


06-03-2014, 01:26 PM

Depression. It was a feeling she never felt before. It weighed down on her shoulders, it constricted her chest, suffocating her slowly. But one would never be able to tell. Silver crown was lifted high, tail curled at her hocks, a new fire burned in the woman's eyes. Tears of blood still stained the woman's cheeks, her fever was still high, but she was on a mission. The Queen left her lands, Kylar beside, their daughter hanging from his jaws. They had already come to a decision and there was only one wolf that needed to know. The small family headed towards the range, the silver Queen needing to speak with the red woman. She would take her time, in no rush to reach the borders. But when she did, the temptress would halt, crown tipping back to release a summoning call for the Queen only.

She said nothing the entire journey, absorbed in her thoughts. They had just buried Zaria, her precious little girl, gone forever. The Queen stood tall, her posture rigid, her face emotionless, she had tucked away her emotions, refusing to allow any emotion touch her. Chin would tuck against her throat slightly as the woman stood motionless, waiting for the red Queen to come and greet them. She was sure that the woman wouldn't take long, they had after all become friends. Their last meeting had gone smoothly, the Queen even finding out that Vi was Kylars sister, though she didn't tell him that she knew that yet. Audits stood half heartedly at attention, listening for the sounds of an approach.



06-04-2014, 11:48 PM

He moved slowly, easily. Paws would press firmly into the ground as he walked near Cataleya, taking his normal post with his shoulder brushing against her hip. Skull was held parallel to his spine and from his jaws dangled their daughter. She had been silent almost this entire time and Kylar couldn't say he was displeased. He couldn't handle words? Neck still throbbed, blood only dripping every so often from the wound he had allowed the woman to rip from his neck when he had fled the battle. He couldn't help but think. Did it still rage on? What was the outcome? Were their pack mates okay? But then? Was it really his problem anymore? A sigh slipped form his lips, hot breath cascading down over his daughter's tiny curled up form as verdant eyes closed for a moment. This had been his idea but Cat had said they had somewhere to stop. Something to do first. And now they were heading to Covari. To Vi's pack? Kylar hadn't even known that the two women knew each other. But he would remain silent, he would follow her where ever she led.

Cat halted at the boarders and the massive male would half beside her, slowly lowering his haunches to the ground before leaning down to plop Basanti on the ground as well between himself and Cat. Still he said not a word, only occasionally looking to the woman who stood strongly beside him. No one would have guessed from outward appearances that this was a woman who had just lost a child, who had just buried a daughter. And yet despite those appearances he remained ready to support her, to catch her if she fell, to comfort her with a touch? He would always be there for her, always be there for their family.



06-05-2014, 10:54 AM

A howl echoed across her home, specifically asking for the Queen. However, the woman knew that the Queen had a hard time tearing herself away from Desiree. Russet limbs would carry her with ease towards the border, a brisk trot bringing to three wolves in several minutes. Verdant gaze roamed over what appeared to be a family. A silver woman stood before her, looking a cold as a statue, not a single emotion fluttered over her intricately marked face. Beside her stood a behemoth of a man, his pelt a dark ebony with little gray markings. Between his front legs sat a tiny pup, presumably their child, or at least his child. She didn't recognize either of these wolves.

"I'm Sibelle, can I help you?" Tones were polite as she met the silver womans coral gaze. Hopefully Vi would arrive soon, this stranger didn't appear to be the kinda of woman that wanted to be kept waiting. Tail swayed idly at her hocks, tattered ears stood at attention, her overall demeanor was open, friendly, neutral. Her gaze would shift briefly to the man, and then to the child, offering the girl a small smile before retuning to the silver woman. She had no idea of the troubles the family had just been through, or that this woman was an ally and her partner was brother to the Queen, the russet beauty merely treated them wolves wishing to be accepted into the pack.

"Talk" "You" Think


06-08-2014, 09:43 PM

She was pained to leave Desiree for any amount of time ever but when the howl came she would immediately lift herself, place a kiss atop her loves forehead before darting from the den. She didn't waste time, loping at a steady pace towards the sound. She knew that voice all too well. When she arrived Sibelle was already there and Vi smiled softly at her friend before reaching forward to greet Cat with a touch then moved to her brother to attempt to run her neck along the side of his. Why were they here? She smiled down to Basanti, head tipping easily. "Maia is here? You should go see her." She murmured softly to her brother before backing up to stand beside Sibelle and look to Cat. "You've looked better. What can I do for you?" She was sick too. Everyone was sick. Her world was falling apart. But despite all the depression and crushing feelings of sorrow that were crashing down around her she held her head high and forced a smile, eyes crinkling at the edge as she studied the pair.


06-08-2014, 09:54 PM

It would not take long for her call to be answered, but it was not by someone she wanted. Eyes narrowed upon the russet woman. "You are not the one I wanted, but I suppose you'll do. I need to speak with Vi." Almost on cue, the red Queen would arrive. The Queen would return her smile, and offer a light touch in greeting. Coral gaze watched as the Queen greeted her brother, murmuring soft words to him. When the silver woman was addressed again, she would take a deep breathe before continuing. "We are leaving. The plague has killed my daughter and I have no desire to stay in these diseased lands. However, I will not leave my pack to crumble. I'm leaving their fate up to you. Place on my throne whomever you deem worthy, but do not let my empire fall apart." Her voice never wavered, nor did her expression. "I'm sorry to dump this on you, but you're the only one I'd trust with such a thing." A small, apologetic smile tugged at her features as she met the Queens lantern gaze.



06-09-2014, 04:42 PM

A woman he didn't recognize approached first, not that he would say anything. This wasn't his meeting and quite honestly he had no clue why they were here. He had followed Cat in silence here though he wasn't complaining about being able to say good bye to his sister. Maybe she could answer some questions for him, maybe she could do what he had not been able and maybe she could deliver a message to his children. So he would wait. Wait until her red form crested a hill and started down towards them. Oddly enough she greeted Cat first and he couldn't help but frown. They knew eachother? He was next and he curled his skull around her neck in a right embrace, only releasing her when she pulled away. He hadn't seen her in forever. He had missed her. She spoke and his brows raised. Maia was here? He had to see her. He shifted and figited a moment, but Cat's words stilled him. She did know Vi and well it seemed. Handing the pack to Vi? He blinked a few times but once more reminded himself he wasn't to say anything. >"Cat. My daughter is here. I'm going to go say goodbye before we leave. I'll be back shortly." He said before plucking Basanti up and placing her and her mothers paws. He nodded briefly to Vi before setting off, starting at a trot then breaking into a lope. He had to say goodbye.

-exit ky-



06-09-2014, 08:37 PM

Cat returned the easy touch but Kylar embraced her tightly as of threatening to never let go. It had been so long... But still he seemed changed, different somehow. Had he found out about Vixe? Was this Cat's doing? She couldn't place it, she couldn't tell of he was better or worse just different. But she didn't have time to linger on it, soon Cat was speaking and Vi was forced to turn her attention back to her friend. They were leaving? She blinked and looked to Ky. As in he was going with her? She began to breath heavily, she couldn't remember the last time she had been away from her brother for any amount of time. But if Desiree asked her to go would she? Could she have left her brother behind? But before she could panic too much about that another bout of was hit her. Someone had died from the sickness? Would Desiree die? What about Crucifix and Fiamette and Scorpion? Would they all die? Though she heard the rest of Cat's words they really just passed over her as she struggled to breath and looked to the ground. "Sibelle here will take care of your pack. When you return you may have it back with no fight..." She choked out, coughing up the words as she stared at the ground. She barely saw or comprehended Kylar leaving, couldn't look up to Sibelle or Cataleya even as she spoke. "I'm sorry for your loss..." She said finally, letting out a shuddering breath as she closed her eyes and tried to regain her composure. "Has anyone else died that you know of? Have you heard anything about a cure?" She asked after a long moment, head lifting to finally look back at Cat.

Table by Azil


06-09-2014, 09:40 PM

The woman would address her briefly, and rather rudely. But the russet beauty couldn't blame her. This woman was ill and clearly knew who she was looking for. Before she could answer, Vi would arrive, greeting all the wolves affectionately, suggesting that they all knew each other fairly well. She would fall silent, listening to the silver woman speak as the dark man left. Pity would settle in her stomach. The woman had just lost a child, it explained her attitude, but she couldn't be blamed, she couldn't even imagine the grief she was feeling. Then something interesting happened. This woman was a Queen, and was passing her throne onto Vi. Brows would lift as she looked at Vi, wondering what she would say.

When Vi spoke, creamy jaws parted briefly in shock. She was getting this woman's throne. Verdant gaze jumped from Vi to the Queen, and back to Vi. Quickly she would compose herself, turning back to the woman. "Thank you, I will take care of your pack, and should you return, I will hand it back to you without question." She would bow to the woman, showing a sign of respect. The conversation would flow into a cure, and the woman decided to take her departure, she had much to think about now. "I will you two to talk." With that the russet beauty would slip away unnoticed.


"Talk" "You" Think


06-09-2014, 10:11 PM

Kylar would leave, seeking out his first daughter. The silver woman would nod, watching him leave before turning back to Vi. Immediately Vi would provide an answer, her throne would be passed onto the russet woman, Sibelle. Coral gaze shifted to the chosen woman, nodding to her. She would listen as SIbelle spoke, and she found herself mildly pleased with Vi's decision. "Very well, there are a several that are ill. Good luck with all of them." She knew what a handful her pack could be, and she wondered if they would accept this woman as Queen or if they would all flee.

It wouldn't worry her mind much as Vi started to freak the fuck out. The red Queen was falling apart at the seems. Stepping forward, she would press her nose to the woman's cheek, a rare sign of affection. "Zaria was the only one. But one of my allies, Tortuga, showed up and they have found parts of the cure. Alfalfa, Horsetail, and Alder buckthorn. It's not complete, but some the herbs seem to help." Basanti fidgeted behind her now, but said nothing. The Queen would watch her friend closely, hoping that she could keep it together until the cure was found.