
The Dancing Queen



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-03-2014, 04:20 PM
Erani Adravendi

She padded gracefully across the plains, tail swaying gently behind her, ears swiveling to catch the sounds around her as she made her way to a particular point in the plains. It was where she held meetings, and one of the designated sparring arenas that she had set for the pack, those they could choose anywhere to spar if they wished. Soon enough, her daughter would call a battle training session, the first of many to follow. Just because she had settled a peace treaty with Glaciem did not mean she trusted the northern pack. Sendoa was one thing, but Isardis was another. He was not a trustworthy wolf, in her opinion. And Valhalla would be ready should her suspicions be proved correct.

That meant she must step up in her own training. Or get a secondary who was stronger in a battle than she herself could be. She was old, but she wasn?t stupid to think she could hold up in a pitched battle on her own. Her tail flicked slightly. Sarak had departed after the meeting, just yesterday morning, to collect Soren and Kismet. Azalea had returned home. Meili and Gael were back. Ashtoreth was pregnant. So much had happened, and thus far, it was all good things. Valhalla was gaining in size and strength. It had allies and rogue friends. That wasn?t to say it was unstoppable. Nothing was unstoppable.

Her paws fell upon the bare earth before the boulder that was her seat and that of the Betas, and she turned, stretching lengthily. When each muscle was loose and warmed up, she shook herself, then cocked her head to the sky, singing a challenge to her pack. To meet her in a spar, and see what they were made of. Her call echoed across the land, dying away as her head lowered, body falling into a balanced, light stance. She was a light wolf in manner of attacking, preferring to move a bit more than her brother did. She hit hard in a silent charge, using surprise and her size and weight as a battering ram. Sarak was more of a cloak and dagger male, from his training in his birth pack. She had watched her daughter spar with her brother, and her nephews.

She had high hope for her pack, and she would enjoy getting to know how the rest of them fought.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



8 Years
Athena I
05-03-2014, 09:01 PM

Ever since he had crashed the Valhalla meeting he had been lingering around Valhalla, never wanting to be too far from Surreal. He knew the Betta had her responsibilities and duties so Falk did his best to just be around for whenever she was free. The pack had made him feel welcome enough at the meeting so he felt that there was no problem with him laying out at the edge of the Vericona Plains. He was laying on his stomach with his head on his paws out toward the border, hoping to catch Surreal on a patrol. He really had it bad for that silver woman.

A howl caught his attention and surprised him, making him lift his head to listen. It was definitely Erani's voice and he recognized a call for a spar when he heard one. It had been so long since he had a good spar... The last one had been with Surreal if he was remembering correctly. Figuring the worst Erani would do was shoo him away, he lifted his large form from the ground and shook out his russet coat before turning and trotting off toward the call. He really wanted to get to know Surreal's mother better and with his upbringing he felt like the best way to get to know someone was through a good fight.

He arrived soon enough, his long strides carrying him there in no time. Falk slowed as he approached the Valhallan Queen, stopping a few feet in front of her. His blue gaze met hers and he dipped his head in a small, respectful bow. "I hope you don't mind me coming to your call, Erani. I'd really enjoy a spar with you," he stated, his low tone ringing with truth.




11 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-09-2014, 08:21 PM

Her challenge to the pack would be answered instead by the large male she?d noticed Surreal?s eyes never leaving once he?d arrived. Falk, he was called; Surreal had told her all about him on the way to the den. Erani, and Cormalin, and Alsander? Her daughter was obviously in love, and the feelings were just as strong with Falk?s end; this was clear from how the two looked at each other across the clearing. The feeling in the air had been palpable. A direct opposite had been Lyric and Alpine. A mental frown crossed her mind. Lyric had been trying to hide it, but the misery had been as palpable as Surreals obvious love for Falk. Alpine had been fairly radiating guilt, and sitting close to Twig, instead of where one would expect a wolf who was courting Lyric to sit; beside the intended mate. Erani would be getting to the bottom of this, make no mistake.

Falk?s words shook her from her musings, and she smiled at the male. ?Not at all, young Falk. I?d like to see what you?re made of.? Canines glinted as a grin crossed her features, parting her jaws slightly. ?Shall we dance?? And then? It was like her emotions had been wiped from her face and eyes, deep blue pools growing blank as undisturbed snow, smiling falling away, her eyes growing half lidded. Then the ice slid into place, and Falk was faced with the feral gaze of a Queen. Claws sank into the ground from spread toes, digging at the soil until she had solid purchase. Her tail dropped to hang between her hocks, while her chin tucked to her chest. She rechecked her balance, taking a deceptively unbalanced looking stance, paws not quite squared, but still holding a balance she liked, from which she would be able to move swiftly in any direction, save maybe backward.

Her fur rose, giving her already fluffy new winter coat an even larger appearance than her true thirty-six inch height. Her jowls wrinkled, eyes fully squinting, giving the front of her face a layer of protection around the eyes and muzzle, while her deep blue pools pierced the light blue gaze of Falk, with one of those terrifying looks her family line of females was renowned for. The ability to call up this rage without actual anger occurring was a useful tactic, excellent for unnerving an opponent. Her head dropped level with her shoulders, the blades of her shoulders rolling forward while her scruff scrunched over her neck muscles, while her hackles rose fully along her neck and back. As her jaws unhinged, her knees bent slightly, stance still appearing unbalanced, but widening slightly as she centered her weight in her core, abdominal muscles tensing and coiling. She was silent throughout her preparations, the final one being her ears tucking into the fur at her neck, and the preparations all fell into place within ten seconds. A single glacial word was rapped out. ?Begin!?

She remained planted, an indication for Falk to make the first move.

Fight Stats

Round: 1 of 2-3? (To be decided by Shelby, since I dunno what we want. Don't mind either way ;) )

Defenses: Listed in first... Actually, pretty much the whole dark post is defenses o.o

Attacks: None made; Letting Falk make the first move ^.^

Injuries: None at all <33

Out Of Character Notes: WELL, here we go! I hope I do better than I did with Cormalin's spar. <333 Good luck!



8 Years
Athena I
05-12-2014, 08:07 PM

The Armada was glad to see that his sudden appearance was welcome. He was certain Surreal had talked all about him, but he was certainly curious what she had said. All good things, he hoped. Falk simply nodded in reply to Enari's question, her grin mirrored on his muzzle. Then he watched as she transformed from warm, welcoming Erani to a wolf that he couldn't doubt was the queen of a pack as large as Valhalla. Falk's gaze widened slightly, wondering what he had gotten himself into for a moment. But after a beat he brushed off his nerves and went to settle into his defenses. Queen and mother of the fea he loved or not, fighting was the one thing he felt completely comfortable doing. He just needed to focus on the task at hand.

He smoothed his expression as well, narrowing his eyes as he spaced his paws evenly under him. His ears flattened back against his skull and his tail went straight out behind him, level with his spine. His shoulders rolled forward, his scruff bunching up to protect his neck, while his chin tucked down over his throat to protect it and his toes spread to add to his stable balance. Just as he got his defenses set, Erani would bark a single word, signaling for him to make the first move in their spar.

Willingly obliging, he launched his large form forward, his claws digging into the soil for traction. He tried to use the three inches of height he had on her to his advantage by lowering his left shoulder as he moved so that it was level with her chest, hoping to hit her chest to push her off balance. If he was successful then he would push up with those extra three inches, wanting to lift her off her forepaws to unbalance her even more. Whether he was successful with his blow to her chest or not, he would curve his neck down, wanting to clamp on to the upper part of her left foreleg. He wouldn't bite hard enough to break skin, but he would pull his head to the side, hoping to pull her off her feet and possibly cause some light scratching at most.

ROUND: 1 of 2

DEFENSES: Evenly spread paws, narrowed eyes, folded back ears, tail out for balance, toes spread, claws dug in, shoulders rolled forward, scruff bunched, and chin tucked

ATTACKS: Launched himself toward her, aiming to hit his shoulder into her chest, wanting to push her up with his shoulder to lift her off her forepaws, and aiming to grab her upper left foreleg with his jaws to finish pulling her off her paws.

ooc note: 2 rounds it is if that's alright with you! Also, pretty sure the spar starts with the first attack so your reply would still need to be 1 of 2, just fyi
