
you know that i'm toxic



5 Years
06-12-2014, 05:53 PM

She was bored. Although she had been warned never to leave the pack lands again she couldn't help but comply to her restlessness, ebony dipped paws pulling her across Covari's borders with ease, her thirst for adventure more powerful now than ever. She had been cured and was completely free of the illness, she had no fear in her mind that she could not protect herself now. She had fallen unconscious by the hand of the plague the first time, so if anyone were to try and kidnap her again she would retaliate this time because she had the strength to do so. She was determined to become an unstoppable force like her mother, and so fear was nonexistent in the overly confident nymph. She would stride across the lands on silent paws, weaving throughout the brush like a mamba in its natural habitat. She could not sense any other wolves, and so she would assume that she was alone in the furn gully, her mind reeling as she daydreamed about her future as a feared tyrant like her mother. Her facial expression would remain blank, volcanic hued eyes scanning her surroundings for any potential threats.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"



06-12-2014, 09:09 PM

The youth would leave the lands he called home. Deciding to wander further and further from the Northern mountains. Each step he took radiated power, and he was not afraid to flaunt it around like a wealthy man and his money. Blood russet pelt shone almost a bloody crimson in the sunlight, toning muscles rippling underneath. The boy was fearless. Icy blue eyes stained with the red flecks of his mothers inherited crimson eyes. The look suited him well, and he took great pride in his inherited strength as well as his looks. However, he was unknown to the fact of who his true father was. For he only was in assumption that it was Isardis. And yet, the albino wretch did nothing for him.

Pure white paws stomped out the snow that marked his path, but in the South, snow seemed to be a bit more scarce. The sights and scents here were quite different, much less muted with the cold then they were in the North. He was growing to like these parts, and he would perhaps make them his temporary home. A flash of movement would catch his eye, the beast's muzzle gnarled in a flash of teeth. Who was here? He would soon find out. The tri-colored bastard would march forth, tail high and head high as he rolled his shoulders. He swore he had seen a flash of color against the back drop of white snow. Eyes narrowed, and swiftly he would come to a trot before crashing through the brush. He halted in his tracks, for before him stood a young girl bathed in the crimson tide of bloody colors. He was curious about her, the boy having never seen another of such vivid rarity. Granted, his own coat bore the muted colors of russet red, but not as vivid as hers.

Masked eyes would narrow down, brow raised and curiosity lingered in the tendrils of his mind. She was but a pup, not even a year old it seemed. But he was not much older then her, for he had barely turned a year of age this season. He was not yet his full height, close but not quite there. He stood currently, at thirty eight inches in height, still more to go. Head would tilt ever so slightly, lips twitching as he debated questioning the young female. She was enticing, her visage drawing him in. She was different, much more then those he had met which was saying little. For he had only really know those who resided within Glaciem, and they did not capture his attention like this girl. "Well, seems my wanderings have brought to me, a forbidden fruit...what is the name of such a peculiarity that graces my presence?"




5 Years
06-13-2014, 10:46 AM

She would freeze, audits swiveling toward her left as the sound of paw steps crunching through snow became audible, a single brow raising as she lifted her skull skyward. The steps would grow louder, an indication that the stranger was approaching her which in turn caused the tip of her elongated tail to flick irritably. Why did someone have to come ruin her fun already? She would stand motionless beside a bush of multicolored flowers, curiosity present in her mind as she waited for the foreigner to pop out of the thicket. To her surprise a boy (she had been expecting an adult)would make his appearance, bursting through the brush with confidence as if he were somebody in these unclaimed lands. He would halt as she came into vision, making it obvious that he was struck by her otherworldly physic. Though he was donned in exotic silks the crimson nymph was unimpressed- Arisu bore the same diluted russet as this boy, making his pelt color bland and unexciting. In fact he looked like a mixture of her brother Solo, sister Arisu, and herself, which put an odd thought in the folds of her indifferent mind.

He was much larger than her, towering like a willow above her petite frame although she was still feet from his position. She would wonder if this was due to his older age, or if he was just a big boned boy blessed with the genetics of a giant. His height would not put worry in her mind, but instead curiosity, a thirst so know why he had grown so tall and masculine while she had remained petite and agile. Emotion spread across his face like a beckon, his brow furrowing, head cocking, and lips twitching as words pleaded to seep to the surface. His sudden interest in her was evident, and so she would remain standing where she was, outward appearance motionless and uninterested. Finally the stranger would speak, his words bringing nothing from the girl except an emotionless bat of her luxurious eyelashes. "And mine, an inconvenience." She would taunt sarcastically, volcanic glare enhancing her unmistakable bitterness as she aimed to look him directly in the eye. "Fiamette Sovari." Her name would slip quietly from her lips, just audible enough for the boy alone to hear among the chattering of birds above them. She would fall silent, her petite physic motionless as she glared up at him with devious crimson eyes, waiting for a response of some sort.


*this character is prone to violent actions*
companions: marco, wolverine. apollyon, rainbow snake
"there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good"