
Born To Serve (Joining)


05-05-2014, 09:43 PM

This place held a silence much like anticipation. Every twisted branch seemed to reach out its claws, hungry for a soul to steal. But this boy travelled with no fear in his heart. Lekan was not a proud wolf by any means, for already he was walking with his tail between his legs. Because, while he was not afraid, he was willing to be submissive to anyone. Never would his tail raise itself to brave heights. Never would he lift his head in order to tower over another. Not Lekan. He was born to serve.

And so, as the young male searched for his destiny, he found himself crawling through these corrupted woods. He smelled a boundary line approaching, one that belonged to a distinct pack. His stockings of dark bronze seemed to disappear as he stepped lithely over a fallen tree. Then he reached the point where the scent was strongest. Any pack dark enough to live in these woods was bound to have some creatures that were hungry for power. Of course they would search for a slave to call their own. And when they did, Lekan would be there. "Seek and ye shall find..." the boy murmured wryly, squaring his shoulders at the edge of the pack lands. This would be his home. Things would be difficult for him here, he could see that already, but never would he utter a complaint. This was the life he was meant to live.

Lekan tilted his head back, pointing his nose to the canopy of black branches. The quiet anticipation of the land seemed to increase, weighing on him and electrifying every nerve in his body. Riding on that surge of energy, the golden male closed his violet eyes and sent a cry into the night. His howl was modest and pure, containing young tenor chords that announced his respect for whatever leader he would encounter. This was his beginning. Here he would make his future.

This place would be his home.



05-05-2014, 10:02 PM

His voice. It beckoned her from her resting place, pulled her towards the border of her home. He sounded so sweet, so pleasant. It made her mouth water. Silver limbs carried the behemoth woman silently until she found the golden boy, his posture entirely submissive. Lips curled into a devilish smile, lust growing in her chest. He would be perfect. "Such a pretty little thing." Coral pools roamed his features, sizing the boy up. Saliva threatened to drip from her jaws as she looked at him hungrily. What would he submit to? How far could he be pushed until he broke beneath her? Nostrils flared to inhale his scent, memorizing it. His pelt was marked by strange shapes, ones that accented his face. Perhaps she could mar that pretty face of his, or entire his entire body. A moan threatened to rattle her core. Damn pregnancy. Audits slid forward, she would already hear his cries for mercy, his pleas for her to stop, and it would only bring her joy. "What brings you here little bird?" The Queen cooed to him, her words coated in thick seduction as she moved forward until she stood only a foot from him.


05-06-2014, 08:45 AM

The silence endured for a moment longer, and then a seductive murmur could be heard. The pair of amethyst eyes looked about, searching for the source of the voice. Just as he was beginning to chalk it up to imagination, a large figure emerged from the darkness. The way this female held herself was incredibly dominant and proud. Lekan could practically taste the lust and greed that surrounded her. She had a hunger for power, and for pain. He could see it in her eyes, and still he was not afraid. "What brings you here little bird?" She cooed, moving forward until she stood only a short distance away. The handsome young boy was inches smaller than she, and much more submissive even without a difference in size. So he swung his ears to the side and retreated a step, giving a low and respectful bow. Something told him she would take great pleasure in his submission.

He looked up at the woman through his lashes, an eager smile touching his lips. This was the beginning, all right. Something he had trained for all his life, and here it was, standing a mere foot away. He noticed that her tone was drowning in its rich, seductive qualities, but he ignored the fact. There was no possibility there. He was a slave to anyone and everyone, and while for some slavery meant things such as this, he did not let himself fantasize about a night with this girl. But he would also not deny that she was beautiful. Beautiful and deadly.

Lekan allowed his mind to freeze over once more, moving all other thoughts aside. He returned the stoic expression to his face and raised his head a bit to address the female. "Fate brings me here, my dark queen. I wish to find a place in your ranks... as a slave. If you have no need for me, please send me away. I lay my life at your feet here and now." His voice became low, almost husky near the end. Perhaps adding a gothic feel to his request would entice this woman further. Maybe he could be her slave. He knew she would enjoy that.



05-06-2014, 10:26 AM

Coral gems watched intently as the boy took a step back, lowering himself into a bow, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. Eyes glinted with malice, pleasure swelled in her chest as he spoke. A shiver of anticipation rolled down her spine. This was almost to good to be true. He was everything she could ever want in a slave. "Oh you are truly a dream come true." Again the Queen would move forward, ignoring his personal space, but this time she would attempt to press her left shoulder against his own(right). She was larger than the boy, and his submission only made him smaller.

"You will be mine." She tipped her head so that her breath would tickle his ear. Lust swarmed her thoughts, clouded her vision. The prospect of such a obedient gift was intoxicating. Jaws parted so that her tongue could caress her maw hungrily. Her pelt bristled, a throaty growl vibrating in her chest. The Queen would lift herself onto hind legs, her right forelimb would extend, aiming to rest across his back. If successful, then she would lean her hefty weight against him in an attempt to knock him down. If he tumbled then she would move with easy grace to stand over him, trapping him beneath her. This would be fun.


05-06-2014, 11:42 AM

This woman had an intoxicating presence. Had he not been trained to give respect at all times, he would be stunned into silence and submission by her appearance either way. He stood still as the queen came closer, holding his breath with anticipation. She definitely seemed the type to enjoy pain in others... would it begin in this moment? He slid his violet gaze to one side and stared at the woman from his periphery. She bore a silvery coat with strange coral eyes that burned into his mind, leaving their imprint. Her face was adorned with dark black markings that also appeared on her ear and one front paw. This was all he could see from this vantage point, however, and so he turned his gaze forward once more. His breath came out in a bit of a sigh as she breathed a phrase in his ear. And so he was correct in thinking that this woman would want him for herself. What an honor it would be to serve the monarch! He felt excitement stirring in his stomach, and he tucked his tail further as he replied, "It would be my absolute pleasure to serve you, miss. Thank you for this opportunity."

Then something peculiar happened. The woman would seem to grumble seductively again before lifting her foreleg to rest on his back. He flinched only a little, tightening his muscles with suspense but not really moving away. Then the queen pressed her immense weight against his back, causing him to fall unceremoniously to the forest floor. Even through the slight pain, he did not protest. He simply rolled onto his back, folding his forepaws in the air, and allowed the large maiden to stand over him. He tried not to react to that sickening grin on her face...



05-06-2014, 12:14 PM

She could feel his light gaze watching her as she moved. Being watched didn't faze her, she was accustom to being watched. Her unique markings and immense size always had others looking her way. The boy would tumble beneath rolling onto his back, his slender legs tucking against his chest. The Queen would peer down at him, watching him closely. His words fell on deaf ears, the only noise she wanted from him was his pleas. There was no doubt in her mind that others would crave his servitude. But only a fool would battle the Queen for her new found gem.

"You will serve me well, whatever it may be." The temptress has needs, though some where met by Kylar, there needs not even he could meet. Jaws would unhinge, lips curling back to reveal rows of ivory fangs. She would nip at his neck, gently at first for pleasant, but it would only take for a moment for her nips to become frenzied, dark jaws dripping his throat tightly, not tight enough to kill but enough to hinder his breathing, claiming him at her down.

She would need to know just what he capable of. He was young, a yearling. She doubted he would be able to satisfy her sexual hungers. But if he could handle the pain she would bring down on him, then he would survive and please in ways only he would capable of. "What is your name?" Her voice remained a sensual purr as she released her grip on his throat, her gaze pinning him down.


05-06-2014, 09:49 PM

His breathing was thrown off again, his expression slipping into one of slight surprise as his new master began to stare him down. This woman held the exact personality that he had expected from his ruler, and yet he couldn't help but react in the natural way. He pinched his eyes shut in a bit of a grimace as her jaws lowered to his throat. Lekan had expected the pain to begin here. He had almost begun to welcome it. But it didn't come. At least, not at first. The dark queen seemed to kiss at his throat with little nips and bites, causing a strange new sensation to boil in his stomach. His face grew warm as her bites began to intensify.

This was the pain he had prepared for. But it wasn't nearly as bad as it could be, and he knew that. Flesh would tear. Blood would stain his refined coat of gold and bronze. She would expect him to cry out for mercy. She would relish his pleas. And still he welcomed it.

The boy choked for a moment, however, as he felt her jaws clamp around his neck. He struggled to cough out a breath of air, but otherwise stayed composed and unmoving. He wouldn't cry out yet. Not until death was at his door. Even if this woman enjoyed cries of pain, poor timing could lead her to think he was weak. While Lekan was young, he was not weak. He would show submission, of course, but he would not disappoint his queen. Torture and lust were not her only needs. She would need someone to fight for her, to hunt for her, to do her dirty work. And if this male whined and sobbed at the first little bite, there was no way she would let him live. That would be disgraceful.

Lekan simply waited for his chance to breathe, drawing in lungfuls of air as soon as her jaws released him. Then she spoke, her voice still churning with seduction. Her hungry tone only make Lekan blush more. What was coming over him? This gentleman, always so stoic and respectful, swooning over a maiden like this? And worse, his own master?! No. That would not be the case. He reminded himself of the complete impossibility and answered the question that had been asked of him.

"Lekan Mercado is my name," he panted slightly, regaining his composure in a heartbeat. "But will I know the name of my master? What do you wish for me to call you, my dark queen?" He nearly allowed a devilish light to appear in his eyes. But that was so unlike him, and he suppressed it. Something unexpected was happening here. Something that could very likely ruin everything. But as long as he concealed it, whatever it was, things would turn out fine.



05-06-2014, 10:10 PM

Audits listened carefully, listening for even the smallest of whimpers. But nothing came. She was met with silence. Even as she teased and taunted before harming him, the boy made no even a single peep, only the sounds of his choking would invade her ears as he struggled to breath. The woman would lift herself to her full heigh, look down her nose at him. Silently she was impressed. Though she had harmed broken his skin, barely tasted the drops of his blood. The true test of his strength would come later. She would stop away from, allowing him to rise again her low hanging plume brushing against his heated flesh.

Audits swiveled towards him as he spoke, giving his name. Lekan. It was a strange name, but a strong one. It suited him. "Cataleya." Her name rolled fluidly off her tongue as she granted the boy his wish. Crown would turn, allowing her to look at him over her shoulder. While he kept his expression stoic, she allowed her eyes to gleam with unbridled hunger. She would have fun with him. As for him, probably not. Especially when Kylar found out about him. The Queen had no idea how possessive her lover would be, it would certainly be fun to watch.

"Lekan," His name rolled off her tongue, foreign at first, but pleasant nonetheless. She would begin walk, moving a short ways from the border, expecting him to follow promptly. "Tell me, what are your capabilities?" She would inquire, wanting to know his strengths, his weaknesses, what he knew or didn't know. She assumed that the boy would be her shadow, following her closely. Though he would have some competition, with a much larger brute. The simple thought had her lips curling into a grin.


05-07-2014, 08:20 AM

The golden boy remained silent as his queen stepped away and allowed him to stand again. He rose gracefully, keeping an eye on the woman at all times. At his core he still didn't fear her. Instead he revered her, respected her as any slave should. Lekan would serve her better than anyone else. He would make sure of that. So he listened attentively, ears perked, as she told him her name. Cataleya.

"Cataleya. May I say that you have a beautiful name?" After all, this wasn't necessarily flattery. He was simply telling her what he thought. Whether or not he would be punished for that was up to his queen. But a slight smile still crossed his lips as she looked over her shoulder at him, those rosy eyes gleaming with greed. This was precisely what he expected of a master.

Then the dark woman began to walk, moving away from the border. He automatically followed her, trailing behind like a submissive shadow. His amethyst eyes were bright and expectant as she began to speak again, dropping his name possessively from her lips. He smiled kindly and replied, "I have many capabilities already, but I will make it my duty to expand those to fit your needs. I am currently very experienced in hunting and tracking, and I know quite a good deal about politics and fighting. My knowledge in healing is very basic at this point, but I can make plans to learn more if you so wish." He wasn't sure if he had talked too much already, but he decided to continue for his own sake, just a little longer. "I was born into a family that had dedicated themselves to slavery. My parents taught me everything I know, and I am very well-rounded for your convenience."

As he finished speaking, he dipped into another bow and walked obediently at her side. He absently wondered what sort of needs Queen Cataleya would have. Whatever they were, he would be willing to fulfill them. Through the pain and the turmoil. Master before blood, and master before all.



05-07-2014, 02:11 PM

The golden boy would lift himself gracefully, a compliment rolling off his tongue. She would ignore him, not interested in his compliments or anything of the sort, intentional or not. Audits tipped back, listening to his voice as he spoke, trailing after her. He could hunt and track, fighting and manage politics, and his healing abilities were minimal hit he was willing to learn. While he thought he was sufficient in his training, she would be the judge of that. He continued to speak, prattling on about his family. A growl reverberated in her throat, silencing him.

"I will be the judge of that. You will practice healing until you are sufficient." It was about time this pack had a healer. However she had no desire to loan out her new prize for the sick. His skill would only be used if necessary. Much to her disappointment, she couldn't assess his fighting skills just yet, not without risking the life inside her. Jaws clenched, wanting to push her little gem to the fullest but indecisive as to how. Silver stilts would bring her to a halt, pivoting her effortlessly around her face him.

The woman would recline onto her haunches before lowering herself to the ground, a slow smirk twisting her features. She was going to send the poor boy into the lions den. "We shall see just how good you are. The man you smell on me, find him. And don't get killed." Kylar would have no idea he was coming, would be caught off guard by the boys presence. Coral pools filled with malicious intent. Would he be successful? Or would Kylar rip him go shreds. She certainly hoped not, and rather liked this one.

OOC- Dio can post now or after Req, doesnt matter, either way we can make it work, Ky can sneak up on them or Lekan can find him:)


05-07-2014, 04:38 PM

The golden male was all too eager to please his new queen, but she was acting unimpressed with his skills. Cataleya did not praise him for the things he had dedicated himself to learning, instead she said that she would judge him herself. He nodded eagerly, bracing himself for his first task. He would prove himself to his master as best he could. "What do you request?"

The dark woman came to a halt and spun effortlessly to face him. He stopped instantly and perked his ears once more, ready to hear her first command. "We shall see just how good you are. The man you smell on me, find him. And don't get killed." He felt a knot of true fear in his gut, but only for a moment. This task was meant to test him. Those bites on his neck were nothing at all. He would show his strength here and now, apparently to someone who was important in Cataleya's life. Lekan looked at his master cautiously and moved closer to breathe in her scent. First he sifted through the smells that were her, targeting the dominant male scent underneath. His breath was rough in his throat. This would truly be a test, but he would succeed.

Lekan stepped away again, raising his tail a bit to show bravery and will. He leaned into one last bow. "As you wish, Cataleya, and you won't be disappointed." He then turned fluidly around and began searching for a matching scent. It brought him across the border, but he was sure the queen didn't mind. In her dark delights, he was sure border crossing without permission would be the least of her worries. So the boy curved around foliage with his dark bronze paws, violet eyes intent as he sought out this mystery male. Hopefully he didn't crave blood as much as Cataleya.

But he couldn't be so sure.


05-13-2014, 11:42 AM

Massive beast was never far away from his queen and today as always he would slip and slither through the shadows nearby, quietly observing but making sure to stay downwind so they wouldn't catch his scent. Molten black and grey coat was the perfect camouflage even as he stood perfectly still beside a massive tree. Ears would flutter forwards to catch their words and slowly eyes would narrow. Cat moved forward to nip at the other males neck seductively but still he held back, rage boiling and bubbling within him, threatening to overflow. What. The. Fuck. He continued to watch, refusing to move despite tense, trembling muscles that quivered beneath is thick pelt. He heard Cataleya's request, telling the male to find him. She wanted this boy to find him? What was her end game? He finally broke composure when the child leaned in close to sniff her, obviously trying to catch Kylar's scent but in the process just pissing the massive beast off. "What do I win when I find you first?" Voice was a harsh rumble, as close to a hiss as possible for the male as he stalked closer. Skull would lower to shoulder height, lips curled back and tail arching over his back dominantly for once in his life. A glare would be shot Cat's way, eyes daring her to step in and ruin this for him. He would continue moving until he was nose to nose with this pup, this child who had dared to touch his woman. "Who the fuck are you." He demanded, hackles raised so they lined his spine and made him look even large then he really was. Despite their close proximity he would take another step forward, looking to shove his face further into the males and invade his space to an overly personal level. Hopefully he would have a good enough head on his shoulders to step back and show some submission.



05-13-2014, 12:20 PM

It would seem that Kylar had other plans for her little game. He slide from the shadows, seething rage. A brow lifted as he spoke, spitting angry words. The Queen remained silent. Surely he knew better than to be jealous? Particularly of this boy. An amused smirk tugged at inky lips as she watched the scene unfold. Kylar towered over the boy, his tail curling dominantly over his hips, much to her surprise. Her Duke stepped forward until he invaded her little slaves personal space, getting up close as he snapped a demand from the boy. Stretching out across the cool earth, her gaze would shift to Lekan, curious to his reaction. It was assumed that he would submit, there didn't appear to be a dominant bone in his body.

Pleasure shot through her. She didn't imagine Kylar ever being jealous, ever intervening in her personal affair. He had always been so laid back that part of her was pleased that he cared enough to act. Hips would flip to the side, making herself comfortable for what was sure to be a show. Poor Lekan. Kylar would probably make an example of him. The Queen mused silently, her smirk of amusement never leaving her visage. Eyes trained themselves on Kylar, his face contorted into a snarl. "Don't scare him off just yet." Soft words left her lips, her crown tipping to the side as she tried to meet Kylars gaze.


05-14-2014, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-14-2014, 08:37 PM by Lekan.)

No sooner had the obedient boy gone to track the male, his beastly form emerged from the shadows. The now familiar scent overwhelmed him and surrounded him as the black brute pressed his massive body forward. His words were acidic, spitting from his mouth with distaste. Already Lekan was taken aback. Wasn't this the kind of male he expected? The kind that would be found lingering with such a malicious queen? Was Lekan really afraid now?

Damn right he was.

Already accustomed to submission, the golden boy began to quiver, pinning his tail firmly between his legs. His ears swiveled out and away, his amethyst eyes immediately turning down. It frightened him to let this beast out of his line of vision. If he moved to strike him, how would he avoid the blow? All Lekan could do was hold trust in his master, listening with panic as she lazily came to watch the spectacle. She called out for the male not to scare off her new prize, but her voice was dripping with nonchalance. The poor submissive boy managed to clear his throat as his title was demanded of him.

He would not assert dominance, of course, but he would maintain the shred of dignity that was entitled to him. The smaller brute lifted his head, twitching his ears cautiously into a more comfortable position. His legs finally stopped trembling. "My name is Lekan Mercado, slave to Queen Cataleya." Fortunately, his voice remained steady. He decided not to demand that the other man state his name. That would come with due time. For now, Lekan stepped quickly away and gave himself room to breathe, bowing his head respectfully as he did so.



05-15-2014, 11:22 PM

Massive male was seething, rage quivering just beneath the surface coiled within muscles. Luckily the male had the good sense to back off, to cower and quiver beneath his rage. He skittered backwards, tail tucking between his legs in a grand show of submission that really didn't do anything to help his mood. Cataleya's words were soft, taunting and suddenly her rage would be turned towards her. She probably hadn't seen this side of him since the first day they had met, since they had run into each other and he had called her a whore while covered in dirt and muck. Though that did not compare to this. His rage was unbridled, lips pulled back as if threatening to lash out and retaliate physically. Eyes would lock onto her's and hold her gaze for a long moment, gaze narrowing dangerously as a growl began to form and bubble within his throat. But he would not speak, would not address her. He would silent treatment her ass into the ground and he planned to start that right this second.

He would have stared longer at her but the man's words slipped from his lips and rage would be redirected towards the child before him. Again he would step forward, crowding the man's space even as he tried to straighten the tiniest bit and regain some ground. Again he would stay deadly calm, oddly quiet despite the harsh growl that bubbled up his throat. Slave to Queen Cataleya... The words would thrum through his skull, clattering around and destroying any other thought he might have had. Cataleya had a slave? Though that thought didn't especially bother him it was this male in particular that pissed him off. The fact that Cataleya had gotten so close to him, had touched him so seductivly. Everything about all of it pissed him off. Seconds blurred to minutes and he didn't know how long he stood there seething with rage before he finally eased off the pressure. An odd smile would slither it way onto his lips, growl ceasing as eyes closed and skull would shake.

Fuck this shit...

He didn't need this, didn't need to deal with this. Why should he put up with this shit? He chuckled and allowed eyes to slip open, head inclining almost as if in greeting to this male before he would simply turn on his heel. He was done, Cat would do whatever the fuck she wanted with her little pet. He didn't pause, didn't hesitate as massive frame up and left, molten grey and black form melding easily into the bushes until he simply seemed to vanish from sight. Large paws pressed softly into the ground, careful not to crack twigs as they absorbed the sound. That was it.

-exit Ky-



05-16-2014, 12:14 AM

His toxic gaze would turn towards her, pinning her with a stare that was unfamiliar. She had seen this look before, but not of this magnitude. The very first day they had met, when he had been covered in dirt and god knows what else, he had called her whore and seethed rage. But now... Now it rolled off him in powerful waves, his gaze threatening her silently, his bared teeth threatening to retaliate against her. For the briefest of moments she was concerned. But she was the Queen of these lands. She would heave her swollen mass into powerful limbs, her hackles lifting, lips curling back over daggers. Did he really dare threaten her? Before she could say anything, his attention would snap back towards Lekan, moving in on the boy once again. However, the golden boy was the least of her concerns right now. Coral pools remained trained on her Duke.

And then suddenly, it was gone. An eery grin pulled at his dark lips, a chuckle rolled off his tongue. Eyes narrowed in question. What was he planning? And without so much as a glance in her direction, he would turn, moving silently, and disappearing into the forest. With her crown lifted and chin tucked, the silver temptress brushed past Lekan, her steps long and determined. "Don't get yourself killed, now go." She snapped her command to the boy, not even sparing him a glance. Pregnancy had slowed her down some, but she was not about to let him slip away after such a tantrum.

Massive paws pressed into the earth silently, her weight evenly distributed for optimum silence. She would hang back far enough to go unnoticed, though she assumed that he would know. Silently, her thoughts raged. Men, they could be such children at times. She would shake her head in disbelief. She would only follow him to the edges of her territory, after that, she could only hope he would return in time for her to give birth.
