
The Bomb Dot Com



06-13-2014, 02:19 AM

The youth would make course for a place he had heard of in tales. The place where the legend of the War from before he was born waged. Bi-colored gaze swept the lands, lips curled at the stench of blood old and new. White calcium seemed to strive for the sunlight, clawing with brittle fingers at the sky. Teeth flashed, a grin pinning itself to his pristine white maw. He wanted excitement today, and he would do what he must to attain it. A fight, a dominant challenge, hauling home a new slave. He practically drooled at the idea. However, he knew too that due to his inexperience, this would also be a learning matter. Glaciem lacked in their training, and so he had been training elsewhere in solitude, his body numb to pain whenever it inflicted upon his form. The cold had numbed his bones, he was cold to the core.

The behemoth, who currently stood at thirty eight inches in height; and still growing, stopped in the center of a clearing where he would easily be seen. Visage angled towards the sky, lips forming the perfect form as he released a summons, a howl, a call towards those who might be nearby. He was a ticking bomb, the blood of a famed knight within his veins. He wanted to get a taste of what it meant to be a true warrior, and perhaps today he would get his chance. Form would stand tall, tail flagged over his back, the russet and black draped banner streaming like a flag, beckoning to him the challenger that would arrive today, if any. His mind was hopeful, for he truly wanted a taste of blood. He was no stranger to it, after all. And hopefully it would be someone worth his time. Else he take a different approach, and prey upon the weak.




2 Years
06-13-2014, 06:49 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 06:51 AM by Drashiel.)

Drashiel was out wandering again, running into all types of characters along the way. Soon he'd head toward Tortuga to check on their allies. The plague was passed and all seemed to be well but there had been a howl, another challenge for Valhalla and so Drashiel found himself on the battlefield. Not really certain he cared to show up to watch or not, he was honestly just passing through. But there was a scent that caught his attention. Sin.

It didn't take much to guess why the other male was out here. Sin, like several others, had fallen victim to the plague. After being cured no doubt he was looking for a workout. But there was another scent that caught his attention as well. The scent of Glaciem in a form he did not recognize. Did they have a new member? Had an older one returned? The young male grinned. This was a perfect opportunity to meet a fellow pack member as well as brush up on his skills. Drashiel had trained under both Sin and Etern as well as taking lessons from Roman and of course his more thorough training under the Marquis of Arcanum, their ally? at least under Cataleya. He'd become a force to reckon with but there was no way to tell without some one proper to measure himself against.

Drashiel moved in the direction of the new scent to come upon a young male about his age? who was a few inches taller. Well? this would be interesting indeed. Perhaps the other male, like Drashiel himself, was taking upon himself to train.
"You smell of Glaciem, but I don't remember ever meeting you before. I'm Drashiel Armada. Are you here to spar? Don't worry, I"m no pushover, I've been training outside the pack as well."




06-23-2014, 01:37 AM

His call would be heard by none other then one of his own kin. Known only by the fact he bore the same last name. Lips would curl in a grin as he gazed at the other boy, tail curling and uncurling behind his hocks. "Indeed I am of Glaciem Blood. Brother to Talvi, Kasai, and Sol. Son of Argent and Isardis." He would cock his head slightly to the side, stature high and raised as was his usual stance. He eyed him briefly, tongue swiping across his jaws as if craving to fight already. "Well then, Drashiel. We have more in common upon our first meeting then most. Same pack, same bloodlines, same motives. I've trained myself beyond pack lands, I too am no pushover." A smirk would be brought to his face, all the while he would begin to set himself for the battle to come.

Body would lower in position, knees bending, toes splaying, claws scraping into the dirt to provide him the traction and support he so desired. Abdomen would tense, tail aligned with his spine as did his head to become vertical with the ground on which he stood. Audits would lie against his personal crown, eyes narrowing and yet keeping his opponent within his sights. Hackles rose, making the brute appear larger then nature made him to be. Lips would curl into a snarl, teeth bared whilst his chin tucked and his head lowered to protect his jugulars. Neck pulled back slightly to allow his scruff to add protection upon the hind of his neck, and lastly his shoulders would roll forward to act as a shield to his throat. The boy took after his mother, his fight instincts inherited and learned.

"Here I come." Would be his only warning before he surged forward, legs propelling him at great speed as he charged at his opponent. It seemed his kin was willing to fight, however harsh, and Raw would give him that. He would not hold back, for he never did. Win or lose, both would learn from this experience, he was sure. The boy would propel himself forward, attempting to close the distance between them whilst sweeping slightly to the left before pivoting to the right. Right shoulder would strive forth, jutting outwards as he would attempt to bash it against Drashiel's leftwards mid-chest. If successful, he would try to use his momentum to unbalance or even knock him over. Simultaneously, jaws would unhinge, teeth seeking to grasp at Drashiel's left side of his neck, though slightly behind. He wanted to attain a grip, and should he succeed he would strive to hold on and shake, hopefully, without breaking grip. Should he fail, then Raw would strive to grab hold elsewhere, wherever that may be. Though he hoped for his intended target.

Raw Vs. Drashiel--Practice Spar

Round: 1/2

Attacks: 3rd paragraph

Defenses: 2nd paragraph

Injuries: Pending, should his initial attack succeed then possible bruising on his shoulder.



2 Years
06-25-2014, 09:21 PM

Drashiel's ears pricked forward. "Son of Argent the Sight-Stealer? It's an honor. I look forward to this match." As Raw went about setting his defense Drashiel set his. Cool gray hackles laced down his back as peridot eyes narrowed. His rust-colored ears pinned tightly to his dusky crown as his sturdy legs spread evenly apart, the limbs coiling, drawing his center of gravity down as his abdomen tensed. Toes spread, claws digging into earth as his head and tail aligned smoothly with his spine. Powerful shoulders rolled forward as he scrunched his neck back, pushing fur and fat up over his vitals. Chin tucked as his jaws parted, ready for the spar to begin. He looked forward to fighting the son of Argent as well as a larger opponent. This would test his skills indeed.

Raw launched himself forward and as he pivoted to the right Drashiel would pivot to his left seeking to keep his opponent headon. Bracing for the collision he exhaled quickly as Raw's right shoulder collided into his chest, pushing him back and sending a bolt of pain ricocheting through his skull. His exhaled breath however made it easier to inhale in a gasp to recover his breath. Raw's fangs snapped forward tearing into Drashiel's right cheek, leaving two horizontal cuts about two inches long in his flesh. However, the attack failed to gain a hold as Drashiel had ducked his head down his whole body lowering and tightening like a spring before unfurling in a violent leap forward and up, jaws aiming to seize his opponents throat just below the corners of the jaw. Head tilting to the right as top fangs sought purchase on the left side of Raw's neck, bottom fangs seeking to land on the right. Drashiel hoped to gain a solid hold and disrupt the air flow to Raw's lungs. As he lunged his forelimbs lifted, seeking to wrap around the other boy's lower neck, right in front of the russet's shoulder blades in an attempt to pull Raw into his jaws and perhaps steady himself.

Drashiel vs Raw

For Spar

Round: 1 of 2

Attack: Launching himself forward and up seeking to grab a hold around Raw's throat just below the corner of his jaws. At the same time lifting both his forelimbs in an attempt to wrap them around the base of Raws neck just in front of his shoulders.

Defenses: Hackles raised | eyes narrowed | ears pinned | legs spread evenly apart | weight equally distributed across her legs | limbs coiled | center of gravity lowered | toes spread | claws digging into the ground | tail streaming out behind her for balance | shoulders rolled forward | neck scrunched back | chin tucked | jaws parted and at the ready

severe bruising to chest, minor horizontal lacerations across his right cheek about two inches long.

ooc: pm me if you need any clarification. I'm doing this under the influence of nyquil so I totally understand if I goofed up something in this xD




07-02-2014, 11:50 PM

His shoulder attack would hit his mark, his adversary pivoting to keep in front of him. Eyes would turn to slits, ears remaining pinned to his head as he felt teeth slice through Drashiel's cheek. His hind legs would push forward when he felt his opponent fall back in step, his momentum seemed to have pushed him back, toes splaying and claws digging into the ground to give him traction. His defenses would remain intact, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, toes splayed, claws digging into the earth, body tensed, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, teeth bared, tail aligned with his spine as his head was lowered, streamlining his body. He would see the boy lunge forward, and it would cause him to swerve his head away from Drashiel, teeth baring and a hiss escaping his teeth as he felt teeth latching onto a part of his skin, just on the side of his middle side of his neck where Drashiel's teeth would sink in to create laceration wounds approximately two-three inches deep. Although it would miss muscle, just barely. Raw's head movement was not quick enough, and so his opponents teeth had snagged skin and the top layer of muscle, his head tearing it from his opponents grasp. That perhaps, would leave a scar about 3 inches long. Although Raw did not mind, for the more scars he attained the more experience he would perchance gain in the fields of battle.

He felt Drashiel rise up, and in turn Raw would push forth, hoping to unbalance his brother as Drashiel's paws attempted to rise. Raw would spread his weight equally, while his left paw shot out to hook around Drashiel's right, to try and further unbalance his movements and deter him from putting his paws around his neck. Raw's head would then snap back towards Drashiel, jaws agape as they strove towards Drashiel's head once again. This time, aiming for a similar spot his brother had tried on him. Teeth sought to grasp onto the right side of Drashiel's neck, to attempt to latch on and cause his brother to lose wind. Simultaneously, his body would pivot to his own left, to form a sort of T shape as he would continue his pushing movements to upset his brothers footing.

OOC// Very sorry if this does not make sense, I am under the influence of heavy medication as of late for internal injuries. PM me if you need clarity.



2 Years
07-05-2014, 10:15 AM
lol I'm a derp. You're not supposed to edit fight posts. *facepalms* Forgive me, I am also unwell.

Raw would twist his head to his right as Drashiel's jaws closed in, missing their mark on the throat and instead latching onto to the left middle of Raw's neck. However, his opponents violent twist away from him caused Raw to slip from Drashiel's grasp. As soon as he lost hold Drashiel's chin snapped down to protect his throat. Raw pushed his chest into Drashiel and Drashiel pushed back, letting his weight shift forward, forelegs halting in their attempt to drape around the other male and instead seeking ground once more. Thankfully Raw was also pivoting so his forward movement against Drashiel was not as great as it could have been.

Drashiel felt Raw's left paw meeting his right and pushing it back down to the ground. Drashiel went with the movement his left forelimb falling quickly to the earth as his abdomen tightened and his limbs bent dramatically as Drashiel ducked down low, his center of gravity lowering as well. Raw's jaws seized into the middle of the back of Drashiel's neck, fangs digging into fat and flesh leaving four moderate punctures. Drashiel quickly checked his defenses. Hackles raised, eyes narrowed as ears pinned to his crown. Legs spread evenly apart as his weight shifted to distribute equally among the limbs. Toes spread, claws digging into the earth, tail and neck aligned with his spine. Shoulders rolled forward as his jaws parted.

Drashiel's weight shifted to rest in his left hind limb and both right limbs as he lifted his left front paw up. Drashiel brought his own limb violently down as he attempted to slam his left front paw on Raw's right front paw, aiming to break toes. At the same time Drashiel twisted his head to his left, parted jaws aiming for Raw's left front limb, just below the elbow. His lower jaw seeking to rest on the inside of the limb, upper jaw on the outside. If he could seize hold he planned to shake his head violently to cause as much damage as possible.

Drashiel vs Raw

For Spar

Round: 1 of 2

four moderate punctures to the middle of the back of his neck.

ooc: *pirates internet like a boss*


The Judge


07-19-2014, 11:41 PM

raw v drashiel for spar


RAW -----

clarity -- 5 out of 10 ; ?...sweeping slightly to the left before pivoting to the right.? where does this place raw in relation to drash? at what angle? and to whose left and right is raw moving? saying ?the left? and ?the right? could be either or (-3). whereabouts about drash?s left-sided neck does raw seek to grasp -- towards the upper portion, middle portion, lower? the neck is fairly broad (-2).

powerplay -- 6 out of 10 ; ?...and should he succeed he would strive to hold on and shake?? minor conditional, the success of raw?s head-shaking relies upon his initial bite landing (-2). ?should he fail, then raw would strive to grab hold elsewhere?? another minor conditional (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; limbs bent, toes splayed, claws gripping, abdomen tensed, tail aligned with spine, head lowered, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, teeth exposed, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled.

attack -- 5 out of 10 ; attempting to strike drash?s leftwards chest with right shoulder (+3). attempted bite to drash?s left-sided neck (+2, subtracted a point for clarity issue).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round.

round one raw total --- 36 out of 50


clarity -- 3 out of 10 ; where on drash?s chest does raw?s right shoulder collide? (-2) what damage is done to drash?s chest as a result of the collision? (-2) why does raw?s bite land higher than anticipated? a reason is never specified (-3).

powerplay -- 8 out of 10 ; ?...tightening like a spring before unfurling in a violent leap forward and up?? this should have been made as an attempt, since the distance between drash and raw is limited (-2).

defenses -- 8 out of 10 ; hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, limbs spread evenly apart, limbs bent, abdomen tensed, toes splayed, nails gripping, head lowered, tail out, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws parted. subtracted two points for failure to readjust balance upon his grounded limbs as he lifts his forelimbs, one for each limb lifted.

attack -- 4 out of 10 ; attempted bite to the front of raw?s upper neck (+3). attempt to wrap his forelimbs around raw?s lower neck (+1, this isn?t really an attack that would damage the opponent, but it would give drash leverage).

injuries -- 10 out of 10 ; first round -- severe bruising to chest (you mentioned the intensity of the damage in your notes, but not the post where it?s needed), moderate lacerations to right cheek, will scar.

round one drashiel total --- 33 out of 50


RAW -----

clarity -- 0 out of 10 ; ? would cause him to swerve his head away from drashiel?? in which direction? (-1) where upon raw does drashiel?s bite land? you say the ?middle side? of his neck but that didn?t make much sense (-2). which part of raw is intending to push against which part of drash? (-4) ?...his left paw shot out to hook around drash?s right?? this seemed odd/unrealistic to me due to the fact that drash?s paws aren?t grounded, so the maneuver would be ineffective anyway. it is also not clarified which paws are being targetted/used -- front or back? (-3) ?raw?s head would then snap back towards drashiel?? which way? (-1) where upon drash?s right-sided neck does raw hope to grasp? (-2) from where upon drashiel is raw hoping to bring himself perpendicular to? (-2)

powerplay -- 5 out of 10 ; ?...and in turn raw would push forth?? this should have been made as an attempt (-2). in regard to raw attempting to bring himself perpendicularly to drashiel, this should have been made as an attempt since drashiel has the power to pivot with him (-3).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed, nails gripping, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, neck scrunched, teeth exposed, tail out, head lowered, weight evenly distributed.

attack -- 3 out of 10 ; attempting to launch himself forward to unbalance drash (+1, points not awarded in full due to multiple clarity issues). attempting to hook his left paw around drash?s right (+0, points not awarded at all due to clarity issues). attempting to bite into the right side of drash?s right-sided neck (+2, subtracted a point for clarity issue).

injuries -- 7 out of 10 ; deep lacerations to neck, will scar (-3).

round two raw total --- 25 out of 50


clarity -- 5 out of 10 ; it was stated in raw?s previous post that raw was moving to his own left to bring himself perpendicular to drashiel, so it didn?t seem realistic to me that drashiel would manage to successfully land his left forepaw on raw?s right whilst raw is moving in the opposite direction. you also acknowledge raw pivoting in your post, but no movement is made by drashiel to keep them head-on to make this attack possible (-3). what does drashiel hope to achieve with a bite to raw?s forelimb? (-2)

powerplay -- 7 out of 10 ; ?raw pushed his chest into drashiel and drashiel pushed back?? should have been made an attempt (-1). ?if he could seize hold he planned to shake his head violently?? minor conditional (-2).

defenses -- 10 out of 10 ; chin tucked, abdomen tensed, limbs bent, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, limbs spread evenly apart, weight distributed equally, toes splayed, nails gripping, tail out, head lowered, shoulders rolled, jaws gaping.

attack -- 4 out of 10 ; attempting to break raw?s right front toes with his left forepaw (+2, point subtracted for clarity issue). attempting to bite into raw?s left forelimb, just below the elbow (+2, point subtracted for clarity issue).

injuries -- 8 out of 10 ; moderate puncture wounds to back of neck (-2).

round two drashiel total --- 34 out of 50


raw -- 61 out of 100

drashiel -- 67 out of 100


drashiel! raw must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


raw -- deep lacerations to right-sided neck (will take five ooc days to heal, and will scar). pending damage from drashiel's second round attacks.

drashiel -- severe bruising to chest (will take three ooc days to heal, might complicate moving slightly), moderate lacerations to right cheek (will take three ooc days to heal, will scar due to the thin quality of the flesh on the face), moderate puncture wounds to back of neck (will take two ooc days to heal).


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

super sorry for the delay guys! forgot i was judging this xD

anyway! um, basically i suck at this part of the judging but, i noticed a slight issue with conditionals on both of your parts. conditionals are basically an easy way to add in attacks without having your opponent respond first -- so you both used the whole skull shaking technique. this skull shaking technique is a conditional because it depends upon the initial bite landing for its success. so, in essence, it is an extra attack that is seen to as slightly unfair, and thus, i take away minor conditional points. otherwise, you guys did pretty well! just watch for details and the like and you're golden! c:

judging by [ aly ]