
Home is where I want to go


03-30-2014, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 04-12-2014, 04:10 PM by Jaden.)
As tired paws met with the shore they gave away easily underneath her weak body. Jaden fell with a soft thud and the fallow up of sobs. It may not of been the best entrance into her new life, but she felt broken. She had finally cracked, accepting she would never find her pack again. Sure she had been a new member there, but she hadn't completely alone. Worse of all she couldn't find Caniri and patch things up.

*Caniri...* The longing thoughts only caused her to pour out her eyes further more. Starting up a mournful howl she called out to the sun. She must have been quite the pitiful and sicking sight; a disgrace.

Suddenly the ground shook violently as if screaming at her for being so weak. Jaden's front left paw dug into the soil. Her eyes were wide as she laid there stunned. After awhile it ended, leaving a startled young wolf in a daze. Coming to she groaned from her pounding head. "What. Just. Happened?" She asked no one.


04-03-2014, 01:25 AM

The aftershocks would continue, even hours after the main quake. Sephiroth was somewhat on edge, paranoid that at any moment, the ground would shake and break open again. He had decided to scout the plains, making sure nobody had been hurt or killed during the earth quake. So far, everything had remained still, the ground even seemed to hold itself steady as he continued his search. As he crossed the treeline into the plains, the scene where a battle was once held had been drastically changed. The earthshakes had left parts of it overturned, broken, shifted. Different then what it once was.

As he walked, he would feel an eerie sense of calm, and the male would stop as the world seemed to hold its breath. And then like the flip of a switch, the world would heave under his feet again, the ground shaking all over as birds took to the air. He couldn't keep his footing, the earth tossing him to the ground. And within minutes, it was over. He pulled himself onto shaky legs, shaking the dust off his pelt as he waited for the aftershock to disappear. As soon as he gained his ground again, he gazed about. Silence once more, as if nothing had happened...and then, he heard a voice. Curious as to who was out here during that, he trotted off the short distance. The voice sounded unfamiliar, had a rogue been tossed into Valhallan territory during that shake?

As he neared, he would find a young female clinging to the ground, dazed from what had just happened. There was no mistake, he too had been dazed, but probably not as much as she had been. He wandered up to her, moving to see if she was okay or if she had gotten injured. "Are you alright, stranger? That was quite a shock!" He asked with concern as he stopped a few feet away from her position.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark


04-12-2014, 04:21 PM
Jaden wouldn't move till a voice spoke. Acting out of character she snarled, quickly getting up onto her paws. Bared teeth flashed dangerously at him. With all that had happened, fear had caused her to 'awaken' instead of shut down for once. "Don't hurt me," she warned him as she snapped her jaws at the air. Despite the harsh display on her face her tail was tucked and she acted meekly.

Jade was quite the complicated female, and right now she was confused by her sudden ferocity and new decision. Dark ears perked at his words and she immediately ushered an apology, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me. Everything is so new right now. I lost my pack and friend...I have no clue where I am. I'm all alone." She whimpered out her words just barely audible. Realizing that she had been trembling the whole time she sat on her haunches. Tears came from her again, but she attempted to hold back the 'storm' fighting to pour down her cheeks.


05-07-2014, 11:48 PM

The male had gotten a response from the female, though not a very friendly one at first. Hackles rose slightly when she became aggressive, however, he was not going to chase her out nor strike her down. For it was her words that caught him, "Don't hurt me." Although she had shown hostility, he would remain calm. He allowed his hackles to lie flat upon his shoulders, his gaze even and non-aggressive as was his stance, however, he kept his muscles ready in case she did decide to attack him. And he noted her body language, she was scared. And yet he admired how she tried to keep a brave front.

Mere moments after her reaction, she would begin to quickly apologize. He listened to her, understanding in his eyes when she finished. So, she had lost her friend and pack? He knew exactly how that felt...He could sympathize with her. She was lost and afraid in new lands, and he was a stranger to her just as she was to him. He did not expect what happened next, she would tremble and cry in front of him. The dual toned male shook his head briefly, gazing at her with sympathy and understanding. "No need to apologize, young Miss. I was in your position once before, I understand how you feel." He murmured as he moved forward. Although he didn't know her, he felt that maybe a comforting touch would help her. He brushed his muzzle against hers, hoping that she wouldn't snap at him as he did this, but he was willing to take the risk. Stepping back, he gazed steadily at her. "You don't have to be alone anymore. My name is Sephiroth, Beta Secondary of Valhalla. And if you'd like, I can welcome you into a family that will be there always. But first, what is your name? Perhaps I can help you find what you need?" He made a friendly offer, his words sincere and holding kindness within them.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark


05-24-2014, 01:48 PM
His words brought her head up as she briefly met his gaze before respectfully glancing away. She didn't want him to come at her...that was for sure. The male could surely hurt something small and fragile like herself. She knew she wasn't very honourable, for she showed no backbone. Still he showed her kindness and she felt respect for that.

Jaden was a bit surprised that he had felt like this before. Yet, foolish for thinking that she was the only one. Of course she darn well wasn't. She tensed as he approached her and gave him a look that showed little trust. She pulled back slightly at first, then embraced the touch cautiously. The split moment made her think of Caniri. He went on before she could dwell on how much of a jerk she had been to her former pack mate. Prevented her from falling into a pool of tears or worse emptyness.

"I am Jaden, but I prefer to go by Jade. I'm not sure about that...but I'm willing to try. Fitting in isn't exactly easy for me. Thank you for the offer." She spoke obviously unsure of how to answer. The white brute had shocked her some.


05-30-2014, 03:06 PM

The male watched steadily, the females many reactions. He could understand she was afraid, but he would not hurt her. Not now. Once upon a time he wouldn't have cared, but Valhalla seemed to have changed that...some of it, anyway. He was still the type to prefer solitude, still somewhat cold, still brooding. But he tried for the sake of his pack. "It is nice to meet you, Jaden. Welcome to Valhalla. I am sure you will fit in quite well, there are many of us who reside here that do not know our true purpose until we find it. Perhaps you would like to dabble in hunting, fighting, or healing. We have positions for those that are quick on their feet, messengers mainly. And many other things, but if you are not sure where your talents lie then you will be an Epsilon. From there you can learn and grow, and perhaps find out your true calling." He stood there, stepping back a few paces to allow her some space so as not to cause more discomfort. He knew his previous touch had been sudden, certainly unexpected from even him. But since being in Valhalla, he had learned that to calm ones nerves and make them feel welcome was to make them feel like family from the get go.

Sick of It by Skillet on Grooveshark