
Where The Edges Blur


04-30-2014, 04:46 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
This was home for her. The wolves that lived here were not a pack, though they had hoped to one day be one. Well... which of the prospective members were still around anyway? The only wolves she had really seen were Aranya, though she'd been a little more on the scarce side, Birch, his mate Eowyn, and their two new pups. The family were too busy with each other to focus on her at the moment, not that Ellis was craving attention or anything. She was fine just gathering herbs and wandering, enjoying the last bits of warmth that the season had to offer.

Teal-green eyes shown brightly as she neared the edges of Fontamo Bay, tail swishing lightly behind her as she took her walk. It was just one of those days she had chosen to relax... she had gathered a good bit of herbs and since there weren't an incredible amount of wolves that stayed with them she didn't worry about running out of them. The young woman was aware she was in her first heat cycle as well, and had been using lavender to keep the scent to a minimum should she run into any males. As much as Ellis loved the thought of being a mother she knew that not all wolves wanted a family the right way... or even a family at all. Sometimes they were just looking for a "good time".

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


04-30-2014, 06:59 PM

It was a constant under current in his thoughts, it hummed along the nerves just above his left shoulder, and made his neck on that side periodically stretch outwards to flex the muscles along the wound. She wounded us...interesting. His thoughts rambled, a constant reminder of what happened when creatures kept their pent up rage behind bars so long that it ended up flooding over the seams.

Water. His mind was ticking away, the man was deep in thought, until a faint aroma crosses is nostrils. Heat? The male draws his lips backwards, his shoulders roll slowly under his flesh, his eyes lightening before he tracks the scent down toward the source. Every now and again the male would stop, haunches lowering as he leaves his scent and marks a small zone, any other male that crossed over his markers would meet the retribution of Imonde.

Soon the storm eyed male finds the female that he is seeking, only he slowly lifts his head, nostrils twitching upon his face as he checks to make sure that this is the source. With a sage nod he approaches, ears twitching upon his head before sliding back to pin against his skull. "Our greetings."


04-30-2014, 07:37 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
A male would soon appear, approaching the direction of the bay, and her. The young woman would lift her head, ears perking up as she looked upon the male. She could see how he moved... injured. Somewhere on his front half. Naturally the kindly woman's instincts would kick in. But for the moment she would go through the normal pleasantries. His own greeting was a little odd... for rather than saying 'my' he would say 'our'. But Ellis would overlook it, tail wagging some.

"A wonderful greeting to you as well, sire." The little healer would dip her head, teal-green eyes shining gently. Meeting a new wolf was always a nice experience for her. "You're injured, right? You're moving a little oddly... I'm a healer... I could take a look at it for you, and give you something for any pain you might be experiencing with it." She would smile brightly, all guards down. Ellis had never experienced any problems with others before... and that... could lead her into some troubled waters indeed.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


04-30-2014, 08:05 PM
Imonde remains silent, his eyes just flittering along her body before coming to rest lazily upon her ears. Pain, more of it, rushing along the wound and prodding his ill wishes as he curls his lips back in rage. "Yes...we have been mar-ked, we do believe." He answers sharply, his head turning as he slides his eyes from her ears and down toward her face. A wonderful... Was that word really directed towards him? Confusion sneaked it's way across his face, tongue sliding across his teeth as he blinks at her.

He was doing something wrong if it was pleasant to meet him. Then she would go on about being a healer, a healer? That meant she would have to touch him, and how he did loath being touched by those that where lesser than he. She then smiled at him, what was he supposed to do? Leisurely he eases his ears away from his skull, only nodding toward her and then pointing his nose at his wound, granting silent permission for her to look upon it.

The woman should be honored, it wasn't everyday that one received permission to touch a God. But he wonders for a moment how it feels to be within the presence of perfection. "You may a-pproach." He echoes hollowly, perhaps if he feels a touch better he shall reward her.


04-30-2014, 09:13 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
How he watched her... the woman didn't pay attention to the oddity of it. Of the things that might have warned her that this wolf was not exactly the kind she should be so open around. She would frown a little as his lips went back, his answer sharp, though she gave reason to that to be the pain. Any odd action, at the point, was placed due to the stress and pain of the wound. Nothing more. He would even look confused for a moment, but Ellis remained at her respectful distance, her gentle smile not fading.

Then the permission to approach was granted and the woman would dip her head, keeping herself respectful. To her this was her natural way of being, especially when looking over a patient. Little did she know that these simple actions may help her with dealing with this brute. But... what would fate truly hold?

"Thank you." She would move beside him, teal-green eyes gazing over the cut. It was a nasty one... it seemed whoever had delivered it truly wished to mark him as he so put it. The female would take a step back, turning her gaze back to him and speaking in that same soft voice.

"The wound is does not yet appear to be infected. With your permission I will make a poultice of comfrey and goldenrod to the wound. Those herbs will help sooth the pain and aid in the healing process. Due to the location of the wound I won't be able to place anything over it, but as long as you don't rub or wash the medicine off it will be able to do it's job... If that's alright with you all I ask is that you either wait here for me to fetch the herbs or come with me to my den."

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


04-30-2014, 10:08 PM
His eyes lazily lower half mast, his left paw presses against the ground as he continues to regard the female in a veiled curiosity. She was innocent, almost the way of a pup was when it broke free of it's mother embrace for the first time, this poor lady didn't know when to run away. It's only fun if they run. His nostrils twitch once again taking in her aroma and then lifting his head further back, his nostrils twitching harder as he scents the area for other potential suitors, he didn't particularly feel up to another spat, but this time the steaks where a bit higher.

Soon though she had his attention back again, as she approaches the male tenses, muscles coiling under his body as he locks defensively before relaxing again as he takes note of her posture. As she moves to his side the male would swing his head around, ears flicking toward her as his lips peel away from his canines. Watching her though hood eyes the female moves away, his tail snaps upward in annoyance before curling back above his back. "We will fol-low you to your den." His words where just a murmur through the deep rumble that pushed from his body.

Paws shifted under his body as he turns, his body positioning itself somewhere around her flanks as he falls in line and begins to quietly follow her.


05-01-2014, 01:28 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The male had been tense when she approached, but Ellis wasn't bothered by it. Almost... defensive though. Did he honestly think that she was going to attack him or something? Ellis was hardly a fighter... her small form and pacifist nature wouldn't allow for such things. But Ellis didn't care for causing wounds... her duty was to treat them. Such was her joy, even if her patients were not always the most patient or thankful for her services. She was simply as she was... and would be nothing more.

How he would watch her... and yet Ellis remained unfazed it would seem. His annoyance too was pushed away and the female would give a nod. "Thank you again for your patience with this, sir." The female would turn as well, delicate paws leading her onward towards her den. Her tail would swish lightly against her legs as she walked, back unguarded as she lead him on.

"You have a rather unique manner of speaking, if you don't mind my saying so." The woman wouldn't look back at him, focusing on leading the way. Not that her den. "I'm not sure if you would care to know or not... but my name is Ellis by the way." Just simple, light conversation. Nothing more.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-01-2014, 07:54 PM

His mind was a blur of thought, an intonement of speech that was bound to be, but didn't want to speed really from his lips. The Divine continues to watch her as she walks onward, following quietly at her hip, his left ear was flicked toward her, the right though was cast toward the surrounding environment as he listens for the approach of others. Once again, patience, me? I have to be doing something wrong. The irritation dove down his throat again as he moves closer to her, his wounded shoulder pressing against her flank before he moves away again.

More silence, he was perfectly fine with that, but he couldn't help but allow his gaze to trail down to her swaying tail before his eyes wandered across the land again. Restraint. His thoughts ordered him as he slows his pace, continuing to follow her as well as make sure that no one was following them in turn. If he could find out where she lived he would have insurance for her silence, at least that was how he was going to think about it.

Then she spoke her name, but he was too busy staring off at her tail again to give it any real sort of thought. A rumble vibrates his vocal core as he continues to silently follow after her. "We are fallen gods," he explains calmly as he pads behind her. "We speak how we please, we req-uire your assis-tance now."


05-02-2014, 04:45 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman would blink, a little surprised as she felt the press of the male against her flank. She would glance back at him for a moment but, seeing him move away again, she would pay it little mind. Simply moving onward. For a little while silence was all that accompanied them, but that was okay. The woman would walk ahead of the male, so unaware of his thoughts, of intentions that lurked within his heart.

As he spoke again the woman would give a small nod of her head. Fallen Gods... She had heard stories of wolves who had become gods... And gods that bred with the commoners on the land. Though there was no telling if such a thing was true about the one who followed her or not the woman would not press the matter, nor show signs of doubt. He was as he believed and she would respect that. Who was she to say if it was the truth or not?

Finally they would arrive at the den, Ellis glancing back with a smile. ?One moment please.? Then she would slip inside, moments later coming back with the previous mentioned herbs. She would slowly approach his side again, setting the herbs down before looking towards him and speaking again. ?Before I apply the medicine I need to wash the wound. Are you okay with me doing this as well?? Though the questions might get annoying... She did not wish to touch the brute when he wasn?t prepared for it or in case he changed his mind. This was his last opportunity to back of before treatment was administered, though the woman doubted he would do so. An infected wound could very easily kill a wolf after all.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-02-2014, 08:00 PM


His mind payed heed to when she didn't move away from his touch, and instead only cast him a look before moving forward. Good, perhaps this would be easier than what his devious mind has initially calculated, but her calm behavior should have been a clue in to the man, that this one was not like that female...Sinister that he met awhile ago. Where she was fire, this one was like water, simply calm and collected, going with the flow, and seemed to move through the easiest route possible. Imonde was finding himself not minding this much at all.

She didn't even attempt to condemn him verbally as he announced that he was one of the Divine, she would only nod her head at him. Yes, he found himself getting along with this woman in the future, perhaps if she asked he would even give her his protection for a short while. Commitment wasn't something he was good at.

Words though cut through his spinning thoughts as he turns his head back toward her, his brow drawing together once again and then relaxing as he nods at her before she vanishes into her den. He watches, his haunches meeting the ground before she comes out, her voice floating to him as she asks permission again.

His ears draw toward her, his brow furrowing in concentration as he nods his head once again. "We give you per-mis-sion to do what-ever needs to be done."



05-03-2014, 06:52 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The man she was dealing with was definitely one of fewer words. She did not mind the silence, and she would respond to his gestures quietly. He was not hard to deal with... And the fae did mind the interactions. Some were too overly aggressive... But it seemed that she was having better luck here in Alacritia for meeting those who were not of such a nature. It was nice to interact, rather than flee because some idiot decided she was too close to some loner territory they decided was their spot and wanted to attack her.

?Thank you again.? She would grant thanks for the permission again before her soft, pink tongue runs along the wound, clearing what dirt, sweat, and dried blood was around it. Hardly a pleasant task, but a healer would do what needed to be done to protect the lives of their patients and keep them health. After a few minutes of washing she would then turn to the herbs, chewing and working them into what she needed.

The man?s fur, or the fur surrounding the wound, would keep it in place well enough. There was no heat to make the medicine run... So as she said, as long as he didn?t wash it off or constantly rub into things it would stay on long enough to do it?s work. Carefully she would apply the medicine, working until a nice coating of the stuff covered the wound. Then she would rise. ?Excuse me a moment.? Then she would turn, disappearing for about a minute before coming back, the excess medicine gone from her mouth now.

She would come back to the man, though maintain a respectful distance away. She would smile gently again. ?Do you need something for pain as well??

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-03-2014, 07:09 PM

What is this vision that he sees?

She draws closer to him, he tongue working against the wound. This was interesting, never has one approached him and ran their tongue against his flesh. This type of attention hasn?t been known to the man since the time that he was just logged near his mothers side, just a warm bundle of home and whispers of glory.

But here Ellis was, her tongue working the wound. His mind seemed to make him forget himself for just a moment, that head of his turning toward hers, his tongue swinging outward as he attempts to swing it gently against her ear, a pleasurably rumble vibrating his vocal cords. But as soon as the moment presented itself, it was gone, the male swinging his head away to gaze at some distant point, his tail twitching sporadically behind him as the mental jostling of two divine tried to work themselves up or down, back and forth.

What did you do when everything stopped moving?

Her words where taken in by the male, though he didn?t answer immediately, nay, he would only flick his gaze toward her, brow drawing toward. She would ask him if he wanted something for the pain, the paste was not enough it seemed. But if he did accept, would that make him less of a man? Less of a god for these mortals to follow? Less of a figure to be feared and respected all in the same fine stroke?

?We do not,? he chains together his words in a fluent sentence, his mind clearing long enough. ?We actually would prefer to see your den.? He calmly states, his paws carrying him gradually over to her, storm eyes swirling emotions tainted intentions.



05-04-2014, 06:28 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The woman would give a nod as the man said that he did not need further herbs. While the paste would take off the pain it would take a little bit of time to get to work. Still, he seemed sure that he would be alright. So Ellis would leave it at that, still relaxed... At least for a last few peaceful seconds before things started to take another turn. A turn that others might have gotten wind of from the beginning... But her innocence was going to be her downfall here.

As he approached, his words leaving his lips and that look shining in his eyes Ellis realized that she was in trouble. Birch and ?owyn were off with the children today... There was probably not even a single soul to close enough to hear her scream even if she called for help. Fear would rise within Ellis, her heart racing wildly as she started to back away from the brute, ears lowering.

?W-wait.... No... Please...? Her words came out rather quiet... Frightened. Everything in her head was screaming at her to run... But if she wasn?t faster than this brute it would just give him easier access to what he wanted... No... She had to try and outmaneuver him... Avoid being pinned... Avoid being taken. Her body was shaking so much though... Would she be able to do it?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-04-2014, 09:15 PM


Such a familiar scent to the man, something that he was growing accustom to. But just when he thought his calmness might have lulled her into overlooking the obvious, the red flags that should have presented themselves. Perhaps a more seasoned female would have saw him for what he was, and taken off without treating him, how grateful he was that she was not someone he would have to chase around.

But then she started to back away, her ears going backwards, as she paddles away from him. Oh how this urged the response to chase, and he did so. Paws continued to move the male forward, his head dropping as he curls his lips above his teeth. How fun this could be, but there was an ulterior motive of course. "Eno-ugh," he comments as he continues to proceed forward before pointing his nose at the den.

"We wish to see these pla-nts you have sto-red," Imonde finishes slowly, his ears flicking forward upon his head as he nods at her. Why was she cowering away like that? Of course they said no at first, but once he proclaimed his divine right to rule over all mortals, this usually achieved him all sorts of fangirls to play with. The ones that continued to say no...well they usually got the pleasure of feeling it. Damn, he's such a gentlemen.



05-07-2014, 01:40 AM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Run. Her insides screamed. Run. Don?t listen to him. Just run. He would move towards her more, Ellis? concern growing as she looked into those stormy gray eyes. His lips would curl above his teeth, moving towards her just a bit more before speaking. ?Eno-ugh,? He would rumble to her. The female would come to a stop, something in his voice coaxing her to comply, despite her heart pounding in her chest.

He would motion to the den, speaking of the plants she used. Don?t. She would give a small nod. Don?t do it. It?s a trick. She would swallow, dipping her head apologetically before starting towards the den. ?S-sorry...? Don?t apologize! It?s a trick! He?s trying to manipulate you! What choice did she really have? Did she really even have any chance at avoiding it if it was his wish to take her? You need to run NOW! Once you are in the den you?re going to be trapped! But her paws would lead her inside the expanded den.

It was large enough for her and another, even a mother with pups, along with herbs sorted and stored all around, separated on the dock leaves she used to carry them in. Ellis would turn her head, looking back to the male now. ?I?m sure that are still many other herbs in Alacritia to discover yet... But this is what I?ve come across thus far. These two, the marigold and comfrey, are what I used to treat you.? Her fear would not leave her... And her conscious would groan at her. You?ve done it now. You?ve trapped yourself... Your fate lays in his paws.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-08-2014, 12:07 AM


The word was such a venomous thing, often used as a preemptive warning before an assault would take place. But today the divine of slaughter was not feeling up to a brawl, even though there was paste that clung to his fur, numbing the area, he still didn't feel up to fighting the female for his divine right to pass his genes to his subjects. Soon though there eyes where in combat, she seemed to follow along with what he wished, even going as far to apologize to him. Yes, he could get use to not having to subdue targets.

Manipulation, such a light hearted thing, something that he was not particularly good at, nor did he want to be. Instead he preferred the manner of brute force, and was mentally kicking himself for even allowing himself to get injured in that spat with the female. Silently Imonde followed the female, his head being held aligned with his spine, his tail curling dominantly over his back as he casually attempts to put himself between her and the exit.

Keenly the male slowly nods at her, only paying half attention to what she was saying, the majority of his attention going to searching around the den, eyes darting too and fro as he calculates the best way to attempt to position her into a position that was more...agreeable. "We see." He slowly answers, jaws separating from each other as he slowly yawns. "Wh-ere ever do you find them?" His voice casually questions as he moves closer to her as she looks at him. His eyes being focused and sharp for just a moment before relaxing to scan through the den again.


05-08-2014, 06:38 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
His positioning, moving casually between herself and the exit, was not noticed. Ellis was trying desperately to keep the dark thoughts out of her head... Out of what may happen, despite her conscious badgering her. You are trapped. There is nothing you can do now. Her teal-green eyes would lift from the mentioned herbs as she looked back to the male. He kept a dominant pose, and she wasn?t even sure if he was truly paying attention to what she was saying. The femme would shift just a bit, ears staying a bit lower, as well as her tail.

A slow yawn would leave him before asking another question, getting closer. Too close... Ellis would feel her body starting to freeze up. The close proximity, as well as that intense, sharp look in his eyes, even if it lasted for only a moment, was ending the fae into a near panicked state again. She had reason to be of course, though she was trying hard not to let it break through. There was a short moment where she just stared at him, wide eyed, words locking in his throat before she managed to force them out, and break eye contact. ?In various places around Alacritia...? Her voice cracked as she spoke, even if it was at a softer tone. You did this to yourself. You should have ran while you still had the opportunity to.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-08-2014, 07:20 PM


It was a wonderful thing, the way it curled around his nostrils and tainted the air, the way it excited the more sinister side to his blood, the way it urged him to just attack her and not relent until she was nothing more than a corpse on the ground, an afterthought. But the side of him that ruled with divine right, the side that kept him from going off on everyone that approached...that was the side that kept him just standing there, his eyes keenly moving along her spine and haunches, soon, patience, he wanted to draw this out a bit more. He wanted to taste her fear.

"Ah, this re-minds us, do you per-chance have a mate you need to be get-ting back to?" He asks, his vocal cords rumbling low, the menacing tone to his words where just sharpened by the step forward that he yet again took. Enough talk about pretty flowers and the cure for AIDS, he had other things on his mind.



05-08-2014, 07:42 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
How his eyes would glide over her body. She didn't even have to be looking at the male to get the sense of his gaze. She would shiver, not wanting to look at him. Not wanting to look into those eyes and see what he wanted. What he was simply going to take from her. The femme felt a shudder along her spine as he asked the next question. The question came in a low rumble, though there was a menacing tone to the words. He would step forward and Ellis would draw back, closer to the herbs at the back of the den. Head would turn slightly towards him, orbs glazed over with not just fear, but terror. What would happen to her, after he had his way? Would she be left alone... or would he take her life as well? She couldn't even find the words to answer him. Her throat felt almost as if it had started to swell, making it impossible to speak.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.


05-08-2014, 07:47 PM


Irritation was a thing that was starting to run along his mind as he steps closer and close, attempting to place his head somewhere along her shoulder. His body lurched forward, jaws snapping open as he attempts to latch lightly onto her scruff, his paws scrambling along the ground as he grunts in annoyance. "Sp-e-ak," he urges, his body somewhere between the exit and her, his ears gradually coming to press back against his head. But not in annoyance at her, but at the sharp pain that flared along his shoulder as he grumbled in the back of his throat.

How the male did not like to be defied, how often would he have to teach the lesson with tooth and claw? Imonde was secretly hoping that this female would be smarter than the last one that he came in contact with, but the terror that was reflected in her eyes told him that he was winning. Perhaps trying to attack her was a bit much.
