
do i wanna know?



4 Years
04-19-2014, 10:30 AM

Serra walked like she owned the place. The western lands might have mostly deserts and dry sand, but she was still the daughter of a duchess, and if that didn't mean that these lands were as much as hers as anyone else's, then nothing did. She was on top of the world, flying high at the realization that Quelt was once again a part of her life. The world seemed all that much brighter for that fact, and even the birds sounded happier as they sang their songs to the early morning sky. Everything was brighter with the knowledge that she had found her brother. After seasons of searching, her dearest companion had been returned to her. And it had been lonely, sure, but it had all paid off, and it had been worth the lonely nights by a long shot.

Her rumbling stomach had drawn her outwards, however, but there simply wasn't much to be found in terms of prey here. And when Serra found herself meeting a cold trail once again, the female snorted softly, rocking back to settle down easily on her haunches. Maybe she would hunt later. But for now, it would seem that it was not the time for hunting. It was early enough in the day that she could hunt yet, but with the sun beginning its crawl over the horizon and painting the sky a myriad of colors, perhaps she could stand to take a break. The colors seemed nicer now that she knew Quelt was watching the same sunrise.

A sigh escaped the female, and she wrapped her tail easily around her paws as she settled in to watch. There was no rush to get moving, and perhaps with the later hours of the day, she would get more luck with the whole hunting aspect of things.



05-08-2014, 05:07 AM

The tri-colored brute was on his way again. Lost, not in direction but of heart and mind. Where his place was in the world he had no idea, and he was beginning not to care. At one point during his childhood, he had thought it would be with Ellone...but it was clear that fate did not wish it to be so. Then, he had thought he found a break of hope with Loccian...but then that turned out to be a fluke. An angry shake of his head wiped away those memories. He had to forget, he just had to! There was no point in dwelling in the memories of someone who clearly didn't want him there. She was sick now, yes. But she was happy with her mate and children. And he supposed that was what he wanted for her, even though he didn't say it. He wanted her to be happy, there was nothing more he could hope for her. Though he knew their relationship was shattered, it didn't matter as long as she was happy.

The sky would bleed red, among other colors, as the sun began to sink below the horizon. The grass was brushing at his chest, causing him to focus on where he was going. Though it was Autumn, there was the possibility of things like snakes and the like lurking about, and he wasn't about to become a victim of a wicked bite. Although, at this point...he probably didn't care either way. Prey scent here was scarce, though he had faltered across a burrow or two of rabbit or gopher, but he wasn't very hungry, and even if he was he didn't feel like eating much these days.

The knight moved along, thoughts and the like curling their tendrils within the crevices of his mind. And slowly, ever so slowly, his mind began to drift back towards the blue-grey femme he had fallen for so long ago. He could have almost sworn he saw a glimpse of her pelt, but on closer inspection, it was not Loccian...but another female he had never seen before. Perhaps she wouldn't notice him here, though his path was nearly direct with hers, he was sure she could see him as clearly as he saw her. But he hoped that he could keep going without stopping, though in the back of his mind he figured that it would be an impossible hope.

Talk like this



4 Years
05-12-2014, 07:47 PM

Ears twitching, Serra would stir as another made their approach. Paws crunched in the grass, and a soft breeze stirred her fur, carrying the scent of another towards Serra's muzzle. She turned her head curiously, head tilting slightly to the side as her gaze sought out the form of the other wolf. An interestingly colored wolf, to say the least, not that Serra had any room to talk, but she examined him in silence for a moment before addressing him. It was definitely a male wolf, Serra ascertained within moments, ears twitching absently. "Hello there," Her voice was cordial, neither particularly friendly nor particularly unfriendly, and Serra moved automatically to stand, tail raising proudly in the air behind her like a banner.

Her body language was not particularly cocky, but there was definitely a confidence to her stance as she examined the strange male. "Nice day, huh?" With that, she was back to examining the sunrise, paying little attention to the male wolf. He could approach her or not as he chose - it wasn't her problem either way. Serra would not be offended if the stranger continued on his way, but she almost hoped that he would talk to her. In the cool morning air, Serra found herself almost longing for company. Not that she would have admitted it to anyone. No, Serra Arrow could handle things on her own, thank you very much. She was strong enough to deal with being alone for a little while. It wasn't his problem if she was lonely, anyways.



05-22-2014, 03:36 AM

He thought he would be able to keep going. To be able to plow along without stopping, though of course as fate would have it...he was wrong. "Hello there." Blue gaze would sweep upwards, looking at the girl that had greeted him. Though he wanted to keep going and pretend he hadn't heard her, he couldn't simply ignore her like that...though any other day he would have been more then happy to do so. Perhaps it was since the pack broke apart after the challenge, and even before then he had kept to himself. Some pack member I am... He would think bitterly, though there was a behind the scenes kind of reason why he was that way. "Nice day huh?" Eyes closed for a moment, and finally he would turn around and close the gap, though stopping a few feet from her.

Eyes would glance up at the sky, the sunset he had not noticed previously. He would glance at her from the corner of his eyes, her tail high upon her back while his own just kinda...dangled. Had it been the time before his life changed in such a drastic manner, he would be as she was now. Holding himself high and proud, just like he did as a child. But now, it was as if life would continue to throw curve balls at him, leaving him feeling like he should never hope for anything ever. Else it just be stripped away...Ellone. Loccian. The friends he had made growing up. Everything. He stood there on her right, his frown permanently fixed on his face as usual. Gaze betraying nothing save for the distrust he held for the world. "I suppose it is." He wasn't sure what else to say. Somewhere the back of his mind had alot to say, for it was always in a constant swirl of motion in thoughts. But yet, when it came to talking...he just didn't really care.

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