
don't talk to me about superheroes



2 Years
06-13-2014, 05:47 PM

Wading through the shallows of the sea, the frigid temperatures were chilling the giant porcelain doll to her very bones. A grumbled string of oaths escaped her dark lips, but she managed to heave her delicate, sizeable frame onto dry land. Took long enough to get back, goodness. The familiar scents of home invaded her dark sensor, and the babe let out a contented sigh. However, the roiling ebony storm clouds did not look promising, especially not in the winter weather of the eastern lands of her home. Looking to the delta before her, she started off, mismatched forepaws striking the terra without care for any noise she might be making, now that the dim thunderclaps could be heard behind her.

When cover was just within reach, it began to rain, and heavily. Her already freezing, damp coat became soaked again with a downpour of cool rain. Lowering her delicate crown between her petite shoulders, the tall wolfess continued walking. Whatever. Her dual toned audits flattened against her skull, so the water didn't get any funny thoughts about trying to get into her ear canals. That would be the very definition of an itch you can't scratch. Soon lighting cracked through the clouds overhead, illuminating the terrain before her in sporadic flashes, like snapshots from a camera. Thunder rumbled in warning, before rolling across the sky with enough force to shake her frame.

Letting out a bored breath, the lass stepped into the trees and looked about for some form of shelter. After this storm was over, then she could attempt to get back home and find her family again. They were important, she needed to see them again. The rain wasn't as torrential here, with the lush flora shielding her somewhat from the worst of it. Her strange eyes scanned the verdant landscape, seeking unearthed roots, an uprooted tree, an abandoned burrow that might fit her larger size. Nothing yet, but that wasn't too horrid, yet.

Eventually, after who knows how long spent wandering around aimlessly in the rain, she located a large hole amid the roots of a massive old tree. Trotting toward it with newfound energy, the she wolf suddenly found herself in a predicament. Petite as she was, the entryway wasn't quite big enough to fit her. Frowning in mild irritation now, she pressed her forepaws to the roots on one side and slammed all of her weight down upon it. Just like that, with a loud, resounding splintering sound, the hole was widened substantially. Humming in triumph, the giantess crouched down and wriggled into the hideaway. As it turned out, it was much deeper than she would have thought. Crawling down what seemed to be a tunnel, that got thinner as it went on, she found herself squeezing into tighter and more claustrophobic spaces.

Suddenly, her shoulders became stuck. Muttering a colourful string of oaths, she pulled her hind legs out from under her and started digging her claws in. Her tail flailed about at her rear for balance as she scrabbled against the mud to escape her self created trap. If anything, she only succeeded in getting herself more stuck. Her vocals increased in volume, curses streaming out of her mouth loud enough to be heard a few paces away. She was in a bit of a pickle now.




06-13-2014, 06:23 PM

Gossamir trotted along in good spirits, the plague was gone, everyone had survived, and she was continuing her training from a nomadic loner named Shilah. They were going alphabetically through the main herbs available in Alacritis. She chuckled to herself. He was an odd brute. A little shy but really sweet. Fronds of Agrimony and Alder Buckthorn dripped from either side of her mouth as she walked.

Thunder cracked and Gossamir slowed as she looked up to see the darkening storm clouds heading her way. A squall. Shit. She couldn't outrun this storm, she'd have to find some shelter. Another boom of thunder caused Gossy to jump, startled, before she bolted off in a run. Rain followed quickly, soaking the small femme to her bones.

It was then a yowl caught her attention. Gossamir turned to see a large furry butt flailing in the wind. Well, well?. now what did she have here? Stashing her herbs away she padded over to investigate. "Let me guess? pretending to be a chipmunk?"

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



2 Years
06-13-2014, 07:03 PM

A dim voice managed to reach her muddied, dual toned audits as she struggled to free herself, and a humorless laugh trickled from the wolfess' dark lips. Her flailing tail swiped through the air a final time, an attempt on smacking the speaker if she could manage it. No such luck, most likely. Her hind paws remained firmly planted in the dirt, and it seemed as though her rear was attempting to speak to the stranger, if one was watching from afar. A loud harrumph eased past her lips next, and she rolled her eyes. "Ha ha, very funny." The woman snapped back with a voice oozing sarcasm and irritation. "How about giving me a hand?" She added, swishing her alabaster plume through the air once for emphasis and wiggling her rear.

So far she hadn't had a good time back at home, and any other wolf might have suspected an omen from above as to how the rest of her trip might end up. However, the femme was no such wolf, and she refused to see anything as an omen. Her family was probably back at home having a grand old time, and she'd be welcomed right back in without issue. That would be all. She ignored the nagging suspicion that such would not be the case. Now, all the alabaster and ebony she wolf could do was wait and hope that the stranger would offer from form of aid. Her rear was soaked through, and the rest of her was completely covered in mud.

OOC: sorry for shit post, gotta go!




06-13-2014, 08:01 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2014, 08:02 PM by Gossamir.)

Gossamir had a good chuckle at the fae's expense but she wouldn't leave the other in indignity much longer. Though? she wasn't sure how much help she would be. "Sure just a second? um?" Gossamir walked to one side and then to the other assessing the situation but this fae was indeed terribly stuck and a good deal larger. She wouldn't have the strength to get her out alone. Thankfully the rain provided some lubricant but not enough. Gossy started taking pawfuls of dirt and cramming them down around the female. "Ok, I'm going to grab the base of your tail and pull! When I do push back as hard as you can."

Gossamir moved behind the fae and seized the base of the fae's tail giving two short tugs before pulling as hard as she could on the third.

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



2 Years
06-14-2014, 01:33 PM

It was clear she was in a definite problematic situation, when the stranger hummed decisively. The faint, but distinct, impact of paws upon the ground moved around her rump. She crouched patiently, though her muscles burned and her bones ached from being cramped up in this odd and strained pose. It seemed like forever she was waiting, though in truth it was only a few seconds. The ground beneath her mismatched forepaws was starting to slide and crumble beneath her bulk. Digging her claws in, the pallid wolfess continued to wait and listen for some type of notice as to what the plan was.

This was horrid, her first few moments back home and she'd managed to get herself stuck in a hole. Not to mention her arse was steadily becoming soaked by the dripping coolness of the rain. All the lass had wanted was to go home to her family, and see how much had changed in her absence. Maybe she would just forgo waiting out the storm and return home in the pouring rain. Her patience was wearing thin already, but she could hold it together. Decisions were best made when you were in your right mind, not stuck down a hole with your bum in the air and mud creeping into your eyes and ears.

The sensation of goo being shoved into the space at her sides and packed in tightly made her muscles jerk in surprise, shoving her forward instinctively to escape the odd feeling. Which was not what she should be doing at this point in time. Finally, the vocals of her apparent rescuer burrowed into her audits, explaining the plan of action. Oh, this would be so very fun (sarcasm if there ever was any).

Without further ado, the sharp pain of teeth digging into her bottom rippled like a shockwave up her spine. Biting back a surprised yelp, her feet and legs did all the work before her brain could tell them to. The lithe cords of muscle bunched in preparation, and the wolf aiding her gave two short tugs on her tail, to test her grip, most likely. Then the strong yank, and the giantess shoved off with her paws, all her weight being thrown backwards.

A loud, wet pop was all that announced her freedom from that horrid hole.

Standing in the rain once more, the mud was already beginning to fall from her front half in sloppy chunks. Their impact resounded as squelches in the air, and it managed to drown out some of the sound of the rain for a moment. Shaking out her thick winter coat, the femme couldn't help but grin and sigh in satisfaction as she reveled in her freedom. "Thanks! I guess I owe you one, hey?" She chuckled, shaking the majority of the remaining mud free of her face. Dual toned optics would fix upon the features of the stranger. The first thing she noticed was the wolf's size, though she would never admit that out loud. Then the lady realized her rescuer was a woman, with shocking electric blue optics. "Name's Lakota, stranger." She added, an easy going grin sliding onto her features. The odd, accented markings upon the strangers face were interesting, something she didn't see often. It was refreshing.




06-21-2014, 06:20 PM

Sunlight failed but only for a while

In the moonlight pale someone made me smile

Gossamir tugged as hard as she could while still being careful not to hurt the stuck woman. With enough force and some slickness she was able to help tug the other wolf free from her entrapment. Gossamir let go of the woman and stepped aside. She shook out her coat but there was little point in doing so for the rain still had yet to let up. She introduced herself as Lakota.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gossamir. Now what do you say we find some larger shelter to hide in til the rain stops? Surely there's a cave or something around here."

The shining almost took me

but I made it through the night



2 Years
06-21-2014, 06:44 PM

The femme was not very big, it was astounding she'd managed to haul the alabaster wolfess' ass out of that hole. However, there was no point in drawing attention to their differences in height, it would be rude. Especially since she'd just gotten her ass saved by this smaller woman. Literally. With a smile, she dipped her head politely in response to the stranger's greeting. Next the grey and ebony coated she wolf introduced herself as Gossamir. What an interesting name, not like anything the pallid princess had heard around. She quickly caught a sarcastic remark, and chuckled a little. She wasn't complaining, she'd make fun of herself too if she'd just had to drag her giant ass out of a tiny hole. However, the offer of an extra pair of eyes to help find some actual shelter was not one she could turn down. "Lead the way, Gossamir." She replied with a small grin and a nod, waving a paw in a gesture for her companion to start moving.

Within moments she was walking as well, dual toned optics peering through the driving rain and blinking furiously as water invaded them constantly. As it was there only seemed to be bushes and trees around here, which was irritating as all get out. A long huff of annoyance shuddered through her slender chest, and her tiara found itself dropping between her petite shoulders in a vain attempt to guard her vision from the rain any further. Vain being the key word there. Mismatched audits would flatten against her skull, and she would sigh again as she looked around. There was really nothing to find, and there was a very real possibility they were going to get stuck in this downpour.

Thunder rumbled threateningly, and lightning streaked through the ashen clouds as a warning. The sky was not safe, and it was making sure everyone was aware of that. The wind decided to pick up, wonderful. It buffeted her sides mercilessly, rain invading her thick pelt and chilling her to the bone. She did her best to take most of the battering from the elements, so her rescuer got a bit of a break after doing all the hard work of pulling her out of that damned hole. Now, if only they could find somewhere to wait out this storm...




06-28-2014, 08:44 PM

Gossamir led the way through the rain storm that was spitting down at them. Thunder rolled overhead and the wind picked up even more. It was just as it was starting to hail that she noticed a crevice that could work give some shelter. It might be a bit tight for two wolves but she was fine getting cozy with Lakota if if would mean shelter from the storm and from the ice beating down on her.

"Quick! In here!" Gossamir slipped gracefully into the little cave, shaking out her coat before moving aside to allow Lakota in. "So tell me Lakota? what are you doing all the way out here?" It had been awhile since she'd had a casual conversation with someone else. She figured now would be a good enough time to try and start one. Hopefully they wouldn't drive each other crazy and the storm would finish quickly.