing apprehension. ?Of course? he said gently as Twig asked to see him. ?But it?s important to know how its spread, I need to know the risk to Twig? these words where directed at Maddie. ?It?s one thing to be there for her brother, but another to fall to the same sickness beside him? his voice was gently, his worried gaze flicking from Maddie and back to Twig
