
Set the world on fire



05-04-2014, 08:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2014, 08:16 PM by Sevan.)

Russet limbs had pulled her to the south, specifically to this place. She had grown used to the life of a wanderer, drifting from land to land, having no real place to call home. Ivory limbs and heavy leaves surrounded her, tangling above her, some brushed her rusty pelt. She had never been to this place before, as she came to spot within the trees, a strangle set of stones sat in a circle, it was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Blue and silver gems looked around her, absorbing the scenery. Not a hint of emotion crossed her russet face.

Rumors had it that her father had returned, but he had yet to seek any of them out. She hadn't seen any of her family since her aunt had called them all together. In fact, she hadn't seen much of anything or anyone. She had isolated herself, drifting in and out of the lands she had been born into. The red princess had been scarce, failing to bless the lands with her presence. But she and not a care in the world.

Russet limbs folded beneath her as she settled down within the trees, searching for a place to rest for the night. The moonlight peeked through the trees, reflecting off her coat. Crown would lower to rest on her paws, audits twitched, listening to the sounds around her. Eyes fluttered shut, though she wasn't yet tired. Sides heaved with each breath, ears listening to her surroundings. Sooner or later, she would have to face her family. Unless she found a new path for her life.


05-04-2014, 09:07 PM

Cataleya ruled over a pack now...not that it was anything that was cracked up to be, but she liked it so Demyan wasn't going to make a big deal about it. He was still on the fence about whether he should join or not, since he didn't want his sister to think that just because he became a part of her pack that suddenly she would be able to tell him what to do. That would never be the case. So he had told her he would think about it, sleep on it maybe and get back to her in some days. If he did end up joining her pack, there would be a lot of conditions that she would have to adhere to if she wanted him to stick around.

For now the monster would wander, his companion leopard Nickolai quietly trailing beside him. Will you join your sister's imitation of a pack? the feline would ask as the two walked along the new piece of territory. We'll have to see. You know I'm The two would both laugh at the gargantuan's words, knowing exactly what he meant by social. Carcasses all across the lands were testaments to just how well he was able to socialize. It seemed like the night was going to be another uneventful one when a stray breeze would drift it, bringing with it the tantalizing scent of a young female. Immediately Demyan would switch course, his massive body moving like a shadow through the foliage, Nickolai a simple extension of his shadow. He would to a clump of limbs where he would stop, cyan gaze watching the girl as she rested, a sly grin twisting his features. He would nod his head towards the female and Nickolai would slink forward around the bushes until he came into view, standing there quietly, his golden eyes glowing beneath the dim lighting of the moon, tail swinging lazily behind him as he waited for the girl's reaction. Clearly Demyan had some plans for her.

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05-04-2014, 09:23 PM

There would be no noise, but an unfamiliar scent filled her nostrils. For a moment she wouldn't move, allowing her eyes to flutter open. Crown would lift slowly, chin remained tucked slightly as the girl looked around herself. Pools of blue and silver would rest upon a feline with yellow eyes. A brow would lift audits twitching, swiveling in various directions. A second scent lingered, cluing her into the fact this feline was not alone. Hind legs curled beneath her, a single front leg stretched before her, her left forelimb curled slightly, enabling her to rise quickly if necessary. She got the feeling that this encounter would not end well.

"Can I help you?" Sweet lyrics flowed from russet jaws. As a yearling, the girl had reached her full height of 36 inches, though she was still putting on weight. Being alone had allowed lean muscle to wrap her bodice, fending for herself had both strengthened her and weakened her. She had learned to be quick, ruthless, and grown stronger. However, she could only bring down small prey, keeping her from reaching her maximum weight, though she was far form skinny.

Eyes would remain trained on the feline as she attempted to pin point to location of his partner. Rusty pelt threatened to bristle as she struggled to keep up her stoic facade. Muscles coiled beneath her pelt, the girl preparing herself for battle. She refused to die at the hand of a mere cat.Lips twitched, irritation glittering in her features, the tips of fangs appeared beneath lips as the feline merely stood watching her.


05-05-2014, 08:53 PM

Nickolai would stand quietly in front of the female, idly watching her with disinterest in his golden eyes. Can I help you? The feline would shake his head in disapproval, a pitying look taking hold of his golden gaze. Sadly, I believe you are the one that will be in need of assistance little girl. He would chuckle, melting back into the shadows just as Demyan decided to reveal himself. A twisted grin would marr his features as he came into view, all 40 inches of him, scarred and bloodied monster that he was. He would raise himself to full height, his scarred chest puffing out as he stared down at the russet girl, plans for what he could with her already forming in his head.

He would move forward to circle her, keeping the circle tight, wanting to make her panicky and scared. Someone's a long way from home. He would croon huskily, a chuckle weaving its way through his words. He could taste the faint scent of pack on her, but it was stale enough to tell him that she hadn't been hanging around a pack in quite some time. Perfect. He didn't really care if she belonged to a pack or not, being not being around a pack made it easier on him, especially if he planned on keeping her.

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05-05-2014, 09:06 PM

Eyes narrowed as the feline spoke a warning before disappearing into the shadows. The girl would rise just as another slid onto the scene. Blue and silver snapped towards the male that towered over her and easily out weighed her. Words flowed from his pale jaws as he lifted himself high, his chest puffing out. The girl remained unimpressed. She was not afraid of wolves larger than herself, after all, her own father was a giant. Nostrils quivered, inhaling his scent. He was a rogue, though blood seemed to embedded in his smell. Hips swung out so that she faced the man head on. As she adjusted her position, her allowed her limbs to square, toes to spread and her tail to fall straight with her spine.

"Home is wherever I desire it to be." Silky words flowed from creamy jaws. Eyes narrowed as she watched the man, her chin tipping to cove her throat. "I find it hard to believe a man of your stature finds pleasure in the company of a feline." It was an assumption, but their scents clung to each other faintly. He was impress to say the least, scars littered his body, though he was still a fine piece of eye candy to the younger girl.

He had begun to circle her, forcing to her move as well. Limbs carried her gracefully, hips swinging so that she kept the man in front of her. Clearly he had plans for her. For now the girl would dance, she would play his game, see where it got her. But first, he would need to keep her attention, she would fight her way out if he bored her. A slow grin curled her lips as she remained in constant motion.