
The Land of Always Winter (Covari join?)


06-11-2014, 06:20 PM

The woman had been careful when it came to the location of her paws since the day of her birth. She loved it, examining things before you dared approach and it had not changed throughout her entire life. The soul stealer came from a land of constant cold, like the northern reaches of Alacritia times ten; and she had learned to fend for herself. Fending for herself had become rather boring as of late and it was not something that she wanted to do any longer. She?d still find herself what she needed to survive but there would also be another aspect to it as well.

She was going to start to fend for others as well. The first thing that she had thought of was finding some ditzy rouge to knock her up so she might be able to have children that she could shape in her own image. There were some errors with that, especially since she was not in heat and also she was not going to find just any man to be the father of her children, she had to make sure he was made of the right stuff. She had to make sure he would not affect them at all. For now, she was forced to seek out a pack and a pack alone. She had approached the borders of a promising looking one and she raised a call for an alpha or at least a wolf who resided there. She was done wandering and she had plenty of skills to compensate for shelter and food. One of the skills happened to be thieving, but that they did not need to know about. She?d go with her official story of ?hunter?.



2 Years
06-12-2014, 06:30 PM

He was still regaining the strength in his limbs, forced to rise early each morning and run until the stiffness came free of his joints and he could laugh and swallow the territory in his stride. When he had first left his den illness free, his muscles had felt like jelly. Too long had he been sick, lying in long silence's and having no way of keeping up his strength as the illness wasted him away. His first actions as he left the den after Vi, his first action as temporary Alpha had been to clean himself thoroughly in the nearest stream, wash away every last trace of sickness that clung to him until his skin shone as bright as his violet eyes and he truly felt good at last.

The days following proved difficult, but worth it as he rebuilt himself from the ground up, with his running and hunting and tackling trees he must have made a strange sight. It was only when he woke up today that he finally felt fully himself, strong healthy clean and whole, everything ticked from his list and the sickness long gone from him. Today was a good day to watch over the pack and ensure the others where recovering as quickly as he was. He moved first to the healers den, knowing orchid had taken part in finding the cure that had eventually freed them.

With a thank you, he was moving from her den and further into the pack when a call would sound out through the territory. Head would tilt to the side and a half smile would twitch at his lips, it seemed his responsibilities as Alpha would be calling to him today. He made an easy lop to the borders where the woman waited. He looked her up and down, to the soft browns that adorned her skin, and the lightness of limbs that perhaps marked her as a hunter of a fighter. He stilled himself here, seating his rump on the earth a few feet from her. ?Hello Stranger, this is Covari, and I am an Alpha here ? what brings you to our borders?' he would ask pleasantly.


06-13-2014, 04:20 PM

The thief among thieves did not have to wait long for a high ranking member to arrive at her request and she wasn?t very surprised to find that it was the alpha male to show up. It was the duty of an alpha to deal with border requests like hers and so she had expected nothing less. He introduced the lands as Covari, a strong name and the man was a strong-looking fellow at that so she would introduce herself. ?Hello good sir, I am Bandit, named after the strange mask of fur upon my face, and I seek a pack to serve. I am a very fast wolf, conditioned for darker things that I have sense left behind like thieving and great heists from packs such as Secret Pass and others from the region I was born in under the request of my old pack under the name of Red Rose Grove. I now use these talents for the hunt.?

It was a lot of information to process so she would remain quiet for a second while she thought up a surname. She had never had one in truth. She had one but it had never been important so she had never been told it. She thought carefully about the name she was given when she was born. The name Bandit for the sigil of the thieves mask she held on her pelt. ?Bandit Sigil.? She stated her full name as she waited for him to answer to the information she had just bestowed upon him.



2 Years
06-13-2014, 07:33 PM

The boy enjoyed the looseness of his limbs and muscles, the flexibility he had painstakingly worked back into himself after the final release of the illness. He revealed in the freedom of his own body, and the freedom of Covari, the only pack he had ever been able to call home. The temporary Alpha Male had completed his assessment of the woman before him, and now she took a moment to speak. She explained that she wished to find a home within their borders, and since Covari was always looking for new recruits she was likely to be accepted into this territory ? so long as she didn't have a few crazy bones within her build. Cru almost smirked as he remembered the last crazy boy that had tried to find admittance here, but had quickly been cast away with a flick of a tail as Vi had turned away from them.

He took a moment to think of the words she had given him, a brow had raised ever so slightly and his half smile had upturned a corner of his lips. It would appear that the name Bandit stood for more then just her strange mask and he did wonder if they would have to watch the girl in case she returned to her old ways, or if she would stay loyal within the pack she called home.

It was time to introduce the girl to some of the important dynamics within the pack. Even if Vi wasn't playing Alpha at the moment, she would be returning to her position soon and Bandit would need to know it was she who was in command.
?Alright Bandit Sigil, our hunters are known as Okhotnik's. I am Crucifix, but our queen whom you will serve under is Viridiana. As a hunter you will be expected to join pack hunts and help to feed the sick, old or pregnant? He paused here to gouge her reaction and to see if she would fit into these duties and the Covari pack.



06-13-2014, 07:44 PM

He would give her an almost questioning look as she explained that she used to be, quite literally, a Bandit. Sure she still was, but she no longer raided packs. She just stole from loners. It was without a second question that he had accepted her into his ranks and explained that soon there would be another would be leading and a question caught her lips though she did not ask it. Was this Viridiana wolf to be the same as him or would she be taking over as alpha completely, casting the man into a lower rank than leader. She would find out when the woman returned and she had the opportunity to meet her. As for her role as hunter, she would give a nod of understanding as she spoke out. ?Thank you Crucifix for allowing me to serve. I?ll get to catching food right away and I promise to be at all pack hunts.? She promised the man as she dared to cross the border. She was now a wolf of Covari.
