
Paws and Claws


03-31-2013, 07:28 PM
Allaire Ran her little heart pumping. She had indeed seem this type of cat before, she did grow up where they roamed, and her home pack competed against the clawed beasts, but what she had not expected was to run into the big cat on her travels, and most certainly not have them chasing her. She looked over her shoulder as her small frame dodged behind yet another hanging branch of a giant tree. Allaire had never seen such trees, she grew up in a land barren of such lushness, and couldn't fathom how any wolf hunted with such obstetrical in there way. But it seemed the Cat that was so at home in the desert was also at home in a to damp lush place, for it was gaining on her faster then her small body could move.

Allaire fainted left pushing her body between a very small opening. The Puma gave a angry roar as its body got stuck in the roots of the large tree, but the small girl could not celebrate her victory for long, because the cat was able to claw its way out of its imprisonment and resume its chase. Allaire gave a startled yelp as she turned and continued on, her body heaving with fatigue. If she had to continue on much longer she was not going to make it through the day, and was going to end up cat nip.

It was then that it hit her, right before the cat had stumbled onto her she had scented a pack and had turned the other way before the cat had other ideas and drove her back. So there was still hope for the small girl, Some though it was. She just hoped that; one, they hear or smell her and the cat before Allaire gets eaten; and two, they are will to help even though she did indeed pass into there territory without permission. It was a long shot, she knew, most packs did not take kindly to intruders, her parent pack included; but with the cat gaining up on her with ever stride, and her body slowly breaking down; she was willing to take her chance with her own kind over those of this cat. Allaire gave out a short howl, her lungs hardly giving her enough breath to give out the short little call she needed. So with that the small girl pushed her body on, the cat close behind, growling and almost salivating at the mouth for it knew she was losing steam, and losing it quick.


03-31-2013, 07:51 PM
Vaas was wandering to his hearts content, he was kind of pissed he didn't have pack to run anymore. Then again it wasn't much of a pack, more of an organization if anything. Oh well, he would have to find a new pack, maybe one with plenty of chickas. "Mmmm, nice." He said to himself as he wondered pretty close to a packs territory. His eyes scanned the area, were there was a border there were always scouts. And if a pack did not have scouts they were a pack that didn't last very long. Vaas wondered what kind of pack lied before him, with a cocked eyebrow Vaas walked forward unflinchingly.

As he walked closer to the borders suddenly there was a pretty strong scent. Vaas inhaled and realized it was a female wolf and...Cat? Apparently Vaas had messed his nose up at some point. He looked around curiously when out of no were some girl rushed past him, Vaas didn't flinch but instead stood there and washed her run off. "The hell?" He said as she vanished beyond borders. Well she was a goner, trespassing like that would only bring trouble. An instant later something smashed into him yowling and clawing at him. Vaas hit the ground with a loud thud and the car he smelled raised a paw and clawed him in the face, cutting the side of his face and head. Vaas snarled. "YOU FUCK!!" He snarled as he summoned all his strength and pushed the cat off of him. The Puma fell off of him and tried to pounce him as he stood. Vaas got down and let the cats claws go over him as he rocketed himself up and took the Puma by under its neck. Slamming the Cat onto its back and biting hard. The cat roared and tried clawing at him again but Vaas let go and dodged. Letting the cat stand as Vaas chuckled. "You wanna fuck with me you bitch? COME ON!! Hit me mother fucker!" He snarled violently and insanely as he waited for the Puma to attack. Or for an extra paw.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-01-2013, 12:01 AM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

the cats had been, quite frankly, the biggest nuisance in the world. and still were. it seemed as if no matter how hard they fought to drive the pesky felines out, one or two lingered. if jupiter hadn't already been stressing out over patrols, it was even worse now with the added threat of the dangerous predators. the lass was surprised that she wasn't completely gray-haired by now, and when the sound of another feline making the attack and a wolf's voice pierced the silence around her, she was nearly certain that whatever hadn't lost its hue would.

immediately she began to head towards the sound, and luckily the sol was on the same side of the river of the enemy and the victim. she arrived in a few moments to lay her gaze on a puma and a male wolf battling it out with a femme nearby. jupiter instantly rushed to the aid of the female, lowering her head near hers and quickly examining her. "are you alright?" she asked urgently, flashing her gaze briefly to the puma to keep an eye on it. as she did so the most hair-raising screech sliced through even the raucous noise already present, and within moments it was accented by a blur of tar-colored fuzz marked slightly with white. the tasmanian devil had rushed at the puma with a battlecry, and in a record amount of time the creature backed off suddenly.

jupiter smirked cockily as she watched the spectacle. the volume of his snarls and cries were on a massive crescendo, ascending with every step that he took toward his opponent, and for every advance resulted in a small movement of retreat on the puma's part. there was one good thing about the scabbed wounds that scored her companion's face--it had taught him not to screw around with these felines, and over the past few days they had developed a hearty fear of the small animal's surprisingly powerful jaws. those that had gone straight for the throat had also discovered that, despite his chubby appearance, the marsupial was also quite flexible.

after a few moments of exchanging various roars and primal threats, the enemy turned and fled from the borders, though jupiter knew that it wouldn't be the last encounter with the individual. they never seemed to stop until they had a paw broken by either one of the pack's wolves or mercury.

"are both of you alright?" she inquired, looking out for wounds on either of them, prepared to summon marvel if needed.

? too lazy to calculate words ?

[ o o c ; ]
this is the biggest shitpost in all of existence. i swear. but i wanted to get one in so i wouldn't forget. i'm sorry for this pile of poo. XD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-01-2013, 08:41 PM
Allaire was done, she felt her legs giving out and saw as the ground rushed up in a hard embrace. She flinched, preparing herself for the claws that she knew would rip into her back, except it never happened in stead in a flare of sound, growls and yawls, vulgar speech. The Small woman scrambled to her paws then and turned to see a black brute, he was holding his own against the cat... For now, back in her bit land it took a pack of four or five to take on such a big cat, and only hold it back and chase it off. But of course they where mostly her size, nice and small, this male was much larger then she or any of her family ever was. But she did not have to worry for long, for another wolf came outta no where and trailing behind her was a small black and brown creature, it seemed that Allaire was seeing many things she have never seen before in this strange land.

The small creature gave a kinda war cry as it charged the cat that was four times its size and the cat seemed to consider the small thing then turn tail and run for the hills like a demon was on its tail. Allaire stared in shock at the small creatures tail and fur stood on end as it spat and growled after the cat. It was only after the adrenalin started to drain from her system did Allaire finally realize that the owner of the scent markers about them was standing just next to her. Allaire jumped a bit and put a bit of distance between herself and the alpha. "I am fine, thank you." Allaire started to again move away from the heart of the pack lands and back to the boarders. "I am so sorry to intrude on your land like this, I had no choice, the cat was after me and and..." The small woman put her head down then. "I understand that is no excuse." Allaire turned to the male then and took a long whiff, He was not pack, which meant he only came over the boarder was for her and that fell heavily onto her shoulders. It was her fault that he was also in this situation, and she could not let him fall with her. "I will take the punishment due, but please leave him out of it, he was only protecting me." Allaire bowed her head then waiting for the finale word from the alpha, and her sentence.


04-07-2013, 03:11 PM
Vaas was pumped and ready to go even if it would result in his messy death. But whatever as long as he went out like a champ he didn't mind, he just didn't wanna go out like a bitch. The puma screeched at him and Vaas chuckled. "Come on mother fucker its easy just attack, it just take one move COME ON!!" He snarled with a smile. The wound on his head officially bleeding pretty badly. Vaas saw the large cat was about to lay out another vicious attack before some other strange creature seemed to run out of know were and terrorize the cat. Vaas stood there frozen as he watched the two battle it out. "What the....." He whispered as the little demon chased the Puma out. The wounded raven looked at the female not to far off and back at the smaller animal. "Well...i guess the fucking works too." He said to himself as he turned around and went over to the two wolves, one of them being the cause of it all. He heard her speak about it being her fault and that she will take any punishment and Vaas walked up and put his shoulder to hers and gave a rather insane smile as he chuckled. "Actually how about we both get off with a warning, i mean look at the bright side, no one got hurt." He said crazed and he double winked at the other female. "I mean come on no fucking harm done right?" He asked leaning off the girl and rubbing his head. "Just a splinter."

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-14-2013, 03:42 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

a peal of laughter escaped jupiter as they both tried to convince her to relinquish any ideas of punishment that haunted her mind. she turned her gaze from one to the other, nostrils flaring slightly. she caught a whiff of another pack on the male, but on the female... it seemed as if the lass might be without a pack. always an opportunist, she flicked her ears forward and set her eyes attentively on her new quarry. "excuse? that's plenty of an excuse!" she replied through a failed attempt at stifling laughter. she finally quelled the sounds of amusement and beamed at them both. mercury growled at the two before finally settling down between jupiter's front legs. the sol settled onto her haunches, tail coming forth to rest before her companion should he get pissy at something that she or anyone else said.

"we've been dealing with those damned cats for at least a week now. i couldn't punish you for a nuisance that is as bothersome to my pack is it is to you." she glanced down at mercury, delivering a comforting lick to the scabbed countenance of her beloved friend. "they've already got him once. i won't let them get anyone else. there was a sort of steely determination in her voice that was almost a little contagious, but in a moment she dropped her suddenly-solemn timbre and shook her head. "anyway, welcome to the lands of ludicael, and thanks for helping to get rid of one of them. usually once they get a threat or a bite from a tasmanian devil, they know we mean business. you're free to stay for an hour or so to rest and maybe socialize, but then i'll have to ask you both to leave unless something else comes up." her tone sounded almost a little apologetic, but she shook it away.

? 310 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
agh, so sorry that I forgot to add this to my post tracker!

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-24-2013, 02:09 AM
Allaire felt like she was holding her breath, she was so on edge for the upcoming verdict, what would this Alpha do to punish her trespassing, she knew from her birth pack that if someone was found in the land without permission her parents would catch them and then take them so far into the desert that the wolf would not know what way was out and then let the wolf go. He would either die of exposure or get out using his resources. Most of the time the family would find the wolven's body eaten by the buzzers, for not many could live in the barren wasteland that was a desert like a lobo. But where would this wolven do to her, she does not have the solitude of sands to let natures do its coarse. No they would have to do something more direct...

But the verdict never came, instead the alpha invited them to stay, her and even the rude brute. The little gild smiled her thanks up to the black fellow, showing him that she was thankful him sticking up for her as she did for him. It seemed that this male was not as bad as his first impression led her to think. She continued to tell the duo that it was infect an infestation, another concept Allaire did not understand. Growing up in a barren wasteland, all life was honored, form the smallest shrub to the largest buzzer, they where all praised for the part they played in there home. But all that aside Allaire respected this female, she could tell she was a strong Alpha, someone that took no shit but yet knew when to yield to kindness. Maybe, just maybe her search for her notch in life was over, maybe this female could put Allaire to good use... Where her parents could not.

Allaire smiled up at the orange swirling female, paying no mind to the mean little black creature that accompanied her, for surely it was not all that mean, it was just acting that way to the cat.... Right? "I wasn't planning on staying, but I think I may have found my destination... If everything was all right with you that I wish to stay?" She hoped that this very large and very intimidating alpha would see how scrappy and useful she could be, even though she was small, smaller then most wolves that she had meet on her travels...

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-04-2013, 09:15 PM
ooc; I haven't seen Dasha (Vaas) in a very long time, so I will assume that she's gone inactive, and just have him say something witty and refuse the offer, and thus cause him to leave. I don't want to keep you tied up. <33

jupiter chuckled at the male as a witty comment smartly left his lips and he took his leave. "farewell, then," she replied, smiling after him for a moment before she returned her attentions upon the emerald-eyed fae that seemed to show interest in out-staying jupiter's offer. her ears pressed forward as she examined the beautiful, earth-and-sand-pelted femme, a spark of joy secretly flashing in the back of her conscience. she pondered over the possibility of the she-wolf being a member of ludicael. jupiter had long ago given up on judging based on size, as many a time she had underestimated a small opponent and paid the price for it. with a humorous chuckle, she glanced over at mercury, whom of which turned his beady, obsidian gaze upon her at the joyous sound. he spat at her, uncertain of the cause of her laughter but not wanting to seem like a wimp if he had missed a joke thrown his direction, and then began to toddle over to the previously preyed-upon lupine, sniffing at her with interest.

"let us walk, shall we?" came her offer. before she would let the lass into the pack, jupiter was going to look into knowing more about her. after a moment's hesitation, she began to walk leisurely into the heart of the territory, calling an introduction over her shoulder. "jupiter illiadis, at your service, by the way."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-05-2013, 03:03 AM
Allaire watched as the rather rude, but brave male take his leave, it was kinda sad, she was starting to like the fellow, in an endearing sort of way. But he did smell of other pack, and thus could not stay anyway. But she, she was ready for a new beginning, and new family. She wanted to fit in , more than anything! When Jupiter started to talk she was jerked out of her thoughts and brought back to what was happening now. "Oh, Ima Allaire!" She wagged her tail as the little black warrior sniffed at her legs. He was a small thing, and that was saying something for her, she was not exactly big herself. Then Jupiter started to move, and she did not want to be left behind!

She nodded to the little guy and then started to fallow behind the Alpha. "I was born a year ago in the desert!" She was proud of her heritage, not everyone could live in a area that saw as little water as a desert. That and she was unafraid to say anything that came to mind. "This is a nice play you have here, I have never seen so much green in one place! You guys must get lots of rainfall!" Allaire bounded about, sniffing at all the different plants, her young mind not staying on one thought for more then a second or two.

"I have only seen it rain once, it was like a party, my parents where jumping up and down and playing like pups!" She smiled at the tidbit of memory, she had been young when it had rained, a few months old and not allowed to leave the den but she was board and her parents where howling with such joy, so she had snuck out of the small hole in the sand. She had looked in wonder as water just fell from the sky, her eyes large and full of wonder. It did not bother her that soon after her adventure started it ended with her mother finding her and then replacing her back into the den, with stern words to stay. And after that day she had not seen rain, even after she left the desert she had not, which according to her was normal.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-05-2013, 08:54 AM

with ironic fondness the sol looked upon the female, ears forward and a single brow raised with amused interest. her mannerisms were almost grossly nostalgic for jupiter--it reminded her of when she had still cast the iterjup guise to hide what had before been darker beneath. when had she changed? when she had claimed ludicael, wasn't it? it seemed like so long ago--over half a year--since the fateful day where she exited the battlefield to claim her prize. things had been slow since then, and there hadn't been a moment when she'd worried for the safety of her pack. the strong hearts of her members wouldn't keep them from starving from lack of prey or lack of warm bodies to help catch it.

as they walked, mercury toddled behind them, taking his time and stopping every once in a while to shove his nose under a plant, supposedly catching the scents of prey that had already passed.

"sometimes it rains," she remarked, glancing about her. her audits were already picking up on the gentle lull of the nearing river. her pace quickened ever-so-slightly, as eager as always to see the prized body of water. "but these mangroves live because of the river. it splits into when it enters the territory two and goes into the ocean. and because of the mangroves, at night, the water glows when you touch it."


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-07-2013, 12:54 AM
Allaire trotted around the orange female and black warrior, sniffing at anything or everything she could get her little nose on. It was not just the shrubs that interest her, it was the wildlife as well, she had traveled two days to get here and had not stopped to smell anything on the way. Heck, she wasn't even planing to stop here if she had not been chased by a cat into the territory and presented her with this chance. What Allaire was looking for, she was not even sure, but the more time she spent in the presence of this strong Alpha the more right she felt, maybe this was why she was here, maybe fate was pushing her to this pack, for what ever reason.

So her content movement did not give her much time to look about her, so she had no idea what kinda animals would leave those scents, they did not smell like any of the pray animals that lived in the desert. Well there was one, but it smelled a bit different, it reminded her of the desert here, which was her favorite food. Her stomach chose that time to growl. She smiled sheepishly at the female and her companion, as her own body made her look weak.

Allaire then turned and started to fallow the strong woman, this time not letting the unknown scents distract her. "Oh I crossed one of those after I left the desert, it was difficult, water kept wanting to drag me under, good thing it was not very wide or it would have carried away my body." Then she looked up at the tall tree, not many trees grew in her birth land, and the few that did never grew so big. "These mangroves are so big! I feel so small in this land, where in the desert I was the big one!" Then she started to think about what Jupiter had told her. She wanted to know what it looked like, she was so new to this world, she wanted to know everything she could about the world she lived in, not just the desert she grew up in.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-08-2013, 08:06 PM

? toolazytofindout words ?

? o o c ?


the lady chuckled at the natural antics of her body bothering her at the worst time--they had a way of doing that. she reminded herself that she would have to take the lass hunting in a little bit. "the flow of the rivers here aren't very strong except after a hard rain, and even then it would carry you to the ocean, which is almost always calm." jupiter paused as they came to the river abruptly, clearing the few mangroves that hid their view. the drop-off was immediate, ending with the roots of the large trees. the whole time they had been traipsing through tangled masses of the protruding structures, so the sudden end was not too much of a surprise. it was still daylight out, so the water couldn't be seen in its bio-luminescent glory quite yet, but in time she was sure that the allaire would see it many times during her stay.

"while we wait for the sun to set, shall we hunt? there are rabbits and similar small mammals in the grassy field by the ocean. the healthiest diets around here are made up of fish, reptiles, and birds, since we can't always rely on the mammals, but i've seen an awful lot about lately." she offered a friendly smile to the lady, pleased with the sudden burst of interest in her pack as of recent. maybe things were looking up afterall.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-17-2013, 04:58 PM
Allaire watched the odd colored dam, her wide green eyes watching her laugh. A slow carefree smile creased the lobo's mouth, it had been a long time since Allaire was in the company of a fellow wolf and found the orange woman's smile calming. The brown girl felt like she was home again with her loving parents. Pushing down a bit of home sickness Allaire thought about Jupiter's words, she understood half of what she said, but one word confused the girl. "What is the ocean?" She tilted her head at the large dam, her eyes wide, full of curiosity and wonder lust, everything was so new to her, everything shinny and bright, everything like an adventure, there was so much more in the world then sand and sun.

Allaire bounded to a stop next to the large wolven leader as talked turned to food, again the small girls middle rumbled, demanding the nourishing substance that it needed to create more energy. She understood eating rodents and lizards, that was what she learned to hunt in her homeland, the desert did not offer large pray, or even many; so if you wanted food you had to eat what the land gave you, and what the land gave in the desert where lizards, and the rare rodent or hare. But the other things that the large alpha said confused Allaire. She learned that fish where those small slimy things that swam in the water and birds where those rare things that sometimes flew over her home but never came to the ground. How was she suppose to eat let alone hunt those two things? The fish in particular, they where nasty looking with there slimy surface and those large beady eyes. Allaire shuddered at the thought.

"I think I will pass on the fish, but I could eat a lizard or two." She licked her lips, her mouth filling up with saliva at just the thought of food. "But if we can get a hare or mouse it would be even better, I hadn't had a hare in a long time." She licked her chops, just thinking about the taste of hares. "I'm light on my feet, but I may be a bit rusty on my hunting." Allaire smiled sweetly at the large leader, her green eyes bright

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-18-2013, 12:37 PM

[Image: for_starsight__the_fifth_planet_lives_by...5z8esy.png]

jupiter glanced at the lass curiously as the question fell from her lips, novel wonderment in the sol's eyes. how such innocent and unknowing wolves could exist in this world was something that she would never understand, but having knowledge that they existed was quite enlightening for the ludicaen. perhaps she had never noticed it behind the guise of iterjup--oftentimes she had truly seen through the eyes of her own consciously self-fabricated second personality, and to the ditsy persona, there had been very few individuals that hadn't simply blurred into the sea of faces she had encountered, and now after experiencing even more malice in these lands with the arrival of the foreigners, she could appreciate the good still in this world.

"it's a lot of water that goes on for a very long time," she explained almost a little awkwardly, never before having had to explain such a thing. how else was one supposed to describe an ocean? as the topic of food continued, she smiled. "you may have what you like. we can head for the open area at some point, but we'll have to cross the river if we do, so for now, let's settle with lizards." jupiter beamed, and then nodded in confirmation as if she were pleased by this idea. "i'll teach you how to fish later. that is, if you don't already know how." the second part came hastily and was spoken in the tone of a timid apology, as jupiter didn't wish to assume or underestimate allaire. "anyway, lizard hunting isn't exactly my forte, so i'll wait until you've caught your fill," she explained, glancing down at her bulky build. she was built for the power of battle and taking down larger prey, not darting around trying to catch tiny, speedy reptiles. she often outsourced when she hunted for larger beings, as a diet of fish--the only thing she could catch without completely exhausting herself--wasn't always a favorable ideal.

one would not expect a lot of lizards to lurk among the mangroves, but in fact, they were abundant near the river, especially where there were protruding rocks a foot or two at the base of the mangrove drop-off to the water. the tangled roots served as excellent hiding places for them, as well. jupiter settled down on her haunches, turning her gaze to the water, where she would patiently await her new member's hunting spree.

ooc - what specialty rank would you like for her to have? or would you rather her be an orbita? (see the pack page for an explanation of ranks, as well)

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-31-2013, 03:21 AM
Allaire watched Jupiter's look of wonder and a bit of confusion at her question; Allaire could see her struggle with the wording for her answer, which made the naive girl tilt her head at the large alpha. She could not even start to think how so much water could even exist in one place, the river had been a shock to her, but what would a never ending sight of water look like? It was such a mind blowing idea to her. But she would keep that little wonder to herself, and go on an adventure and fine this magical thing.

But first food. Allaire understood why Jupiter may have a hard time catching the main thing in Allaire's diet, for one the big woman was large, and mass means movement was generally slower, and besides why learn to lizard hunt when you could eat hare everyday? "I have only seen a river once, and fish even less, I dont even know the first thing about fishing, but I still don't think I want to eat them, they look gross." Allaire stuck her tongue between her teeth to show the Alpha just how gross she thought the little water living creatures where. With that Allaire let her tail wag as the orange dame gave her permission to go catch her fill, with that the small girl bounded off onto a pare of nearby rocks, she sat her rump down and waited. It would not take long for her to pounce on a few reptiles and swallow them, and after a two in her belly Allaire returned to the dams side with a large smile on her face.

It was then that the leader nodded at the girl, seeming to be pleased with what she saw, It seemed that the little lobo had passed whatever test was set before her, and had found her way into the first pack that she meet while away from home, it was her first adventure, she had saw many wonders that still blew her mind; water that fell from the sky more then once a year, lights that flashed in the sky, grass that grew past her chest, things that dwarfed her, and many other wonders that where left to see. Oh yes, Allaire was looking forward to life, and its many challenges, and most of all she was looking forward to all the new friends that she was going to make in this strange sand less land that she had found her way into.