
I'm not sick, but I'm not well [epidemic meeting]

Athena I


9 Years
05-28-2014, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2014, 01:26 PM by Athena I.)

ooc: Anyone in Glaciem that wants to help find the cure please attend! This is not mandatory for the whole pack, but anyone with any healing knowledge or that could help fetch things for Eris and the other healers are highly encouraged to attend. I would like for the deadline to post for the first round to be June 4th, but don't worry about coming in late.

A cure had to be found. It was not an option or a choice. Isardis, Sendoa, and Vereux had all fallen ill and she was sure there were countless more that had not been brought to her attention yet. However, she couldn't do it on her own. She simply didn't have the knowledge of healing necessary to be of much help, but she could gather together those that might be able to do what she couldn't. She knew Eris could use all the help she could and Athena would do anything to help her brother and father escape this illness.

She settled herself among the Sparse Pines, lifting her muzzle toward the sky and letting out a call for anyone in the pack that would be willing to help, which she hoped would be all of the healthy wolves remaining, but she knew she had to be realistic. She knew she could count on Liberty and Eris to come and discuss a plan of action at the very least, she would just have to wait and see who else would show their faces.



05-28-2014, 11:48 PM

Isardis, Sendoa, Vereux, and Kyung- the only four she knew of in the pack that had fallen ill. If there were others, they hadn't called her yet- and until they did, she could do nothing for them. She was exhausted, had been staying up around the clock to check on the sick wolves, and was confused. Their illness made no sense- it was full of symptoms that didn't fit together, things that didn't come from any illness she had ever encountered. She knew not what to do for them, other than to experiment- to guess at a cure. She hated guessing- hated not knowing things for certain. Who knew what ill effects the herbs she guessed at would have... if they weren't what the wolves needed.

A howl caught her attention, dragging her golden eyes away from her patients- where she had been staring, lost in thought. Athena. The heiress appeared to be calling a meeting, and Eris stood- exiting her den as she moved towards the sound. She shook off her exhaustion as she approached, wearily, giving Athena a respectful incline of her head, she settled to her hips. She didn't say anything, just sighed- lists of herbs running through her mind, as she contemplated what to do. She hoped the rest of the pack would appear- they'd be wise to heed to the heiress call. The queen and king didn't need to be bothered by their disloyalty right now- and unless they were ill, they had no excuse not to attend. In her mind, at the very least.




05-29-2014, 03:22 PM

Something needed to be done about this plague, or Glaciem would meet its match and crumble at their paws. Liberty had no healing experience, and Ramses only knew simple healing techniques, nothing advanced enough to cure a disease. She knew Eris had some knowledge, and she could vaguely remember another apprentice the healer had at her side. What was her name again? Esperenza? She hadn't seen the ebony woman in a very long time, and feared she too had fallen ill with this sickness. Her mind was reeling with the what ifs, but she would keep her outward appearance cold and uninviting- her usual expression. Audits would perk at the call of her heir, one of the few higher ranking members other than herself whom hadn't fallen ill. "Ramses, lets go." She would call to her feline comrade, glancing back at him with her frigid azure eyes before taking off toward the call. Ramses would hastily follow his mistress, never straying more than a few steps behind her as they traveled through the thickly blanketed snow. The pair would reach the small gathering within a few minutes, approaching them with a step in their eager stride. Liberty was anxious to get a plan to find a cure initiated, and she knew Ramses would be by her side no matter what she had to face. She would remain silent until others had arrived, should anyone else chose to come that is. They may be the only healthy ones left.




2 Years
05-31-2014, 07:37 PM

His mother was sick. His father was sick. His brother was gone. He couldn't lose anyone. He wouldn't lose anyone. With determination the should-be prince of Glaciem strutted toward the sound of a meeting call. It was Athena, the newly named Heir. He knew she'd only gotten the title because she was already a year old, so he tried not to let it weigh down his spirit too much. Surely he would take it from under her when he was of age. After all, he was a pure Armada - the only pure Armada. The young man strode onto the scene, obvious worry on his features - but a certain sense of confidence was buried down deep. ?Eris, Liberty... Athena.? He eyed them each in turn, emerald gaze settling upon Athena. ?So, do we have a plan to save my family?? He knew the seriousness of this disease - how his mother had nearly attacked her own brother, how she had very assuredly lost her mind. He knew not his father's condition, but his main concern was on his mother. She had been there for him all of his life, a feat his father had yet to begin to accomplish. His questioning gaze remained firmly upon Athena. If she was going to act like she was in charge, she had better learn to answer questions.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.



2 Years
05-31-2014, 08:19 PM
ooc: Drashiel's dropped off dandelion, yarrow, juniper, willow bark and periwinkle. He has no idea what they are so I didn't have him describe them. xD

He had no idea what he was doing. Trying to help he supposed but this was a massive gap in his knowledge. Drashiel maneuvered through the snow, mouth full of an odd assortment of foliage he'd gathered from the warmer areas of Alacritia. Hopefully there was something in this lot that Eris could use, if not he'd go out and gather another crop of stuff. Fidgety and antsy he really just needed something to do to make himself feel useful against this plague that was threatening his family. There was also concern for himself as well. They'd quarantined the sick as best they were able but there was still a chance others could get sick and he worried constantly for Lysis.

Kyarst was already there as well as Liberty and Athena who had given out the call. He laid down the bundle and worked to stretch his jaw. "Eris, I don't know if any of these are useful. If you have an idea of something specific give me the sight and scent and I will find it."



05-31-2014, 09:03 PM

Powerful limbs carried him across the lands. The winter frost attempting to coat his form as he ran. He had decided to take the paths towards the Eastern and Northern territories, if only to warn the packs that not only they suffered from the epidemic. He had seen firsthand what the illness did, having found a Valhallan wolf violently ill. He only hoped that the other packs were not hostile, and should they turn out to be so then he would fight back if threatened or if attempted at being held prisoner. He was a War Horse. He had been through it all, and not once had anyone been able to capture him. He would not be a prisoner of war, nor anyone's slave. He was free, no specific allies in place. He went where he pleased, for he was also diplomatic and political among other things. But today, he served as a messenger alongside another Valhallan wolf who had decided to take the Southern and Western territories. And it had been as he pounded his way to the North, he had crossed paths with a pair of wolves who pleaded help. It would seem the larger male belonged to the Northern pack he was already making his way to. And so, had offered to carry the male upon his back to return him to the pack he had sought.

Nostrils flared, the ill stench seeking his nostrils as the male lied limp across his back. Fortunately, for previously he had been writhing and violent, though seemed to have exerted himself into a state of unconsciousness, but for how long he knew not. He did not want to be the beasts chew toy during this journey, that was for sure. Hooves would thunder across the stones as he crossed several territories, until finally a pack scent would reach the giant beast. He did not slow in his pace, instead rushing headlong past the border markers and following the path described to him by the young female. Soon enough, the strong scent of unknown wolves would penetrate his senses, and he knew he was getting close. He was sure that with his bulk and his pace, they would hear him coming from some distance away. He would finally see figures, and knew he must have been now at the heart of the pack. His pace slowed slightly, and upon breaking through the last stretch of trees he would skid to a halt, snow flying beneath his feet as he reared into the air, the white and blood stained wolf nearly slipping but Ryuk would lower his legs to the ground once more. He shook his head, glancing around as he gazed at each wolf in his presence. Though most of them seemed to be no more then yearlings or younger, save for perhaps only two of them. Was the pack really this small?

"I am a messenger sent from the western regions wherein lies Valhalla. I have brought grave news of which I am sure you might already know about. An unknown epidemic has swept the lands, taking Valhalla among other packs within its grip. Valhalla is working on finding a cure, and I too offer my services to the affected packs in aiding in that endeavor." He would simply state, before glancing at the wolf upon his back. "I found him along my journey here. He is infected, and needs medical attention right away." He could feel the trickle of blood upon his back from the stained wolfs eyes, and yet it did not deter him for he was used to blood soaking his pelt from previous accounts in war. Ghostly eyes stared at each wolf in turn, wondering who would take up the mantle and respond.

Talk like this



3 Years
06-01-2014, 02:51 PM

At Athena's call Talvi would find herself automatically moving. Her mind now at least was shifted from thoughts of her father and his second family though now instead found the more troubling fact of this illness plaguing her instead. Kept away from her half-brother she hadn't had any contact with the sick, though from the reaction of the pack and this meeting now she knew it was serious. She wasn't sure that she could actually do anything to help but she had to go anyway.

Others had already begun to gather, familiar faces aside from one. What the black creature was Talvi wasn't even sure, never had she seen a horse before and though she could draw similarities to other animals she had seen, she knew none quite matched this strange one before her now. Shocked by his strange appearance she found herself silenced, even forgetting to mention that she would help in whatever way she could, she had a similar intent to Drashiel's way to help really.

made by keno


06-01-2014, 08:20 PM

The watchers, there were less of them now. Where there had been two, there was now just one. He was a bluish man, oddly familiar and yet so strange. Her eyes had since stopped welling with crimson tears, but her face remained caked with blood. Apparently they had not found time to address their Queen. She wobbled on her paws, having been laying still for so long. They had made her this way - her ailing mind was sure of it. They had made her this way so that the Argent-spawned child could take her throne right out from under her. What other explanation was there? The howl had awakened her, and chilled her to her very core. They were plotting against her, against she and Isardis - against her family. She couldn't let them get away with it.

The watcher was a fool. He didn't even see her leave, or if he did he didn't have the balls to stop her - that's what her mind told her as she skirted past him. She moved quietly because she had lost a bit of weight, and because her mind kept telling her if she didn't move quietly he would shove her back into the den with the others - the crazy ones. She didn't know where the Heiress had called from, but she could only imagine a few plausible locations. The most logical - and the nearest - was in the pines, so sick limbs would carry her there first.

She only fell once, twice, three times on her way. It hadn't been more than a few hundred yards, but it felt like she'd traveled miles by the end of it. A crowd had gathered. They were whispering. They are going to kill you. The boy was there. The one who had wanted to kill her before. (Drashiel) He was there and he had brought things with him. The things he had, they looked dangerous. A growl bubbled deep in her chest, forming into a snarl as it ripped free from her gaping jaws. The girl was there. The white one, the Heiress. Spite bubbled along with the bile in her gut. ?Issssn't thisssss quaint...? she hissed, ailment thick in her tones. ?Kyarssssst, they brainwashed you...? Her own son was here, with the traitors - with the ones who wanted to kill her. Grief ripped through her core. Her only present son, here plotting her demise. ?You turn my own sssssson againsssssst me?? Gaze shifted warily to Athena, locking onto her figure. Had she had the energy she would stain the girl's chest red - but alas, she had none.


Athena I


9 Years
06-03-2014, 08:53 PM

Of course the first two to show were Eris and Liberty. Athena was not surprised in the least, but she was grateful for their quick arrivals. Eris looked worse than she had expected, giving her an added drive to find this cure. It was unfortunate that they had so few healers and that this load had to almost solely be on Eris's shoulders. Athena made a note to work toward remedying that soon.

Her half brother Kyarst would appear next, as full of attitude as ever. Athena's ear twitched at his comment and her split-tone gaze would glance to meet his. "That's why we're here, Kyarst. To save our family. She understood that both of Kyarst's parents had contracted this illness, but who was to say Argent wasn't sick as well? Athena hadn't seen her mother in quite some time and she worried that Argent was somewhere alone and sick. Not that she should care, but if there was one thing that she was it was loyal to family. "We are both related to every single one of the sick wolves that we know about, so put aside your petty attitude and focus on the task at hand, hm?" Her tone was calm but serious, her gaze hardening.

With that she would turn her attention away from Kyarst and onto Drashiel as her brown and gray half brother appeared with a maw full of herbs, explaining himself to Eris. A slight smile touched her muzzle. Even though he didn't know exactly what he was doing, he was trying and Athena appreciated that. "I'm sure if nothing else Eris can store them for later, Drashiel."

Suddenly a large, black and white form came rushing toward them, causing her to spring to her paws, her eyes widening. She wasn't quite sure what this creature was, but once it came to a fairly dramatic stop she noticed Sin was draped across his back. She frowned, immediately worried for her relative. Her gaze met the larger animal's as she listened intently to his explanation for why he was here. She was certainly interested to know that the illness had affected more than their pack. However, there was the issue of this creature trespassing on their territory and his being a messenger from Valhalla. But it was to bring them news and to bring Sin back to them... "Thank you for bringing Sin here," she said as she finally began to speak. "And thank you for your offer of help. I am Athena, heir of Glaciem. You can take this information back with you: we too are working on a cure and should we discover it we will share it with others. Now, if you'll please set Sin down and depart I would much appreciate it." She may not fully agree with Sendoa's peace treaty with Valhalla, but until they gave her reason to go back on it she would not. That did not mean that she would let them get close however. She would keep them at arms length and watch them closely.

Her sister would appear, but she would not get the chance to greet the blue girl. Sendoa of all wolves staggered toward them and Athena would watch with concern and mild horror as the current Queen stumbled about, slurring words of them being traitors and her turning Kyarst against her. She tried to not take her words too seriously, knowing this sickness would have twisted her thoughts. "No one is turning anyone against you or anyone else, Sendoa." She glanced away from her aunt only briefly to look at the pile of herbs Drashiel had brought before returning her gaze to Sendoa, watching her closely, unsure of how volatile the fea was. "If fact, Kyarst, why don't you bring your mother some of those herbs. Perhaps the dandelions, willow bark, and periwinkle?" She wasn't entirely sure what each of the herbs did, but any guess was worth the shot and she hoped that if the herbs were coming from her son Sendoa would try them.




06-03-2014, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2014, 09:21 PM by Gossamir.)
ooc: pp'd my own character Drashiel, that's who'll catch her

Stars above how her body burned and ached! Each muscle strained as she moved. The small femme carried on with determination outmatching her size by many stretches. She would care news of Tortuga's findings in the search for a cure. They had to keep their allies informed. Gossamir paused for a moment, panting? spittle falling from her mouth as she gasped for breath. When did she begin to care so much? The old Gossamir she knew would only ever look out for herself. She closed her eyes for a minute to banish the pain that was pounding through her skull before she continued on. She'd heard the howl for a gathering and headed in that direction, pausing briefly to give a week howl to let them know she was coming in.

Those last few stretched felt like hours when she finally made it to Glaciem. She did not recognize the femme that had called the meeting but it was evident who was in charge here. "I? I'm from?" Her feet suddenly gave way beneath her but rather than falling in the snow she found her self caught by a handsome young man with peridot eyes. He carefully stood so that she could lean against him, though it was a little awkward as he was almost a foot taller than her. She tried again.

"Thanks?I'm Gossamir of.. Tortuga. We are beset with plague. Roman as well. We've had some luck with Alder buckthorn, alfalfa, and horsetail. It's not?" she paused a moment to cough. "It's not a complete cure but it helps. We only ask that if you find it before us send someone to Tortuga." She collapsed down onto her belly and rested her head on her front legs, too weary to keep on standing.

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



2 Years
06-03-2014, 09:35 PM

Drashiel ignored the queens ramblings, tail slapping the ground lightly. She was trapped in some delirium but he would not be marked the villain here. Drashiel's hackles raised and his eyes narrowwed as the Valhallan stallion stepped onto the scene. He knew of the new alliance but he wasn't quite sure he trusted them yet. He carried a wolf on his back and Drashiel snorted in annoyance. Wasn't it obvious from the sick in this meeting and the bleeding Queen on the ground that they had no cure and little to help besides? They were saddled with enough of their own sick! Though he supposed?. they could use the other for testing different herbs. Drashiel grinned. Yea, that would work. And then Drashiel got a good look at the wolf and he could only stare. Sin was sick too? Shit! He was at odds with this older brother most of the time but they were still family? at least he thought they were but in these volatile times things could change quickly.

"Can you bend your legs a bit Valhallan? I can't reach up there. Just tip him to the side and we'll pull him down." A weak howl rank out and Drashiel's eyes turned in the direction of their southern border. That did not sound good. "Talvi, Liberty can you pull him down?"

Drashiel was moving in the direction of the call just as a tiny fae appeared. She smelled of Tortuga and was clearly exhausted. His brow furrowed, fangs bared cautiously. Tortuga was not far away she should not be approaching from this border and further more she appeared far to exhausted to have simply crossed from Tortuga to Glaciem. Something had happened in Tortuga. His heart leapt to his throat. As she began to speak she started to collapse and Drashiel quickly moved to catch her and help her into the meeting but he froze solid as she mentioned Roman. Eyes widened and he felt suddenly numb. Roman had the disease. She had the disease?. the little female beside him sunk to the ground but Drashiel could only stand frozen.



06-03-2014, 11:57 PM

As she wearily rested beside the heir, Liberty and her companion would appear. Then Kyarst- the youth was growing rapidly. Drashiel was next, bringing with him herbs. Curiously the healer stood and approached him, sniffing the bundle. Dandelion, Yarrorw, Willowbark, Juniper, and Periwinkle- each useful herbs. Perhaps they would be able to heal the ailing members of the pack. A strange scent was in the air- and a horse would appear. The twenty-three inch wolf would look up at him, seeing Sin upon his back, and her ears would flatten with worry. Talvi appeared, and then Sendoa blundered in- sputtering insanity, and with a sigh the healer moved to the side of the Queen, trying to get close to her. "No one is against you here, Sendoa." She soothed

Athena would speak, and her attention would turn to the heiress. She would listen as the silver she-wolf would deal with Kyarst, and nod slowly. This was no time for petty squabbles. Her attention left the heiress as she heard a distant howl, and she nearly tuned out the commotion, as she scented the air. Tortuga She stiffened- it wasn't the scent of Roman approaching. In a few moments, a strange silver she-wolf would appear- nearly falling on her face, and as she approached, Drashiel supported her. Eris froze at the news she delivered. Roman was ill? That meant the two northern kingdoms- were leaderless. Shaking her head, she moved toward the girl, "Rest for a few moments, dear." She soothed, after the girl laid down- she seemed exhausted, but Tortuga was their closest pack? Where else had she ran?

"Not to second guess your orders, Athena, but perhaps we should try to find some alfalfa, and mix that with the periwinkle and buckthorn?" She paused. "I'm honestly not familiar with this illness, Kyung is ill as well- Add Isardis, Sendoa, Vereux, and Sin... we have a full range of wolves to try a variety of herbs on." She cast a hopeless look at the heiress. Eris could only hope that they found a cure . "Athena if you'll allow it- this young wolf should probably eat and rest before leaving. She looks dead on her feet." She said with a sympathetic glance at the Tortugan female. At times like this... allies would have to stick together.



06-04-2014, 12:05 AM

He had been lurking near the Glaciem borders for some time- trying to decide if he would indeed come home. He'd witnessed the epidemic that had impacted the land so harshly and when Athena howled, he felt his blood run cold. Ignoring the border he would cross into the lands he had known as a child, at a bolt. Scrambling through the pines, he rushed toward the sound- only to arrive at a meeting. He slowed to a halt, watching for a moment through the trees as his sister took charge. He noted the surrounding wolves- Liberty, Eris, Sendoa- and a bunch he didn't know. Who were they?

Stepping from the shadows, he gave a low bark. His amber eyes on his sister. Whatever hatred he felt towards Argent- his love for his sister over-came it. He approached cautiously, stepping around the wolves to approach her. "I heard your call. Are you alright, sister?" He spoke softly. "I was wanting to speak with you- but I heard you.. and I thought..." He trailed off, looking at the sick wolves present. It wouldn't take a genius to think of what he had thought. "By the looks of it, Glaciem needs able bodied wolves. I'll come home- if you'll have me." He said, his words dropping. He knew it was risky to impede on a meeting- no matter who had called it, but he had to be sure that Athena was alright... He glanced around... where was Vereux?



06-07-2014, 11:34 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2014, 11:41 AM by Liberty.)

A short period of time would pass before the next Glaciem member would arrive. Kyarst, the son of Sendoa and Isardis, would stroll onto the scene with urgency, worry spread across his features as he greeted them one by one. Liberty would nod silently to him, deciding to stay quiet until the majority of the pack was present. The next to show was Drashiel, another child of Isardis, and with him was a bundle of what she assumed were herbs and shrubs he had picked up on the way here. He would be quick to hand them over to Eris, and Liberty would nod a simple greeting to him before turning her azure gaze elsewhere.

Audits would perk to the sound of pounding steps across the earth, a sound vaguely familiar to her from her time in Valhalla- the sound of hoof steps. Was the horse from Valhalla near by? And if she was... why? The overseer would wait a few moments, her feline companion Ramses pulling himself closer to her as they waited for the beast to arrive. The ebony beast would trot toward the group with ease, and Liberty's eyes would instantly fall upon the limp bloodied figure that lay across its back. Sin? The horse would speak, and Liberty would do all she could to keep her outward appearance unchanged. They weren't the only pack with the plague, Valhalla had it too, which not only meant it was spreading across the continent, but Azalea was at risk now too. What was happening to Alacritis? Were they all doomed?

Talvi would arrive around the same time the horse had, along with the queen Sendoa, whom was spitting bile accusations and accusing them all of treason yet again. Was this sickness really effecting the queen that way, or was she simply going mad? Liberty couldn't help but almost roll her eyes, if she had the reins she would lock the queen up until she was completely free of the plague. Why couldn't she stay locked away like Isardis? Before she could speak to Sendoa Athena and Eris both would address the issue, and so Liberty would seal her lips and simply observe. She couldn't imagine that Sendoa would take anything plant like they would try to give her, since they were plotting her demise and all.

Her head would turn as an unfamiliar scent wafted across her nostrils, a woman drenched in the musk of another pack and disease. Audits would perk to catch every word this woman said, the overseers eyes widening as she realized another pack was doomed with the plague too. It was spreading faster than she had hoped it would, and now she was beginning to doubt her hopes to find a cure. Another unfamiliar woman would arrive, speaking to Athena and calling her sister, and offering to stay and join the pack to help. Liberty knew Athena would not deny her sister, which meant they would have another healthy set of paws to help them put a stop to this illness. The babe would chose to remain silent, waiting to see what Athena would say next, which she hoped was some sort of plan.


ooc: no talking, just observing cx

Athena I


9 Years
06-10-2014, 12:52 AM (This post was last modified: 06-10-2014, 12:56 AM by Athena I.)

It was an absolute mad house. When she sent out her call she had wanted a meeting to discuss possible cures, and instead she had a horse appearing with Sin on its back, news from Tortuga declaring that the disease had spread there as well, and of course Sendoa with her insane raving. Her gaze showed her worry when the clearly exhausted girl mentioned Roman catching this illness as well, the news giving her even more motivation to find this cure. It was yet another name to add to her list of sick loved ones. She cast Eris a grateful glance as the healer went to calm Sendoa, though she wasn't sure how successful Eris would be.

Without any doubt, Athena would nod to Eris as she spoke, answering, "Of course, Eris. Please, do what you think needs to be done to find the cure. You have more knowledge with healing than any of us. I only ask to be in the loop on your progress." She hoped that was a fair answer for the Overseer. When Eris mentioned the Tortugan girl, her split tone gaze went over to her, seeing Drashiel help her. "Of course. Gossamir, was it? Please feel free to rest here till you're ready to go back to Tortuga. We would never turn away a wolf from Roaman's pack." She trusted Roaman's judgement of character and if this was a wolf that Roman had trusted to spread word to the other packs then Athena had no problem letting her rest here. After all, they had an ally in Tortuga and they could certainly use all the help they could get in this moment.

Surprise touched the Heiress's gaze when suddenly Genesis appeared and she watched him move around the other wolves around her to stand near her. Seeing him brought a small, relieved smile to her muzzle. It was good to see him healthy and untouched by this epidemic. Of course she was happy to have any help she could find right now, but she was even happier to have him here where she could hopefully keep him safe. He asked then to come home and she would nod, nosing affectionately at his shoulder. "Of course, brother. I'm glad to have you here and I'm sure Vereux will be happy to see you as well... as soon as he is healed." Her tone was quiet, meant for his ears alone. They would talk soon enough, but that was her subtle way of letting him know that their brother was ill.

She turned her attention to all the wolves gathered there once again, wanting to rein in this meeting and bring all of their attention back onto the subject at hand. She stood tall, keeping a calm, collected expression as she spoke. She may be a year old, but in this moment she felt so much older than that. "Until the cure is found, everyone is to follow Eris's instruction with anything she needs. Drashiel, please lead our guest to find some food and water and then come find us at Eris's den. Liberty and Genesis, if you would help Sin back to Eris's den as well when he comes to. Talvi and Kyarst, please come along as well to help fetch herbs if Eris needs them." She paused, looking to Eris. "Lets take Sendoa back to your den and we can begin trying the herbs you suggested." She didn't much care if Sendoa or Kyarst had anything to say about her taking charge. Right now her only focus was to make things right.

ooc: So the guess in Eris's last post was incorrect, so if Roams would like to transition to Eris's den and try that combo on one wolf to see that it doesn't work and then start on a new guess for another wolf that would be good. If we need to get someone to hop in with a sick wolf to be tested on we can.
