


05-30-2014, 04:56 PM

An ebony blob doggy patteling his way through the waves. Why the fuck had he done such an idiotic thing. There was no point, swimming out to Frost Island. He was cold and his fur was useless in protecting him. Soaked to the bone the man was annoyed beyond repair. He looked like a giant black rat, it was not delightful. But, he kept on until he reached the shore of the icy island. He gathered himself upon the snow covered ground. He gave himself a good shake, but the snow fell rapidly as ever. His ebony body was covered in white flakes, but good thing the sun was sort of out today. It granted him some sort of heat. Silver orbs scanned the surrounding. Tress covered by snow, there was a lack of green. Everything was white. But, it was time for adventure. He slithered into the thicket with narrowed eyes and a high tail. It was to show everyone he was not to be fucked with, but he was not out to kill. Kristoffer enjoyed the cold but not the wet cold. Wet cold was different. But, he also did not want to get sick. The boy found a hollowed tree and grinned, it was time for some warmth. He squeezed his way inside and sat down. He pressed against the wood as he flopped onto the ground. Kris shivered but he soon regain some sort of warmth in his body. Which was good enough for him.



06-02-2014, 12:54 AM

Okay, in retrospect- perhaps swimming out to Frost Island in the middle of winter, wasn't a good idea. Surely I could have done worse, right? The Queen thought as she stood looking back at the mainland, from the Island's shore. She had swam over late the evening prior, and had stayed in the forest of the island for the night, now she dreaded entering the icy waters again to return home. Glaring at the grayish water, she thought, Can it get any worse?. Apparently, it could, a snow flake tumbled from the sky in response landing on her black nose, causing her violet eyes to go cross-eyed, whilst looking at it. Turning from the shore with a disgusted snort she turned back into the forest, seeking out a hollow tree or old den to take shelter in for the night. Lost in her own mental rant at her stupidity, she didn't notice the scent that also lingered in the air, and as she stuck her head inside a hollowed out tree, to see if it was large enough for her- she found herself surprised at the overwhelming scent of another. She blinked once, her eyes adjusting to the dim light, before she started to pull her head back. "My bad." She said lightly, as started to pull away. Honestly, that was a close to as an apology that she would give in her annoyed state. Perhaps the stranger was asleep and hadn't even heard her?



06-04-2014, 03:14 PM

He was rather cold and gross. His wet fur attracted dirt and dust from the tree. And wet fur did not have a very appealing smell. His various bands were loose due to the lack of fluff on each leg. But, alas, they did not fall. His necklace was tangled in his wet fur, which he would have to manage to fix at some point. The boy was a mess, but he still looked every so lovely. He had a constant charm to him. His silver eyes and serpent like way of speaking. It was as if he could lure even the most stubborn of bitches his way. The Armada man was a King in his world, though he doubted he would be there in the real world any time soon. His thoughts were interrupted as a woman startled him. Her alabaster head poked into the tree he resided in with curiosity. But, she would seem to step back and mutter words of apology. He tilted his head and cleared his throat. "If it is shelter you seek, there is room for two, m'lady." He would watch if she declined and walked away or slithered into his tree for warmth. They say two bodies could ignite warmth like no other. Why not take the opportunity?



06-05-2014, 07:23 PM

She was cold, the snow was soaking into her white coat- and she shivered. Of course,the first shelter she would find- was taken. Ears flattening in annoyance, she had drawn back, muttering words of apology, when the other would speak. Her ears tilted forward, and she froze for a moment- debating on the offer. She was freezing- but hesitant to be cornered with a stranger. As the snow picked up, and the wind howled she sighed and squeezed in the opening, She moved to lay down- near the opening to give the stranger as much as room as she could, though in the close proximity- their fur would most like still touch. Letting out a humorless chuckle she spoke. "I hate winter." Her violet eyes turned on the stranger curiously. "Thank you for sharing sir." She spoke gratefully. It didn't really matter who she was talking too- she could still be polite even if she was annoyed.



06-05-2014, 08:42 PM

The delightful man watched to see what the precious babe would do. Would the alabaster femme slip away or would she join him for warmth or more? The mans intentions were broad. Was he in the mood for alluring and temptation? Or would he simply provide the girl with nothing but warmth. But, as she swooped into the little cavern with him he smiled softly. His silver eyes swept across her odd markings. He had yet to see such marvelous fur, such intricate designs. As if marked by the Gods themselves. But, his eyes wavered from her luxurious fur and slid up to her own orbs. He admired her blue specs. They seemed to shine, like his own. The woman smelled of a pack, but none he recognized. As she chucked words were heard beneath them, "I hate winter." The man sighed and nodded. "I enjoy it, but it has those moments where I just hate it." Her attention was turned to him as he smiled a little more. "Thank you for sharing sir." Was emitted from her jowls. The babe was polite, even with the most annoying of circumstances. "Of course, darling." The man flopped down on his side a little more. His legs extending out, maybe even touching hers. He looked at her with another sigh. "The shit we get ourselves into, huh?" The boy shook his head before asking a question, "Does the marked fae have a name?"
