
Days Go By


06-20-2014, 09:15 PM

The sickness had left her, though the woman was currently unsure of where to go with her friends, her family. Aiden was the one she yearned to stick close to now, for Arian had disappeared. She needed to seek out Maverick, whose scent was not fresh among Ebony?s borders. He would not yet know of the challenge that had gone through... Of her loss of his home. The woman felt a failure, everything she knew crashed around her. She had Rohini, Squall, and Aiden. They were the remains of the family she knew, the family she loved. But Destruction would not abandon them...

She had much on her mind as of late. Through the sickness she remembered her past... Dark parts of her past that were once buried through time. But she pieced together things now. She had done dark things, evil deeds that many wolves would be apalled at. She even recalled her birth name, after all this time. Bernadette. It was not the prettiest name, but it was hers. A name that she wanted to pass down some day... She woudl give that name a fresh start, just as she had been given a new start. But now her choice was to see where her life lead her from here.

The beach was where she was at the moment, deciding the best course of action. Snow had not fallen here, thanks to the southern temperatures being warmer, though it had within the winter season before. Her leg, as well as her other wounds, had mended now. She could walk around, but not without a noticeable limp that slowed her progress. A sigh would escape the ex-Queen as she stared out across the water. How she missed the days gone by.



06-22-2014, 01:40 PM

The cold that the yearling had was gone, and all she had to do now was find her family. With her brown and white fur still dripping from her swim to the land of Alacritis, the yearling had decided to make a short walk around a beach. The warm breeze made her smile and close her eyes, thinking about times when she used to play with her siblings as a pup. But those times seemed so far away from her now. She had left to explore the world, and she knew that now was the time to see what had happened in Seracia. But she didn't know that there was no Seracia anymore. The scent of a wolf made her open her eyes and run closer, a low whimper escaping her jaws as she saw who the wolf was. Destruction.

Mismatched eyes looked up at the other female before she spoke, confusion obvious in her voice. The way she spoke was quiet, and she tilted her head ever so slightly. "Destruction?" She said, then shook her head and spoke again. "Queen Destruction? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you......Seracia? Is it.......Is it still here?" She said, and closed her eyes. Please let it still be here. Please. Please. She thought, then spoke again. "Have you seen moth-Loccian? Or any of her children? I need to speak to her."

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06-22-2014, 06:46 PM

She was the only one there on the beach for a very long moment. She felt as though her mind was lost, still desperately searching for some sort of answer for why things had ended the way they did. Seracia was no longer a pack... And what had become of most of the members was but a mystery to the woman. Since the pack was passed into her paws they had left, bit by bit, or just... Disappeared. Where had she gone wrong, at least that they had known? Destruction knew there were many things in her life that had not gone according to plan, or along the path of light, but she was still ?good? now, wasn?t she?

Wasn?t she?

Had the Seracian?s somehow saw her darkness? The evil inside her heart? Had they, somehow, known the demon that she had become, warped by the cruel and merciless hand of fate? Where did she go now? She felt as if everything was but a dream, really. Like she wasn?t here... Like she would never be here again. She had lost herself, truly lost her way. It was a sad fact, and yet, Destruction felt it was never going to get any better. The daughter she had tried to adopt, to bring into her life, had left as well. Arian... Was she alive? Well? The old wolfess would heave a sigh. She wasn?t too old yet... But she was aging... Half her life, or what was expecting of a long life, gone already.

The soft whimper, one that bore familiarity, would drag the half-blind woman from her darkness. From the thoughts that shadowed her mind. She would lift her gaze, falling upon the brown girl with the mismatched gaze of blue and green. Silveris. The girl had been adopted by Loccian, the former Queen of Seracia. She... She had questions. The large woman would close her eyes, sighing softly. She didn?t want to be the one to tell Silveris what had become of her home. Her family. She didn?t want to bear the burden of the message, but this was her burden alone to bear. To share the hard news with the young girl.

?No... Seracia is no more, Silveris. I... I was challenged for the right of the lands and, though I tried to save it, it was lost.? The woman would keep her gaze on the other, her single crimson ringed orb shining with sadness. ?There were not many Seracians left by that time, Silveris. The pack was falling apart, and I knew not why. Whether it was my leadership or the fact that Loccian disappeared, leaving my a permanent Queen there, I know not. I have not seen here, nor many of the others. Any of her children that were still there had gone as well, at the same time it seems. I believe that she left Alacritia with them. I... I am sorry, Silveris. I was unable to protect them... Your family. I was unable to shield the pack from falling apart. I did not deserve the title that was granted to me.? Destruction would remain quiet then, waiting for her news to sink upon the girl. Waiting for whatever might come. Anger... Accusations... Sadness. Whatever was due.



06-29-2014, 04:04 PM

Silveris wanted for Destruction to say that Seracia was still there, that her family was still waiting for her; she wanted it more than anything in the world. Her pack had to still be there, it had to be. It couldn't end without her there, without her knowing. At least, she hoped that it couldn't end like it had. But she was no longer sure. Closing her mismatched eyes, Silveris braced herself for whatever news that the queen had. She was hoping for the best, but expecting the worst from Destruction. What if her mother was no more, what if her siblings were no more? No, they had to be alive. She believed in them. Her mother was strong, Enola was strong. None of her family had been sick, until the end, when Silveris had left. Despite her own reassuring thoughts, the year old wolf doubted that her mother..... No, Silveris. If you believe she's alive, she probably is. She's just......In Seracia. With the rest of them. If Seracia is still standing, that is. The brown and white girl shook her head.

It's still standing......Isn't it?

Maybe Destruction could meet Emery if Seracia was no more. Be the mother that Silveris had in Loccian. But it wouldn't be the same. Enola, her other siblings, she wanted them to be okay. But she wasn't sure that anyone would be okay ever again. Emery couldn't find his family....What if the same was true for her? It wouldn't be true.....Couldn't be true. Loccian was out there, they were out there. And maybe, one day, Biull would be alongside her as well. Maybe they would meet again one day. Silveris missed her brother, and how close the two were to each other. Maybe that would happen again someday. It would, she knew it would. And she could tell him everything had happened to her.

But when Destruction had looked at her, Silveris knew something was wrong at that moment, and began bracing herself again. The brown and white girl opened her jaws, and tried to talk through the sadness. But only one word escaped her jaws before Destruction began to speak. "I....." Then Destruction began to speak, and she paused, listening to her words.

?No... Seracia is no more, Silveris. I... I was challenged for the right of the lands and, though I tried to save it, it was lost.? Seracia was gone, just like part of her predicted, and there was no way to get it back together again, unless she remade it. But that was unlikely. ?There were not many Seracians left by that time, Silveris. The pack was falling apart, and I knew not why. Whether it was my leadership or the fact that Loccian disappeared, leaving my a permanent Queen there, I know not. I have not seen here, nor many of the others. Any of her children that were still there had gone as well, at the same time it seems. I believe that she left Alacritia with them. I... I am sorry, Silveris. I was unable to protect them... Your family. I was unable to shield the pack from falling apart. I did not deserve the title that was granted to me.? Silveris herself would remain quiet, and finally she spoke. But, instead of being against Destruction, the insults were aimed at herself. "I should have never left. I'm a pathetic excuse for part of the Mathias family." She let her tail droop, and sat beside Destruction.

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07-10-2014, 06:23 PM

Destruction would feel her heart break all the more as Silveris spoke. The woman would gently wrap her leg around the younger girl?s back. ?Do not say such things, Silveris. You did not know and you had no way of knowing... Fate had something different in store for all of us it seems. I am sorry that you had to find out like this... But you should know that trying to set out on your own and make your own life. It is a respectable thing... And nothing you should ever regret.? The femme closed her good eye.

?The only thing that we can do now, Silveris, is live. We must continue on our paths, and make the world proud of our names. Loccian would want you to find happiness, even if she wasn?t with you.? The woman would open her eye again, flashing a small smile. ?Who knows? Perhaps we might run into one of them again. The world works in mysterious ways after all.?
