
The tick, ticking of hours lonely



3 Years
Extra large
03-20-2014, 06:22 PM

Kismet wasn't quite sure what had happened, unable to understand what a challenge had actually meant all he knew was that many of the pack returned quite distraught after that call, spreading some sort of sad news amongst themselves. He hadn't really listened, he had simply waited hoping to see his mother returning to the shore, she hadn't been with the main group after all. He didn't know how long he'd remained there for, watching and waiting but eventually he had returned to Soren and from there the pair of them had been taken by some stranger.

All of that had happened far too long ago for Kismet's liking. He wasn't back home in Valhalla he was stuck here in Glaciem, not even sure if he could actually find his way back home, to reunite he and Soren with their family and friends. There were many other pups here he had noted though feeling rather bitter about the whole ordeal he wanted nothing to do with them and hadn't tried to befriend any of them; he had other friends that he had to get back to.

He had tried to keep close to Soren, rather than sharing with any of the strangers here, the two of them had begun to build a den together on day one, that was up until the point that Soren had told him he was doing everything wrong and sent him outside. Of course he hadn't stayed there long and had begun to fall into his old habits of exploring, only he had quickly found himself longing for his exploring partner to be there with him, it had been far more fun with Warja at his side than wandering around alone. It didn't help that in his opinion Nephilim island was a much better place than here.

He'd just returned from one of his little explorations in no better a mood than it had begun. As usual the scene he was met as he reached the den was Soren inside still working on perfecting the den. It'd taken him so long to get the previous just right, Kismet couldn't help but feel he'd be left alone all the time as Soren tried to make this just right. Back in Valhalla he had thought it a waste of time, and now even more so. "Soren!" He called, sticking his head inside the den as he stood at the entrance. "Will you just stop! This is a waste of time, we're not staying. We have to get back home."



4 Years
03-22-2014, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:57 PM by Soren.)

He had resigned himself to his fate and had begun work on the new den he and his brother shared. It gave him a task to do, something to focus on, which he sorely needed because when he wasn't working on the den he was thinking, and remembering. Mostly the latter. Kismet had gone out to wait for their mother only to return without her. It hadn't taken long for the stranger to arrive and to lead them away.

Soren preferred not to think about it because it made him question, why had they of all wolves been taken away, where was their mother, why had she not stopped this? So he had set to work, Kismet helping him? that was until he had noticed his brother messing everything up. It seemed to Soren that his brother had no eye for design, no finesse, he was like a bull in a china shop and it was all Soren could do to keep himself under control. So he had banished his brother outside.

He was aware of the approach of Kismet, hearing him coming but giving it little thought. His brother didn't seem to wander as he once had on the island. It was only when the silence was shattered by his brother's voice did the boy stop. He sighed and stretched, working some of the tenseness from his shoulders. "How do you know that?" He asked, moving his reconstruction efforts towards the mouth of the den so that they could converse while he worked, "We thought we wouldn't be leaving the island once we were there. You can't be certain." He wanted nothing more than to believe his brother, he hated this new place, it was much too cold for his liking and wasn't as friendly as he remembered Valhalla being.


[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
Extra large
03-24-2014, 05:15 AM

Even deep within his own world of digging and working on the den, there was certainly no way that Soren could ignore his brother's call. Kismet would have gone further inside to speak, though his brother emerged and he hoped for a moment that it had been that easy to persuade him to stop. ?How do you know that?? Sadly he was to be mistaken, Soren being a rather doubtful. ?We thought we wouldn?t be leaving the island once we were there. You can?t be certain.?

Well his brother did have a point there, Kismet hadn't expected to suddenly be taken from his home, family or pack and yet here they were. That being said wolves in Valhalla certainly had to be missing them and would soon come in search for them, he hoped so anyway. They were getting bigger now, Kismet especially, he'd been the biggest from birth had continued growing at a quick rate to ensure he held onto that title. Perhaps they would be able to break out on their own and make their way back to their pack; they were not tiny pups anymore and as they were demonstrating here were certainly gaining independence now. Whatever the method of escape, Kismet simply knew he couldn't call Glaciem home, he had to get out of here.

"We didn't want to leave Valhalla and we did, so if we want to leave here then we'll definitely find a way." He responded, his determination showing in his voice. "You spending all your time messing around in the dirt isn't going to help us so just leave the den alone. It's got plenty of space for us both now, it'll do. Once we've gone someone else will only come and claim your hard work as their own anyway, is it really worth all this effort just for you to give some Glaciem git a nice den?"



4 Years
04-07-2014, 12:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:57 PM by Soren.)

Maybe it was just his brother's more adventurous nature or perhaps it was just that Soren had never been as confident at Kismet but he was having a hard time being optimistic. It seemed to him his life was simply going to be one big misadventure after another, no respite for the weary; and he was weary, perhaps even beyond his years. All he wanted was a stable life, no moving around, no worrying about who might or might not be coming to get them, malevolent or otherwise and certainly no doubts about his mother. That was a big one, he had been almost certain she would come to get them as soon as they had arrived and yet they had not seen or heard anything of her yet.

He was the smaller of the pair, less sure of himself and the world around him. He almost envied Kismet's more black and white view. They would be grown soon but Soren was'?t so sure they could manage yet. Azalea had done the best with what time they had but it hadn't been enough, and no one here seemed willing to reach out and do anything to help them, no they were much too young and yet utterly alone.

"Maybe it doesn't work that way though?" He sighed pausing and dropping his head, this was not the first time he had thought this. "Maybe something or someone out there is conspiring against us." It seemed almost likely, at least to him. Kismet questioned the motives of his work and he didn't speak for a bit returning to his digging. Finally he spoke, not looking at his brother, unable to. "I can't explain why. Something in me tells me I must and I don't bother to argue, there wouldn't be any point." He paused and gave a little grunt as he took a deep gouge out of the ground. "But it keeps my mind off of other things I would rather not think of them anyways. If I think then I-" He couldn't finish his sentence voice hitching as he did his best to banish the doubts that were clinging to the edges of his mind.


[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
Extra large
04-07-2014, 12:29 PM

Kismet by no means thought it'd be easy to leave Glaciem, but he was determined and knew he had to find a way out of here. He wished to return to his home in Valhalla and couldn't bear the idea of spending the rest of his life here in Glaciem. Somehow he would find a way to get out of here, he had no idea how just yet but it seemed he had been the one of the two boys to inherit the the confidence and strong-mindedness of their parents.

?Maybe it doesn?t work that way though? Maybe something or someone out there is conspiring against us.? Maybe Soren was right, it certainly was rather unfortunate to be the only wolves of the pack to be stuck here, but he wasn't going to accept that this was their fate from now on. "Maybe, but let's not make it so easy. We can't just give in!"

As for his explanation for digging, Kismet wasn't quite so convinced that it was really good enough. ?I can?t explain why. Something in me tells me I must and I don?t bother to argue, there wouldn?t be any point. But it keeps my mind off of other things? I would rather not think of them anyways. If I think then I-? He sighed softly as his brother grew quiet though he wouldn't change his mind, it still seemed pointless to him. "Well maybe you should try doing something else then, help me figure out how to get out of here. Unless of course you'd rather stay than get back to Valhalla?"



4 Years
05-01-2014, 07:29 PM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2014, 10:57 PM by Soren.)

This hell of a pack was a prison and while he had not caught sight of their warden or guards Soren was sure that they were being watched, he had been tempted to run over those borders ever since he had arrived but he had been certain that the moment he stepped over them that there would be a whole pack on his tail. He longed to escape just as much as his brother, but it was definitely safe to say that any confidence either of their parent's possessed did not reside in him.

Soren kept his gaze on his work, those unfinished words weighing heavy in his mouth, the taste bitter on his tongue. "Maybe, but let's not make it so easy. We can't just give in!" Why not! He wanted to scream, why not? They would never make it out, not without aid and no one here even so much as glanced twice at them, they were stuck. But he wasn't sure he should voice those thoughts.

"Well maybe you should try doing something else then, help me figure out how to get out of here. Unless of course you'd rather stay than get back to Valhalla?" He stopped, frozen, hazel eyes growing wide as he stared at his paws. Soren began to shake, the emotion he had been holding back flooding his body and making him quake. Suddenly he snapped gaze towards Kismet, pain and anger evident on his face. "Do you honestly think that?" He snapped, narrowing his gaze. "I want to get out of here just as much as you! I'm just not convinced there's really anywhere else to go! Think about it, if mother really cared, if anyone really cared wouldn't they have sent someone after us? Face it, there isn't anywhere for us! Not Glaciem, not Valhalla!" With that he retreated further into the den, turning away from Kismet and furiously pawing at the dirt, trying to ignore the prickling of tears in the corners of his eyes.


[Image: Kyung%20siggy%20image_zpsbu5zphzo.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



3 Years
Extra large
05-02-2014, 05:13 AM

Kismet knew it wouldn't be easy to get out, and had no plans of course, though he was determined to get his freedom back somehow. Plotting needed to start, he and Soren together could surely come up with some way that they could possibly both get out he just needed his brother to try and co operate a little more. Kismet couldn't do it alone, in the same manner that he had the opportunity presented to him, he wasn't sure he could actually escape alone. They were in this mess together.

He hadn't meant to be quite so harsh with his words, he hadn't thought them through before speaking and would now suffer the consequences as he suddenly held Soren's full attention once more though expression and voice filled with a fury that Kismet didn't think he'd ever seen before. Sure he'd been annoying at times, wound Soren up but this was a whole new level for the both of them. Kismet was speechless for a moment and stood there stunned.

The true meaning behind the words didn't really register until Soren had turned away and retreated inside the den. Still shocked Kismet remained outside, the words sinking in and the weight of guilt and sorrow now pushing down upon him. First of all to cause this reaction in Soren was not what he had wanted and cautiously now he'd make his way inside the den, mismatched eyes peering to the corner that his brother now lay in.

"Soren" He called voice much softer now. He'd address the hurt he personally had caused before bothering to address the lack of faith in Valhalla and where else they might go. "I didn't mean... I'm sorry." He didn't bother trying to explain in the end, it'd been taken as it had and now the Adravendi boy felt awful.

As for Valhalla, he couldn't believe they didn't care for he and Soren, maybe they just didn't know where to find them. He wouldn't bother arguing anymore, it was bad enough being stuck here as it was but to have his brother mad at him would only make matters worse. "It doesn't matter where we go, we'll find somewhere else if we have to. I'm here, I'm not gonna leave you."