
Running Into Strangers



10 Years
05-04-2014, 03:55 AM

Morning was upon the young Adravendi. Odette had risen when the sky was still dark, blanketing the packlands with numerous shadows and stars dancing above. She was always an early riser, something that she had done since she was very little. The flashback of waking up before her littermates in the den at the Cove was the first memory she could still grab with both paws. She usually reminisced over that day, for it was the first one she stepped out of the den with Papa and her siblings. Instead, she saved it for later and continued with her current mission.
As her fur moved in ripples, Odette remained in hiding. She had grown hungry for a juicy rabbit, something she hadn't craved in a long while. Deer had been her food the past month or so, making her sick of the meat on four legs. Rather than deal with a long term chase of their herd, she chose the low ground critters that promised good eating. Silently, she licked her lips as she sensed a potential meal nearby. A shrub gently quivered only three feet in front of her and she waited with eager anticipation.
The rabbit showed itself, white coat standing out against the colorful leaves that had fallen. Its red eyes searched, intending to get some grub and return to its home. Oh, if only it had known that Odette was nearby. Its captor would soon commence with her triumphant prize! The yearling took a few steps forward and then leapt from her hiding place. The chase was on!
'Rabbit versus Wolf' was set into overdrive as the prey bounced from plant to plant, hoping to create a zigzag pattern that would distract her. Unfortunately, the rabbit didn't know who it was dealing with! A sly grin appeared on Odette's face and she increased her speed as she ran through the familiar trees and nearby forestry. Leaves rose and fell as she left them behind, colorful arrays of fall evidence remaining poised in air for a few seconds. The chase itself was majestic.
In no time, Odette made the rabbit hit open plains. They left the safety of the woods and proceeded out into the slowly brightening landscape. Odette was more than happy to take on the rolling hills and flat lands that made up Valhalla. She laughed merrily, loud and clear as it rang through the vicinity of her game. She kicked up the pace, showing off the muscles that had developed from training sessions with Chrysanthe. Her teeth bared themselves into a toothy grin and before she knew it, she was close to the rabbit's hind legs. Odette stretched her neck out and swerved to the left, blocking the rabbit from moving anymore. Teeth clamped down across a small jugular and life ceased to exist. Growls escaped through Odette's teeth that remained chomped around her prey, followed by a deep chuckle of pride and high self-confidence. Proudly, she padded towards a nearby hill before digging into her prize. Blood spilled in all directions, staining her chest and face with the red liquid. It chilled against her fur, but she didn't pay it any attention. In fact, if someone had been watching her, she wouldn't have realized it unless they came to speak to her.

"You" Think


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4 Years
05-04-2014, 04:19 PM

Thor had been watching. Well, kind of watching. The brute had been zonked out on a rock for most of it, but he'd seen the end. If Odette hadn't blown by him he might have remained oblivious to her presence. Not one to be easily startled, his eyes had opened slowly, ears pricking towards the disturbance. He watched with heavy eyes as she caught her prey, his head briefly moving in a nod of approval. It was a good hunt.

He sighed. Well, he could either continue laying around like a bump on a log or he could make an attempt at being social. Gods knew he needed it. The brute slid off the rock and into a stretch, dragging his back legs off slowly. Eyes on the feasting hunter, Thor's tail lifted and he began trotting towards her amicably.

Now, what was her name? Odette, right? He'd only met her once; the day he and Baldur had joined. She'd helped Baldur get to Valhalla after he'd been injured. Other than that, Thor knew nothing about her. By her actions it was possible to surmise that she was kind, but even then, it was possible she had just been seeing an easy recruit. Perhaps that was a little cynical. "Odette!" A friendly smile graced his features. "It's Thor, Baldur's brother." It was likely that she wouldn't remember Thor, but having limped all the way to Valhalla with him, she had to remember Baldur. "Nice catch."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



10 Years
05-04-2014, 10:09 PM

Odette was enjoying her meal, savoring the meat with each bite she took. Despite the raw texture and taste of the blood that mixed in with the flavors, she couldn't imagine having it any other way. As she pulled a tough piece of flesh from the rabbit's right hind leg, a voice broke her euphoric state of mind. She blinked in surprise and slowly turned her head in the direction of a male. The piece of meat still being pulled by her teeth, it stretched with her cranial movement. That was something she should have realized.
The meat snapped from the bone, sending speckles of blood out and around the area she rested in. Some of the red juice danced across her face, creating freckles along her cheekbones. She then looked down at her food, then back up to the male again. Without a word, she quickly pulled the meat into her mouth and chewed. Once it was broken down well enough, she swallowed and her tail thumped lightly against the grass.
She watched him with interest as he introduced himself and complimented her on his catch. A smile appeared on her blood features, teeth stained with a bright, crimson red. Red and blue eyes twinkled as she shyly giggled from his words. "Well, thank you, Thor." Pride trickled in her words as she licked her lips to catch the dripping blood. "I would say not to look at me with such a mess, but when you're as hungry as I am, I don't really care." She gently raised an eyebrow as she noticed his sleepy demeanor. "I hope that you slept well last night."



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