
I See Fire


06-02-2014, 06:44 PM

Her cocoa colored eyes would flash open in an instant from her late afternoon rest and she would rise like the regal wolf she thought herself to be. Her white fur, covered with the grey-brown dirt of the cave floor, would begin to shake as she cleared it so she might be able to press on with her adventures. She would slowly but rather dramatically inhale as her eyes cast a gaze first to the right and then to the left. With that she would take her step into the world beyond the cave as she ran forward at a high-paced speed. She was rather placid, which surprised her for she was normally freaking out inside that she was not doing something right or she was not doing something that was in the best interest of her family life, a life she was trying to start still. Her limbs ached from the constant motion of the past two seasons that had brought her to Alacritia.

She skidded to the halt with the scent of something funny. It was a wolf? or multiple wolves even. Aaliyah knew it to be one scent, the scent of a pack. The scent had piqued her interest as she narrowed her eyes the slightest bit. She took another scent, trying to draw out to see if she could tell how many different scents there were but she could not distinguish them. With her attempt failing she had but one plausible choice left. That choice was to call for someone from the pack to give the regal princess and devoted vigilante some answers as to what the pack was actually and if it might be a home for her to reside in. Her white fur bristled slightly as she caught the faintest scent of blood on the borders too. Was this a pack of violence or had there just recently been a scuffle with a bold loner? Only time would find the answers as she stood at the borders to the pack.

Being a princess herself, it was only natural for her to call for the leaders or a higher up. She wanted to talk to nobility, not peasants. It was hypocritical really, as she had started out as a peasant herself. That was a lie for she herself had not. However her family did have a history of being a peasant family. It was only in the Torbine rebellion that she rose to power as a princess with her father leading the great kingdom. That was the reason she had left Torbine too, she was too far back in the line of succession in order to have any realistic hopes of gaining a crown of gold. She had ventured to start her own pack and forge her own kingdom from the fires. It would take a great deal of time and dedication but it was nothing that she could not handle.

Her eyes darkened as she stood at the forest?s edge. She was beginning to grow impatient but she never let such things show. It was only what she thought in her mind and felt in her heart and unless there was a wolf who showed up that could read minds, there was no hope in discovering otherwise what had become of her mind or heart. A great power she held was control of her emotions and nothing, nothing, was going to make her lay her heart out on her sleeve. Her eyes were holding a narrowed look as she had a determined grin on her muzzle. She was a little tense with all her muscles built up like she was going to have a fight or flight response at any moment. It was just her natural posture as she had her frontal right paw out in front of her left. She had her head up and it showed that she was proud to be at the borders that day. She would find out about this pack and at the end of the day, it could be a temporary home.

It was her life and it was time that she started living. It had surprised her that she was so close to the borders when she had laid to rest for the afternoon. She often traveled at night when the moon was high in the sky. She cleared her throat slightly as she would await a wolf to great her and ask her what she was doing on their prestigious borders. They seemed like a well-kept pack just from the state of their lands, that is, if you take out the blood stains on the cold, hard earth.



06-03-2014, 05:21 PM

It was her lucky day. The Queen had been out, washing the dried blood from her face when a unknown scent washed over her. The Queen would turn, her gait lazy as she went to greet the stranger at her border. When she arrived, a pale fae stood quietly, appearing to think highly of herself. Silver crown was already held high, her tail slowly curling. The Queen peered down at the woman, scrutinizing her carefully. "Can I help you?" Audits stood at attention, a brow lifting in feigned curiosity. This girl had better not waste her time. The silver temptress held herself still, refusing to allow a shiver of cold run down her spine in front of the stranger. Corals roamed the woman's figure, sizing her up, determining whether or not this one would survive in her pack or be torn to pieces. The more she looked, the more she found that woman had a sense of pride. The pale woman held herself proudly, why the Queen didn't know or care, all she knew was the girl had better be careful, pride would her nowhere.



06-03-2014, 05:32 PM

It did not take long for the queen of the lands to arrive and request to know what the lowly loner was doing at her borders. Her eyes did not fall onto the eyes of the pack wolf however as that would be considered a challenge on her lands and would no doubt be considered the same in these strange new lands. She relaxed her position as she thought carefully as to what she would say. ?I have come to inquire about your pack. I?m Aaliyah. Aaliyah Hera Olympia technically by birth.? She introduced herself with both her first name and then her full set of names as she found it customary.

A small smile graced her muzzle with the hopes of being alright with this pack. Truth was she needed a home and she wanted to find one soon. She glanced at the blood stains a bit more. ?Would you consider your pack to be particularly?? She tried to find the word. ?Violent? No, that isn?t the right word. Fight-savvy perhaps would be a better word.? The question was an honest one as another cold and fierce wind snapped at her rather long and ragged pelt. She hated the cold but she would not complain. Her chocolate brown eyes held a fierce determination within them. It was one that she knew would aid her in her attempts to live at life.

She no longer stood so regal as a realization hit her that she was not royalty, but just a lowly loner.


06-03-2014, 05:45 PM

The girl would immediately realize her place, and her body posture followed suite, silently submitting to the Queen. An introduction would be made, but the woman had little care for names, so long as you pulled your weight and did your job. The woman would go onto inquire about the pack, a sneer tugging at dark lips. Violent? Fight savvy? It was hard not to laugh. "You could say that." Sly words were followed by a sneer. If only she knew. The girl had no idea what she was getting into. Perhaps she should just be accepted so the Queen could sit back and have some entertainment watching her pack play with the newcomer. "Are you looking to join my violent and fight savvy pack?" She would subtly mock the girl with her words, wicked amusement glittering in coral pools. This would be fun.



06-03-2014, 05:57 PM

The proud woman would go on and say that Aaliyah could indeed say that. She would ask if the girl was interested in joining and her muzzle would part in a response to the question. ?I have.? She would linger on the words before giving a suspicious look. This woman was obviously playing with her and it made her very suspicious. Her muscles tensed slightly in a fight or flight response. She felt insecure because she did not know where it was going. She?d always stay and fight unless her very life depended on it. ?What might you say about my request?? She asked in a suspicious tone, her head tilted slightly to the left and slightly turned in the same direction.

Despite her being a loner in winter, she was in pretty good shape. She held her stature a bit thin but that did not make her starving. It didn?t necessarily change anything as she seemed to always find food when she felt the need to eat. It was the first winter to actually cooperate with her. ?I?m a healer and a hunter, these are my main skills but I am not a terrible fighter either.? She offered up as she waited a response.


06-03-2014, 07:21 PM

Immediatly the woman's demeanor would change, becoming suspicious. The Queen would smirk, so the girl was smart. Good. She would need it. The girl would go onto explain her skills, immediately catching the Queens attention. A healer. The pack was in desperate need on of one. "Well my dear, today is your lucky day. My pack is in need of healer. In case you didn't know, a strange plague has struck these lands, infecting many wolves, though it doesn't appear to be contagious. Find a cure and you will be promoted to lead healer." Just as she spoke, the bloody tears mad their reappearance, slowly dripping down the Queens face. Hopefully the girl would not be scared off, and she would accept the challenge. If she stayed, the Queen would be impressed, if she found the cure, the Queen would favor her. But a moment of silence hung in the air as she waited for the girl to stay or turn and flee. It was a tense moment for the Queen, she was growing desperate for a cure, several of her wolves were already infected.



06-03-2014, 07:52 PM
A fade with your next post?

The woman offered her a place as she explained a plague was tearing through the land. She then noticed the blood leaking through her eyes and she did not panic, she had been trained not to. The woman said if she could find a cure then she would become a lead healer. It was a challenge that Aaliyah was glad to accept. She had seen blood from the eyes somewhere and she thought of herbs instantly. ?I?d be glad to accept the challenge ma?am. I?ll need to find the supplies as I go. Can I get all the sick wolves quarantined in one zone?? She asked, careful to place her words in the correct order. The white healer had a lot of work to do. She had an idea of a few mixes but she was not sure if it would work out correctly.


06-08-2014, 08:18 PM

The woman would make a request, but the Queen was already in another place. Soon they would have their cure. "Do whatever needs to be done. Our allies, Tortuga, have already found bits of the cure, alder buckthorn, alfalfa, and horsetail. Its not complete, but some of those herbs help some of the symptoms." With that the Queen would turn away, accepting the healer into her pack. She would slip away into the mist, allowing the woman to do whatever it was healers did. For her sake, she hoped the woman found the cure, soon. "Test your theories on any of the sick, let me know when you come up with the cure and Ill let you know if we hear anything from our allies." With that, the woman vanished completely.
