
City of Angels



1 Year
06-14-2014, 11:23 PM
So I came up with a plot idea but would only work if someone adopts the others two main wolves for this.
Basically it's a love triangle of sorts.

A female was taking into a pack by a Male#1. There she began to learn the way of his pack. Their morals on protecting others from harm. Be it from their own kind, natural disasters, nightmares, larger predators, or illnesses. They all learn to fight, hunt and heal so they may be dispatched out into the "field". The field is just outside their pack lands. A non-man's- land where loners can roam. On the rare occasion would they cross into another pack to save someone. But only with true facts and information and direct order from the Alphas and Conclave (council's) agreement that there is no other way. They are self-sacrificing, loyal, righteous, brave individuals.
It was there she was starting her training, often judged for not being one of them, an outcast of sorts. She was not graceful, was clueless. Like a baby who thought they could fight and hunt. They would often shun her away. But Male#1 was always there, supporting her in his own weird way. The two slowly began to fall for each other. But oh and behold Male#1's father, banished from the pack long ago when he was a pups returns. And with that return he tries to take control over Male#1 and tells him that the female is his sister.

Life become confusing for the pair. Both stand together to fight their "father". This male believes all other wolves not like them should be rid of this world. That their "kind" was stronger and better and they needed to make room for their breed to expand without contaminating the bloodlines. This of course is seen as very wrong and cruel. Thus he must be stopped and killed. For awhile Male#1 is under his control. This poor boy just wants his father he remembered as a pup back. He cant bring himself to hurt this guy, his own father. But the female sees the lies, knows this cant be right or even true. Finally convincing Male#1 this they chase down the guy, trying to kill him but he manages to get away and disappear with the biting remarks that Male#1 was never his son at all but the female indeed is his daughter.

Now throw in Male#2!!

He comes in the pack under someone else's name from an allying pack. The the female and Male#1 being distant after the events they endured and Male#1 cruelly pushing her away; Male#2 sneaks in. He shows the female how to have fun. She feels this tie between them, a dizzying and terrifying pull to him. He sends her reeling in a black wave of emotions. Its new, its different, its terrifying and yet exciting. He is the complete opposite of Male#1, who the he hates. The two can not but put together without nearly ripping each other's throats out. Just when she starts to fall towards Male#2 new breaks that he isn't who he claims to be and out right owns up to it and says he is her brother, her real brother. Hell breaks loose as her father appears with followers and war breaks out. Only Male#1 and her make it out alive. But with the knowledge her brother still lives.

Age-3 years in Spring
Personality- Scarastic, loyal, hard shell. Only opens up his soft side to the female. Excels in fighting.
Design- You make it, but I might request some golden hues tossed in there somewhere.

Age- 4 years in winter
Personality- Cruel, manipulative, twisted (wants his sister for himself. But not just as his sister). Worse than his father. Wants everyone to do his dirty work and evil under his full control. Only certain wolves from the pack to live.
Design- up to you

Female- Played by me
Age- 3 years autumn
Personality- strong minded, brave, loyal, would do anything for her friends. Stubborn and determined. Clumsy, but quick to learn. She does not think highly of herself, thinking she is average or below.
Design- I got three I cant choose from ><

What i'd like to see.
Male#2 tracking them down, trying to get his sister, control Male#1, drama!!! Male#1 and the female might join a pack but will remain together.

Questions? Ask away this is just a rough idea ^^