
Living Dead Girl



10 Years
05-20-2014, 04:24 PM

She had been fine the night before, finding her den rather easily and slipping away into slumber. Novel had even slept rather well, however as the morning light filtered into her den her closed eyes would suddenly explode into pain. Instantly awake Novel would find she couldn't even open her eyes the sun was so bright. Apparently the pain would become so bad that she was crying from it. Rubbing her eyes with porcelain paws she wouldn't realize the blood she was smearing everywhere. She didn't know what was going on with her eyes, only that they hurt. A whimper would fall from her lips as she felt a curdling in her stomach. She then came to the conclusion that she was sick in a massive way. Groaning she would lay herself back onto the den's floor unable to keep herself standing much longer. She was going to need help. "Elohim, Wake up. I need help." as the last words would slip from her a massive seizure would overtake her body.
Elohim would find himself in her den as she slipped the words from her lips. Panic taking him as he saw her blood covered paws and seizing figure. He needed help. Now. The small primate would ascend to the top of their tree, his high pitched voice calling out for anyone to come and help him with his poor companion.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

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10 Years
05-20-2014, 08:53 PM

Ara had not seen Novel for some time. A few days, a week -- she was not entirely sure. Time seemed so fluid now that she was here, settling in with her parents and her siblings, growing used to the lands of Ludicael and growing familiar with every nook and cranny. There weren't many herbs she could collect, as the season had turned the land cold and inhospitable to most vegetation, but she had salvaged a few through the beginning of the winter. Most were beginning to wilt and rot, and though she could not help but want to keep them fresh, it was growing difficult. Luckily, navigating the lands was consuming much of her time, and she found her thoughts wandering easily as she traversed the unfamiliar land.

A sound drew her from her aimless thoughts this morning, a shriek that echoed through the mangrove with alarming vigor. The voice was not canine, but it was familiar all the same. It was Novel's companion, Elohim. Something had to be wrong -- she rarely heard his voice, if at all. Quickly she would direct herself toward the sound, hoping Novel was near. As she drew closer to the girl's den, the scent of blood grew strong in the air. Was she hurt? What was wrong? Panic flooded her chest, sudden emotion overriding her normal stoic nature. She could help heal an injured wolf, and she could do so calm and professionally, but she suddenly felt overwhelmed, before even knowing what was wrong.

Though she was always polite and unwilling to intrude on anyone's space, she moved quickly through the entrance of Novel's den. If she was hurt, she had to help, and she knew she could not hesitate for even a moment. "Novel?" she asked, unable to keep fear from creeping into her voice "Are you okay? Her eyes began to adjust to the darkness as she made out Novel's shape in the dim light of the den. The scent of blood was strong here, though she was unsure what exactly was wrong, and she held herself back from bursting forth searching for whatever wound she presumed must exist. It took a long moment for her to notice her face caked in blood, and her eyes softened with worry.



10 Years
05-21-2014, 09:49 AM

Elohim would see the girl's approach. His call had fallen on the ears of Ara, a girl he knew as a healer. There were few others appearance that would have soothed him more than his companion's friend. He would quickly descend from the tree top, climbing down to meet with the girl as she made her way into the den. Elohim's eyes would adjust as he made it to the den's floor. His form clinging to Novel's side as her convulsions ceased. "She had a seizeur, her eyes... They're all bloody. I think it's a sickness." he didn't know what to do. This disease had never made itself known to him before now. He'd never heard tell of something like this.
Novel would stir, her pained eyes taking in the blurry form of Ara as her gentle words fell on her mismatched ears. "I'm.. So sick." she managed to stutter as her breathing became more labored. What was going on. Why did she feel like this, why was she crying blood?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
05-21-2014, 12:05 PM

Something seemed so wrong here. Novel was not the type to go out and seek a fight, but how else might she have hurt herself so badly? As far as she knew, bleeding did not naturally happy, there had to be an injury of some sort. If only she knew...

Elohim quickly explained that she'd had a seizure, that her eyes were bleeding. It didn't make sense, and Ara wrinkled her nose in confusion rather than disgust. She was used to helping her parents deal with regular aches and pains -- she knew what to do when they felt nauseous, or had trouble sleeping, or even had trouble staying awake. But this was something entirely different. This was not a wound that needed to heal, and it didn't seem like a simple cold that would go away on its own.

Whenever her mother and father weren't feeling well, her instinct was to move close to them, to comfort them and love them. A similar desire began to well up in her chest, but there was a hesitation there, too. She had never really encountered a disease that could be spread to others, but she knew they existed and knew that she could be at risk if she moved to close to Novel. But as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and Novel spoke to her, she felt her heart sink in her chest. The fear was evident in her voice. Warily Ara crept forward, examining her as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Her eyes were not just bloodshot, but actually were filled with blood, and it caked the pure white fur of her face. "What is it? Did it start today?" She tried her best to remain calm, but her composed facade of a healer seemed to slip as she watched Novel and saw just how afraid she was. She did not move closer yet, merely watching with wide eyes.



10 Years
05-23-2014, 08:35 PM

Novel didn't know what was going on with her body. Her eyes were pouring blood while her body would experience sporadic seizures. She knew that she felt worse than she ever had before and that the winter chill would freeze her skin. Her teeth would chatter as she lay on the den's floor, unsure what ara could even do for her. Her breathing was labored, almost enough for her to be gasping. She felt like a fish that had been removed from the water, there wasn't enough oxygen in the den to supply her. Questions would echo in her mind as the words would become visual hallucinations. Waves of sound would become visible to the frightened girl, why was this happening to her?
Elohim would pet Novel's shoulder trying to comfort her. He'd never seen anyone so sick, his heart was sick with worry and despair. What could they do to help his companion? "I don't know ara, I've never seen anything like this. And as she woke up, it overtook her." his round ears would lay back on his head as he lay it upon her laboring lungs. Still petting her soft fur the primate would whine softly.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
05-23-2014, 09:09 PM

The first rule of healing was to be calm and reserved. It only worsened the pain when an injured wolf saw others panicking. The second rule was to stay safe -- it was often best to distance oneself from a sick wolf, especially in case of infection. But she watched Novel writhe and shiver, obviously afraid and confused. A whine left her lips, her tail twitching uncomfortable behind her. "Elohim," she started, her voice quivering. "Can you go find Song? Please?" He could likely move more quickly than her, and she suddenly didn't want to leave Novel alone here.

Finally she moved forward beside Novel's companion, unable to watch helplessly as Novel lay there, her breathing heavy and her body tense. With only the smallest bit of hesitation she would lower herself at Novel's side, pressing against her. Her scent was familiar and she welcomed it, even though it had changed, possibly due to whatever sickness plagued her. But it seemed right to comfort her, even if it would put herself at risk. Another soft whimper would escape her lips as she moved to groom Novel's cheek, avoiding the blood that caked her face but wanting to soothe her regardless -- for she felt utterly helpless otherwise.



10 Years
05-23-2014, 09:45 PM

Elohim would notice Ara's nervous manner, he felt the same way. He was confused about her illness, scared for her life. The repetition of his hands over her coat would soothe him little, he needed to do something for her. Ara would softly provide the solution. Song. They needed song's guidance and she needed to know about the sickness. He would whimper, kissing his hand and touching it to Novel's fur. Hoping she could fight this mystery illness. I'll be swift." swift movements would carry him up the inside of the tree trunk, climbing out and swinging from branch to branch towards Song's den.
Suddenly she wasn't so cold anymore. Bloody gaze would squint to see the being at her fevered side. What met her gaze would cause her eyes to close once again. A bright light would hold her tightly, a goddess would come to her side just as she needed her. Her breathing would find easier conquests, lungs filling easier as the divine being gently groomed her pale white cheek. Was this the sickness that had found her mother the first time she had spoken to the gods? We're they coming to her now in this terrifying time? She would whimper submissively, her body trying to relax from the trembles that shook her. She would try to mumble her humbleness, but all that would come out were quiet hums. Her ravaged body would finally lay still tremors ceased, novel would sigh pitifully. Thankful for the warmth given.?

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
05-27-2014, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 09:02 AM by Ara.)

Ara knew she would've easily risked her own well-being for her parents, and even for her siblings, without a second thought -- but for Novel? She was a friend, perhaps even her closest companion besides her family, but she was just that. If what she had truly was contagious, she could already be getting sick, and staying here would only prolong her exposure to the illness. But she couldn't imagine leaving now, and leaving her alone. She struggled to keep her breathing even, knowing it would only make matters worse if she worked Novel into more of a panicked state. That was the last thing she needed right now.

She could only hope that her closeness would bring her some relief. She was so overwhelmed with fear, it seemed, that she could barely communicate what exactly hurt and any other symptoms she might have. They would certainly come out in due time, but even now Ara knew there was little she could do for her. Her store of herbs had not traveled well so far from home, but she trusted the pack's healers would figure out something to ease her suffering. But she would be here for her, and comfort her as best as she could. Physical affection wasn't exactly familiar to her, besides the kind of affection she had always been shown from her parents -- but she continued to lick Novel's cheek, feeling her body relax beside her.

"Novel?" she started, her voice hushed and gentle, wanting to bring her thoughts away from the present. "Do you remember the place we first met? The willow trees?" They'd been young then, but that place had all but sparked Ara's interest in plants and herbs. It had been her first time away from home, and she had seen so many new flowers and trees. "We should find that place again soon." It was a happy thought, and she hoped she could let Novel's mind wander even if only momentarily.