
A small rest with a new friend



8 Years
05-07-2014, 07:57 AM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 08:00 AM by Maximous.)

The man hadn't taken a brake from his duties since his arrival. Ebony was his love, his passion, and all of its people were his patients. To be honest, he liked it that way. He had made friends with the alpha and decided that the reason he felt so protective of her was because she was family, he had come to look at everyone in the pack as family just as the Nomad pack was.

Back home with the Nomad pack everyone was related in one way or another. Everyone was trained in the art of healing and by four years of age you were a master healer, knowing anything and everything there was to healing. With that memory, Max remembered a promise he had made to his mother. Some time soon he would need to look for a fully trained nomad so he could complete his training.

Shifting on his flat rock so that he was laying on his side and had a new view he remembered another female. The same one he had escorted back to the boarders a while back. He hadn't taken the time yo learn her name or really memeorise anything about her. In fact now that he thought about it the only thing he had remembered was her face. At the time he had met her there were only two things he was worried about. Herbs torr teaching Callisto and the fact that she had been where she didn't belong.

Looking back on it now he remembered seeing her at a pack meeting. Again he had been busy with another matter and had been rude. He still did not introduce himself or even welcome her to the family. Silently he made a mental note to do so the next time he saw her. However unroll that time he would take a small nap on this rock....little did he know it would be sometime that day.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


05-07-2014, 12:58 PM


The young female had returned from her day of relaxation this morning, her mind bright and refreshed. She was eager to continue her herbal studies, but as she returned to her den she found that many of her supplies had disappeared. Perhaps they had blown away, or some other creature had come and eaten them. Either way, she didn't mind. Her stress was long gone by now. She could learn more if she went and searched again.

So now the white maiden strode across the familiar rock garden, sniffing at the bases of the rocks for traces of rare plants. Then a different scent caught her attention. It was familiar enough, a wolf belonging to Ebony for longer than she. Maximous was his name. Two azure pools darted about, searching for the male with his dark reflective pelt. He was also a healer. Maybe she could request his help. At last, as her gaze moved, it focused on a sleeping figure that rested atop a large stone. Her lips twitched into a smile.

Adelaide approached the napping brute quietly, not wanting to startle him. "Excuse me, sir?" she called softly, her voice lighter and happier than usual. That day of rest had done her some good. "May I ask for some help? Maximous, isn't it? My name is Adelaide. I believe we met at the border that day..."

Maybe the older male wouldn't remember that day. He seemed very experienced and accomplished in his studies, and was probably very busy. He had no time for young ladies such as her. Adelaide chuckled in spite of herself and waited for the other Sola Knight to respond.




8 Years
05-08-2014, 10:09 PM

Falling asleep had been much easier than he thought it would be. Sure it was only a light sleep but still, he had fallen asleep within seconds of laying his head down. All the work and effort he put in to making sure his stores were full and that Callisto always had something to study had had him more exhausted than he had anticipated. Yet he wouldn't trade his job or profession for the world.

His slumber had been dreamless which left him with a twitch-less slumber. His breathing had been so light and smooth that, unless one was looking, someone might think he had died. Alas he was far from dead. The autumn sun still warmed his raven like pelt and there was no breeze to give him a chill or bring the scent of anything to him. Though the breeze didn't matter to him as he was within pack boarders, so he need not worry about being snuck up on an attacked.

A familiar voice would soon break the silence of the garden. Was it happier than the last time he'd heard the females voice? Perhaps it was, or maybe he was just imagining it. Either way his ears would perk toward the sound of her voice. It would take only a second more for him to lift his head and open his icy blue eyes. He hadn't realized who it was until he noticed the black markings on her face.

The man listened carefully as she spoke, yet used that time to actually look at her. Until now she was the only wolf in the pack that he knew but could only tell who she was if he was looking directly at her face. He wouldn't have been able to point her out from a distance like he could Callisto, any of the high lords and ladies and their queen. But now as he stored all the information about her form in his mind he would be able to do that.

He wasted no time answering her as, as soon as she finished and waited patiently for his answer his deep tones would fill the air around them replacing the once feminine tones that had previously drifted around them. "I would never turn down anyone willing to ask for help, and yes I am Maximous. he would pause only for a moment to look away, yawn and voice an apology before looking back and continuing "Yes we did meet at the boarder, or rather inside it. I am sorry I wasn't exactly the friendliest man at the time, I had been on my way out of the territory to find herbs for my student Callisto and managed to forget my manors."

He would sit up and stretch before sliding easily back onto his haunches. "So, Adelaide, what is it you need help with?" He took the time between his question and her answer to look her over more thoroughly than he had before. Her ears and tail were tipped in black. Each side of her face donned six black stripes. Aside from those few black markings she was as white as a fresh blanket of snow in the winter. Though her legs were long, she was only a medium sized wolf. She was definitely built for speed and not brawn. With her bushy tail, had she been smaller, she might have been mistaken for a large fox. All together she was beautiful, and just as all the women of Ebony she was gorgeous in her own way.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


05-09-2014, 09:49 AM


Her crystalline gaze was warm and patient as she watched the male raise his head. His voice came almost immediately, despite just having woken up. He watched her carefully, as if memorizing her appearance. The male yawned and stretched, his raven like pelt rippling reflectively in the sun. Adelaide smiled, remembering how this brute was her first acquaintance in Ebony. Then her smile wavered as he offered up a sort of apology for his behavior that day. "Please, sir, don't apologize. Your manners toward me were completely acceptable, especially considering that I had crossed your border." She blushed a bit in shame, still feeling guilty for her foolishness that day. But she had been flustered, recently losing a large part of her left ear, and was dizzy with blood loss. It was not her proudest moment by any means, but if had brought her to this wonderful home, and for that she was grateful. "I should be the one apologizing. Nonetheless, it's my pleasure to formally meet you, Maximous."

The white maiden bowed to him before giving another sweet smile. Now she could ask for help. Perhaps it would even be a little fun, searching for herbs with another Sola Knight... "I left the territory for a day to relax and think things over, which greatly improved my mood. You may have noticed." The girl dropped a little wink in his direction. She really was happy today. "However, when I returned, I saw that all of my medicinal reserves had disappeared. I thought that maybe you could go herb hunting with me, and perhaps give me some advice along the way?" Her snowy paws shuffled forward a bit, one hanging expectantly in the air. She could learn a lot from this wise brute, and it would benefit her. They could kill two birds with one stone.




8 Years
05-10-2014, 06:31 AM

He had had no comment to her first words. She wanted nothing to do with his apology for bad manners, even after she had been back on the correct side of Ebony's boarders. None the less he could see the embarrassment on her face, even though he couldn't see the blush through her fur. She had spoken once more, telling him that it was she who should be apologizing and then that it was her pleasure to formally meet him. "And it is nice to finally know Ebony's new Sola Knight, congratulations on your acceptance by the way." as if to change the subject he hadn't even mentioned apologies again.

After she bowed and smiled he did the same before sitting on his haunches once more. Again her voice filled the air around them, this time informing him of the reason her voice sounded so much happier than the last time he had heard it. At her guess of him noticing he nodded, to her wink he would give a small chuckle quieted as she spoke again.

She had continued on to telling him that her herbs were missing and the help she wanted was for him to help her gather all of them up again. Even possibly give her some advice as he helped. The first thing to come to mind was, who the hell took her herbs and that he needed to check his den as soon as he got back to Firefly Lake. The second thing that came to him was that he had never given advice to another adult before...especially not one who was a year older than himself. This could be interesting he thought to himself before answering "Sure id be happy to help."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


05-10-2014, 02:23 PM


The white maiden smiled lightly as Maximous chuckled. He really did seem like a kind male, hopefully he wouldn't be too troubled to help her. She read the confusion on his face and guessed at his thoughts. He probably wondered what had happened to her herbs. "I had them safely tucked in my den... I'm not entirely sure, but I would have to guess that some ignorant creature had mistaken them for food and eaten them." Adelaide kept the conversation as light as her mood, grinning as her next words entered the air. "So I suppose if you see a drunken rabbit stumbling around, you'll find the culprit."

Her laugh twinkled at the thought. After all, most of her herbs had consisted of sedatives recently. If a creature as small as a rabbit had really eaten those large doses, however, she knew it wouldn't been stumbling anywhere soon. It would most likely be dead. Her laugh died away.

Still, she continued to smile as the boy agreed to help her. Her tail flipped happily, the black tip dancing in the sunlight. "Wonderful, Maximous. Thank you so much." She began walking toward the trees slowly, giving him time to match her pace. Her hips swayed and she struggled not to hum a random tune into the air. She was incredibly optimistic today. But now it was time to work. She glanced back at the male again, her azure eyes meeting with his.

"I thought that we could gather some periwinkle and alfalfa to start with. Then if we have time, we could track down a bit of marigold. It's always nice to have some of that around." Her voice was slow as her mind began to calculate things. Then her gaze refocused on the fellow Sola Knight. "Any other suggestions? I would love to hear your feedback. Sharing knowledge can help both of us grow as healers, right?"




8 Years
05-12-2014, 08:44 AM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2014, 08:45 AM by Maximous.)

As an answer was given to his unspoken question he listened. He liked that she didn't automaticaly assume it was a wolf of Ebony...or any other wolf for that matter. Instead she guessed at a ransoms creature such as a rabbit. At the mental image of a drunken rabbit stumbling around he couldn't help joining Adelaide in her laughter. Though even as he laughed he knew that it wasn't likely.

Their laughter died out and to his previous agreement to help, she thanked him. "It is my pleasure to help a fellow pack mate and Sola Knight." And he meant it. His favorite thing to do was help others, it had been since he was a child. Then again the pack he was born into hadn't left him with much of any other option. The Nomads were a pack of healers...helping others is what they did.

Adelaide started for the tree line and Max jumped of his rock to follow her. As her crystalline blue eyes met his icy ones the dark male smiled to assure her that he was coming. With a few more of his long strides he had caught up and then shortened his stride so that he could match her pace. As she listed thee three herbs she wanted to find first he nodded. "We can find the Periwinkle in a moist portion of the woods and the Alfalfa. Is easier to find in populated areas such as meadows near rivers and woodlands. As for the Merigold, I have more than enough if you would like to take some from my stores and place them in your own."

A moment would pass and she would ask if he had any other seggestions. He gave a nod. "About that...'drunken rabbit'...if it was a rabbit that ate your herbs then it wasn't just one. There could be a rabbit hole near your den. Though ignorant they are still smart enough to to stay away from a large enough dose to kill them. After you place your burns back in your den you should hide yourself near your den, as that would be the easiest way to find your culprit."

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)


05-12-2014, 12:00 PM


Adelaide would give another content smile as the male would leave the rock and fall into step beside her. He voiced what she already knew, that periwinkle and alfalfa were each found in moist forest areas. But instead of being rude, she gave him a grateful nod. "Thank you for offering your marigold to me, sir. But I would not feel comfortable taking your herbs unless I really needed to. I can find some on my own otherwise." Her lips pulled into an easy grin as the shade surrounded them. She immediately dipped her nose to the ground and inhaled deeply, trying to find any telltale scents.

Meanwhile, her companion had spoken again. She lifted her head slightly and looked at the dark brute over her shoulder. "You make a very good point... surely one rabbit wouldn't be so stupid." Her laugh brightened the darkness of the woods as she turned to take another good sniff. "I will have to try that sometime. Then not only would I prevent my stocks from being raided, but I would have a good lunch too." Adelaide chuckled briefly before noticing the sweet scent of alfalfa nearby. She quickened her pace.

Her sapphire gaze darted about with a bit of confusion. "I thought I smelled some alfalfa over her, Maximous... do you see it anywhere?"




8 Years
05-24-2014, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-02-2014, 01:11 PM by Maximous.)

The man would follow silently with his nose to the ground as he helped look for the herbs and listened to the alabaster woman talk. She would decline his offer of Meadowsweet and then gladly take his advice on her small herb thieves. He respected her for wanting to do the work herself, yet if she needed any herbs that she did not have the offer was still there.

To her comment of having a good lunch when she caught the small thieves, if she caught them, he would give a small laugh and return the smile she had given him only moments ago. In a few seconds he would catch the scent of alfalfa and Adelaide would voice her finding of the scent as well. She would ask if he saw it.

Glancing around, he himself wondered where it was for a moment. But within a few seconds he would spot it of to their left. "Yeah, over here." he would answer before trotting over to the grass-like plant. He would examine it for a moment to make sure it was mature enough to harvest and then begin to carefully pick some.

My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)