
bang, bang, she shot me down



4 Years
05-05-2014, 01:47 PM

The bay was a beautiful place, even Serra had to admit that. She wasn't much for 'beauty' or things like that, not when there was so much more about the world that could be appreciated, but this place was simply beautiful. It didn't have much else going for it, though. It wasn't much of a shelter, and it didn't provide much in the way of prey, but it was a tolerable place to spend the day. Even with the cool autumn air washing off the water, Serra was content to sit, tail wrapped around her paws, and watch the world. Her thoughts turned inwards rapidly, and the female found herself thinking (again) of the Arrow family.

Things seemed to have been working out well enough for them; Quelt was doing well on his own, and was planning to establish his own pack. If he created a pack, she would join him, of course. There was no question of that in her mind. But things with Quelt were simple enough. It was when Serra thought of Wael that things got complicated. Her skittish, gentle brother, who saw things that no one else saw. She was hesitant to state that her own brother was crazy, but the simple fact of the matter was that whatever hallucinations he dealt with were pervasive and all encompassing. He wouldn't be safe on his own, at least not in Serra's mind. She had seen him get hurt so many times over his hallucinations, and yet, she still didn't know how to react to them. He clearly believed they were real, even if no one else saw them, and who was she to say that they weren't? Maybe he did see something no one else saw, but who was she to say that it wasn't real?

Ah, family. So complicated, and yet you still had to love them. For all the strangeness that seemed to run in the Arrow family, she adored them all. Even Quelt, who had vanished without a goodbye to his siblings. Even Wael, who saw a world that no one else saw.

Ears twitching, Serra felt a shiver move through her frame as she sat. It was getting too cold to spend days sitting out on the beach, it seemed. But Serra didn't move just yet, and instead curled her tail a little tighter around herself as she turned a thoughtful gaze outwards once more.
