
Come One, Come All

Twig I


05-28-2014, 08:29 AM

Jinxx had not returned her loving embrace, and she would try not to think anything of it. He had just returned from the long journey with Erani and it was likely he was just tired. Crucifix would come shortly after, nudging her shoulder and taking a seat next to Odette. He would not be able to find a seat by her when she sat between Jinxx and Alpine. She would smile at him lovingly, but in her core a fear would begin to rise up. Twig would become distracted by Jinxx moving away from her. He'd not even given a greeting to she and Crucifix, but would find their father's form and embrace him. She didn't know what was going on with Jinxx, but she was glad their father was present. Chrysanthe would find them next, she didn't think Jinxx would be back so Twig would let Crucifix scoot into the previously held seat so Chrysanthe and her companion would have room to sit. She would offer a pleasant smile to the distraught girl, quietly wondering if she was alright. Finally, a friend of Odette's would appear. A giant horse that towered over her and the other wolves sitting by the girl. She would push herself even farther into Alpine's side, completely oblivious to the death stares he was getting from lyric's family. Another horse would appear, this one obviously still a foal. The girlish voice squealing Odette's name as she came galloping to them. Twig would stare wide eyed behind Alpine's shoulder as Erani came to stand beside him. Twig would notice then the look in her eye, and she could feel her hackles rising unintentionally. Whatever the queen had said to her friend Twig did not like it. She would nuzzle his shoulder comfortingly as Erani left them again.
Not much more time would pass before Erani started the meeting, her cool voice greeting them all as her announcements would flow from pale lips. She would speak of Alpine's great deeds, and Twig would grow ever more suspicious of Erani's actions towards him. Her coat had calmed though, obviously she hadn't meant any harm while the pack was gathered. Twig would listen to all that was said, especially the naming of the horses that had gathered so close to her. Erani would go on to explain ranks, introduce new members, including her and her family. Though she would not stand up to be recognized. Finally though she would hand the floor over to Sephiroth, a male she knew not of but obviously held an authority. He would go on to announce training in battle, and she knew that she wanted to show up. After the surprise attack she received she knew she needed to brush up on her battle prowess. Was that where she was to be called? A warrior rank alongside alpine maybe? It still didn't feel right, she was so small.. She just wanted to protect herself, she wanted to be stealthy and unseen. When he called for training she would come. Leaning back into Alpine she hoped they would be dismissed, it had been a lot of excitement for one day and the girl was starting to grow weary.?.




10 Years
Athena I
05-28-2014, 03:20 PM

Cael couldn't say that he had terribly missed the hussle and bussle of meetings, but it was good to see his family. His father and Alsander were the first to notice him and he would give them both joyful smiles, his tail brushing against the ground. It warmed his heart to know that at least his father and brother were happy to see him. Several more would show up, each with their own greetings to their respective friends and family, many with news for Erani, before Imena and Amia would appear and immediately Cael would feel guilt well up in his gut for not waiting for her. Even from a distance it was clear that she wasn't feeling well. Even though they weren't on the best terms he still felt the need to make sure she was alright.

He ignored the drama happening within the pack involving the horses and the bickering family members, instead rising to his paws to pad over to Imena and giving her an apologetic look. "I'm sorry... I would have waited on you if I knew you were sick. I should have been more observant." He would have offered to run and get her some herbs, but he was sure Amia would have already done her part. The girl had a natural talent for the healing arts.

He settled once more near Imena, not wanting her to have to sit on her own even if she was sick. He would look back at the rest of the pack just in time to see his aunt stalking away from one of the wolves that had caused a ruckus, her anger easily seen. He hoped that he would never be on the receiving end of that icy stare. He knew well enough that her anger was no force to be reckoned with.

Erani soon began the meeting, speaking of the effects of the earthquake, promotions, new positions, members returning, all of the normal announcements for a pack meeting. Some of the new positions sounded interesting, but he wasn't sure he could ever give up primarily being a healer, if for no other reason than to stay by Imena's side to support her in her role as Theta Primary. Though perhaps he could prove himself to Erani and see about becoming one of the new higher positions within the Theta category. He made a mental note to have a chat with his aunt later and see about his options.

Sephiroth spoke next, telling them about the training that he would soon call. Cael felt dread thinking of this fight training, but he knew that he would have to go no matter how much he disliked it. It was a necessary evil of this live they lived, he knew that, but it didn't make him like it any more. He would quietly wait to see if there would be any more announcements.




05-30-2014, 02:39 AM

Caerul waited patiently for the meeting to start. He watched his aunt move to a few group of wolves, anger rolling off of her in waves. He felt sorry for the wolves who got a tongue lashing, for he knew just how fierce his aunt could be when angered. Once the meeting commenced, he listened silently about the events that had happened. What surprised him was the peace treaty, though he was glad for it. Now let's see if Glaciem keeps their end... He would give them the benefit of the doubt, though with a leader like Isardis it was highly doubtful. Returning his attention to Erani, he would listen in on the rest of the news she had to say. Nodding with approval the ranks she had chosen to integrate into the pack. It was a lot, but it would benefit them nonetheless. "God help the ones who fall on her bad side..." He muttered under his breath, suspecting that there were possibly a few already who might have achieved that rank through their actions...or perhaps the actions they weren't doing within the pack. Valhalla was close knit, and it seemed many were failing in the duties given to them. What a shame.

Attention would focus then to Sephiroth who would announce a training within a few days time. Caerul would be there, of course. He was a senior warrior, he had to help train those that arrived. Perhaps it would be his chance to spar with his brother at last. He cast a sheepish glance towards Cael, though he seemed to be busy with Imena. Good. He knew the couples relationship was rocky right now, and he hoped dearly that his brother could undo what had been done.



5 Years
Athena I
05-30-2014, 08:50 AM

She wouldn't have too wait long before her man appeared, the sight of him bringing a smile to her face. A fairly large gathering of wolves had already appeared, along with Obsidian, before she spotted his form moving toward her. She'd roll her eyes playfully as she watched him gently hit the back of his sister's head. "Brotherly love" she thought to herself with a soft chuckle. He turned his attention to her once more, her tail wagging as his nose pressed to her cheek. Gael whispered into her ear and she chuckled, glancing up at him slyly and nudging him with her shoulder. "Behave yourself," she muttered with a smirk, even though she knew Gael knew she loved it.

Next she spotted her old friend Ashtoreth and her face lit up as their eyes met, her tail wagging behind her. Luckily it seemed her friend was as excited to see her as she was. Meili made a mental note to make sure to have a chat with her friend later, hopefully sooner rather than later. She watched Ash say something to Erani and curiosity crept over her, wondering what it could be.

A few more unfamiliar faces showed before she saw her brother appear and she smiled as he came over to greet her and Gael. She wished, as she did every time she saw him, that she could remember more of her younger years so maybe she would remember him better, but none of the less he was here now and she did recognize her brother. That was a step in the right direction. "Hello, Arwel," she'd reply, happy that he had sat beside her.

Many more showed their faces, Valhalla members and apparent friends of the pack alike. It worried her that she knew so few of those faces, but she merely reminded herself that she had been gone a long time and the pack wouldn't have stood still while she and Gael were gone. New members would come and old members go. It simply meant that there was plenty of new wolves for her to meet!

There seemed to be some sort of commotion on the other side of the group and she turned her teal gaze toward them with concern, her brows pulling together with disapproval. She couldn't quite tell what was going on, but it seemed that Erani would come down to nip it in the bud, whatever it was. Meili gave a little shake of her head and looked back up to where Erani had returned to her perch to begin the meeting. She hoped that whatever was going on could be worked out.

Meili listened intently as Erani spoke. She was happy to hear about the peace treaty with Glaciem, though she wondered how long it would last. She remembered well Gael having to go to fight and she subconsciously pressed her shoulder to his. Erani went on to name a few of their new allies, including a mountain lion and Obsidian's adoptive daughter, Meili's gaze straying briefly to look at the both of them. Her eyes would quickly find Erani again however as she began to speak of new ranks. She was excited at the thought, wondering if maybe one of these new positions could be a good fit for her. She wanted to be more of a part of the pack and this could be her chance. Perhaps she could move up to one of the new Psi ranks. The Messenger position caught her attention though. She was swift and she had wandered all over Alacritis before she joined Valhalla so she knew its layout fairly well. She would have to speak with Erani about it later.

After Erani had made a long list of wolves to welcome to the pack, Sephiroth would announce that a training in fighting would come soon and Meili knew she would need to go. She wasn't all that familiar with fighting, but she was interested anyway. Besides, she didn't want to be as useless as she had been during the last war. Perhaps if they were to be attacked again, she would be able to help.




6 Years
05-30-2014, 01:41 PM

Azalea had to have patience. Wolves gathered slowly, traveling from the far spread reaches of the pack. Her mother was not there. Her father was not there. She frowned a bit but shrugged it off. Although she had only been home shortly, she was more than surprised to have no been hunted down and tackled with a wave of affection from her mother. She grimaced at the thought but couldn't shake the real worry that was boiling in the pit of her stomach, slow and simmering.

Erani was circulating and as Azalea spoke up to her, Erani replied kindly. ?And I am glad to see that you are alive and well. It?s good to see you home again.? There was a moment after before Erani leaned in, informing her of good news to be spoken of later, this grabbed her attention but Azalea let Erani get on with circulating.

Meili would appear, the woman her brother had brought home with her once upon a time just in the manner that their father had brought home their mother. It was no different and Azalea was never under the illusion that the two were just friends. Meili seated herself near Azalea, who suddenly fount herself not sure what to say. The Adravendi she-wolf could only nod lightly back to the female as she smiled and acknowledged her.

Thankfully Sarak arrived with a bushel of rabbits in his jaws. Her amber eyes traced his path, upset when he didn't come to her first (but grateful for any distraction from her lack of words to say to Meili). A wolf blocked her view from making out the first wolf he stopped out and the next was Erani. When had he become such a talented hunter? ?The best for last.? He had dropped the last rabbit at her feet and now held his nose to her tender ear. She smiled faintly, leaning forward to snuggle into his neck.

Azalea's attention was pulled away the equine pack member joined the wolves. She let out a nicker like the red head had never heard before and a small foal appeared. Before she could make any comment a familiar voice congratulated Obsidian and then called to her. "Azalea!" She found Vahva then, meeting her red gaze and welcoming her over with a friendly smile. "Vahva, so good to see you," her words came with a smile.

When her brother arrived Azalea waited for him to say hello or welcome back or something to acknowledge he had realized she was gone... but he didn't. There was a rather intimate moment between him and Meili, much like the one she had shared with Sarak. Meili got all shy and flustered and Azalea smirked, an action that she hid by turning to press her nose into Sarak's neck fur again.

When the ball got rolling Erani updated everyone and announced new wolves and all that jazz. "I would like to welcome home Azalea Adravendi, Meili and Gael Adravendi," Azalea looked over to Gael and Meili. They had been gone too? Huh.

New ranks and updates to ranks were also given and Azalea couldn't help but feel a dollop of disappointment plop into her stomach. No rank was noted to her. It was frustrating as Azalea always liked to be useful.


06-01-2014, 08:41 AM
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Arwel would tip his head as Erani addressed him. ?It was my pleasure. It was a good chance to work with some of the other members of the pack.? He had honestly enjoyed it, going out with the others and exercising... As well as getting a good meal. All in all it had been truly wonderful. The male would stay settled, relaxed, until Erani got off the rock and approached a white male. Baldur she called him. The she-wolf had apparently noticed something that he hadn?t, some sort of anger that had sparked within the other at some other wolf named Tyr. They were all wolves he didn?t know personally, though he wasn?t sure at this point if he would get to know Baldur, or this Thor, who he assumed was the wolf next to him.

Erani would make her way back to the boulder, pausing to speak to another wolf on the way before taking a seat again. Sephiroth would address her before the alpha primary began to speak. He would stay settled, cerulean eyes focused upon the form of the white woman as she addressed them all. She would first speak of the Earthquake and three members of the pack... A young wolf who had broken his leg and his two rescuers. There were promotions to go along with this. Alpine promoted to Digamma Tertiary and Surreal to the position fo the heir.

Then came a surprising thing. It seemed that a peace treaty had been seized by Erani between Valhalla and Glaciem. He would give a silent nod at this, to agree that he would uphold it and not cause problems. He could only hope that none of the other Valhallans would dare tamper with that. There was talk of the return of two of Valhalla?s members as well. Then Erani would speak of needing to train, so that they would be prepared in case of anything, and saying she didn?t doubt that the Glaciem King might try a backstabbing maneuver. Well then... It was something to certainly keep in mind. He knew all too well how being unprepared could lead to unnecessary death and severe injury. He would glance at Meili, ears shifting backward.

Gaze would shift now to the mentioned allies. A mountain lion, Laila, would be living in Whisper?s Gorge. Then he would look to the black mare and foal at her side. They were different than the usual prey animals he had seen... But these two were allies. Those he would certainly lay his life down for if he needed to. There were also news on ranks, which Erani went into detail about. So many new ranks indeed. Arwel would silently wonder about this, but it was something that would be explained more as time went on certainly. Welcomes for new members, returning members, and news of one missing and one who had departed had also been shared. Even wolves living beyond the borders... Including Emily. It was a lot of news, though now Sephiroth would speak up, giving his own announcement.

A training session was going to be held soon, focusing on evasiveness. The male would look towards the white and silver male, giving a nod if he met his eye. A silent promise to make sure he showed up. Valhalla, his home, meant a lot to him... And he proved his loyalty and dedication to the pack by attending as many things as he possibly could.



