
seven year summer



06-14-2014, 04:29 PM

She could hear the war drums beat to the sound of her gorgeous pad falls. An ash dipped tail was erect with dominance. The sight of a bloodied winter wonderland fell beneath her aqua eyes. A light snow fell from the heavens as it covered the war zone lightly. Beautiful paws fell upon the earth with intensity. She had goals to achieve and fighting was one of them. The woman needed fight training if she was going to wear a crown, like her brother promised. Nephele knew her sister Artemis was a glorified warrioress, but she wanted to be greater. The vain woman was not one for getting down and dirty but she had a thirst for thrill at times. She had an even larger thirst for power. The nymph needed power, it was a default for the girl. She was no doubt born into an ambitious family, but she wanted to lead them. She heard rumors of her sister attempting to do so, but falling. Nephele would not fall as long as her darling brother was by her side. SO, she would train herself, teach herself to fight. The elegant bitch let her head raise as she let forth a beautiful yet deadly song, beckoning for someone to come and raise their weapons. Yet, she would let her defenses set with urgency. Ash tipped ears flattened against her beautiful skull. Lips curled up to reveal alabaster fangs and snowy hackles raised, to intimidate others. Cyan orbs narrowed and her paws were squared with claws dug into the earth. A silk tail tucked between bent hind legs. Her core was tightened to give her a balance advantage. She tucked her head slightly, to protect her skinny neck. The woman was set, as she waited for her opponent.




Defenses: Ash tipped ears flattened against her beautiful skull. Lips curled up to reveal alabaster fangs and snowy hackles raised, to intimidate others. Cyan orbs narrowed and her paws were squared with claws dug into the earth. A silk tail tucked between bent hind legs. Her core was tightened to give her a balance advantage. She tucked her head slightly, to protect her skinny neck.

Attack: first round

Injuries: first round

note: AW! <3



7 Years

06-14-2014, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 06-14-2014, 05:03 PM by Bass.)

Battles and war were not the first thing on this yearlings mind, yet becoming a more powerful and strong wolf was defiantly there. He wanted to be able to protect his pack, to lead them to victory every time. Maybe it was thoughts like those that led him to the bloodied battlefield, perhaps he hoped to soak up the energy that stained the entire landscape. He was not surprised when he saw another soul who dared to grace this land with an energy of fighting, and he could see it in her very stance that she was ready for it. Bass flashed a smile at the moon marked fae, his coat shaking as he loosened his muscles. "Hello Nephele Elysius, what brings you here on this fine eve?" He asked, his baritone smooth as he dipped his head to the lady. He knew the answer to why she was here, he could feel the spirit of battle coiling around him like snakes, threatening to snap him if he did not react. While Bass was a gentleman, he truly believed that both males and females could fight with the power of many, no one gender was better than the other. This is what brought him to the conclusion that he wouldn't mind a spar with her. His smile turned into a sneer as he widened his stance, hackles raising slightly as his own beating drum began to match hers. "Tell me, do you think you can handle a little match with me?" He asked, his vocals singing with the notes of teasing. He may be a kind soul, but he was not above making jokes.

The white brute squared his shoulders, his loose muscles pulling and stretching as he kneaded the ground. Bass tucked his chin close to his chest to protect his weak point, his ears pressing flat against his skull to prevent them being torn from his head. Taking a deep breath, Bass didn't wait for her answer before he charged her head on. Moments before he reached her he feigned to the left before propelling his body to the left, aiming to graze her shoulder with his canines as he brushed passed her, quickly spinning his body so that his tail was well out of reach from her own ivories. His head now stood level with her shoulder, his back legs bending as he made a quick leap, outstretched paws aiming to knock her square in the flank, hoping to knock her over or at least stun her enough to land another attack. Bass's tail flew straight with his spine, muscles and paws tucking to make an easy and quick landing.

Bass was no master of the arts of war, in fact this would be his first spar that was for the sake of a spare. Good, he needed to bulk himself up a little. Landing on the ground and well prepared for the landing, the brute swung around to see if his attack had worked or not, yellow gaze squinted to focus in on her pale form.





Defences: Squared his shoulders, his loose muscles pulling and stretching as he kneaded the ground. Bass tucked his chin close to his chest to protect his weak point, his ears pressing flat against his skull to prevent them being torn from his head. Bass's tail flew straight with his spine, muscles and paws tucking to make an easy and quick landing.

Attack: he charged her head on. Moments before he reached her he feigned to the left before propelling his body to the left, aiming to graze her shoulder with his canines as he brushed passed her, quickly spinning his body so that his tail was well out of reach from her own ivories. His head now stood level with her shoulder, his back legs bending as he made a quick leap, outstretched paws aiming to knock her square in the flank, hoping to knock her over or at least stun her enough to land another attack.

Injuries: N/A



06-15-2014, 10:18 PM

The woman was perfection to the core. She is no doubt beautiful, smart, and clever. But, her fighting skills were down there. She was but an aging yearling. Her mind was shaped and formed with her months on her own. The woman was completely able, except her claws. Nephele was one of a kind, but she was so close to extraordinary as she learns to fight. Her paws were firm upon the battlefield. Her defenses still completely set. Her tail was tucked, claws stabbed into the ground, legs squared, ears flat, lips curled, head tucked, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, core tightened, knees bent, and teeth bared. The woman looked as if she was ready to slaughter. Though, as her opponent trotted in the woman did not let her form fall. "Hello Nephele Elysius, what brings you here on this fine eve?" The woman rolled her eyes, "Spar." She was in a zone, she had no time for formalities. The man then let forth his manly tones as she continued to prepare. Her nose wrinkled slightly as he spoke again. "Tell me, do you think you can handle a little match with me?" Nephele snorted slightly and watched as he came at her, like a war horse.


The man was clever, clever, clever. The man faked left then flew right, causing Nephele to stumble slightly, but she caught up to him. His alabasters flew across her snowy shoulder, slicing in lightly. Leaving three shallow lacerations along the flesh. She would quickly tuck her head in a little more as he slid around to her flank and launched his paws at her hip. The woman stumbled slightly but she had time to move enough to avoid falling. The delicious woman regained her balance. He was now on her left, facing her hip. She attempted to turn, her tail still tucked, the woman would aim to ram into his left hip. She would aim to hit him with her left shoulder. But, her fangs would snap at the base of his tail in attempt to bite down on it. All while her hinds were bent to allow her more movement and balance. The woman was quick and cunning, but she stayed alert at all times.




Defenses: Her tail was tucked, claws stabbed into the ground, legs squared, ears flat, lips curled, head tucked, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, core tightened, knees bent, and teeth bared. her hinds were bent.

Attacks: He was now on her left, facing her hip. She attempted to turn, her tail still tucked, the woman would aim to ram into his left hip. She would aim to hit him with her left shoulder. But, her fangs would snap at the base of his tail in attempt to bite down on it.

Injuries: three shallow lacerations along her upper left shoulder.

note: it was an obvious mistake that eve meant for bass to fake left and attack right, i confirmed it with her as well, so i just went with that. <3 i can draw a diagram if needed. :3



7 Years

06-16-2014, 05:43 PM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2014, 06:06 PM by Bass.)

This dame was a lot faster than he had expected. While they were both around the same age he was had more bulk than her, but she was leaner and faster than he could be. Bass knew that if he wanted to win this spar he would have to be on his toes, and try to use his much larger height to his advantage. His mind kept spinning as he stood in defence, but his eyes were unfocused as he over thought his battle moves and did not catch the snow white dame dashing to his flank, her shoulder driving into his hip as she chomped down on his tail. Shock threw his yellow eyes open as a loud growl tore out from his maw, adrenaline stopping the pain for now. He could feel the blood trickle down his appendage, but her ram to the hip was much less damaging to him. A bruise would form for sure, and he was careful to favour that leg as he attempted to rip his tail from her maw, not caring if her canines dug in deeper. He needed it out of her mouth so that she did not have the upper hand on him. He squared off his shoulders again as his toes spread to allow for more balanced and precise movements, with this smaller dame he knew that she would be able to out manoeuvre him at most points. Strength and height he had on her, but she would most likely be able to dodge most of his blows.

Bass tucked his chin further to his chest as he fluffed out his fur, hoping to provide ample cover to his neck as he turned and attempted to lock his jaws on her exposed left hip, trying to keep his head out of reach from her. He put all of his force into that one bite, if it did land he had no doubt that it would be a deep one indeed. Tucking his injured tail away from her grasp he gave up the extra balance and instead focused his strength, muscles tense as he prepared for her counter attack. His muscles around his core tightened as he coiled the muscles in his legs, slightly bent and ready to jump out of the way. Lifting his front right leg the brute attempted to slam his foreleg onto her back. He was aiming to hit the portion of her spine right before they curved up into her rump, avoiding the hips. His goal was a bruising or a sharp pain to flash up her spine, hopefully giving him enough time to dodge her attack.


Defences: He squared off his shoulders again as his toes spread to allow for more balanced and precise movements. Bass tucked his chin further to his chest as he fluffed out his fur, hoping to provide ample cover to his neck. Tucking his injured tail away from her grasp he gave up the extra balance and instead focused his strength, muscles tense as he prepared for her counter attack. His muscles around his core tightened as he coiled the muscles in his legs, slightly bent and ready to jump out of the way.
Attack: lock his jaws on her exposed left hip, Lifting his front right leg the brute attempted to slam his foreleg onto her back. He was aiming to hit the portion of her spine right before they curved up into her rump, avoiding the hips. His goal was a bruising or a sharp pain to flash up her spine, hopefully giving him enough time to dodge her attack.
Injuries: Deep bite to his tail, possibly bone deep if he rips it out with her teeth still grabbing his tail




06-16-2014, 06:39 PM

The woman was a mere twenty-seven inches. Though she was fast. She had speed on her side. The girl can slither circles around a brute. Though slams hit harder and the size was slightly intimidating. Though, you have to think, she could access the major bits of his body easier. The lower throat, belly, legs, and such. It was a half and half thing. The Princess was not intimidated in the least. Nephele was glad her shoulder slammed into his hip and her alabaster fangs sunk into the base of his tail. She felt slightly odd due to her mouth being so close to the poopy bits of his rear, but she had no time to think of such. As her mouth wrapped around the base of his tail the man began to bleed out. But, he achieved vengeance all the same. Her tail was tucked, knees bent, claws dug into the ground, and core tightened. But, when his jaws fell upon her left hip she cringed with pain. The woman bled out do to the deepness of the wound, yet, his paws came crashing down onto her spine. Right before her rump. It caused her knees to bend a little more, threatening to give into the force. The slam of his paw would cause bruising no doubt.

Nephele let his tail go from her teeth, perhaps causing more ripping of flesh within the act of removing them. His rear would be further away from her now, but that did not discourage her. The alabaster babe attempted to get lower to the ground, knees bending to give her more leverage. She would attempt to shoot forth to let her jaws snap at his left hind leg. They would aim for his lower thigh. She would let her eyes narrow and ears flatten as she growled in anger. Her right paw shout out to the right to give her more balance, it being extended as her body was curved to the left slightly. But, she would also try to swipe her left paw at his hind left leg as well, at the knee. She would try to push the knee back, in the opposite direction it is suppose to bend. But, she would attempt to put her paw back down on the ground as soon as she lifted it up. The woman was fast and ruthless.




Defenses: Her tail was tucked, knees bent, claws dug into the ground, and core tightened. Low to the ground. eyes narrow and ears flatten. right paw extended to give her balance and leverage.

Attack: The alabaster babe attempted to get lower to the ground, knees bending to give her more leverage. She would attempt to shoot forth to let her jaws snap at his left hind leg. They would aim for his lower thigh. she would also try to swipe her left paw at his hind left leg as well, at the knee. She would try to push the knee back, in the opposite direction it is suppose to bend. But, she would attempt to put her paw back down on the ground as soon as she lifted it up.

Injuries: three shallow lacerations along her upper left shoulder. bruise on spine right before her hips/rear. bite at left hip.

Note: I allowed the edit she did to change the directions from right to left.



7 Years

06-17-2014, 01:27 AM

Bass had a lot of height on her, standing at thirty-six inches to her small twenty-seven inches, but he was no where near as agile as she was. That and this was his first spar, and while he had learned the basic defenses from watching fights he was just stumbling along, trying to learn as he went along. The brute was observing the older fae as much as he could, trying to pick up her ways of defending while trying to dodge her attacks. It was a large task, but this thinker was able to organize his thoughts after his big mistake, he would feel that tail injury later.

Both of Bass's hits landed, the coppery taste of blood throwing him off. This was the first time that he had drawn the blood of another and he wasn't sure that he liked it. He had little time to dwell on it though, because he could feel and see her muscles tensing as her knees gave out slightly. He stepped back, thinking that she would go for his chest or throat, but was wrong. The small woman dropped low to the ground and dove for his hind leg. The brute reacted quickly, picking up the leg as close to his chest as possible before attempted to place it down further away, but he wasn't quite quick enough. Her teeth sunk into his leg just above his paw, making him flinch as he adjusted his balance to keep himself up on only three legs. Twisting his head around to the top of her head he attempted to land his jaws on her exposed scruff, wishing to bite and take hold of the dame so that she would let go of his leg. If he didn't get back on all fours soon his balance would be thrown and he would fall to his side, most likely losing him this spar. So his tail once again aligned with his spine, although the injury along the base of it sent a shock of pain through him. Shifting his weight so that he was able to stand on only three legs, he also spread his toes wide for a larger surface area to stand on. The dame was fast though, lashing out a paw to his opposite knee and tried to hit it backwards. He had been prepared, his muscles had tensed. When the blow landed he slid slightly, but did not fall or misstep. If Bass had a hold of her scruff he would attempted to bite harder, wishing to render her still.

Defenses: he adjusted his balance to keep himself up on only three legs. his tail once again aligned with his spine, although the injury along the base of it sent a shock of pain through him. Shifting his weight so that he was able to stand on only three legs, he also spread his toes wide for a larger surface area to stand on. He had been prepared, his muscles had tensed.
Attack: Twisting his head around to the top of her head he attempted to land his jaws on her exposed scruff, wishing to bite and take hold of the dame so that she would let go of his leg. If Bass had a hold of her scruff he would attempted to bite harder, wishing to render her still.
Injuries: deep wound at the base of his tail, bruise on his left hip, bite on his left leg just above his paw, deepness TBA.
Note: late night post may not make any sense, but you have my skype if you need any clarity



06-17-2014, 05:25 PM

The darling babe dove in and got a hold of flesh. Though it was not his thigh like attended, her jaws wrapped around his leg just above his paw. The girl would take. it. Blood leaked from his leg. The woman would attempt to clench down on the bony bit of leg, she would also try to shake her leg in attempt to cause more damage. But, he would strike her raised hackles before she got to do to much damage. His teeth sunk into the middle of her thick scruff, right between her shoulder blades. A growl would be heard as blood leaked from the rolls of tough skin. It was not a vital bite, but enough to make her clench with pain. Her swipe of a paw met the target but not hard enough to make him fall. She continued to have her tail tucked, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned, knees bent, and core tightened. She felt his jaws tighten, causing more pain for the girl. More blood would spew from the wound. Nephele snorted and let go of his paw. She would then try to raise herself slightly to attempt a bite at his very lower bit of flank. The area between his leg and his torso. Her right paw would move to the very front of her body before she attempted to swiped up and slam it against his left back paw. Such may cause bruising to the toes of the man. Nephele was ruthless.




Defenses: Hackles raised. She continued to have her tail tucked, eyes narrowed, lips curled, ears pinned, knees bent, and core tightened.

Attacks: Nephele snorted and let go of his paw. She would then try to raise herself slightly to attempt a bite at his very lower bit of flank. The area between his leg and his torso. Her right paw would move to the very front of her body before she attempted to swiped up and slam it against his left back paw. Such may cause bruising to the toes of the man.

Injuries: three shallow lacerations along her upper left shoulder. bruise on spine right before her hips/rear. bite at left hip. bite between her shoulders on her scruff.

Notes: i went off of this diagram. <3 if that helps.

The Judge


06-18-2014, 01:07 PM

Nephele v Bass for Spar

Round 1

6 for clarity- -4 I had trouble understanding were Bass was

2 for powerplaying. -2 ?he feigned to the left before propelling his body to the left? need to attempt to do this. -2 ?as he brushed passed her, quickly spinning his body so that his tail was well out of reach from her own ivories? also needed an attempt. -2 ?His head now stood level with her shoulder? also needed to attempt this, anticipate movement. -2 ?Landing on the ground and well prepared for the landin? too much movement/doesn't give enough time for a response/don't assume that he would be able to do this gien nephele hasn't responded to the attack yet

3 for defenses. +1 for each seen

3 for attack. +1 for graze +2 for leap and attempted knock over

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Bass Total: 24/50


8 for clarity- -2 not quite sure where she ended up after the attack

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +3 for ram +3 for bite to the tail

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Nephele Total: 44/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- Mostly clear

8 for powerplaying. -2 ?Tucking his injured tail away from her grasp? you can?t assume his tail was released

6 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for bite +2 for foreleg to the spine

4 for injuries. -3 for tail bite -1 for bruising

Round two Bass Total: 32/50


9 for clarity- Mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

5 for attack. +3 for bite to lower thigh +2 for swipe to the thigh

6 for injuries. -1 shallow cuts -2 bruising -3 bite to hip

Round two Nephele Total: 40/50

Round 3


9 for clarity- Mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

4 for attack. +4 bite to the neck and hold

6 for injuries. -3 for bite to the leg

Round two Bass Total: 24/50


9 for clarity- Mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. None seen

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 shaking leg for damage +3 for attempted bite +1 for slam to back paw

6 for injuries. -3 bite to back of neck

Round two Nephele Total: 36/50


Bass: 80/150


And the winner is...

Nephele! Bass must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


Bass - Bite to tail, which will scar permanently, and bite to leg will take 2 ooc weeks to heal, bruising will take a few IC days

Nephele - Bite to the hip and neck that will take 2 ooc weeks to heal, bruising will take a few IC days


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Eve
You did great portraying a wolf who is an inexperienced fighter, defiantly watch out for too much movement as in your first post. Other then that I look forward to watching him learn to fight!

For Cantti
Neph goes for the low blows lol. It was a good fight! Only suggestion would be to maybe expand a bit more on your attacks, great clarity though!

- By [Dione]