
✘ open fire.



7 Years
06-08-2014, 05:54 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]

Quote:"Speech" Thoughts

A loud exhale expressed over the chilled air, a cold yet impossibly warm flow of fog curled up from the snow, as if a dragon spilled his breath over the frozen hills, sizzling snow beneath the frosted curls rising from the half-hidden nostrils the color of ebony, a low bellow followed the curling misty breath that disappeared into the frozen air. Ebony nostrils forced more oxygen from his lungs as he slept. Half immersed in the snow bank beneath him, laying in a tightened position, at least tight enough as his thick body would allow, the beast of a wolf lied in sleep, folded into the snow as if he were a part of the earth.

Every once in a while a bellow of a growl flew from his lungs, expressing into the frigid air in a large cloud of misty curls, his throat collapsing then to swallow back what he refused to let go, his deep sleep engrossing his physical form, allowing his thick, matted and wild obsidian coat to shield him from the weather. The snow had stopped falling earlier that afternoon, covering the lying brute in a thin layer of camouflage. Nothing but the occasional growl and heavy exhale of breath giving him away to the world. Snow stuck to the brutes ebony colored hue, painting him into the landscape as his chest rose and fell with his deep sleep. Lips would curl and twitch as a dream overtook his mind, frozen dusted hue formed a small lump in the almost perfect terrain, snow filled the earth's surface with a speak and fresh handprint from the God's.


06-09-2014, 03:40 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



Hope snuck through her walls, the horrible nightmare it was.

For the first time in an immeasurable number of days, the demoness felt contentment radiating within her mutilated body. She had sated herself with the last wolf she had encountered and taken a liking to his taste. He would become a slave of sorts, for she knew from the moment they parted that he would be at her beck and call. Knowing that she could find relief from the fire raging inside her quelled her violence some, but it did not lessen her desires. Still she prowled the lands she had once known so well, searching for releases for her promiscuous wants and her needs to dominate.

The feeling of hope was a knife to her satiety, but she could not ignore it. Her eyes were fixated on the mound of darkness before her, half buried in the snow. The sound of its breathing among the silence had initially drawn her attention, but something else entirely kept it. The size and the thick black pelt had her thoughts instantly flying to the last connection she had truly shared and her eyes suddenly displayed an innocence that had been absent for many seasons. She crept closer, a silent shadow among the snows, until she stood with her nose just over his barely visible head. Her breathing was heavy and steady and the hot air was sure to tickle the brute's skin as she examined him, assessing whether there was any possibility he was her lost love.

The idea that Angeal could have returned sent chills down her spine and filled her with a number of emotions aside from hope. Anger and fear were two that stood out most. He had abandoned her when she had vanished, he had given up the hope that she so reluctantly still bore. How would she react if this were him? How would she punish him for leaving her, for making her into the wicked soul she was now?



7 Years
06-09-2014, 07:28 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]


Hot breath of his own seeped into the snow surrounding and burying his obsidian colored nose, grey whiskers that were beginning to spread over the maw remained hidden. Snow thinly laid over his semi-curled figure, gentle breeze eventually driving some dusting away from his crinkled layer of ice and frozen snow. With a brief twitch of an aud the brute suddenly broke his feeling of falling endlessly into an abyss. His mind at a stir and the sudden feeling of warm breath fell over parts of his thick bear-like physique.

Eye of a gold, sheathed by a layer of snow snapped open, pupils pulling from dilated and relaxed to pin-point and stirred. With a huff the bear of a wolf lifted his head from it's indent in the snowy layer engrossing the wolf. His lungs pushed forth a heavy breath, a faint growl coursing from his parted lips, lifting to flash ivories as the obsidian dove before him fell into his eye line. Golden gaze enraptured the fae and he curious nose, a low growl growing in his throat, lifting into the pearls lining his damaged, ratchet jaws. His pink tongue flicked over his wide maw, a brief shake of his dial pulled the snow off of his visage and mane of a neck, becoming a black brute with white blotches of snow frozen to his rank pelt.

His vocals flowed from his wide chest with a surprising octave, deep and dark in every syllable, a bit of a crack to his words, worn and old he mumbled when he spoke, thunderous vocals capturing the auds around him when he chose to speak. "A little too close for comfort, dove." He watched her where she stood, tensing himself but only slightly, his breaths still heavy as he shifted himself out of the snow, pulling himself up from his lying position after he spoke towards her, his gaze remaining on her figure as he struggled to pull his heavy self up from the white terrain, straining to lift his hips, the heavy wolf landed on the earth like a boulder, thick and wide, he stood tall.


06-09-2014, 09:11 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



It took a long moment of staring and absorbing as the scene unfolded before her and the beast woke. First his eyes. They were gold, Angeal's were not. His had been a brilliant blue, like that of the ocean, and they had drawn her in. These looked like hers, and like her father's. Her own lids narrowed as she realized that her hope was gone.

Next the brute shook himself free of some of the snow that encased him. Liste noticed the scars that covered his face and thought back to the violence she had been a part of that put her own there. Finally came his voice, a deep, dark tone that drove the rest of her emotional turmoil from her mind. The wretch let go of her former mate once more and returned to her demented sense of contentment, slowly backing away as she watched the creature rise.

Eyeing the massive creature she cautiously took him in, sizing him up to prepare herself for the worst. She was in a rare mood today with no desire to maim, but that could change any moment. Preferably, this brute wouldn't ruin her "good" mood.

"Thought you might be someone else," she responded after some time, her voice raspy from lack of use. The woman rarely spoke, and even now her sweet sounding tone seemed unfamiliar to her, like the voice of a stranger.



7 Years
06-09-2014, 10:51 PM
[Image: gQcyLsB.png]


Her hesitation and understanding of the situation seemed to become more obvious as the thick beast of a wolf rose from his cavernous hole he'd created in the terrain, causing the fair snow around them to be flawed in this one area, everything else ever so untouched by the god's themselves, a perfect canvas that had been given two blotches of obsidian colored ink.

He watched her with such intensity, his breaths still heavy for his weary mind was still buzzing itself awake. Exhaustion had plagued the massive brute for some time now, but that was more than unrelated to the current situation at hand. His cheeks pulled back, and his expression drew frustrated but tired all the same. One final, slow shake of his body ensued and it was executed as though an elderly wolf had just mimicked him. The brute was only six years of age, but endless battles and spars had gotten the best of him. He may not have been the tallest wolf in these lands, but his horizontal size was of little to no comparison. He was massive, and it took more than a toll on his health. The brute gave a hearty sigh after his words had been mumbled out into the open, directed loosely at the ebony fae beside him. After his second head-shake, the male then proceeded to stretch himself loosely and as well as a stiff brute could. Wind would slowly sweep away what remaining shards of frozen snow remained suck to his matted pelt. Eventually revealing nothing but darkness underneath.

When the fae spoke, it was brief and too the point, something highly unpredicted from a brute like himself. He blinked after her words, lifting his neck and curving it along his spine with such elegance, optics closing to allow a brief groan to ensue from his throat, the stretch was more that satisfactory. Gaining another chance to look this fae over, he felt a small smirk cross his demented jowls. Scars and battle wounds engrossed with scar tissue and proud flesh etched into his face, yet it seemed he had found his match. The dove was so similar, yet lacking in the golden trinkets that were pierced into his body. That second shake had revealed the two golden earrings in his left ear, while his pink tongue rolled endlessly over the frozen bullring in his nostrils, from it grew three small icicles and various forms of ice, his tongue eventually able to break it down, licking away at the snot and snow accumulating. His right foot remained hidden until it was moved, upon it a golden bracelet etched with numbers and a bar code.

He watched the dove intently, amused and interested, though it was short lasting. Towering over the dove he spoke out again, "Well I highly doubt i'd be anyone you know." He gave a robust lick over the golden ring resting in his obsidian nose. His optics starring endlessly at the fae's figure, eyeing the scars and wounds that mimicked his own. "What's a dove like you doing out here?" Thunderous vocals fell deep, sending vibrations into the air.


06-10-2014, 07:17 PM
[Image: Mrowehl.png]



Her observations continued, her narrowed eyes boring into the beast while she evaluated every last inch of his being and every movement he made. He was stiff, yet seemed somewhat graceful all the same. She noticed the gold adornments that drew attention to a few points on his body, namely the loop that hung from his nose. He seemed to give it constant attention, whether conscious or not. Liste thought it a strange thing, knowing in was unnatural and failing to understand how any of those objects had come to adorn the creature.

Next to this brute, Liste's lean frame looked far smaller than it actually was. She settled back to a seated position, wrapping her tail around her maimed hind legs. She shivered slightly from the chill of the snow against her body. Her fur was thin, unlike this brute who seemed to have an endless supply to preserve his warmth.

A long silence passed between the two shadows before the brute spoke up again. She didn't like the way his eyes seemed to pierce her, she didn't like the way he spoke to her. A quiet cackle fell from her lips and she shook her head. "I am no dove. You should not refer to me as such, beast," the demoness growled, her sweet sounding voice not quite threatening nor welcoming. "And I am here because I want to be. Why are you?"

Being referred to under a pet name really got on the bitch's nerves. She might have to bite this one after all, but for now she would relax. Perhaps he would make himself more useful or entertaining before she snapped.