
Seira Winterfell-Walker


06-03-2014, 01:41 PM

Walk. "Talk." 'Think.'

I've decided to give up little Seira here, as I haven't played her much, focusing more on Harmony and August, and I might be getting another Destruction baby to play. All of my characters seem to follow the same lines of personality, and Seira is just... a bit hard for me to feel like posting with. I'm terribly sorry for this, but I just don't feel like playing her. So I will be choosing who gets her after you fill the form below out:

Her Name: Seira - Not to be Changed -

RP Sample: 200 words MINIMUM.


06-03-2014, 09:36 PM

Walk. "Talk." 'Think.'

Her Name: Seira

RP Sample:

Her rosy eyes flashed open as she let out a soft yawn. Her mind was a bit fuzzy from the events of the night prior because she had dared to try and stay up all night. The attempt was futile and she, of course, failed miserably. The dark grey girl rose before glancing at her mother. She was old enough to leave without the supervision of her mother... right? It mattered not. She was going in search of her father so that she might hear another one of his heroic tales of ladies and valor and honor. Perhaps she could learn a few new words while she was at it.

The girl carefully snuck her way over Celestine and out of the den at a fast pace. Her long and lithe limbs carried her with ease. She would grow to be as tall as her father practically but she was not there yet. She had plenty of time to grow and she could be very patient at times. She felt lucky to have her mother and her father and a pack where she saw herself as princess. It was all that she had ever known and all she probably would know as she started to think about what she was going to do.

Was she to be a hunter? Perhaps a guardian would suite her better? Even better than that being a scout? no, she wanted to be a princess.



2 Years
06-04-2014, 02:45 PM

Walk. "Talk." 'Think.'

Her Name: Seira

RP Sample:

White paws carried the girl quickly away from Ebony, rose gaze looking around as she finally raised her head, her nose catching the scent of the deer she had wanted to hunt for so long, ever since she had smelt the scent of it. White ears were pinned back, and her tri colored body would slowly be lowered to the ground, watching as it raised its head, antlers sharp and ready to strike if anything attacked it, Seira guessed. Finally, the creature began to move, and it was then that Seira noticed the large nick in the buck's leg, the way it could barely move, and then the coyotes slinking after it, nipping at it a few times before falling back into the little pack. A low growl would escape Seira's throat as she got closer, behind the coyotes, and the cowardly creatures paused before looking at her, causing the girl to make another soft growl that sent them running. The buck kept moving, apparently unaware of the tall creature following it, and Seira tensed up her muscles before lunging, her jaws snapping before she managed to dig her fangs into the buck's wound.

The creature ran into a river, and finally kicked at Seira, knocking her free of its leg after a few tries, and the disoriented wolf only had time to shake her head before she was picked up and pulled away. Ruby eyes widened, and Seira managed to raise her head, a low bark escaping her jaws before she was pulled under. "Help!" White paws clawed at the surface blindly while Seira was underwater, and finally she was able to rise up to the surface, and the girl began to cough a little. Before she could say anything else, she was pushed back underwater, and she struggled to grab a hold of something, her paws grabbing hold of a log before slipping off. When Seira realized, she struggled to get to the surface before the log could be swept away, but when she finally managed to, the log was already gone. She noticed a small rock not too far away, but still in the water.

Struggling to get to the rock, Seira let out huffing breaths before finally scratching the rock with her claws, and she managed to climb up on the rock and sit down. A quick glance at the sky would show that it had been storming, and Seira remembered that her mother had told her to be home soon, that it was going to storm. She wasn't sure if she was close to home, or how far away she was, but she knew that the river had pushed her for a while; she might never get to see her family again. No, she couldn't think like that. She would see her family again, she would get home. A wolf would find her sitting here, and they would ask her if she was in a pack, and she would get home. She would get home, and be okay. Suddenly, the wind began to pick up, blowing Seira's tiny body everywhere.

The wind began to pick up even more, and a large branch was thrown in the river, coating the gray girl in water. The wind would slowly begin to push her in the water, her claws scraping the rock, and a few barks escaping her jaws, before she was pushed back into the river, on her back. "Ebony! Someone! Ebony, Covari, Tortuga, Valhalla! Someone! Please! I need help! I'm going to die!" As she was pushed underwater, Seira realized the horrifying truth; no matter how hard she fought, even if this storm did give up, she couldn't swim, and she was probably going to die right there. Jaws opened in a silent scream, and water filled Seira's lungs before her clawing paws managed to drag her back to the surface one last time. Seira struggled against the current, her rose gaze catching grass and land, watered down by the rain, sure, but still land! She might even risk getting dirt on her gray fur for land.



3 Years
08-24-2014, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2014, 12:43 PM by Mirabelle.)

Walk. "Talk." 'Think.'

Her Name: Seira - Not to be Changed -

RP Sample: 200 words MINIMUM.

It was hot out. The pup panted lightly; tongue lolling out of her mouth as she sprawled out in the shade.of some trees. Spring wasn't bad, but summer... Oh, it.was bad. She wished for cold. For snow. She loved the snow from tge time she first saw it at a season old. She bounded into it like she belonged, and she felt like she belonged too. Wolves had always thought her crazy and said she didn't know what she was talking about - who would want the cold, after all? - but it appealled to her. Prey was short, yes, so one had to be clever to survive. It was dangerous, yes, but that was part of the appeal. It was even part of her name. Winterfell. Winter. She disregarded the Walker bit in her name - she didn't care much for her father, or much for anyone, really. She wanted to be cold, like the winter; deadly, like the winter; terrifying, like the winter. Odd dreams for a pup, she knew, but she didn't care. She just wished it would hurryvup and be winter again. So she can be in her home again.

No, instead she was stuck in this torturously hot weather. Seira kicked at a pebble, sending it skittering over the ground. Her thick fur was especially horrible in this weather, too. Nothing she did would cool her off. She would swim but... She didn't know how. Raisa never taught her, before she left.

At the thought of Raisa, a combination of hurt and anger flashed through her. More angry than hurt, by now. How dare she leave her? Leave her siblings? A growl escaped her jaws. "She will pay," she muttered. and then her father died, and then Quelt and that other one presumed they would be her parents. I don't think so. So she ran from Abaven, which wasn't too smart. Luckily, she had been able to find freshly dead stuff in the few days gone. She knew she wouldn't be able to for much longer, though, and she needed to reach the north.

The pup forced herself to her pass and began walking again; her paws hurt, but she wouldn't show that. She was Winterfell. She would be as strong and deadly as winter.

Ooc. Longer than I thought it would be oops
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]


08-30-2014, 08:27 PM
Before others post here;; Seira is not up for grabs. Was readopted through the parent player.