
autumn chillin'



2 Years
05-03-2014, 03:17 PM

The tiny dark-coated pup trotted through the grass, her tiny tail wagging behind her happily. It hadn't taken long after her initial misadventure for Signy to sneak out again. She'd just waited for her Mama to let her guard down, and then... BAM! LIKE A NINJA. She'd taken off into the grass again, at first sprinting as fast as her tiny legs could carry her in a straight line, but as soon as it had occurred to her that Mama could just follow her scent trail through the grass she'd taken to methodically hiding her trail in as many ways as her clever young mind could think of, and was now thoroughly, delightfully lost. How exciting! Too bad she couldn't bring Cecily or Taddeo, but they just weren't sneaky enough and would probably give the whole thing away. Maybe they'd get better at sneaking when they got older, or maybe they were just bad at it cuz they were so much bigger now. Oh well, their loss! Today was going to be AWESOME.


[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-08-2014, 08:25 PM

In the pack lands, Esti wandered aimlessly. Really she was hoping for a free meal, but none had been found yet. She walked, oblivious to the feelings of the grass under her paws or the buzzing of insects nearby. The girl's mind wanted food, and it wanted food now, dead, at her feet, preferably already opened for her. That was wistful thinking, though Esti allowed it because she couldn't find a reason not to daydream about being waited on head-and-paw. Eventually the girl settled down, too absorbed in her little world to be bothered with walking further. Her frame was already larger than most her age, though, compared to her siblings, she was normal. She didn't notice she was large yet, though later in life it would be her proudest attribute.

A small pup seemed to dance into view, though at enough distance to where it could have easily been some sort of dinner, judging by size. At least to Esti it looked like dinner. The girl stood slowly, her ears lowering and her shoulders rolling as her tail came off the ground. So it wasn't dead, at her feet, or pre-opened, but it was here now and free, which was convenient. A small smile took to Esti's face as her paws began to slowly lift and slowly place back on the ground in succession, the girl suddenly aware of the grasses that brushed across her body. Her body, teeming with energy, filling, growing hot, moved closer to the pup. Her stomach tightened with anticipation as her heart pounded. Each beat of her heart brought a reddened blur to the girl's vision, blocking out everything but the very core of her target. Had she been thinking, she may have seen it was a pup by now, but blood-lust coursed through her veins and took control. Her body became so hot, so full, that all at once it was released with a leap and roar, teeth flashing and eyes narrowing, aiming straight for the food that was no longer able to be seen.




2 Years
05-09-2014, 11:44 AM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2014, 11:45 AM by Signy.)

As Signy trotted through the grass, blithely ignorant of having been spotted and designated as a meal, she was talking quietly to herself in a sing-song chant, a sort of running commentary of her actions and the things around her. "Walk-ing through the grass-y and the brush-y, gush-y grass-y an' now trott-y through the grass-y with the sky-y such a sun-ny day-yyyy an' Mom-my doesn' even know-y cuz I'm so sneak-y and it's..." she stopped speaking suddenly, catching site of the black and white form in the grass. "Oh, HI!" she crowed happily, bouncing forward with tail wagging to meet her new-found friend. But the wolf didn't seem to be interested in talking, which was too bad. What were they doing? She was... The sudden roar and leap took Signy completely by surprise as she puffed up her dark fur in alarm. Luckily instinct took over and the tiny pup scrambled forward, underneath the bigger wolf's belly as she landed where Signy had been. Hey! That wolf tried to hurt her! That wasn't nice at all! "Oh you bully!" she cried out furiously.

Offended to the core, Signy did the first thing her fierce soul demanded: she opened wide her tiny jaws and sought to latch them into the bigger wolf's back right ankle, about the only thing she could reach.


[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-14-2014, 08:10 PM

It was so close. Esti could taste it. Esti could see her brothers as they gawked at her own plump kill, asking her to share. Her jaws snapped closed with a loud click, 'Wait. Shit-' everything hit the ground at once with a collective thud. Esti didn't have time to contemplate her mistake; the food bit her. Esti shook her leg violently, knocking off the attacker and standing, bouncing back several steps and staring at the offender.

Esti's tongue ran over her teeth, her vision clearing a bit. Her food was not actually food, but another wolf. Esti's body felt hot with shame and she pouted, her mind finding reasons to blame the pup for her mistake, "Why are you the wrong species? You're supposed to be food. Why are you even so small? You know what, you should be food if you can't be bigger or have like, I dunno, someone watching you!" The girl clicked her tongue, debating on if the pup did, in fact, have parents. She also contemplated eating the pup anyway, since she was hungry. Was that wrong? Survival of the fittest and all, right? Esti shook herself, 'Better see if it has friends yet before doing something like that. Don't wanna ruin my source of big game by eating someone's kid.'


Tea said I can shake her off.



2 Years
05-18-2014, 10:46 PM
Ok, so I wrote this at almost midnight after a long day of diving, so it may not be entirely coherent... XD

The horrible, awful wolf who had tried to hurt her shook her grip off like she was just some dust on her paw, sending the pup tumbling. Signy was immediately up and furious, especially as the big-mouth meany started saying things. "I am not the wrong speeeeshes, you're just wrong in the head you big dumb-dumb! I am just exactly what I'm supposed to be and I am not small, you take that back!" She contemplated biting the bigger wolf again but that hadn't worked out real well for her last time and she figured the other wolf would just shake her off again, so Signy settled for sticking out her tongue. "If you try to eat me I'll pull out all your fur so everyone sees your shiny bald stupid head! And I don't need anyone to watch me so there! Cuz I can take care of myself!" Every point was punctuated by a stamp of her tiny paw in the dirt for emphasis, accompanied by a bright green glare and a stubborn set to her face. "Why don't you just go fall in a lake so all the fishes will eat you?!"

Signy had never felt this mad before, not even at Cicily or Taddeo when they made her mad, and she felt like she was going to burst from it all. No one had ever actually tried to hurt her before.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
05-30-2014, 09:05 PM

Esti quickly composed herself, her heart still beating a little fast. The little black rat started talking all angry and fast. Esti cocked her head at the pup's sass, demanding he take back her words, "Not gonna take it back, you're little." she stated lazily, giving a half-hearted snap at the pup's tongue, which was sticking out at her. As the girl blabbered on, Esti fluffed out her fur, putting it on end, trying to emphasize how much bigger and badder she was than the runt in front of her. The girl kept stamping her paw around, like that helped anything. She finished with some retort about fish that probably would have been relevant if Esti was listening. She wasn't. Instead she was thinking about what she was going to say next and blurted it out right when the pup stopped her rant, "Yeah, well if you're so big and can take care of yourself, come at me again." she challenged, as if the pup had come after her first, "Or maybe you're too scared. Prolly scared, and I'm not even that scary, wait till ya see bears that wanna rip ya apart and angry bucks that wanna poke your eyes out with their horns."
Okay, so Esti hadn't even seen a bear or an angry buck yet, but she heard they were both big and fairly scary. She stood there with a smug little grin waiting for the pup to do something, knowing she was big enough to be in control of the situation. When she had control, there was no reason to worry, she reasoned, forgetting completely that the pup belonged to someone and that she was in a pack land. It simply didn't matter; she had control. "Speech"



2 Years
06-10-2014, 02:10 PM

Signy puffed up angrily at the bigger pup's words, practically frothing with fury. "I am not little," she insisted again. Why was she so mean? She'd tried to hurt her, then she was being mean, and she'd tried to bite her tongue off! "I can so take care of myself! I can! And I'm not scared!" With that squeakily frustrated retort she threw herself at the other pup again.

But Signy wasn't the sort to do things the same way twice. Biting the big meany's foot hadn't worked before, so she'd just have to find another way to do it! Charging forward, she sent her small body bounding upward, aiming to sink tiny sharp teeth in the other pup's sensitive nose. It was a mean move, Signy knew, and she'd have gotten in a ton of trouble if she'd tried to pull that on Cecily or Taddeo, but this wolf deserved it.

[Image: 4234f0f1-d765-42c4-9a96-28953ac45eea_zpsqqruefmh.png]

This pine marten has a very foul mouth and a confusing accent. He is also fierce and hates to be called adorable. You have been warned.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-13-2014, 05:21 PM

Esti almost started laughing at the pup's indignant squeaks of protest. She really would have laughed good and hard, if she had been given a chance. The spunky little pup lunged for her, though, and fast. Esti did all she could to avoid the pup, she reared up, pinning her ears back. The pup managed to get a good latch on the fluffy underside of Esti's neck, pinching the fur, but not breaking the skin. The sensation sent her blood boiling in a cruel kind of humor. Oh, this pup was gonna get it.

With her force already on the tipping point of it's upward momentum, Esti aimed to slam her paws down as hard as she could, hopefully knocking the pup off and pinning it to the ground, if not smothering it with her weight and force. At this point, she wasn't really thinking about if the pup would actually get injured or not. Esti just wanted the pup to learn a little, maybe be a little more careful when lunging at someone- especially when that someone was a lot bigger than her and had initial intentions of eating her for a meal.




7 Years

06-14-2014, 04:00 PM (This post was last modified: 06-19-2014, 01:52 PM by Bass.)

It had been an easy transition into pack life for Bass, he had very quickly become integrated. He still had not met much of the pack, but just the changing of his scent was exciting enough for him. He hadn't seen little Cecy around too much, she was still recovering from that plague that had threatened to take her little life. Since then Bass had started to grow more and more protective of the little ones of Valhalla, even though he was only a yearling himself. As a Destruction he was very protective of his family, and since he didn't have much of his true blood relations he was beginning to find Valhallen's as his great big family, as if the Destruction line wasn't long enough.

The ivory brute stopped when he heard a commotion, his ears straining to pick up the voices. When that didn't work he used his nose, easily picking out the scent of an unknown wolf in their territory. With a growl Bass stalked forward, his hackled raising and he creeped into the area, trying to spot what was going on. A white and black wolf was just about to slam her weight onto a pup, one he hadn't met but who's scent reminded him of Cecily's. A snarl ripped forth as the brute tucked in his chin to his chest and stepped with long strides, quickly carrying him to the attacker. Just as the dame rose on her hind legs Bass jumped and aimed to strike her at her flank with outstretched paws, his ears flat against his skull as he aimed to knock the standing wolf onto her side. He hoped that if she did indeed fall to her side, that she would fall away from the pup who clung to her neck. Whether if she was knocked down or not, he aimed to deliver a warning bite to her shoulder, hard enough to draw blood but not so hard that he would tear too deeply. No one was about to harm anyone, not when he was around. Growling fiercely his tail stood level with his spine, his knees bent as he glared down at the young wolf. "Just what do you think you are doing?" He asked, his voice dripping with venom.


Fight for protection of Signy

ATTACK: Bass jumped at her and aimed to strike her flank with outstretched paws, his ears flat against his skull as he aimed to knock the standing wolf onto her side. Whether if she was knocked down or not, he aimed to deliver a warning bite to her shoulder, hard enough to draw blood but not so hard that he would tear too deeply.

DEFENCE: The brute tucked in his chin to his chest, his ears flat against his skull, his tail stood level with his spine, his knees bent as he got ready for a counter attack





3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-23-2014, 04:00 PM
Ev and I skipped the default time limit

As she reared, Esti heard someone barreling towards her. Just as the looked to see who it was, he plowed into her, sending her flying a good distance, his teeth scraping her shoulder just enough to draw blood. When the ratty pup lost her grip, Esti didn't know, but with the force she was hit with, she bet it was painful, especially for such a little runt. Esti hit the ground rolling, and scrambled to her feet. The other wolf was charging at her at this point, and Esti, fluffed with ego and anger, charged right back. As the wolf went to look down on her and talk, Esti jumped at him, her teeth bared, aiming for his face, anywhere that would hurt, but namely his nose, which stuck out the most. It may not have worked for the little pup, but this attack was great for her since her opponent had run towards her and was now talking. Her whole face tensed, her eyes squinting and her ears pulling back out of determination. Who was this guy, and why did he think he could interfere?

Fight for Signy's protection: 1/2

Attack: Lunging at his face, mainly the eyes.

Defense: Ears back, eyes squinted, fur fluffed

Injuries: Bruising, scraped shoulder




7 Years

06-26-2014, 01:49 PM

His golden eyes quickly flashed to the pup as she lost her grip, tumbling out of the way of the crashing wolves. If he had not been so focused on the fight he would have run over to check on her, but all that mattered was that she was out of harms way. When Bass sent the black and white wolf rolling on the ground he stalked over to her, his tail aligning with his spin as his ears sat back against his skull. Toes spread wide as he gripped into the earth for more of a purchase should the pup come after him. His white fur stood on end as his chin tucked towards his neck should she attempt to jump up and grab it. He was ready for her, but he gave her time to regain her paws. He wasn't a dirty fighter, and he had a lot of height on the little creature so he didn't wish to be totally unfair.

When the female came charging at him he was ready, simply lifting his nose out of reach. She was quick though, her teeth just grazed his nose. It was deep enough to draw a few drops of blood, but not much more. Pulling his lips back in a snarl he spread his stance, ready to dodge out of the way if she were to attack again. He had hoped that this would have just been a warning, but if he wanted to fight, she would get a fight. Lowering his stance slightly, he reached out with his left foreleg and attempted to sweep it under her legs, hoping to knock her off her feet. Quickly regaining his own footing, he planted all fours on the ground to remain balanced. Bass did not make another attack, he stood there and waited to see if the pup fell or not. He didn't want to maim her or leave her scarred, just teach her a lesson about attacking his pack mates.


Fight for protection of Signy


ATTACK: Lowering his stance slightly, he reached out with his left foreleg and attempted to sweep it under her legs, hoping to knock her off her feet.
DEFENSE: his tail aligning with his spin as his ears sat back against his skull. Toes spread wide as he gripped into the earth for more of a purchase should the pup come after him. His white fur stood on end as his chin tucked towards his neck should she attempt to jump up and grab it. Quickly regaining his own footing, he planted all fours on the ground to remain balanced.
INJURIES: Light bite on his nose, just deep enough to draw a few drops of blood.



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
06-26-2014, 02:32 PM

Her bite hit the target, even if not well, Esti could taste the blood. As she landed, though, the male was able to knock her feet from under her. Esti hit the ground with a small thud under the male's neck, and the male spread his stance out above her. Esti scrunched herself into a ball with the landing, scrunching her eyes with enough force that barely anything could be seen against her reddened vision and the throb of her shoulder. Her tail was tucked and her fur bristled like a hedgehog only much softer. Now that she was closer, she noticed that the male didn't smell anything like the pup, so why was he even bothering to defend it?

Too late at this point, with her blood boiling, Esti didn't even think about stopping. Her body curled, and the male's stance lowered, Esti aimed for the best place she could, his stomach, or, more specifically, the stretch of skin that hung from the stomach- probably an old injury. The girl aimed to use her curled force to launch herself and bite at the skin, using her paws strictly for force.


Round 2/2 for Signy's protection.

Defense: Esti scrunched herself into a ball with the landing, scrunching her eyes with enough force that barely anything could be seen against her reddened vision. Her tail was tucked and her fur bristled like a hedgehog only much softer.

Attack: Her body curled, and the male's stance lowered, Esti aimed for the best place she could, his stomach, or, more specifically, the stretch of skin that hung from the stomach- probably an old injury. The girl aimed to use her curled force to launch herself and bite at the skin, using her paws strictly for force.

Injuries:Previous shoulder injury, and slight bruising from landing.

The Judge


07-13-2014, 09:09 AM

Esti v Bass for Signy's Protection

Round 1

3 for clarity- -2 'strike her at her flank ' which flank? -2 which side did he try to knock her down with? -3 how did he aim to knock her down? Which of his paws? sides? Chest? Shoulders? in general this attack was not specific. -2 which shoulder did he try to bite?

7 for powerplaying. -3 'stepped with long strides, quickly carrying him to the attacker.' this presumes that its successful that he got towards his attacker, you need an attempt.

5 for defenses.+1 for each seen.

5 for attack. +3 for bite + 2 for trying to get her down to the floor.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Bass Total: 30/50


0 for clarity- -4 'he plowed into her, sending her flying a good distance' Where did he plow into her? Also Plowed doesnt really make much sense. A good distance? Thats not very specific in a fight, how far? 4 meters? one meter? -2 which shoulder did he scrape? Where abouts on the shoulder? -2 'the other wolf was charging at her' head on? side on? -2 'aiming for his face, anywhere that would hurt,' you need to be specific, was it the top of his face side near the cheek?

6 for powerplaying. -2 'Esti jumped at him' You cant assume this happened. -2 'charged right back.' which assumes its successful, you should put attempts to charge back.

4 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +3 for bite

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Esti Total: 23/50

Round 2


6 for clarity- -2 'When the female came charging at him' front on? side on? -2 'attempted to sweep it under her legs' which legs? Front? back? Left? right?

8 for powerplaying. -2 'he stalked over to her' You cant assume, needs an attempt.

7 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +2 for sweep

8 for injuries. -2 for cut to nose

Round two Bass Total: 31/50


3 for clarity- -3 'he male spread his stance out above her.' Not once in Bass's fight post did he mention an attempt to go above her, merely to sweep his under her feet. -2 'throb of her shoulder.' which shoulder? -2 'use her curled force to launch herself' If she was in a curled position it'd be hard to go into a lunge to attack.

8 for powerplaying. -2 'male spread his stance out above her.' this is also powerplay since Bass didnt even mention an attempt to do this.

3 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +3 for bite

8 for injuries. -2 for bruising

Round two Esti Total: 25/50


Bass: 61/100

Esti: 48/100

And the winner is...

Bass! Esti must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


- Since i took so long to judge all has healed

Esti- All would have healed by the time i got to judge this.


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Evelyn
Id say keep practising! Make sure you do atleast 3 attacks in one post to earn the points and atleast 8 defenses, feel free to pm me for help

For Iko
You need to practise on Clarity and powerplay. Make sure to put in an attempt with pretty much everything or else it counts as powerplay. Make sure you specify where your trying to aim. Watch the defenses to, pm me if you need help

- By [Luisiana]