
You're Lookin' at the New Playboy



06-03-2014, 05:48 PM

The wiry man pushed his way through the dead underbrush, cursing all that was winter. It was cold, obviously, but somehow he believed that leaves and greenery softened the truth of it all. The wilds were pointy, and that was the end of it. Brambles reached out to tug at his coat, as if hungry for his blood. Burrs latched onto his haunches and legs, tangled in twitching ears, and blackened his humor. Furthermore, he really hated ferns. Especially dead ones. All they would do is rustle and sway, giving away his presence to prey, and causing him to jump at every shadow! He sighed, and that sigh became a growl, and that growl settled into a scowl that did not seem overly eager to leave him any time soon. The joys of being a rogue in winter, he thought to himself in an acrid tone. Once upon a time, that time being summer of course, he might not have minded traveling alone. The nights were warm, the land verdant, and the pickings came easily. Now it was barren, cold, brutal... And how on earth will the ladies take note of me, all skin and bones? He chuckled, and pushed on. At last he mounted the rise he'd been fighting for the better part of the evening. To his great surprise, as he'd previously been walking in shadow, he was met with a brilliant sunset. Where the sky was usually so void of color this time of year, it had lit up then with all the brilliance it could muster. Large clouds radiated gold, amber, and ruby hues, all backlit with violets and indigos and turquoises. It brought a rare smile to his face, and he decided quite suddenly to sit for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-03-2014, 06:01 PM

Hips swayed as the russet woman navigated around dead brush, trying her hardest to avoid getting caught on anything. The plague still haunted her home, they seemed to be no closer to finding a cure than they were before. Every so often the woman would slip away unnoticed, desperate for a breath of fresh air, air that was tainted with blood and sickness. Snow crunched beneath her weight, but the woman paid no mind to being quiet, she hadn't expected to cross paths with anyone tonight. The sun was setting, the temperatures dropping with it. Winter was an awful time, but being in a pack made it a little easier. However, there was one thing that couldn't be changed. She was in heat. Desire constantly gnawed at her belly, only briefly sated after her night with Cru. It had returned with a vengeance, demanding that she find a partner.

Her perfume swirled around her, clinging to her pelt, begging for attention. Verdant gaze scanned the area before her, eyes picking out a form sitting quietly, alone. She would move closer, making not motion to hide her approach, she didn't want to startle the stranger. Russet hues stood out against the pale landscape, her bracelets reflecting the last little bit of sunlight before night fell. She would attempt to approach form behind, nostrils inhaling his intoxicating scent, emerald pools absorbing his strange marking like a sponge. "Hello." Soft, sultry words rolled off her tongue with ease, the woman stopping several feet away, russet crown tipping slightly to the side, a friendly smile playing on creamy lips.




06-03-2014, 08:01 PM

The voice that broke in upon his sudden revelry was unanticipated... And pleasant. He turned to glance over his shoulder at the woman approaching and found a smirk upon his lips. She fell easily upon his eyes, despite a marred ear and the bangles around her limb, which were more unusual than unpleasant. All in all, he was caught off guard, but hardly in the ways he was used to. Instead of a sudden storm or a badger den, it was a beautiful woman. Quite the surprise indeed. He chuckled and said softly, "Why, hello to you too. Have I taken your spot? Apologies." He stood and made a show of stepping deftly to the side, sweeping his tail out in a gesturing way. "Luckily for us both, I am more than willing to share." His voice was warm, like honey and spring time, his sea bright eyes snapping with mirth. He often looked that way, if the truth was being told. Old forgotten companions would say he was always laughing, more like than not at a private joke only he could hope to understand. It didn't bother him, of course. He was used to being a lone wolf in a world of his own. The man settled again, and looked back to the horizon, wonder if the woman would join him or attack him from behind. Either way, he wouldn't complain. Her company would of course be preferred, but he had an inkling that those lips could do wondrous things to his body. The wind shifted, blowing her scent his way. Mmmm, delicious... he hummed within his mind. And she was in heat, to boot. What a wonderful day.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-03-2014, 08:13 PM

The man peek over his shoulder, gracing her with the rest of visage. He would speak, teasing her lightly as he rose, making a show of it. She would laugh softly, approaching until she stood about a foot from him. His lyrics were warm, dripping like sweet honey off his lips. "Lucky indeed." A mischievous smile played on her lips as silky words rolled off her tongue. Verdant swept lazy over his earthy pelt. Bright blue eyes graced his face, surrounded by various shades of chocolate and cream.

The woman would reclined onto her haunches, seating herself beside him, tail curling around herself. "I'm Sibelle." She would introduce herself, meeting his gaze briefly before turning to look at the sunset, an ear tipped in his direction. Now that she sat closer, his scent swirled in her nose, taunting her quietly, stirring up desire in her belly. Lust warmed her flesh, clouded her verdant gems. But she remained focused, listening for his name, returning her gaze to him after a few moments.




06-04-2014, 08:14 AM

Her name fell easily against his ears, sweet and unsuspecting, yet somehow charged with things he did not know what to make of. He knew her name, but who was she really? Where did she come from, and what were her intentions. She offered no surname, was it possible she did not have a family either? Or perhaps, he considered, she expected him to recognize her without one. Wolves he'd met in his travels, the man had come to find, were infinitely wily. Archaic's smile widened and he dipped his head. "A pleasure to meet you, Miss Sibelle," he said low and sweet. Oh yes, he knew his courtesies. "My name is Archaic. Rogue, vagabond, lady's man..." He chuckled at his own joke, hoping she would see the mirth in his eyes, hear the playful tone in his voice. He wouldn't want to offend such pretty company after all. "Mostly just a rogue, though. I'm afraid my constant search for food doesn't really allow me to get up to much." And wasn't that the truth? For being lean and wiry, the man had a monumental appetite. Always had, in fact. It just so happened that eating was one of his true passions in life, and he considered himself somewhat of a connoisseur... Even if he was mostly just eating rabbits and fish. But still, any meal was a good meal! Be it a feast for the stomach, or a feast for the eyes... He allowed his own orbs to scan up and down the woman's frame once more.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-04-2014, 04:10 PM

His name would roll of his tongue, dripping from creamy lips like honey. A soft chuckle rolled off her own silver tongue. Lady's man? "Ladies man? I think I'll be the judge of that." The rest of his statement fell on deaf ears, though she appeared attentive. The russet beauty was far to busy memorizing his features. Cream covered most of his body, in erupted only by spots, and strips of chocolate and tan. His markings were mesmerizing, completed with his bright eyes. Her body burned with unsatisfied desire. Damn winter and all the terrible things it brought. She had been a fiery ball of lust since it started. First Cru, now Archaic. Hunger edged her emerald gems, it was a losing battle to hide.

The temptress leaned towards him , closing the little distance between them before speaking. "Nothing's caught your attention to change that rogue status?" Silk words were soft, meant only for his ears. Her question was loaded with several different meanings. He could have easily joined a pack, it would have taken the edge of surviving winter. But also, she wanted to know if he tied down by anyone. Was this a waste of her time, or could he help her? Pools of emerald melted as she peered up at him through her lashes, a small smile played on her lips as the last few rays of sun light disappeared, leaving them in mild darkness.

"Talk" "You" Think



06-06-2014, 12:50 PM

Archaic scoffed at her own humor. He would have to prove himself then? Archaic was more than up to the challenge. He rolled his neck, his shoulders, surreptitiously showing off the rich chocolate of his mane, hoping his dapples would catch in the glowing sunset light. "Judge away, brighteyes," he said, allowing a hint of arrogant baritone to slip in. She posed him a question then that actually forced him to pause, to think. He wouldn't want to be dishonest, after all. "Oh, plenty has caught my attention," he allowed. "Like groveling before some dour, dark-eyed wolf who's rank has been jacked up just because of who his mommy was. Or forced hunts, or pandering elders you're supposed to respect for some godsforsaken reason. No, I'd rather spend my time with wolves worth the effort, thanks all the same." He allowed his gaze to drift from her strong frame, her single ear, taking note that Sibelle had more than likely seen the worse side of what life had to offer. But she was still there, still brimming life and able to take a joke. It piqued his interest. "So, where ya from?" Perhaps there was a band around here worth it's fleas. It would surprise him, of course, but hey. Life was wily, and he'd be damned if he didn't keep pace.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-10-2014, 07:50 PM

She would laugh, a whimsical sound as she shook her head, leaning back into a more upright position. A slip of arrogance graced his tones before he settled into thought. Brows would lift in surprise, she was caught off guard by his response. He sounded so...bitter. But he did have a point, some packs could be that way. "They aren't all bad, ya know." A smile played on her creamy limbs as she shrugged, thinking back to her home in Covari. Vi wasn't so bad, the russet beauty had taken a liking to the Queen. His voice would shake her from her thoughts as he was questioning where she came from. "I originally grew up in a land far away from here. But I now reside in Covari, a pack in the south, they are't quite so bad. Perhaps you should check them out sometime." She would throw a smile his way, desiring still clawing at her belly, demanding to be satisfied. Damn winter. Her perfume swirled around her like a thick cloud, there was no avoiding it. Her flesh was hot with need that shone in liquid gems. The softest of breezes rustled her pelt teasing her flesh. Her thumped idly against the earth rhythmically, though serving no purpose other than to keep her mind of the desire that had a choke hold on her. "Where are you from?" She hoped to keep the conversation flowing, she rather enjoyed his company and wasn't yet willing to depart from his presence.

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