
Pandora's Box


06-10-2014, 01:33 PM

The majestic piece of art that had been brought into this world by Taurig and Maija continued to explore the more...darker places of Alacritis. Eerie atmospheres and divine places that lacked life were more appealing to the cobalt beauty and she intended to pour her own life source into these areas. With this thought in mind, Pandora slipped past the invisible, yet present border of Arcanum. She ignored the rules that kept up the pack's walls, intending to make her presence way or another.
Her bright turquoise blue eyes moved like snakes attempting to hypnotize an unlucky bastard, making him feel safe before striking. Luckily for the unknowing male, he was absent, so she was not able to practice her taunts and witty sense of humor. Instead, she walked through the trees at a snail's pace, dancing in her own waltz by placing one paw in front of the other. She made the golden zebra stripes on her thighs and tail dance in their own way as she kept progressing deeper into the mouth of the forest. The fog still remained around the lower parts of the trunks and she walked through them with silent delight.
The golden symbols on her shoulders and upper back danced as well, but to a different tune than the stripes on her rear. Both were dancing emblems to whomever was in charge, silent "bat signals" that wanted the Artenie to be found. She hoped that he...or she...would come in the same manner as she had when she crossed the boundaries. It was all a fun game to her, and she was eager to meet the other players. Unknown faces and scents would be fun, especially if they had whip-like tongues and words to lash at her rudeness for crossing the "no no" lines.

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06-10-2014, 01:44 PM

She had stayed out of the forest for the most part, not really caring for it, but she needed to mark the borders. And so she would, trailing along the border, leaving behind her own mark. Time would pass before a foreign scent crossed into her home. It was fresh, and ever so slightly familiar, but it was different. Lips curled at the thought of someone trespassing into her home with permission. She was just made Queen, she was not going to tolerate this bullshit. Changing her course, the woman would pick up a trot, following the trespasser deep into the heart of her home. Crown hung level with her spine, eyes narrowed as torn ears fell back against her skull. She would circle wide, so that she could come out in front of the stranger, or at least attempt to.

Verdant gaze would snap open however as they caught sight of a familiar form. Pandora. She hadn't seen her niece in so long. She had grown and changed so much, though her golden markings were impossible to miss. The Queen would approach, aiming to come out of the trees in front of her niece with her crown lifted high. "Only a fool would trespass, Pandora." A brow would lift as a disapproving look darkened her features. If the prior Queen and been her, she imagined the her niece would have gotten a lot more than a warning. Creamy limbs held the woman tall as she peered down at her niece, waiting for an explanation as to why she would so boldly and foolishly trespass into an unknown packs home.

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06-10-2014, 02:10 PM

The game began to get better when Pandora's black nose caught the scent of a familiar person from her past. Without seeing the wolf, she was not able to pinpoint the owner, but she continued to try as her golden-dipped front paws caressed the ground beneath them. Once she had taken a few more steps forward, she abruptly halted. Her eyes had been lowered and when she had stopped, they caught onto the cream-colored legs of their owner. Pandora tilted her head to the side as she tried to remember whose legs were freshly present.
Gears worked in her head and in the rest of her body as she slowly raised her head to tilt upward. As she straightened her head to become perfectly aligned with her spine, her bright turquoise eyes met vivid green opts. They were set in a russet-furred face and immediately, the face registered. Aunt Sibelle! Oh, how exciting this was, to find her long-lost, paternal aunt!
Her tail slowly wagged behind her as she let the excitement reveal itself in her gorgeous gaze. She took a brave step forward, one delicate and golden-dipped paw shimmering as it met with the earth. "You are right, Auntie." Words with a light hint of her mother's Romanian heritage present left the girl's lips. "Only a fool would trespass, but I am not trespassing, you see." Pandora's mind continued to work, sending out words that only she would dare say. "For I am not a fool, but your flesh and blood. Please tell me that I have not been lied to my whole life, Auntie Sibelle?" Pandora then slowly blinked, revealing the gold tips that so broadly stood out, even when her eyes were open. Despite her aunt's royal height, she maintained her slight cowardly posture before raising her head to meet Sibelle's gaze all the better.

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06-10-2014, 02:49 PM

Her niece would brighten immediately, tail wagging behind her, obviously the girl was pleased. She would try to appease the Queen, but her smartass remark was only irritating the woman further. A frown etched deeper into her face, eyes narrowing slightly. "Flesh and blood wouldn't save your ass if this wasn't my pack." Irritation leaked into her words as she pinned the yearling with a hard gaze. At least her niece had the sense to show some respect and not attempt any show of dominance. The Queen would shake her head with disgrace before speaking again. "What are you doing here anyways?" A brow would lift, daring her niece to give her another smartass remark. As a child the girl had always been curious, innocent and sweet. But now, something had changed within the girl. The way she carried herself suggested that the girl thought of herself highly, and wanted lure everyone in with her looks. The new Queen could understand, but she was only a yearling, it was a foolish thing to do, she could easily lure in the wrong wolf. "And don't give me another smartass response." While her tones had soften, a light threat hid behind her words. Her mother may put with the girls new found attitude, but her aunt would not.

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06-10-2014, 03:17 PM

Her aunt returned her smartass comment with her own and it made Pandora's spirit brighten even more. She had known her parents were smart; to know her aunt was intelligent as well made her feel more proud to call her 'family'. A light smirk appeared on her face, but it quickly disappeared when Sibelle called this pack's land hers. Her eyes widened and her majestic body began to happily move in restless wiggles. "Your pack? Really, Aunt Sibelle? I cannot believe it!"
What sounded like sarcasm was, indeed, genuine happiness. She let her eyes show her eagerness and happiness for her aunt as she pranced around in two, small circles. "I knew you would make it one day, I just didn't know how soon it was going to be!" The seductive nature she had recently shown was put on the backburner as she stopped to stand straight in front of Sibelle. Bravely, she met her aunt's gaze as she took a couple of steps closer to the taller female. Her words were soft in tone as she answered the lady's question. "Figuring out who I am...and what I am capable of." Her eyes twinkled with an unfamiliar mirth as she stood with her tail wagging behind her slender frame. "I know there is power within me -- within my brothers and sisters -- but I am the only one that has seemed to want to attain it this early!"
Pandora continued to match her aunt's firm gaze with her brightly lit opts as she continued to speak. "I unashamedly apologize for sounding like a smartass, Auntie Sibelle. I strive to learn from the best and I know how your words can be sweet like a flower...then turn around and lash at those who deserve it." She blinked twice and her tail's tip began to slowly flick like a clock, ticking the seconds away. "Mother has her knowledge, 'tis true, but there are some things I would be...hesitant to ask her about. After all, Papa disappearing again has done a number on her, even if she doesn't show it." Maija was indeed hardened, but for the most part, she wasn't like that when she was around her five children. Pandora worried for her, even though she knew that her mother could hold her own. She didn't voice those worries to her golden goddess of a mom, for she knew that Maija would automatically be on the defensive.



06-15-2014, 05:05 PM

Her niece would would quiver with excitement, she clearly had not expected to stumble upon her own aunts pack lands. A smirk would grace her features, eyes dancing with mild amusement. Sarcasm laced the words but she could see the obvious pleasure written all over her face. Her niece would continue to express her happiness, claiming that she always knew it would happen one day. A soft chuckle would roll off her tongue as a brow lifted. Little by little her niece was changing, becoming innocent and naive again, loosing her seductive saunter.

She would then answer the question as russet haunches reclined towards the earth, plume around herself carefully. A power within her? Interesting. It was not something she expected to hear from her niece, but she had always been driven, even when she was younger. The girl would apologize and it would be accepted with a nod. "Your mother is doing the best she can, but you know you can always talk to me if you need to, I think she even plans to stay with me in Arcanum, and you are more than welcome to as well." In the back of her mind, she knew Pandora would be something great one day, she would be a Queen, there was no doubt, the girl was far to power hungry to deny herself a throne.

-crappy post-

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06-19-2014, 10:00 PM

Sibelle spoke of how Maija was planning to stay in Arcanum and it made her eyes slightly widen. "That's news to me, Aunt Sibelle," she honestly said, tone betraying a bit of shock that resulted from the news. "Mama didn't say anything to me about such a move, but it was to be expected, I suppose." Why else would she move all five babies to the mainland? Since Taurig had disappeared again, she had wanted to get away from the island as fast as she could. The memories there would remain and she would only look back on those memories with fond eyes. "I will be sure to come to you if I need anything in the future, Aunt Sibelle."
Pandora's eyes flickered again, blue gaze twinkling with natural stars that she hadn't used since childhood. That gaze moved around her and Sibelle, taking in the details of the forest that was so foreboding. "I love this forest, Aunt Sibelle...It has that sense about it, the kind that wants to keep trespassers out." She couldn't help but smirk at the thought. "Track them, stalk them, and finally...pounce!" She giggled to herself before looking back to her aunt. "Only until they learn, correct?"

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06-19-2014, 10:31 PM

It came as no surprise that Maija hadn't told the kids yet, it had been a spur of the moment decision. A familiar glitter would return to her nieces eyes as she promised to come to here whenever she needed. A smile pulled at her lips as she followed the girls gaze around the forest. A brow would lift curiously as Pandora stated that she liked the forest. "It's growing on me." Verdant gaze would scan the trees that were cuddled by mist. A chuckle would roll off her tongue as her niece laugher. "Yes, until they learn. But there will always be those who don't learn." While amusement glittered her eyes, a serious note laid beneath her words. She knew that there would always be those that came and tried to threaten her reign, or simply disregard it. But they would be handled as they came.

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06-24-2014, 03:52 PM

Pandora's tail flicked behind her in silent excitement as Sibelle spoke of those who would not learn despite being taught. "Some people are just sooo dumb," she commented, knowing full well that she was not one of those imbeciles. As she thought about it, a wicked grin appeared on her beautiful face, lighting up her blue eyes. "Those that would be ignorant would have to learn from dire exciting." She blinked once and her golden eyelids showed themselves. "I can only hope we don't have wolves like that appear here, Aunt Sibelle."
She took a few steps forward and boldly brushed her left cheek against her aunt's. The collaboration of their fur boldly stood out - russet against cobalt blue - and Pandora felt the static electricity dance across their pelts. After pulling back, the wicked smile was gone and she held the same innocent look she had as a pup. "You will run a splendid pack and I won't hesitate to claim you." Pandora giggled and she let her tail lazily wag behind her. "If I have anything I can't talk to Mama about, I can come to you, right?"

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06-29-2014, 09:32 PM

She would smirk, listening to her niece ramble on. She knew the girl was excited but she had no real idea of how the world worked. A trespasser could easily kill her before anyone even realized someone had trespassed. Not even was ignorant. There were very real dangers that her niece didn't seem to realize yet. But she would have to learn soon if she ever expected to survive. "Of course, you can talk to me about anything." She would smile before rising. "Now come, Ill give you a tour." She would smile, taking a step forward, heading towards the boarder to show her niece just where the boundaries where and what lands belonged to Arcanum. Tail swayed idly as she waited for her niece to catch up. She would point out key places like the border of each territory. She would most likely end up spending the rest of the day showing her niece the boarders of her home, but it would be good for the girl, perhaps smarten her up a bit.

-exit- (thought id end this one-

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