
Dawn of Gods


05-28-2014, 09:55 PM

It would seem that the ivory yearling would appear in the time of an epidemic, back into the lands that he was born in. He'd past strange wolves, with crimson streaks down their faces. At first, he thought the bleeding tears were a reaction to his godly form, alas, he had been let down to discover it was merely an epidemic of disease. How boring. In his time away from Alacritis, he had grown impressively- standing at 36 inches. His body was thin still, waiting to fill out with the bulk that would surely come with age. His ivory coat was untainted, mistakenly pure of sin. Only the crimson eyes, through which he viewed the world betrayed the inner god within. The inner demon.

His paws had carried him through the North, the East, all the way to the Southern forest where he had escaped the womb of his mother. The Souless Forest. A pack had claimed the lands, that was a fact he realized has he trespassed over the borders with little care for them. This was his home, and his alone. Well, not so alone. His paws carried him just outside the den where he had been birthed, deep within the forest before he paused. His nose twitched from the bombarding of scents, and he took a deep breath, taking it all in. Exhaling, he looked around him, dismissively, before throwing his muzzle into the air- a howl leaving him, in deep baritone tones. His call was powerful, commanding- and he called those who shared his blood. Those who shared his magnificence. The family of Elysius.

The call would fade around him, and he'd shudder slightly in the frosty air. Blinking slowly, he'd wait for their arrival. They could come, they would heed to his commands. Assuming they still existed. The last he had seen of each of them was nearly scarce in his mind. Artemis was brawling for a pack, thinking rather small- in his mind. He wanted the world. His direct siblings, he had scarcely seen since they were pups. That would change. It was their time, a dawning of an era of Gods.




05-28-2014, 10:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 10:10 PM by Nephele.)

The elegant creature heard the call of her brother and a rush of excitement flowed through her very core. The Elysius yearling had not seen her brother in ages and after meeting up with her sister Artemis, the babe was yearning for her siblings. The pale boy rang at the right time, she was near and aching for something to do. The temptress was horribly bored with the mere peasants that tainted the lands they should rule. The petty drama that filled her mind. Ot seemed it was a cycle with the packs and rogues. Pregnancies, deaths, sickness, tragedy, and repeat. It got horribly boring and the woman hoped that would change soon. She had no time for simple drama and as long as the Elysius clan were together, something exciting would emerge. And so the tri-toned femme rose from her resting place and headed to the soulless forest to meet her kin once again.

The beautiful creature appeared across the borders and a quick manner. Her paws carried her in a delightful trot. Not to fast, not to heavy. She was always concerned about the way others saw her. The woman did not want her brother seeing her bounding in like some buffoon. Fur flopping about, ears waving around, tail out of control, tongue lolling around.. unacceptable. She sauntered in with a little grin upon her inky lips and her head high as ever. Those lovely, cyan, orbs fell upon her brother with delight. They feasted upon his red eyes and lovely fur. He was beautiful. The nymph slowly padded up and smiled slightly more. "Oh, brother, I have missed you so!" Her voice was sweet as ever. She came forth to embrace him, or even stick her nose into his scruff, if allowed. But, he had room to reject her attention. The woman would sigh softly, "Where have you been?!" The babe stared at him with wide eyes. She was truly concerned, which was rare.




2 Years
05-29-2014, 12:34 PM

The peace had been disturbed upon Arcanum grounds, though whom was the culprit?

Meinx would watch from a distance, hidden behind the trees whhile two rouges waltz upon claimed lands like it was normal. She would wait a moment longer, assessing them out first before making a move. It wasnt so much confidence that played out, but ignorance. After seeing enough the russet girl would set her defenses out quickly. Eyes slit, ears pinned, chin tucked, legs splayed out evenly for balance, hackles raised, teeth bared, legs bent slightly slightly for quicker movement, spine aligned, tail tucked, muscles tensed, Head lowered slightly to align with spine, She would dig her claws into the ground for better balance. Nephele would begin to speak, and just in that moment Meinx would see her opportunity. She would bolt forward, her speed quickening with each stride she took. She hoped to close the distance between she and Cerberus. Meinx hoped to run so that when meeting impact [if she did] she would be at his right side. As she hoped to near closer to the target She would lower herself to the ground slightly, pushing of the ground from her hind legs to hopefully crash her left shoulder firmly into the mans right side near the center, though hoping to hit close to the top. If successful, Meinx would hope that the power of her run and shove was enough to unbalance him. It would surely cause her shoulder to bruise but that would be dealt with after the fight. Though, while she attempted to shove a split second after Meinx would open her jaws wide, attempting to bite down close to his neck/ at the start of his scruff in the hopes of firmly clasping and shaking her head violantly as to tear. She aimed for the start of the scruff so that it'd be easier to jerk his head back and hurt his neck. She would quickly try to balance herself out again, before lifting up her right paw, aiming to scratch down on his right cheek to irritate, or atleast try to get as close as she could.

Round 1 of 2? Meinx Vs Cerberus!

Defenses: Most mentioned in first para

Attacks: Meinx was running at cerberus, hopefully on his right side, she would lower herself at the last moment and aim her shoulder to smack into the center of his right side in the centre, though nearer the top in an attempt to unbalance. While doing this Meinx would open her jaws and try to clasp his scruff, nearest the top/start of scruff, if successful she would shake her head violantly to tear. Her right paw would lift up to try to scratch his right cheek, to hopefully irritate.

Injuries: First round.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



3 Years
Extra large
05-29-2014, 01:35 PM

The behemoth had been warned to quarantine himself in order to prevent spreading the disease, but he did not care to follow any rules set by anyone other than Cataleya- especially while a rogue male was trespassing on their lands. Despite the ache in his limbs he would be quick to rise at the sound of the unknown call, and he would slither from his dens opening with urgency and follow his beckon at a steady lope. His lips would curl above his fangs, rage boiling within his core as voices buzzed inside his head like a beehive, whispering taunts and demands into his ears at an alarming pitch. The illness had been having a strong effect on his temper, causing him to be much more aggressive than usual due to being fed up with the multiple conversations going on around him that he knew were not real. He was an uncontrollable monster, hellbent on destruction and desiring to attack anything that seemed threatening, out of place, or just so happened to be in his diseased path.

He would arrive to the gathering quicker than he had anticipated, though it was just in time to catch Menix darting from the treeline in his bloody peripheral vision. He would not think, his defenses raising instinctively as he brainlessly bolted after her, his crumbling mind imprisoned within a bloody haze that commanded him to follow her familiarity and slaughter the unknown. His head would drop downward to align with his spine, his ears would pin, his bloody eyes would narrow, his lips would remain curled to reveal his fangs, and his chin would tuck to protect his throat from lashing fangs. His hackles would raise along his nape and spine, his tail would raise to align with his spine, his toes were splayed and would flex to grip the soil as he ran, and his abdomen and bodily muscles were tightened to prepare himself for the blow he hoped would come.

He would aim to stay close to Meinx's heels, only recognizing the babe by her chocolate hued fur and her memorable perfume. Other than that she was a brown figure darting toward a certain death, whom Neios could only make out as two white wolfy figures in the distance. When it was obvious whom her target would be among the two trespassers Neios would set his attention solely on the boy, determined to assist his pack mate in destroying this particular intruder. Menix would move toward the intruders right, and so Neios would attempt to pivot his direction toward his own right and go for the mans left side while his accomplice attacked the right side. With his head still lowered he would attempt to slam his skull directly into the intruders middle left side, hoping to use his spike encased harness to his advantage by attempting to slam the spikes forcibly into his opponents rib cage. He also aims to use his forward momentum and weight to push the boy toward his right and either knock him over or disturb his balance. With jaws splayed open he would tilt his head toward his right and attempt to bite the boys middle left thigh with a full mouth bite, hoping to clamp down on flesh and proceed to toss his head violently from side to side to rip muscle, flesh, and fur. In sync with his attempted bite he aims to try and disturb the boys balance again by jutting his left shoulder outwards and into the boys rib cage where he had just attempted to jab him with his spikes.

-:Fight Stats:-

Round: 1/2


Defenses: Second paragraph. Note he is sick so his defenses will not be as sharp as they usually are.
Attacks: Coming behind menix to attack Cerberus from his left side while Menix goes for his right, aiming to slam into his middle left side with his skull, hoping to use his spiked harness to his advantage by pressing the spikes into his ribs. Hopes his forward momentum and weight will knock him over or disturb his balance. | Tilts his head toward his right in an attempt to open mouth bite Cerberus's middle left thigh, will proceed to shake his head violently should he attain any type of grasp. Aims to jut his left shoulder outwards and into Cerberus's ribs in sync with his bite, in the same area he aimed to pierce with his spikes seconds before.
Injuries: None, first round yo.

OoC Notes: Neios is wearing his harness in this thread


05-29-2014, 11:28 PM

It wasn't often that he left Cataleya's side anymore but today was different. Today he needed to leave. He had caught the scent while on a hunting trip, massive paws pressing heavily into the snow but in an instant they would halt and skull would lift. Two scents drifted towards him, a male and a female. Soon it was mixed with another male and a female though the second two were familiar. Menix and Neios. Wasn't Neios sick? He would smile slightly, despite the fact that Kylar thought he was a crazy psychopath that needed to die and that he was the son of the man who had raped and murdered the mother of this children? Well he was alright. Extremely loyal to Cataleya which he would appreciate and a force to be reckoned with. Kylar could appreciate that. But that wasn't really the point. Where were he and Menix headed? From the direction of the winds and how their scents were traveling they seemed to be headed for the other two. Were they inside pack lands? He couldn't tell but he figured he should go check it out, go see for himself and see if they needed help if nothing else. So he would set off, long legs churning the snow as he moved at an easy lope towards the scents. Ears flittered atop his head until they could pick up sounds, voices and snarls mostly. Well shit? Seemed he had to help. He came upon the scene from the shadows at first, watching Menix and Neois attack a white male while another white female slithered through the trees. A temptress? He had no patience for temptresses or trespassers...

His defences were set, legs bent and paws splayed as he moved slowly around the permitter of the fight, eyes narrowed and ears folded against attack. Neck was lowered, parallel to his spine, jaw unhinged to further protect his throat. Tail lashed angrily behind him, hung low, ready to be either thrust out and used as a rudder or tucked neatly to protect against attack. Abdomen coiled and tightened, back arched to gather his core strength but still he waited, massive paws pressing heavily into the ground as claws dug in and pulled him around the fight. Finally he saw it, as the white male attempted to fend off his pack mate he would charge the white woman. He completely lowered his head, skull flung to his left to present heavily muscled shoulders and upper neck, hackles flying upwards to make the behemoth of a man seem even larger. One paw raked the ground in much the way of a bull preparing to charge, verdant eyes narrowing as he waited a moment longer, eyeing the fight beside him. Then he would charge, moving low and slow as he beelined for her in the hope that she was also so engrossed in watching the battle that she wouldn't notice his approach. The massive man looked to use his weight to slam himself into her in much the way an elephant would, looking to collide his shoulder with her chest and throw her back. Should she remain on her paws, however, giant crown would swing low and wide, looking to gain a hold on her forepaw closest to him. He would seek a hold on a joint, preferably ankle to crush the bone easier but he would take any flesh and bone jaws could find purchase on.

Kylar VS. Nephele

Round 1 of ??

ATTACKS: Charging low and hard at Nephele, looking to slam his shoulder into her chest and throw her backwards. If he fails in this head will swing around to attempt to grab hold of the foreleg closest to him at the ankle.

DEFENSES: Legs bent, paws splayed, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, head lowered, jaws open, tail ready to tuck or be used as a rudder, stomach tucked, back arched, claws digging into the ground, hackles raised.

INJURIES: None, first round


OOC;; EDIT NOTE: Dee fucked up and forgot to put the

tags and stuff so to prevent you from reading one big blob it has been edited. if you need proof I have taken a screenshot of previous poooost <3


05-30-2014, 03:14 PM

It wasn't often that Kylar left her side for very long but she forced him to from time to time so the pack didn't fall apart. But today, something was wrong. A howl echoed into her den from a stranger she didn't know. For a moment she thought it was someone seeking acceptance, but then she realized it was far to close to be at the border. Eyes narrowed with agitation. Trespasser. Sick or not, the Queen was about ready to kill someone. "Stay here and don't come out until I return." Coral gaze shifted to her daughter, pinning her with a hard stare until the girl nodded. The silver Queen would slip from her den, crown lifting high, tail curling over her lips. A shiver racked her body, her back arching as she took a moment to empty her stomach. A growl vibrated her chest cavity as she shook herself out and headed toward the source. Every so often she would leave the den to wash the blood off her face, but the bloodied tears kept falling.

It would take her some time, but finally the Queen would arrive. Coral gaze swept the scene before her, an exasperated sigh leaving her dark lips. All hell had broken loose. Neios and Meinx were attacking a pale figure, and Kylar had gone after a pale female. What the fuck was going on? Who were these wolves and what in the hell did they think they were doing. Eyes narrowed, thug the Queen said nothing, merely observing the chaos that was unfolding. She did not have the time or patience for this bullshit. Her face remained stoney, void of any emotion as ears swiveled, listening for any more dumb fucks that thought they could trespass.



05-31-2014, 09:56 AM

The domineering familiarity of his summons inspired her to abandon the relentless hunt for their traitorous sibling ( however momentarily ), extracting the titan from her ardent post as she willingly adhered to the call, immensely intrigued. Day by day, it became more and more apparent to the Elysius tyrant that her broken family was destined for reunion; only recently had she encountered her youthful sister ( little dove ) and now she was wont to unite with her little hellion--her little Cerberus. However, it was not only the urgency of his beckon and his unsuspecting return that greatly bemused the paladin, but from where it had emanated from that truly captivated her attention. The epicenter of his call undoubtedly resided within the forest of his birth--a forest that had been ransacked and seized by a silver usurper that had practically risen to power with little to no effort, as opposed to the true conquerer that yet again found herself gliding past pack boundaries and through the perpetual fog that encumbered her once-domain.

In spite of her bold actions, the phantom deity was no fool--she knew that the former Elysium members would not take kindly to trespassers, no matter what surname they bore. Thus, her defenses would begin to slip into place as the mist swallowed her pallid figure--skull and tail descending from their regal position to form a perfect line with the remainder of her spinal column while her abdomen tensed to tighten her core and her hackles bristled along the base of her neck and spine. Cryptic gaze narrowed ( though she remained a vigilant predator ) and triangular ears sewed against the contours of her lowered crown, lower jaw falling slack to press lightly against the curvature of her neck while her velveteen lips peeled back to expose the favored artillery of war. Prepared minimally for potential combat ( for the time being ), the tyrant navigated easily towards the source of her interest--now dominated by the familiar pitch of wailing banshees to simulate the start of battle and the endangerment of her siblings. Pace noticeably hastened as she laid waste to the distance between she and the gory gathering, taking care to obscure the sound of her footfalls as she intended to approach from the rear of the silver usurper, a silent assailant eager to destroy.

And yet, any potential for goring the dregs that dared to scathe her inexperienced siblings would be put on hold as the titan attempted to halt adjacent to the silver queen, focus residing partially upon the woman to her right and partially upon the havoc unfolding before her. A rage unlike any other she had ever experienced seared through her veins as her pupils ravaged the scene, disdain clouding her judgment as she considered the stakes--did it take three experienced soldiers to take on two inexperienced Elysius adolescents? The paladin could have scoffed; yet her composure was impeccable as she played the role of a silent spectator, expressionless and motionless despite the fury that wracked her. After a prolonged moment of examination, the wraith stirred briefly, shifting her weight towards her own right as she attempted to lean closely into her counterpart, gaze still fixated upon the fight. "If they do not release my siblings, I will start calling for their heads." Her words were soft and monotonous, as if discussing the weather, and yet, the threat was present--tangible as it swarmed in the air around them. Skull rotated to face the sovereign, mismatched gaze straying from her outnumbered siblings as she sought to briefly interlock it upon Cataleya's own so that the queen understood the sincerity of her words. Without waiting for a response, the paladin diverted her pupils back to the main event, senses still trained upon the temptress beside her.


05-31-2014, 11:39 AM

The call would echo throughout the forest around him, and for a few moments he would wait alone in the eerie silence. His head raised confidently, he would glance about him. What did he have to fear? The sounds of an approaching wolf drew his attention, and his eye-lids fell briefly over his crimson eyes, in a display of shock. Nephele. She approached him, speaking, how she had missed him. The feeling of her muzzle against his scruff, a slight affection he allowed, would be over-powered by a sudden impact in his right side. (Meinx)

All hell broke loose.

The force caused him to stagger, and he worked quickly to retain his balance, turning his jaws to snap at the intruder, a peel of maniacal laughter leaving him. He could already feel the throbbing, where the side would most definitely bruise. His abdomen would tense now, trying to minimize another attack, and perhaps it was just in time. The laughter died, turning into a primal snarl as another force bombarded into his left side, where he felt sharp stings of pains as something penetrated his side. (Neios's Attack) The force into his left side, pushed him against his right side attacker, and he staggered between them, claws digging into the ground to obtain some sort of balance. The pain from his left side attacker was blinding, and wondered what the fool had done to him, but he had no time to react to that. As Meinx's teeth sunk into his scruff, he cursed. Who did they think they were, attacking a god? He would smite them. His hackles rose, a few moments too late- he hadn't been prepared for an attack, he hadn't considered they'd be stupid enough to try it. The fools. Another set of jaws clasped his left thigh, and he could feel both of their teeth sink into his flesh.

A paw flashed towards his face, and he ducked his head down, tucking his chin, trying to avoid it. Jaws splayed open and he turned his head- snapping at the wolf on his right side, hoping that his jaws would latch on to anything. He tried to step to his right, away from the attacker on his left. (Towards Meinx and away from Neios). Jaws turning now to snap at that intruder, as he tried to focus beyond the haze of pain. A frustrated snarl would leave him, and he'd shake his head violently, and attempt to rear upwards to shake the bite on his scruff, teetering on his hind legs, hoping the sudden upward movement would cause the wolf biting his thigh to release him.

defenses: digging claws into ground, hackles raised, abdomen tenses (after meinx's attack) tucks his head, after Meinx swipes at his head.

attacks: snaps at Meinx, then at Neios, while trying to side step away from Neios and towards Meinx. rears upwards, trying to shake both of his attacks bites.

injuries: bruising to the right side, (from Meinx's impact), bruising to left side, and 2 inch and 1 inch puncture marks in his ribs from Neios's head thingy. (From Neios's impact). Bite to scruff, and bite to thigh.

notes: cerberus has never had any formal fight training, trying to play that as close as possible, if he confuses, let me knows :3




5 Years
05-31-2014, 01:48 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar had barely been holding herself together, dried blood marred the lower rims of her eyes and her body still felt like it was boiling. Thankfully she hadn't been hit as hard as some of the others. Tremors were rare for her though her constant nausea had led her to loose weight. Overall though the disease had her in a perpetually sour and violent mood so when the call went up over the forest in a voice unrecognizable to her she stalked right towards it. Who was fool enough to waltz right into Arcanum territory?

The Marquis arrived just in time to see the chaos. Two pale colored strangers were battling with her fellow Arcamites. The queen arrived as well as another pale stranger but D?gmar was already spurred to action, her fevered mind spiking as a crushing need for violence overwhelmed her. But which target? which one? Fur and hackles stood on end as her eyes narrowed and ears pinned, jaws parted as her chin tucked slightly, neck and tail aligning with her spine. Shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back. Her abdomen tensed as her limbs coiled, weight evenly distributed between her four legs. Toes splayed and claws dug into the earth as she launched herself forward.

D?gmar was perpendicular to Nephele's left side when she started her attack. Powerful legs sought to close the distance between her and the smaller fae. Back limbs pushed against the ground as she launched herself toward the other femme, her left front limb seeking to drape over the others lower back, a few inches in front of her hips. Hopping to burden the other femme with her weight as well as steady herself if she was successful. D?gmar's right front wrist sought to wrap around Nephele's left back ankle and yank it towards D?gmar to unbalance and perhaps topple the smaller fae. Fangs dove for the middle of Nephele's left thigh seeking to gain a hold from which she could thrash her head and rip muscle.

D?gmar & Kylar vs. Nephele

For Dominance

Round: 1 of ?

Attack: Left front leg seeking to drape over Nephele's lower back, right aiming to hook behind Nephele's left back ankle and pull it towards her to unbalance the femme. Fangs seeking to dig into flesh in the middle of her thigh.

Defenses: fur and hackles raised | ears pinned | eyes narrowed | jaws parted | chin tucked | neck and tail aligned with spine | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched | abdomen tense | limbs coiled | toes splayed | claws digging into dirt | weight evenly distributed

none, first round

ooc: sorry, just had to sneak the Marquis in :3

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



05-31-2014, 03:18 PM

All hell broke loose as two wolves came charging at her darling Cerb. The Elysius duo cringed as a woman crashed into his right side then a nasty looking demon attacked his left. The woman gasped and took a step back from the fray, but as soon as she did so a man came charging her way. Sure, she was a little focused on her brother getting beat down, but the babe saw the ebony monster rumbling her way. As she braced for impact, the girl tucked her head in and slipped her lips up into a snarl. The man rammed right into her chest with his left shoulder. His shoulder would meet her center chest, right on the sternum. The slam would cause some sort of bruising, though in the present, it caused her to slide back a bit. She caught her breath and growled, letting her ears pin back and her eyes narrow. As she gathered herself, the woman dug her tri-toned paws into the earth, for stability. Both forelegs would be squared, but he managed to grab a hold of her right front ankle. His teeth wrapped around her grey, bony, bit of leg. The woman growled a little more, the bite would potentially cause her some serious pain and limping for a few days, but she was more focused on the woman who was now draped over her hinds.
A Wolfess decided to let her left leg slither across Neph's lower back. Daegmar's right paw hit Neph's left hind leg, causing her to stumble slightly, but she did not fall. The woman tucked in her ash tipped tail as a bite was landed on her right hind thigh. Neph seemed to be locked into place, but she would try to fight back. Kylar was at her front, causing her to attempt to bite at his left bit of scruff. Her jaws would snap in anger and fear, causing her to be more ruthless then usual. The woman would try to tug back her right front leg, to remove it from Kylars grasp. Though, the tugging would cause more damage, due to the fangs rubbing against her. The woman would attempt to get low, bending her hind knees to lower her hinds to the ground. But, as soon as she got low the woman would try to come back up, super fast. This would affect Daeg's stability upon Neph's rear, but the move might be faulty due to Daeg's connection with Neph's right hind leg.

nephele v kylar and daegmar


attack: attempted bite at kylars left bit of scruff, snapping her jaws. (not really an attack: trying to move her right leg back, out of kylars jaws.) she would also try to lower her hinds down to the ground then buck them back up, in order to attempt to knock daeg either off her back or her stability.

defenses: head tucked in, lips curled into a snarl, dug her paws into the earth for stability, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, tail tucked in, knees bent.

injuries: bite to her right front leg (ankle). bruising to her mid chest. bite to her right hind thigh, slightly off balance due to the bite. due to her attempt to tug her right front leg away, more damage to the flesh would be possible.

notes: due to the lack of specifics in kylars attacks, i went ahead and decided on which shoulder hit her chest, and such.. sorry if this is an issue dione, but it was confirmed that i have the right to do so <3


05-31-2014, 06:57 PM

The fight would continue to rage on around her, battle cries piercing the air. Quivering nostrils picked up a scent that was familiar, yet equally unwelcome. Crown would turn, coral pools landing on the pale demon. Dark face remained void any emotion, the Queen watching the girls every move. As she approached, the woman noted the defenses the girl held, at least she was smart enough to be wary about who's land she traipsed. Audits swiveled, catching the girls demand and threat. Her gaze would return to the battle without so much as the bat of an eye. Foolish girl.

"Oh my dear, that I cannot do." Already once the ivory girl had trespassed, but she had been excused as Novocaine was her brother and desperately ill with the plague. But these siblings had no excuse, their arrogance ignited a dangerous fire and they would not go unpunished. "You had an excuse, they do not." Every time she spoke, her words were soft, gentle, as though she spoke to an upset child and she was attempting to soothe them.

Her gaze never left the crowd, Daegmar bursting onto the scene and joining Kylar. The inexperienced trespassers would not stand a chance. However, none of them would kill without the order, she knew that much, these fools would escape with their lives. This time. A single ear remained trained on the girl beside her. her attention focused on the wench even though her gaze was fixated on the battle. No longer would she excuse this family, trespassers where criminals that needed to be punished, as she did with each one before them. The temptress didn't care who they were, or who they thought they were, it didn't matter to her, they were just another family, a family that had not been accepted into her army and therefore served no purpose to her.



06-02-2014, 11:08 AM

She had ignored her mothers wishes. The girl had left a few minutes after her mother, following her trail as best she could. The girl struggled to stay quiet, not wanting to alert her mother that she was being disobedient. Unfortunately, she had gotten turned around, she had gotten confused and lost her mothers trail. A frown tugged at her a features, but the girl pressed on. Dark audits twitched, picking up the distant sounds of snarls. She would pick up a trot, her balance still unstable and her movements uncoordinated.

She would tuck herself away in the brush, creeping closer until the battle came into site. Fear struck her almost immediately. Unfamiliar wolves collided, ripping into eachothers flesh. Her mother stood by watching, a pale woman sttanding beside her. Verdant eyes would land on her fatherr as he collided with a smaller pale woman. A low whine left her lips as she crept closer. She didnt want to see her father hurt! Massive paws pulled her along as a crawl as she pressed her body against the ground. Her head would pop out from the bushes, her position right in front of her father, the only thing that stood between them was the pale girl. Another whine left her lips, hoping her father would not be hurt.



06-02-2014, 11:25 AM

Massive male felt his shoulder connect solidly with the woman's chest, sending a jarring tremor up the apendage. He was only vaguely aware or what was going on around him, the feeling of teeth slipping around his scruff even as his jaws snapped at air where the woman's foot had been. Then suddenly Daeg was there, supporting him and throwing herself into the fray. His skull would shake and writhe, attempting to loosen the woman's hold on it. Then Cat would appear, speaking to another white woman rather hostially and for a moment he would be distracted, straightening slightly as he watched Cat. But then a form would appear, small and frail, poking from the bushes. Her head stuck up and a whine slipped for her lips as his eyes shot wide. Basanti... "Cat!" Words were a harsh bark as he trid to alert Cat to Basanti but he couldn't wait. He tore himself free, damning the damage his took. Flesh and muscle ripped along his neck and pain fared but still he ripped free, shooting forward like a bullet until he was before Basanti. He didn't stop to a like her, instead he leaned down, snapping her up gently enough by the scruff. Without missing a heat he was gone, sprinting off with his daughter curled in his jaws. Hopefully Cat would follow.

-exit Ky and Basanti-



06-02-2014, 11:46 AM

The pale girl had yet to make a response when her name breached silver audits. She had been scanning the battle, but her gaze immediately shifted to Kylar, brows furrowing in momentarily confusion. Her would travel to where his had settled and what she saw made her freeze. Basanti. Outwardly, not a muscle moved, but inside she panicked. This was no place for a pup. Without so much as a glance towards Artemis, not bothering to wait for her response, the Queen launched herself forward, navigating the colliding bodies of wolves. She had to reach her daughter. Powerful limps propelled her through the battle, reaching Kylar just as he broke free. Her Duke would shoot forward, snatching up the their daughter in the blink of an eye. The silver Queen matched his step, eyes narrowing ion her daughter as she prepared to scold her.
-exit cat with bas-




2 Years
06-02-2014, 01:09 PM

The fight would begin rather quickly, and to meinx's surprise she had help at her aid. Neios would trail swiftly behind her, deciding to attempt to get the other side of their target. She didn't know how experienced the trespasser was, but thought nothing of it. A clasp to his scruff was successful, as well as the hit to his side. Though the claws to the face was not quite so successful, missing her target as he tucked in his head. For now Meinx could only focus on the positives. She would keep her eyes slit and ears tucked, tail tucked in and balancing her weight. Her hackles raised as best as they could and her claws would dig into the ground for a more secure balance. She would tense her muscles and pull her lips back. Meinx hoped to keep the firm clasp upon the scuff as best as she could, and would attempt to shake violently once again in the hopes of damaging. Cerberus would suddenly turn to snap at her, though before she could react he would tear a little bit of flesh just in front her shoulder, enough to make it bleed. Though she only felt a little nip, to busy focusing on what to do next. Though, just as his snapping was over he would step towards her, rearing upwards. As he did that she also went back, to avoid any collision, Meinx would attempt to keep a firm clasp upon his scruff with difficulty. In the hopes of becoming the victor she would make on more attack, hoping it was enough to end it. Meinx would attempt to anker him down to the floor by dropping all of her weight and pulling out slightly, hoping that he'd fall upon his right side as she tried to keep hold of the scruff as best as she could. If successful, she would attempt to move herself on top of him in a dominant manner, aiming to hit her left back leg to his delicate area for pain. The youth would tense her abdomen. She had no time to pay attention to the other fight, hoping others wolves where keeping Nephele busy.

Meinx and Neios Vs Ceberus round 2 of 2.

Defenses: Tail tucked, ears pinned, eyes slit, hackles raised, muscles tensed, balanced, claws digging into ground, lips pulled back, tensed abdomen.

Attacks: Hopes to keep firm clasp on scruff, shaking violantly. She would then try to anker him down by dropping her weight and pulling back slightly in the hopes to be successful. If successful she would try to go above him, and kick him in the delicate area.

Injuries: Bruising, small bite just in front of shoulder.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


06-02-2014, 02:17 PM

Amethyst eyes widened at the scene that was unfolding. The silence of the woods had been shattered by chaos. Two wolves had trespassed on Arcanum lands, and as punishment, many different pack members were fighting them off. Each match was uneven, but the submissive brute wasn't about to point that out to Cataleya. He instead began to approach her, listening as she spoke harshly to a white female nearby. Then everything changed. Kylar shouted out to the queen and abandoned his fight. The golden boy then noticed where a small pup was cowering in the bushes. It was Basanti. Her parents both left the scene, removing her from the danger she was in. Just like that, Daegmar was alone in her fight.

The capable young male sprinted forward, joining the combat without a second thought. Nephele had recently stumbled due to the clever attack made by Daegmar. But unfortunately she held her balance. Lekan would align his defenses in the middle of a stride, pinning his ears and narrowing his eyes as strong paws met the ground. His lips would curl into a threatening snarl, jaws unhinged and prepared to bite or protect his vitals. Every move would depend on his opponent. As soon as the male had tightened his muscles and perfected his balance, his attack would be made. In the short moment when Nephele was caught off balance, Lekan would slam into her once more. His head would tuck down as his right shoulder connected with her upper ribs. If his force was enough, she would at last fall to the ground. If she somehow managed to recover her balance, however, she would sustain more bruising than Lekan would because of where the damage took place. And so the fight would continue.


DEFENSES: claws extended | ears pinned | jaws unhinged | lips curled | eyes narrowed | stomach tucked | head tucked during impact | muscles in back tightened | legs braced | weight evenly distributed

ATTACKS: right shoulder slams into opponent (Nephele), aiming for her upper ribs, closer to the space behind her shoulder. Nephele will be either badly bruised or knocked to the ground.





5 Years
06-03-2014, 08:03 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Fangs ripped into Nephele's thigh as her left front limb wrapped around her opponents lower back. The right front limb was successful in tugging at her opponent but she failed to topple the other. Dam. D?gmar readied herself for another attack. Fur and hackles raised, ears pinned and eyes narrowed. Her neck scrunched back as her shoulders rolled forward. Abdomen tensed as her limbs shifted and coiled to carry her weight evenly her tail shifted to align with her spine. Toes splayed, claws dug into dirt and then Nephele shifted down then suddenly up in a sort of buck but D?gmar held on. Her left front limb across Nephele's lower back as well as her solid grip and helped stabilize her and keep her upright and on her opponent. But what now?

Deciding against relinquishing her grip D?gmar shifted her weight into her back legs and attempted to dig her fangs farther into the middle of Nephele's left thigh and twisted her head violently back and forth to try and further shred her opponents muscles. She hoped to slide her left front forelimb to Nephele's side near the top, right in front of the hips so that she could push. Her right front forelimb shifted in a bit to wrap behind Nephele's back left ankle and tug it forward again. She was determined to try and topple this fae. Just as she moved to make her attacks Lekan appeared.

D?gmar and Lekan vs Nephele

For Dominance

Round 2

Attack: Attempting to dig teeth further into the middle of Nephele's left thigh and thrash her head to rip muscle. Shifting left front forelimb down to Nephele's upper side in front of her hips to try and push her off balance. Right paw shifting to wrap around Nepheles' left back ankle to pull it back toward her in another attempt to push her off balance.

Defenses: fur and hackles raised | ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck scrunched back | shoulders rolled forward | abdomen tense | tail aligh with spine | weight distributed evenly | toes splayed | claws dug into dirt


ooc: :D

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



06-03-2014, 08:35 PM

The beautiful creature was only there to meet her bother. The woman had no threatening intentions. She was innocent, for the moment. Despite the fact that she wanted to slaughter all of the insolent beings that thought they were 'tough.' Two wolves for each tresspasser. What sort of message is that? 'We can sucker punch and we are to good for talking.' The fae was upset and not thinking very rational. As Kylar left the scene it was quite odd to the woman. He fled without looking back, he saw a pup in his jaws. Neph shrugged it off but was slammed in the side with a shoulder. She stumbled slightly, scattering to find her paws. The girl dug her paws into the earth and kept her knees bent. The Elysius bitch felt throbbing within her upper ribs, she assumed bruising at the least. It made her kind of short of breath, but not to an extreme extent. Though, as she would try to curve around and snap at the new man, Daegmar fixated her teeth within her hind right leg. The ebony and white bitch would shake her head, causing more -painful- ripping of flesh and her hind leg would be lifted from the ground at times. Nephele was off balance and in pain, but she would try her hardest to stay on her legs. A ashe dipped tail slipped between her legs even tighter, to hid it in case they targeted the fluffy limb. Nephele would take no chances.

Though, as soon as she slightly gathered her barrings, the bitch behind her struck her hind left ankle once again, in attempt to bring it back. Her hips would also be pressed down by the weight of the other girl and her paw pressing down. Nephele finally came tumbling down. Her hind paws would shoot out from the tugging and pulling. Though, as soon as that would happen, Nephele would attempt to turn onto her back, rolling to her right. This would cause Daeg to either let go of her hind right leg (which would induce even more ripping) or she would have to position herself oddly to remain a logical grip on the thigh. The woman would tuck in her legs, as man as she could. Keep her tail tucked in and tuck her head. Neph would snap her teeth at Lekan, due to the fact that he was closest to her. She would aim for anything, mostly his left leg, which was closest to her. Though, she would also try to 'donkey kick' the Wolf in front of her. If not with her right leg, due to the bite, then with her left. Her eyes were of coursed narrowed, her lips curled up to show her alabaster fangs, and her ears pinned back to her very skull. Nephele tried anything she could, really.

nephele v Daegmar and Lekan


Attacks: She attempted to roll on her back. Attempted bite to Lekans left leg. Tried to donkey kick Daegmar, depending on if she was still attached to her hind right thigh, she would either use both legs or just one.

Defenses: Paws dug into earth, knees bent, tucked in legs, tuck her head, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, and lips curled.

Injuries: bite wound to right hind thigh, ripping. bruised chest from kylar. bruised upper right ribs from lekan. bite wound to left front ankle.

notes: <3


06-04-2014, 03:14 PM

Self-proclaimed gods and deities, omniscient and relentless towards their purpose, yet they bled like mortals at the paws of subservient militants, pathetic and weak unlike the surname bestowed upon them. Oh, how the paladin cringed to watch as the pride wept from the wounds inflicted upon their feeble forms, yet still she was unwilling to enter the fray and play the role of the merciful savior--they had yet to learn the concept of defeat ( although even she never quite had ). Muscles ached and rippled beneath taut flesh as she observed the chaos from her temporary position adorning the sidelines, unscathed and disregarded despite committing a crime similar to the one her siblings were suffering for. They ( the incompetent dregs that dared to lay tooth and nail upon her youthful siblings ) had earned the phantom's spite as they decidedly picked upon the weak--relying upon strength in numbers to obtain victory like unworthy cheats rather than proficient soldiers that were confident in their own abilities. No--the wraith saw them for what they were: worms adhering to the whims of a negligent pretender. What opinions she had once formulated upon the silver woman's character, whatever admiration she had once held towards her, were naught but false. The sovereign was no more worthy than her inferiors--but at least they were willing to dirty their paws.

The heat of her inexplicable rage prickled beneath her pallid flesh as the pretender refuted her demand, causing the banshee to tense in an attempt to contain the feverish emotion devouring her very being. Her vindictive demeanor would rear its ugly head upon those that would not heed her commands--and in that moment it was the usurper that resided within her path of ultimate destruction. Oh, how the paladin longed to bathe in the blood of her silver adversary--to embellish her home in the gored entrails of such an arrogant pretender; and yet, death was a blessing the woman did not deserve. No--Artemis wanted to see her suffer, and suffer she certainly would.

The usurper would talk down upon her as if she were scum--as if she had not earned her place in this world, but still her facade would not falter even as her patience was put to the test. Mismatched gaze--void of any and all emotion that wracked her interior--searched for the woman's coral as she spoke of excuses, and a mirthless laughter would slip free of slackened jaws as she registered such an obscene statement. "They need no excuse--this is their home," she retorted smoothly as her chortles subsided, the ghost of a smirk tugging at her frayed lips as she looked upon the pretender's countenance despite her sincerity. Their home had been lost to this band of fools, but the phantom had every intention of taking back what was rightfully theirs--even if that meant tearing it from the grasp of the pretender beside her, and especially so. Although she was beyond prepared to seize back her kingdom at that very moment, again the sovereign refuted her desires as she maneuvered away from the scene without so much as an indicator, trailing off after one of her sibling's assailants, a child encased in his jaws--presumably their child based upon their hasty retreat. Such an assumption made for useful information, but it would only be stored for safe-keeping within the confines of the phantom's ever-scheming mind before further disdain would cloud her head. They were cowards to turn their back upon the fight, and cowards certainly did not deserve the loyalty of any prospective inferiors. Perhaps thieving the metaphorical crown atop her adversary's head would benefit the world in more ways than one, for weakness in a position of authority was intolerable in the biased eyes of the maleficent deity.

And she would keep her pupils trained upon their backs as they fled, temporarily oblivious to her hectic surroundings until their bodies disappeared into the blanket of fog, leaving the wraith with an insatiable thirst for vengeance. She was livid--bitter even as the salacious aroma of blood teased her senses, extracting her from her own train of thought as she finally gave into her predatory tendencies. Attention wavered back to the battle before her, irritation seeping from her pallid pores as she took notice to yet another cretin that had entered the fray upon the opposite side, resolving then and there to fulfill her carnal desires and receive payment for her siblings? bloodshed at the mercy of dishonorable combat. A growl arose in the warmonger?s throat--a deafening warcall unleashed from the depths of her chest cavity as she sought to push off with her hinds and towards the battle frontier, yearning for just a taste of enemy blood, even if it meant being swarmed by the opposition in the process.

Defenses were secured as she attempted to close the distance between herself and the fray with lengthy strides: skull and tail lowered to streamline with the remainder of her spinal column while her mismatched gaze narrowed to thin slits and her ears sewed against the contours of her pallid crown. Limbs spaced themselves equidistant apart so that the paladin could distribute her weight equally among each appendage that was bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, abdomen tensed to strengthen her core and toes splayed across the ground whilst her nails bit lightly into the earth to maintain traction. Shoulders rolled forward and her skull drew back only slightly to encumber the front and sides of her neck in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat, hackles bristling along the base of her neck and spinal column whilst her lower jaw fell slack, pressing lightly against the curvature of her neck to tuck in her chin. Finally, her lips peeled back to expose the slavering gums and gluttonous incisors previously concealed beneath them, prepared and eager to dine upon the flesh of those who believed they would go unharmed after fucking with her younger siblings. If such was the case, they were sorely mistaken.

During her hopeful and hasty approach, the paladin would attempt to position herself perpendicular to the female attacking her poor sister (Daegmar?s) left side, intending to align the jagged point of her own right shoulder with the center portion of her opponent?s left-sided ribs. The jutting right shoulder blade would attempt to mercilessly slam into the bone of the woman?s left-sided ribs (the point where she had hopefully aligned her shoulder with), intending to splinter the bones with the combined force of her momentum and the force of her potential slam, but hoping also to knock her adversary away from Nephele to grant her sister with a leeway for escape. Simultaneously, her slackened and ravenous jaws would attempt to wrap about the upper portion of Daegmar?s left-sided neck, intending to both obtain a lethal grip upon the woman and to pierce the jugular vein located beneath the targeted flesh with gluttonous incisors. She wanted to see these peons bleed--and if that meant slaughtering them where they stood, then so be it.






ATTACKS ? attempting to approach perpendicular to dae's left side, intending to align her right shoulder with the center of dae's left-sided ribs so that she may use the combined force of her momentum + attempted slam to splinter the bones and knock dae away from neph. attempting to wrap her jaws around the upper portion of dae's left-sided neck, hoping to obtain a lethal grip and pierce the jugular vein located there.

DEFENSES ? skull lowered, tail aligned with spine, eyes narrowed, ears flat, limbs spaced equally apart, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent to lower center of gravity, abdomen tensed, toes splayed, claws gripping, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, hackles raised, jaws parted, chin tucked, teeth exposed.

INJURIES ? first round -- none.

NOTES ? i didn't know where lekan was in relation to neph and daeg so i had some confusion trying to figure out where art would realistically be able to attack. also, idk if it is considered pp for me to assume the jugular vein is located just beneath where art targetted but the jugular vein is actually located on the upper portion of either side of the neck so xD pm me if there's any confusion <3



3 Years
Extra large
06-04-2014, 06:01 PM

These intruders were fools, waltzing into claimed lands and calling aloud for others to trespass across Acranum's borders without hesitation. How could they possibly think they would get away with this? They would pay. They would all pay. Rage unlike no other would boil beneath his blackened pelt, his defenses remaining intact as the battle escalated quickly. His head would remain lowered to align with his spine, his ears were pinned, his bloody eyes were narrowed, his muzzle scrunched, his lips were curled to fully reveal his fangs, and his chin was tucked to protect his throat to the best of his ability while attacking. His hackles were raised along his nape and spine, his tail was lifted to align with his spine, his toes were splayed and would flex to grip the soil as he shifted positions, and his abdomen and bodily muscles remained tightened to prepare himself for any blows to come.

His attacks had all been successful, leaving the ivory blob with puncture wounds to his side, a deep bloody wound where fur, flesh and muscle had been ripped away, and a hard slam against his side where Neios had just stabbed him with his weapons. (His head shake/second shoulder shove to knock him down were not regarded in Cerb's post. Therefor I have the right to assume both attacks accurately hit.) The boy would crash earthward toward his right(neios's left), causing Neios to release his grasp on his thigh with a vexed snarl. Though before he would release he would continue to thrash his head violently from left to right, an attempt to inflict more damage to the thigh, hoping to tear more muscle and ligaments in the leg before he completely loses his grip on Cerberus. Fangs would bitterly snap toward him, grazing the flesh along his shoulder blade and leaving behind a bloody cut that would not need much attention. (assumed he was barley bit since Cerb would be falling away from him.) How dare this pheasant snap at him, tear his flesh, and milk his divine blood! He would pay, they would all pay!

Neios would pivot toward his right, swinging his hind end outwards as he attempted to face Cerberus's left side head on. He would attempt to swiftly rear upwards before attempting to crash down upon the boy with his two front limbs, hoping to use his weight and brute strength to slam his right paw into the boys right shoulder, and his left paw to slam against his rib cage, in the same spot he had slammed and stabbed him before. He aims to pin him down before he can rise by doing this, his claws curving downwards to help grip any flesh he comes in contact with. In sync with this attack he would splay his jaws wide open, attempting to open mouth bite the right side of Cerberus's throat. He aims to attain a secure hold and apply steady pressure to choke him, wanting the boys consciousness to seep from his body at the mercy of his fangs.



Defenses: First paragraph.
Attacks: Attempting to shake his head violently to rip more muscle and tendons before losing his grip on the falling Cerberus. | Attempting to rear up and crash down upon Cerb before he can rise with his front paws, hoping this not only pins him down but causes pain due to the areas he tried to hit. | In sync with his slam he attempts to open mouth bite the right side (exposed side) of Cerbs throat, aims to secure a steady hold and apply pressure to choke him and knock him out.
Wounds: Small flesh wound to shoulder blade.
OOC: I realize this fight will probably be VERY confusing now, but from what I was told both my attacks accurately hit since they were not regarded to/fully regarded to in Cerb's post. Any questions pm or message me on skype <3 good luck to the judge who tries to keep up with this haha xD
