
you've got em wrapped around your finger



5 Years
10-15-2014, 06:05 PM

a faint illumination sparked the tips of the pestiforous man's monotone body, revealing a hide not hidden by his faithful doe. he'd given her a secure spot to lay, wanting to air out his own pestillential fur. the rotten corpse he'd named fierna had started to grasp mold, giving him a terribly undesirable smell. so he'd bathed, sun-dried, and come sundown had allowed his delicate feet to carry him to a new area.

that area just happened to be some very confusing cave pathways. so here he was, bright silver and azure eyes gazing admirably at the slow dancing lights on the wall surfaces. his three starless feet ticked unnessarily, his patience wearing down. he wasn't sure what he was waiting for, just that something in his infectuous mind had told him that he was.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself

Katja the First


8 Years
10-15-2014, 08:04 PM

Pawsteps woke her from slumber, the tap-tap-tap and scrape of restless paws on stone. She'd grown accustomed to the glow of the lichen on the walls of her cave, but the echoing sounds had her awake in moments, her ears twitching as she stared back deeper into the cave. How had someone managed to get deeper into her cavern without waking her passing through the entrance? There must have been a side cavern that one of the pack's would-be explorers discovered.

Slipping to her feet she trotted further into the cave, the glowing stuff on the walls lighting her way as she approached the echoing sound, lighting the form of... JAEGER?!

The viking woman froze.

All the time she'd spent tracking him, the oath she'd made to her uncle to bring him back to face justice, the unspoken fears, came crashing back into her and she felt the blood seem to drain away. Her toes tingled, her ears roared, and for a moment she just stood there, silhouetted by the blue glow of the cavern walls before a low word bounced and echoed off the walls.





5 Years
10-17-2014, 04:35 PM
tell me if the hover isn't working please

'jaeger.' chalky ears flicked at the sound of his name, a bitter sweet pang of fear echoing through his detrimental heart. no one of this land knew his true name. sirname, perhaps. but none of jaeger. silver and cobalt eyes squinted in the dimmed light, body instantly ridged with caution. all of his family save for his dearest mother and desired brother wanted him dead. he was a psychopath, a murderer, a monster.

and she was katja. his vision steeled, his nerves calmed. "fetter! jeg har ikke sett deg siden du var p? st?rrelse med en mus, hvordan er din tante?" his voice spoke of a joyous reunion, though his expression was hard. he knew once he set eyes on his cousin, whom he'd recognized by her star-reflected coat (or so the elders had said when she was birthed), that this meeting would either result in a brawl or harsh words. but one could dream, right?

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself



5 Years
10-17-2014, 08:45 PM

Emerald gaze narrowed sharpely as lips pulled back in a snarl. Ebony nostrils flared as D?gmar scented the air one last time to make sure she wasn't mistaken. An intruder. A new pack and still the same riff raff. She would enjoying rendering the fool asunder and scattering his bones or a body part or two across the border as a warning to others who felt so bold as to trespass upon Yfir. The wraith moved in an even jog, like a hunter seeking her prey. She would come upon a strange three-legged male and her Drottning, Katja. D?gmar frowned. Only three legs? Well that was disappointing? and what the fuck was he wearing? Ewwww?.

D?gmar looked to Katja. "Drottning? want me to chew his nose off?" She licked her lips waiting for any order to dispatch this f?fl from their homeland. How funny would he look without a nose? She wanted to find out.


Katja the First


8 Years
10-20-2014, 09:19 AM

The dull ringing in her ears slowly resolved into words, the voices hollow and echoing. Jaeger... and Daegmar, whose voice grounded her to the moment. "No." The word came out quietly, but with too many hard edges, the edges rimed with frost. Too calm as she spoke to her packmate. "Daegmar, this is my cousin, Jaeger. He fled when he was suspected of incest in the pack we grew up in. He is the reason I came to this place." She'd sworn an oath to bring him back to justice. She'd sworn an oath to remain with Yfir. Gods forgive her, she could not do both. The darkness within her shuddered and stirred, something feral awakening and she took a slow step toward her cousin. Was he her cousin? Auora had been sent a vision that he was dead. Was the form before her the lie, the trick, or had the vision itself been false, wrapped in truth to better disguise it? "Mir wurde gesagt, Sie waren tot, Jaeger." A silent snarl bared ivory fangs. "Sie sollten auf diese Weise geblieben. Feigling. Entweiher. M?rder."

The accusation, the secret fears and convictions she'd spoken to no one, not even Auora about, crackled into the cavern and the feral thing snapped.


Defenses slipped into place without thought. Her stance shifted so her limbs were squared, slightly wider for balance, with her weight spread equally over each limb, her joints loose and slightly bent. Her toes spread apart, the blunt claws scraping the cavern floor as she pressed the nails against the stone for traction. Her head and tail both came to the level of her spine, her shoulders rolling forward to bunch the skin and fur of her neck as her chin tilted down slightly to protect her throat. Her hackles bristled, and her ears pressed down against her skull as her eyes narrowed. She snarled, the skin around her brow and eyes scrunching up for added protection.

She rocked her weight back onto her hindquarters for a fraction of a second, giving more power to her leap as she sought to bound toward her erstwhile cousin. They were both slim, and he only a bare inch taller and a cripple besides. She had no compunction against attempting to slam into him mid-leap, the center of her chest aiming for the center of the underside of his neck, midway between where it met his jawbone and where it met his chest. Even for herself, prepared for it, the impact would be bruising if she struck correctly, and she braced herself for the jarring.

Her head twisted to face to her left as she attempted her leap, teeth flashing as she aimed a bite to his silvery left eye with every intention of obtaining a crushing grip, her upper fangs seeking the brow above the left eye while her lower jaw sought to slice along his cheek with the intention of them meeting in the middle where his eye was situated. She'd intended for this to merely dominate him, to incapacitate him to force him back to the bosom of their family for justice as she'd always believed would happen, but rage and frustration and fear sank their own teeth into Katja as the feral darkness uncoiled within her, driving her into a depth of aggression she rarely showed. She would blind this deceptive creature who masqueraded as a cousin she'd thought dead, and if it was no trick of Loki, if it was in fact Jaeger... All the better. She could drag him home a bit the worse for wear.

Already partially raised as she leaped, as she was preparing herself for a possible impact of chest and jaws she was bringing her forepaws up in an attempt to wrap the paws around his neck, one on either side of his, trying to hook them so they clung just above his shoulders. Not a loving hug as she might share with Auora, but an attempt at a clinging grasp to hold him within range.

Katja vs JAEGER for MAIM (left eye)

Round 1/?

Defenses: first paragraph under ******'s

Attacks: attempting to smash her chest into the center of the underside of his neck, attempting to obtain a crushing grip on left eye, forelegs attempting to wrap around his neck above the shoulders

Injuries: first round

OOC Notes: his profile wasn't absolutely clear about which eye was which so I just went with his lineart references. If I'm wrong I guess just assume whichever color is actually on his left is the one she went for regardless of what color is stated in the post.



5 Years
10-22-2014, 12:45 PM

diamond and sapphire pools of slowly gyrating fire burned their way across the small area between his dearest cousin and her consort. "it'd be the best thing you've tasted, gris." the bile spilled from pristine lips, paws irritably digging mindlessly at the dirt beneath. he did not like this intruder one bit. a family affair was, after all, family. who did this devilishly handsome fool think he was dealing with? he had the gods on his side; odin and thor, with his great hammer of thunder. this speck of dirt had nothing on him.

he listened vaguely to her explanation of his being, how he'd been accused of being an incestuous murderer. mind you, she was right. but had they proof? a volatile chuckle escaped his pestilential throat, his expression losing its steel. "hadde gudene ?nsket meg d?d, ville jeg v?re." delicate foot stepped forward, shoulder rolling from its protruding position. he wanted to push her, dare her, feed her anger. "og hvis jeg gjorde det, min s?te katja, ville det ha gitt deg fred? eller ville det ha spist p? baksiden av hjernen din som en sykdom?" and then it began.

his body swelled up, mirroring her movements as they readied for what could only be a mutilating brawl. pampered paws stanced themselves, the back level with his hips while the forefoot remained centered. his gloriously chiseled chin tilted toward the floor, protecting his lowering neck as it hovered inches from his paw. trice colored tail flicked irritably behind him, level with his back and leaned slightly to the left to counterbalance the lack of a right foot. ears pinned sharply against his crown, steeled eyes burrowing into katja. if there ever was a time, it'd be now.

she moved to make impact, and he crouched. he knew, as he was missing half a leg, he would not be able to brawl equally with her. this was a serpent's game, one must not make mistakes. he slipped forward, nails digging nastily at the stone floor and at the last minute he would rise up to meet her, jaws agape in a hearty snarl. he would aim to clasp his teeth around her skull, to grip at her ear and tear it from her misguided head. but the gods did not permit him such a pleasure. instead, her chest would meet his neck and his jaw would snap back against his own body; a yelp of pain and frustration falling from his throat.

and then he could feel a heat, persistent and feverish around his left eye. but something was wrong, he couldn't see from it. couldn't see the fire in katja's eyes, or the walls that felt like they were closing in. except he could, from his right. and then he realized, but it was too late. by the time he tried to back away, tried to use his only front paw to pry himself from her, she'd gripped him like a vice. he felt her suddenly, hugging him close with her jaws gaped over his left eye and upper cheek. it was in that moment that he panicked, a snarl and a thrashing. he jerked and shuddered. he could not lose an eye. he could not have another fault. that could not be the reason the gods had brought him back. it couldn't. so he attempted in any possible way to grab hold of her ribs and push; push her to the ground and show the gods he was still worthy.


DEFENSES third paragraph

ATTACKS attempting to push her to the ground

INJURIES dislocated and bruised jaw, bruised shoulder, small punctures around eye so far

NOTES his linearts are right c: also i haven't done this in forever so i hope i didn't do anything wrong xD

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself

Katja the First


8 Years
10-25-2014, 07:05 AM

As she collided with him he attempted to bite at her ear but failed, his lower jaw instead coming into contact with the underside of her neck and gouging moderately deep furrows midway up from her chest. She didn't stop to see what damage he'd done to himself, caring more about sinking her teeth into his eye, but the moment she'd penetrated skin Jaeger began to thrash like a hooked trout, pushing wildly at her ribs, managing to catch her off balanced and she felt herself falling, her grip gone. Rather than drag Jaeger down on top of her she released her grip with her forelegs, throwing them back down hard to catch herself before she tumbled completely. Falling to the left as she was it was her left foreleg that took the shock of her weight, the impact sending a sharp heat radiating from the top of her shoulder as the muscles there were over strained and one tore slightly, a painful knot that barely registered through the adrenaline.

The feral creature that was Katja snarled her rage at the male, her hackles bristling, her eyes narrowed in fury as well as protection, and her ears pinning back. Her stance returned to squared, slightly widened for balance, her weight balanced evenly though the torn muscle in her left shoulder twinged in protest. Her joints, kept loose and ready to spring, bent slightly in preparation. Her head and tail came level with her spine, her chin tilting down over her throat and her head pulling back slightly as her shoulders rolled forward to bunch up her scruff once more. Her toes flexed against the ground for grip, scraping her claws against dirt and stone as she gathered herself, back rounding as her hindquarters came under her for more power.

Then she was springing again, trying to move directly at him once more, attempting to throw the front of her left shoulder into the center of his chest in the hopes of knocking him back. Yes, it would hurt her already-injured shoulder to do so but her right leg needed to take the force of her weight so the left shoulder would have to take the brunt of any impact. As she did so her head moved to her right and her teeth bared as she aimed a vicious bite to Jaeger's left foreleg just below the elbow joint with the intention of gripping and pulling up, hoping to combine it with the weight of her leap to throw him to the ground.

KATJA vs OPPONENT for MAIM (right eye)

Round 1/2?

Defenses: second paragraph

Attacks: attempting to drive front of left shoulder into center of his chest, attempting to obtain a grip on his right foreleg just below the elbow and pull up

Injuries: moderately deep gouges midway up the underside of her neck, mildly torn muscle on top of left shoulder

OOC Notes: you didn't really say how many rounds you wanted so I just assumed two, but if you want more that's fine too just let me know so I can post again, or if you want two just post it in judging when you're done. :)