


04-29-2014, 06:44 PM

It had been sometime since he spent any quality time with his sister, asides from the guarding and ensuring her safety and welfare, he knew that she was safe within Valhalla...or so he hoped. The pack was getting larger everyday, new members joining and adding in to their ranks. He supposed it was a good thing...or maybe Erani just didn't have the heart to turn anyone away, who knew. But he knew eventually they would have to move. His family would eventually have to start their own journey, their own destiny. To unite as one and band together like the great Clan they once were...but why did he feel discontent? Would his family even want to rebuild what was once lost? angel and Crucix, to him, seemed quite distant. They had change, in his eyes unrecognizable...perhaps the death of their mother had changed them. Lest it be Lunatik's malicious deeds and corruption...

The afternoon sun was high, though the air was cool. He stopped near a log, taking in the forest scents. Thoughts of new and old circled his mind, a feeling of hopelessness within.

Talk like this

Fading Away (Acoustic Version) by Demon Hunter on Grooveshark

Twig I


04-29-2014, 07:29 PM
Jinxx would find himself within their den rather frequently, it seemed though that she had a habit of catching him while she herself napped. She would find sadness in the fact that the two of them had not spent any real time together since the loss of Fern. He had been rather caught up in the pack's duties and all she had to focus of was getting well. Alpine had certainly been helping with such actions. His gentle presence in her life caused much of her spark to return. Finally seeing her daughter's grave and leaving that pack lands for the first time since joining would cause her progress to improve sevenfold. Her journey forward was still difficult and she still had much to travel, but she could feel inside her a spark of joy ignited.?

Slate colored paws would carry her lazily through the territory, she was trying to get out of the den more and move so she was not so tired all the time. Fatigue hit her frequently and rather hard, the result would be her frequent naps. Now though, she had just awoke and felt rather refreshed so would walk slowly during the beautiful autumn day. Her form would be brought to the scent of one so familiar to her. She would follow his aroma until she could see him, smiling at his presence and happiness for seeing him while se was awake. "Hi Jinxx!" she would bound up to him enthusiastically as she aimed to nuzzle him when she got close enough.?


05-27-2014, 03:09 AM

"I Don't Understand...Why Things Turned Out This Way..."

A voice so familiar reached the boys midnight ears. He turned, feeling the gentle nuzzles of his sister's touch. He was glad to see her outside of the den now, though he still worried for her. She had been spending time with someone else, and he had no idea who this other person was. Perhaps he would talk to her about him, and find out just who it was...but not today. He licked her muzzle in return, tail wagging slightly as he greeted her in silence. He honestly hadn't expected to see her today, but he was glad all the same. Was she getting over her ordeal? He wanted to know, but would not open old wounds.

"It's nice to see you out and about, Ashley." He would smile crookedly, pushing away the turmoil of his own mind. He did not want to place upon her the fears and feelings he held within his mind. She had had enough to deal with, he would not add on to her burden of thought. "Are you settling well?" He wondered if she was...or if she was continuing to be distant. She used to be so open and friendly when they were younger, always making friends and integrating herself within their home pack...but now? She seemed to have changed. And he felt that his family was keeping him in the dark about everything...even Crucifix was distant from him. He felt hurt, but he would not tell her. He tried so desperately to hide his emotions from her, and for the most part was successful in hiding the look in his eyes. But at what cost to him?

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark

Twig I


05-27-2014, 12:54 PM

Her brother would offer a gentle lick in greeting as she rubbed against him affectionately. Glad to finally be within his presence, she felt so at home with him. A reason she so enjoyed sharing his den. He made her feel close to what they once had, their mother, their pack.. How she was before Lunatik attacked. Jinxx would express his pleasure at seeing her outside, he knew well how much trouble she was having. "Mmm, I'm enjoying the sun." orchid optics would blink back the pleasant rays. "While you've been helping Erani, my friend Alpine has been keeping me company. It's getting easier to smile." to prove her statement her maw would open into a shy smile. He would ask her if she'd been settling in well, "Okay, I guess. I've been.. Well I haven't been very pleasant company recently." she'd look away for a moment, chasing away thoughts of Fern. "Alpine has been the only on I've really spent any time with. But, there were a couple wolves i met while I was looking for the family. The Nomad Shilah helped me when I had a hurt paw. I've met him here. As well as a warrioress named Odette, she kept me company for a while too." her meek smile would show again, trying to convince him that she was really trying to get better. "What about you Jinxx? How are you?" her head would tilt curiously, she knew that he'd been given a few opportunities to help their alpha. ?

I can talk!


06-07-2014, 10:59 PM


Her words would breach him, a half hearted smile coming to his face as she spoke. He noted her own attempt at a smile, and he was glad at least she was happy...though she seemed much more different then when he first knew her. He did notice, that she was spending alot of time with the male called Alpine. Something unusual for him to see, for she was always so independent and love had always been the last thing on her mind, if at all. What changed? It was hard for him to wrap his head around it, and although he wanted to ask her, he would not ruin her day with such trivial questions. Just something to keep to myself.. He would shut his jaws, not daring to allow the questions to leave his tongue. Clear blue eyes would widen slightly, so she too knew Odette? She seemed to be quite popular among the Black family. "Odette is a good friend, I have had the pleasure of meeting her too." Tail would wag, though it was only slight. He wanted to be happy, but at the same time thoughts gnawed at his mind. Not only of the changes in Twig, but at the changes in all his family members. They were no longer the same as when they grew up, before Lunatik's corruption...was Twig still the tomboyish and independent figure she once was? Were Crucifix and Beau still the same trouble making kids he knew? What about the rest of his family? Had he changed as well? Perhaps...though not for the better. He would realize his brief silence afterwards, and would quickly initiate his response to her own question. "I've been...well. Coping, I guess you can say." He would lie to her, though with him it was usually hard to tell. He would not worry her with his own troubles, for she was getting over the loss of her only child. He would not burden her with his thoughts...they would do more harm then good, he was sure.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark

Twig I


06-08-2014, 05:40 PM

Much had happened in the last year of Twig's life, so much had shaped her. Since being attacked she had lost a sense of herself. She no longer had the self confidence she once possessed, she didn't have faith in herself anymore. It had been proven to her that she couldn't protect herself, her desire to be self sufficient had been taken with her purity. She was scared of the outside world, her thoughts were focused however. She knew she had to get better, Alpine was helping with that. He was her best friend, he was always there for her. He had saved her life. Of course Twig didn't think of him in a romantic sense, but she knew she cared for him. Jinxx would brush past mention of Alpine, she had to assume he didn't know the man. However the mention of Oddette would cause her brother's eyes to widen.
"Odette is a good friend, I have had the pleasure of meeting her too." Twig's smile would brighten, they had a friend in common. When she first met Odette she hadn't wanted to get to know the young she wolf. However when she realized they were pack mates everything had changed. The woman seemed respectable, and Twig was glad to know her. "She seems quite respectable." Vivid gaze would look her brother over, he'd seemed so reclusive since she'd joined valhalla. "I've been...well. Coping, I guess you can say." A look of concern would appear on her face, obviously not fooled by his slight facade. "Don't hide your feelings from me Jinxx. Hiding things only makes me worry for you more." Her form would lean into him, a nuzzle pushed against his muzzle. She couldn't help him if she didn't know what was wrong. She might have been recovering herself but her brother had to know she would still do everything she could for him.



06-09-2014, 02:06 AM
OOC: Kat you are making me want more of your amazing family arts >.<

"The Monster Inside Preys Upon Me..."

Her smile was so bright, so beautiful...he felt happy just seeing her smile. He hated when she didn't, for her smile meant hope. Her smile reminded him of their mother, strange to say the least but true. She wouldn't know that, of course. For whenever it was mentioned she would grow embarrassed and turn away. At least, in their younger days. He would nod in agreement about Odette, indeed she was. "Cute too." He would whisper beneath his breath, however, he would not realize his almost quiet musings. Indeed, the first meeting he had with the other girl was quite...dramatic. He had rescued her from certain injury; or death even, upon one of the nearby islands. She was a great friend, always so cheerful and determined. The ambition and desire was clear in her eyes, and it was something he often admired. For he himself, though contained ambition to rebuild what was once lost, had obstacles in his path. The main obstacle, being his own mind and heart.

And it would seem, that his sister would see through his guise. Black topped ears trained on her for a moment before his oceanic gaze wandered over the treetops. He would press into her form as she leaned into him, holding in the emotions that ravaged him from within. How had he managed to cope so far? When everything he knew crumbled and walked away, the members of his family growing distant and finding their own paths. Would they all abandon the Clan ways and cast out all the traditions they held so close in their beliefs? It was the only thing that defined them as the Black Clan. As the 'Wolves of the Cross.' Without those beliefs, they were nothing. He would briefly lick his sisters muzzle, an attempt at reassuring her. "Nothing is wrong, Ash. Just thinking about all that's happened since...we separated. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what you've been up too lately, besides hanging out with that guy all the time. But I'm glad you have a friend, we could all use one during these times." He would comment, curious now about the male she had mentioned. Of course, he would leave out the part about his over protectiveness...for if she had feelings for him, then Jinxx would do what he could to keep her heart from being broken. If this Alpine guy mistreated her, he would end it. "So, tell me a bit about your friend. You two seem...pretty close. From my understanding." Ah, he would avoid her inquiry about himself. Smooth. It was just like him to do so, if only to flee the subject much like he wanted to flee from his own mind.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark

Twig I


06-12-2014, 03:29 PM
I'll be doing more family art ;D also this should be set before the meeting


She'd see him admire her smile before he would nod in agreement to her statement about Odette. She wouldn't hear his comment, but her ears would swivel curiously. He wouldn't repeat himself, and silently she would wonder what he'd been musing about. She hoped he'd been spending good amounts of time with the girl, he needed someone to distract them from their lost mother. She was no good, her emotions were too fragile to provide support to her brother.
He would lean into her form, listening to her words. He would look off into the distance, she wondered if he too was warring with the emotions that filled him. She wondered what he was thinking, sitting there with her, thinking about the question she gave him. She would still sit though, patient for his answer. She didn't know what she had to do to help him when he didn't tell her, so with a reassuring kiss he'd let her know. "Nothing is wrong, Ash. Just thinking about all that's happened since...we separated. In fact, I'm not even entirely sure what you've been up too lately, besides hanging out with that guy all the time. But I'm glad you have a friend, we could all use one during these times." She wondered how he didn't know all she'd been doing was sleeping. She was trying to recover from the birth, from the heartache she'd suffered. "Just trying to get better I guess.
Alpine occupied a den not far from where she and Jinxx shared their own, he always seemed to be around when she needed him, it was an easy friendship. He kept her mind away of all the hurt that wanted to overwhelm her being. He would not really satisfy her inquiry, but it was likely she'd try again later. She didn't want a rift between her and her brother. So, tell me a bit about your friend. You two seemed... pretty close. From my understanding." Her smile would grow just a bit brighter as Alpine was brought back to her mind. Thinking of what she'd been doing the last month was rather rough, darkness would beckon at the edges of her vision. So she would put her heart into focusing on her best friend. "I met him before.. uh... rather right after I got here. He brought me a rabbit because I was too round to hunt." She would giggle lightly, her eyes staring off into the past. "He came to see me.. after. And he cried with me." Her voice was a bit distant now. "He's cheered me up, and made me smile, and showed me that there's more life worth living." She wondered then, if Jinxx realized how dark her life had gotten. "He came with me.. to visit Fern's grave with me." Her voice would crack, tears welling up into her eyes. Alpine meant a lot to her.


06-12-2014, 05:05 PM
Audits would twitch at her response. Of course, how could he have forgotten? Was he so preoccupied with his own thoughts and feelings that he had completely neglected those of his sister? And even perhaps, the rest of his family? Eyes would shut for a moment, brows furrowing as he mentally cursed himself. Suddenly he would feel selfish...his sister needed what she could get now. The friends, the support. And where was he? While some other male was taking his place, the place where the older brother should be, he was off doing...well, nothing really. Moping, thinking about how his life felt like it had no meaning. Did it really? He lived for his family, to protect them even at the cost of his life...but did they care? They had become so distant, and it made his heart ache. It wasn't something he could help, they would go their own ways. He only hoped that in the end, they would come together and be the strong Clan that they were known for. To be the Wolves of Cross once again, the Clan that was a prime example of what a pack should be.

Eyes would reopen, his troubled gaze disappearing to be replaced by a gentle one. The one that often hid all the turmoil within his own heart. Why did he have such a weak mind? Why did his heart hurt all the time? He was hopeless, a loser, a coward. He was afraid of the changes life had to bring. The changes that could potentially tear apart his family, the family that only had each other. However badly he wanted to tell her, he did not want to worry her with his own thoughts. How could he tell her he had constant thoughts of Suicide? She had just lost her own child, his niece...and even those thoughts would cause more pain in his chest. He heaved a sigh...he was feeling weaker and weaker by the day. Perhaps...not as strong as he once thought he could be.

She would begin to tell him of the male she had spent so much time with. His gaze would focus upon her at the mention of the pair crying. So, this Alpine was involved within their family now? Perhaps. And yet, perhaps not. The family had been deceived before, there was no telling whether or not this male was true...or if he was merely displaying a facade to hurt her again. His fur would prickled slightly at the thought, but he would keep calm. "He's cheered me up, and made me smile, and showed me that there's more life worth living." Gaze would fall to the ground, had she been in a place so deep and dark that she could not see a way out? He didn't know what it was like to lose a child, for he was still one himself in a sense. "I'm...sorry for not being there more for you." Words would leave his tongue in no more then a whisper, ashamed that he had not been there for his sister...or any of his siblings, for that matter.

Twig I


06-12-2014, 07:41 PM

All he would show her was the kindness and the strength of an older brother. His gentle gaze upon her as tears welled up into her eyes. She wouldn't be able to tell the darker thoughts he himself bore. She wouldn't see the distrust he still held in Alpine. She had nothing but the utmost respect for the man, he'd shown her that he was a true friend and she would accept nothing less from him. As her tears fell Jinxx would whisper to her, his voice quiet and ashamed. "I'm...sorry for not being there more for you." She would push herself closer to his chest, tears staining his white fur. She'd sniffle a little, feeling the hurt return to her as his sadness infected her. "You're there Jinxx, she would try to smile, the familiar gaping hole within her heart reminding her of its presence once more. "I feel you when you curl up with me once you've done Erani's duties. I eat the food you leave for me, and know you're out there patrolling. Keeping me safe."She would nuzzle him again, enjoying the warmth he provided as the autumn breeze filtered through her coat. She would feel a great shiver run down her spine. "Will you escort me back to the den?" Vibrant violet gaze would look back up at her brother, love showing through her eyes.



06-15-2014, 05:35 AM


His family was everything to the broken and burdened male. He would never burden them with the darkness that constantly infused his mind, would not expose his tragic thoughts to their presence, for to do so would only cause them infinite worry. However much he struggled everyday, he would keep it in a bottle within his chest. Should it burst someday, then it would be through his final act. She would press into him, crying into his chest. Eyes would close momentarily, head tucking over hers as he tried to comfort and reassure her. He wanted to apologize for making her cry, but perhaps he had been apologizing a little too much lately? It was in his nature to do so, but perhaps his apologies were doing more harm then good...He would look at her, head gazing downwards as he listened to the echo of her words. Was he really doing meaningful things? Sure, he wanted to care for his family. They were all they had, each other. Their mother was gone, their Clan lost to a lunatic, and yet they thrived...somehow. "Ash, I'll always be here to take care of you...and the rest of our family." As long as I can...before the darkness takes me away... He cleared away what he often hid within his blue eyes, gazing at his beloved sister with fondness as he returned her nuzzle of affection. Tail wagged slightly, the boy pressing closer upon witnessing his sister shivering against the cold. "Of course, it's kinda chilly out here anyway." He would stand and wait for her to move. Many things were on his mind, and it was nice to finally spend some time with his sister again.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark