
empty bottles


06-08-2014, 12:52 PM

The tricolored babe found it was time to select a pack. Arcanum sounded nice, and so did Glaciem. The two had strength, a power-hungry monster lingering within the packs. But Ludicael- though small and peaceful, sounded like a smart and educated pack indeed. The fact that they're ranks were based off book related things, too, impressed the babe. So her choice was made, and she was on her way to one of their territories. Sunset Falls. When she arrived, she immediately admired the peace and silence of the place. Though a rough terrain, the gentle breezes kissing her face were enchanting. Already the woman was happy with her choice. Soft emerald grass that matched the hue of her eyes was smooth and wet with dew, causing her toes to shift through the short blades gently. She wondered what she'd learn in this pack, what she'd discover. Things that she never knew had beauty to them? Nature to the world? Oh, she was so excited to begin. But first- she would need to convince the Ludicael leaders that she was fit for their peaceful little pack.

Wren let her paws carry her to the peaceful territory that was calm and quiet, one paw sliding in front of the other quickly. Her long tail flicked at the emerald blades of soft vegetation growing up from the earth, while her paws made circular shapes in the dew-covered grass. Finally, her nose inhaled to what seemed the border of the claimed territory. Finding it respectful not to cross it, even if wishing to join, the woman slowly lowered her rear down onto the soft grass and threw her head into the air immediately. Inky black lips cooed out a pretty howl, summoning the leaders of Ludicael to be at her assistance. "Speech"

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-08-2014, 01:59 PM

Pack duties were hardly on the minds of most within the pack, like many in Alacritia the wolves of Ludicael simply struggled to try and find a cure for this illness that had swept the lands. Of course however not all things could be entirely ignored, and in truth it was really only the lessons that could be postponed for now Dutiron was still the Author of Ludicael there was still plenty of work to be done for he and others within the lands.

The call would sound, a reminder to the man that there was another job to do. Novel lay asleep within their den, no better but at least no worse. "I'll be back soon my love." He whispered softly, most likely she hadn't heard the words, but he felt the need to bid her a quiet goodbye anyway as he lifted himself to his paws and set off across the pack lands and towards the border the howl had sounded from.

There the man came across a young female, around the same age as the eldest of his grandchildren he guessed though certainly not a familiar face to him, hardly a surprise given he had set his course straight for Ludicael upon arriving in Alacritia. "Hello there." He greeted her, his usual warm tone now holding an element of authority to it. "My name is Dutiron Destruction, Author of Ludicael."


06-08-2014, 04:04 PM

While the woman waited for one or two of the leaders to arrive, she lifted her chin to the gentle rhythm of the wind kissing her face. It was truly nice. Some days she may just come out here to take a nap or just to think without any disturbances. That is, is she were to be accepted into the little pack. And the girl really hoped she would be. She needed something to get her occupied. So that she can set a goal and work her way up into it. And a pack was just the way to get herself busy. She would work her way up into the ranks- until eventually, she'd be respected and known. Ooh, that'd be just thrilling. The journey into the high tiers, though, would be long and exhausting. She could already picture the constant training, spars, etc. The jobs and duties she needed to complete, and the challenges that would knock her silly. But those wouldn't stop didn't stop the leaders of the other seven packs, so if it didn't stop them from leading, it wouldn't stop her.

A brownish figure came padding toward her in the distance soon after her relaxation on the border. Immediately the woman firmed up her spine and bowed her head with respect to the leader. She kept her head lowered until he yielded before her, then she lifted her head and smiled warmly to him. Was that man she saw in the cavern the other day related to this brute...? The boy in the cavern had orange half-circles beneath his eyes. And this man had almost the same ones, just dark brown. They also both looked like normal, regular everyday wolves. She must have been missing a large family spread throughout Alacritia that had a high reputation. Confusing. But immediately the woman refocused on the boy as he addressed himself to her. "Hello there. My name is Dutiron Destruction, Author of Ludicael."

Destruction. Destruction. She had heard of an old leader named Destruction, but not with that last name. Wren thought hard about the name and tried to figure out if she's ever heard of it before. But unfortunately, she hadn't. She sighed and shifted thoughts, from the last name of the family to the reply for the author of Ludicael. The babe would ask to join. That was it. "Ah, yes. It is nice to meet you, sir." Wren would dip her head yet again with respect, but she lifted her head just as quickly as it went down. "I'm Wren Sartaddi. I'm quite new to Alacritia, but I have an interest in this unique pack of yours, and was considering on joining. But I wanted to get approval from one of the leaders first..." The tricolor babe took a quick, silent moment to let her eyes explore the brute's frame. He did indeed look like an everyday wolf- but with two-toned eyes and brown half-circles beneath them. It was quite weird- she almost felt like asking if he had any certain relatives. But for now, she would focus on getting accepting.

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-08-2014, 04:43 PM

Closer now Dutiron was convinced there was something a little familiar about the girl's scent. Not hers directly but somewhere she had been struck a chord within the man's mind. It was a shame she found herself unable to recall the name of the man she'd met, it would have certainly brought Dutiron great joy to learn that another of his children wasn't too far away. Though still finding the familiarity a little strange, he would shake the thought free from his mind to concentrate more upon the matter at hand.

It seemed that she had rather good manners, took no further prompting to introduce herself and explain what had brought her here to Ludicael. A small smile would grace his lips. "That would be myself." Dutiron proclaimed warmly. Knowing full well some explanations would need to be given for the health of the pack including of course the second Author of Ludicael the smile however would soon begin to fade as a sombre look crossed the man's features.

"I'm not sure if you know of the epidemic currently spreading illness through Alacritia, but I feel I must warn you anyway. Unfortunately a number of my pack, including the other Author of the pack have fallen ill." It was hardly the greatest welcome into the pack though she deserved to know what awaited her further in the lands. "We are all currently a little preoccupied caring for the sick and attempting to cure them, so I'm afraid you won't be arriving into the most relaxed environment, and that of course is likely to be the case regardless of which pack you join currently. That being said if you're prepared for the challenge, then I can welcome you into the pack as a Chapter."


06-08-2014, 05:31 PM

"That would be myself." The author would coo to her in a warm voice. The babe admired the smooth, calm tone in his voice. Even with her being completely unknown to him, he was so willing and kind. It was reassuring to the woman. But soon after he stated himself as the leader, his smile was replaced with a saddened expression. She wondered why. Were they not accepting wolves at the moment? Was something big going on in the pack that he needed to report to her? Wren's ears pushed forward in attention, eager to hear what he was going to tell her. "I'm not sure if you know of the epidemic currently spreading illness through Alacritia, but I feel I must warn you anyway. Unfortunately a number of my pack, including the other Author of the pack have fallen ill."

A sickness. What a lovely welcoming present to her. Her smile immediately disappeared and turned into a low frown, her eyes filling with concern. Though the risk of getting sick was high, the babe suddenly felt the want to help solve this sickness build up and filter in her body. She still wanted to join. Wren nodded her head with understanding as the author finished. She would join as a chapter, and try to help with the cure to this sickness. Or- epidemic. Whatever it was that was going on. All she hoped wouldn't happen was to catch the sickness, and add more to Ludicael's plate. She wasn't here to make them work harder. The woman was here to help. And she hoped she'd have an effect on the pack's work. She truly did want to help.

The tall, tricolor woman slowly stood up and once again, bowed her head to the author. A simple thank you would refocus them, hopefully. "Thank you for warning me of this...situation." She sucked in a breath of the cold winter air, ears folding back slowly as she added, "I will try my hardest to help your pack get through this, sir. I promise." Her eyes, still filled with concern, left the hills of the territory and turned to the muddy alpha. The woman was true to her word. She'd do anything to help.

Dutiron i


8 Years
06-08-2014, 06:03 PM

Dutiron was certainly a gentle soul, willing to give others a chance, to be honest with this sickness present it'd certainly help someone get a better judge of a stranger's character swiftly not that he intended upon testing Wren in anyway. From the somewhat shocked expression it seemed though that she hadn't heard any news of the epidemic, she seemed healthy enough herself so wasn't one of the unfortunate ones to become sick though with how far it had apparently spread he wouldn't have been too surprised to find that she had come across it somewhere in her travels. She was lucky it seemed not to have had that misfortune however.

Immediately rather than shy away she would offer her aid in any way she could, though clearly somewhat pained by the entire ordeal another small yet grateful smile would cross the ageing male's face. "Wouldn't have been fair to let you find out on your own now would it." He pointed out, an attempt to somewhat lighten the mood, though there certainly wasn't much use. His own heart was very heavy these days, so many loved ones affected around him.

"In that case, I thank you and welcome you to Ludicael, Wren." The news was normally a rather cheery announcement to make to a wolf but with all that was going in it was hardly the time to be joyful. He was grateful though, any help right now would be eagerly accepted.